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# Laravel service provider for Msg91 <p> <a href="https://packagist.org/packages/craftsys/msg91-laravel"><img src="https://img.shields.io/packagist/dt/craftsys/msg91-laravel" alt="Total Downloads" /></a> <a href="https://packagist.org/packages/craftsys/msg91-laravel"><img src="https://img.shields.io/packagist/v/craftsys/msg91-laravel?label=version" alt="Latest Stable Version" /></a> <a href="https://packagist.org/packages/craftsys/msg91-laravel"><img src="https://img.shields.io/packagist/l/craftsys/msg91-laravel" alt="License" /></a> <a href="https://packagist.org/packages/craftsys/msg91-laravel"><img src="https://img.shields.io/github/workflow/status/craftsys/msg91-laravel/tests?label=tests" alt="Status" /></a> </p> This is a **[laravel](https://laravel.com) service provider** for [Msg91 APIs](https://docs.msg91.com/collection/msg91-api-integration/5/pages/139). It wraps the [msg91-php][client] client and provides the same functionality for Laravel applications by exposing a Service Provider and Facade. ## Table of Contents - [Installation](#installation) - [Configuration](#configuration) - [Usage](#usage) - [Examples](#examples) - [Managing OTPs](#managing-otps) - [Send OTP](#send-otp) - [Verify OTP](#verify-otp) - [Resend OTP](#resend-otp) - [Sending SMS](#sending-sms) - [Bulk SMS](#bulk-sms) - [Message Variables](#message-variables) - [Handling Responses](#handling-responses) - [Related](#related) - [Acknowledgements](#acknowledgements) ## Installation The packages is available on [Packagist](https://packagist.org/packages/craftsys/msg91-laravel) and can be installed via [Composer](https://getcomposer.org/) by executing following command in shell. ```bash composer require craftsys/msg91-laravel ``` **prerequisite** - php^7.1 - laravel^5|^6|^7|^8|^9|^10 The package is tested for 5.8+,^6.0,^7.0,^8.0,^9.0,^10.0 only. If you find any bugs for laravel (5.0< >5.8), please file an issue. ### Laravel 5.5+ If you're using Laravel 5.5 or above, the package will automatically register the `Craftsys\Msg91\Msg91LaravelServiceProvider` provider and aliases `Craftsys\Msg91\Facade\Msg91` facade to `Msg91`. ### Laravel 5.4 and below Add `Craftsys\Msg91\Msg91LaravelServiceProvider` to the `providers` array in your `config/app.php`: ```php 'providers' => [ // Other service providers... Craftsys\Msg91\Msg91LaravelServiceProvider::class, ], ``` If you want to use the facade interface, you can `use` the facade class when needed: ```php use Craftsys\Msg91\Facade\Msg91; ``` Or add an alias in your `config/app.php` ```php 'aliases' => [ // other aliases here 'Msg91' => Craftsys\Msg91\Facade\Msg91::class, ], ``` To verify that everything is working as expected, excecute the following php code somewhere in your application, either in an example route or in `php artisan tinker` if you are in Laravel. ```php // this should print the `\Craftsys\Msg91\OTP\OTPService` of some default configuration values echo Msg91::otp()::class ``` If there is an issue, please check the steps again or open an issue for support. ## Configuration As the [msg91-php][client] offers configuration that are similar to Laravel's configuration, this package simply ports the Laravel's configuration to the msg91-php client. The package can be configured by providing a `msg91` key inside your `config/services.php` configuration file. ```php <?php return [ // along with other services "msg91" => [ 'key' => env("Msg91_KEY"), ], ]; ``` and update the `.env` file to get the desired values e.g. `Msg91_KEY`. Please visit [msg91-php configuration][client-configuration] for a detailed description about the available options and their default values. ## Usage Once you have [Configured](#configuration) the Laravel/Lumen application to use the service provider and have aliased the facade to `Msg91`, you will have a [msg91-php][client] client (Craftsys\Msg91\Client) instance. ```php // send otp Msg91::otp()->to(919999999999)->send(); // resend otp Msg91::otp()->to(919999999999)->viaVoice()->resend(); // verify otp Msg91::otp(678612)->to(919999999999)->verify(); // send sms Msg91::sms()->to(919999999999)->flow('<flow_id>')->send(); // in bulk Msg91::sms()->to([919999999999, 918899898990])->flow('<flow_id>')->send(); // with variables in your flow template Msg91::sms()->to([919999999999, 918899898990])->flow('<flow_id>')->variable('variable_name', 'value')->send(); // with variables per recipient Msg91::sms()->recipients([ ['mobiles' => 919999999999, 'name' => 'Sudhir M'], ['mobiles' => 918899898990, 'name' => 'Craft Sys'] ]) ->flow('<flow_id>') ->send(); ``` Follow along with [examples](#examples) to learn more ## Examples ### Managing OTPs OTP services like sending, verifying, and resending etc, can be accessed via `otp` method on the client instance e.g. `Msg91::otp()`. > For a detailed usage, please visit [msg91-php's documentation][client-managing-otps] on managing OTPs. #### Send OTP ```php Msg91::otp() ->to(912343434312) // phone number with country code ->template('your_template_id') // set the otp template ->send(); // send the otp ``` ### Verify OTP ```php Msg91::otp(1234) // OTP to be verified ->to(912343434312) // phone number with country code ->verify(); // Verify ``` ### Resend OTP ```php Msg91::otp() ->to(912343434312) // set the mobile with country code ->viaVoice() // set the otp sending method (can be "viaText" as well) ->resend(); // resend otp ``` ## Sending SMS ```php Msg91::sms() ->to(912343434312) // set the mobile with country code ->flow("your_flow_id_here") // set the flow id ->send(); // send ``` ### Bulk SMS ```php Msg91::sms() ->to([912343434312, 919898889892]) // set the mobiles with country code ->flow("your_flow_id_here") // set the flow id ->send(); // send ``` ### Message Variables ```php // send in bulk with variables Msg91::sms() ->to([912343434312, 919898889892]) // set the mobiles with country code ->flow("your_flow_id_here") // set the flow id ->variable('date', "Sunday") // the the value for variable "date" in your flow message template ->send(); // send // send in bulk with variables per recipient Msg91::sms() ->to([912343434312, 919898889892]) // set the mobiles with country code ->flow("your_flow_id_here") // set the flow id ->recipients([ ['mobiles' => 919999223345, 'name' => 'Sudhir M'], ['mobiles' => 912929223345, 'name' => 'Craft Sys'] ]) // (optionally) set a "date" variable for all the recipients ->variable('date', "Sunday") ->send(); // send ``` > For a detailed usage and options, please visit [msg91-php's documentation][client-sending-sms] on sending SMSs. ## Handling Responses All the services will return `\Craftsys\Msg91\Support\Response` instance for all successfully responses or will throw exceptions if request validation failed (`\Craftsys\Msg91\Exceptions\ValidationException`)or there was an error in the response (`\Craftsys\Msg91\Exceptions\ResponseErrorException`). ```php try { $response = $client->otp()->to(919999999999)->send(); } catch (\Craftsys\Msg91\Exceptions\ValidationException $e) { // issue with the request e.g. token not provided } catch (\Craftsys\Msg91\Exceptions\ResponseErrorException $e) { // error thrown by msg91 apis or by http client } catch (\Exception $e) { // something else went wrong // plese report if this happens :) } ``` > For all the examples and options, please consult [msg91-php examples section][client-examples] [client]: https://github.com/craftsys/msg91-php [client-configuration]: https://github.com/craftsys/msg91-php#configuration [client-examples]: https://github.com/craftsys/msg91-php#examples [client-managing-otps]: https://github.com/craftsys/msg91-php#managing-otps [client-sending-sms]: https://github.com/craftsys/msg91-php#sending-sms # Related - [Msg91 Laravel Notification Channel](https://github.com/craftsys/msg91-laravel-notification-channel) - [Msg91 Php Client](https://github.com/craftsys/msg91-php) - [Msg91 Api Docs](https://docs.msg91.com/collection/msg91-api-integration/5/pages/139) # Acknowledgements We are grateful to the authors of existing related projects for their ideas and collaboration: - [Laravel Nexmo](https://github.com/Nexmo/nexmo-laravel)
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