Current Path : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/.trash/resources/js/admin/ |
Current File : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/.trash/resources/js/admin/create_upcoming_course.js |
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const $this = $(this); const answer = $this.parent().find('input').val(); var html = '<div class="my-2">' + answer + '</div>'; Swal.fire({ html: html, showCancelButton: false, showConfirmButton: false, customClass: { content: 'p-0 text-left', }, width: '30rem', }); }); /* * add extra description * */ $('body').on('click', '#add_new_learning_materials', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); const key = randomString(); let html = '<div id="extraDescriptionModal">'; html += $('#extraDescriptionForm').html(); html += '</div>'; Swal.fire({ html: html, showCancelButton: false, showConfirmButton: false, customClass: { content: 'p-0 text-left', }, width: '48rem', onOpen: function () { $('#extraDescriptionModal input[name="type"]').val('learning_materials') } }); }); function handleCompanyLogosInputHtml(key) { let html = '<div id="extraDescriptionModal">'; html += $('#extraDescriptionForm').html(); html += '</div>'; var modalHtml = $(html); modalHtml.find('.js-form-groups').children().remove(); modalHtml.find('.js-form-groups').append('<div class="form-group">\n' + ' <label class="input-label">image</label>\n' + ' <div class="input-group">\n' + ' <div class="input-group-prepend">\n' + ' <button type="button" class="input-group-text admin-file-manager" data-input="image_' + key + '" data-preview="holder">\n' + ' <i class="fa fa-upload"></i>\n' + ' </button>\n' + ' </div>\n' + ' <input type="text" name="value" id="image_' + key + '" class="form-control"/>\n' + ' </div>\n' + ' </div>'); 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const $this = $(this); let form = $('#extraDescriptionModal .js-form'); handleWebinarItemForm(form, $this); }); $('body').on('click', '.edit-extraDescription', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); const $this = $(this); editExtraDescription($this); }); $('body').on('change', '.js-edit-extraDescription-locale-ajax', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); const $this = $(this); const locale = $this.val(); editExtraDescription($this, locale); }); function editExtraDescription($this, locale) { const item_id = $this.attr('data-item-id'); const webinar_id = $this.attr('data-webinar-id'); const rendomKey = randomString(); const edit_data = { item_id: webinar_id, locale: locale }; $.post(adminPanelPrefix + '/webinar-extra-description/' + item_id + '/edit', edit_data, function (result) { if (result && result.webinarExtraDescription) { const webinarExtraDescription = result.webinarExtraDescription; let html = '<div id="extraDescriptionModal">'; html += $('#extraDescriptionForm').html(); html += '</div>'; if (webinarExtraDescription.type === 'company_logos') { html = handleCompanyLogosInputHtml(rendomKey); } html = html.replaceAll(adminPanelPrefix + '/webinar-extra-description/store', adminPanelPrefix + '/webinar-extra-description/' + item_id + '/update'); Swal.fire({ html: html, showCancelButton: false, showConfirmButton: false, customClass: { content: 'p-0 text-left', }, width: '48rem', onOpen: () => { var $modal = $('#extraDescriptionModal'); Object.keys(webinarExtraDescription).forEach(key => { $modal.find('[name="' + key + '"]').val(webinarExtraDescription[key]); }); var localeSelect = $modal.find('select[name="locale"]'); if (localeSelect) { localeSelect.addClass('js-edit-extraDescription-locale-ajax'); localeSelect.attr('data-item-id', item_id); localeSelect.attr('data-webinar-id', webinar_id); } } }); } }); } $(document).ready(function () { const style = getComputedStyle(document.body); const primaryColor = style.getPropertyValue('--primary'); function updateToDatabase(table, idString) { $.post('/panel/upcoming_courses/order-items', {table: table, items: idString}, function (result) { if (result && result.title && result.msg) { $.toast({ heading: result.title, text: result.msg, bgColor: primaryColor, textColor: 'white', hideAfter: 10000, position: 'bottom-right', icon: 'success' }); 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$this.addClass('loadingbar gray'); const path = '/panel/upcoming_courses/' + upcomingId + '/getContentItemByLocale'; const data = { item_id, locale, relation }; $.post(path, data, function (result) { if (result && result.item) { const item = result.item; Object.keys(item).forEach(function (key) { const value = item[key]; if ($.inArray(key, fields) !== -1) { let element = $form.find('.js-ajax-' + key); element.val(value); } }); $this.removeClass('loadingbar gray'); } }).fail(err => { $this.removeClass('loadingbar gray'); }); }); })(jQuery);
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