Current Path : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/public_html/app/Helpers/ |
Current File : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/public_html/app/Helpers/helper.php |
<?php use App\Mixins\Financial\MultiCurrency; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cookie; function getTemplate() { /*$template = cache()->remember('view.template', 7 * 24 * 60 * 60, function () { return \App\Models\ViewTemplate::where('status', true)->first(); });*/ if (!empty($template) and $template->count() > 0) { return 'web.' . $template->folder; } return 'web.default'; } function formatSizeUnits($bytes) { if ($bytes >= 1073741824) { $bytes = number_format($bytes / 1073741824, 2) . ' GB'; } elseif ($bytes >= 1048576) { $bytes = number_format($bytes / 1048576, 2) . ' MB'; } elseif ($bytes >= 1024) { $bytes = number_format($bytes / 1024, 2) . ' KB'; } elseif ($bytes > 1) { $bytes = $bytes . ' bytes'; } elseif ($bytes == 1) { $bytes = $bytes . ' byte'; } else { $bytes = '0 bytes'; } return $bytes; } /** * @param $timestamp * @param string $format * * // Use this format everywhere : j:day , M:month, Y:year, H:hour, i:minute => {j M Y} or {j M Y H:i} * */ function dateTimeFormat($timestamp, $format = 'H:i', $useAdminSetting = true, $applyTimezone = true, $timezone = null) { if ($applyTimezone and empty($timezone)) { $timezone = getTimezone(); } if ($useAdminSetting) { $format = handleDateAndTimeFormat($format); } if (empty($timezone)) { $timezone = "UTC"; } $carbon = (new Carbon\Carbon()) ->setTimezone($timezone) ->setTimestamp($timestamp); return $useAdminSetting ? $carbon->translatedFormat($format) : $carbon->format($format); } function dateTimeFormatForHumans($timestamp, $applyTimezone = true, $timezone = "UTC", $parts = 3) { if ($applyTimezone) { $timezone = getTimezone(); } if (empty($timezone)) { $timezone = "UTC"; } $carbon = (new Carbon\Carbon()) ->setTimezone($timezone) ->setTimestamp($timestamp); return $carbon->diffForHumans(null, null, false, $parts); } function getTimezone() { $timezone = getGeneralSettings('default_time_zone'); if (auth()->check() or apiAuth()) { $user = auth()->user(); if (!$user) { $user = apiAuth(); } if (!empty($user) and !empty($user->timezone)) { $timezone = $user->timezone; } } return $timezone; } function handleDateAndTimeFormat($format) { $dateFormat = getGeneralSettings('date_format') ?? 'textual'; $timeFormat = getGeneralSettings('time_format') ?? '24_hours'; if ($dateFormat == 'numerical') { $format = str_replace('M', 'm', $format); $format = str_replace('j ', 'j/', $format); $format = str_replace('m ', 'm/', $format); } else { $format = str_replace('m', 'M', $format); } if ($timeFormat == '12_hours') { $format = str_replace('H', 'h', $format); if (strpos($format, 'h')) { $format .= ' a'; } } else { $format = str_replace('h', 'H', $format); $format = str_replace('a', '', $format); } return $format; } function diffTimestampDay($firstTime, $lastTime) { return ($firstTime - $lastTime) / (24 * 60 * 60); } function convertMinutesToHourAndMinute($minutes) { return intdiv($minutes, 60) . ':' . (str_pad($minutes % 60, 2, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT)); } function getListOfTimezones() { return DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers(); } function toGmtOffset($timezone): string { $userTimeZone = new DateTimeZone($timezone); $offset = $userTimeZone->getOffset(new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone('GMT'))); // Offset in seconds $seconds = abs($offset); $sign = $offset > 0 ? '+' : '-'; $hours = floor($seconds / 3600); $mins = floor($seconds / 60 % 60); $secs = floor($seconds % 60); return sprintf("GMT $sign%02d:%02d", $hours, $mins, $secs); } //this function convert string to UTC time zone function convertTimeToUTCzone($str, $userTimezone = null, $format = false) { if (empty($userTimezone)) { $userTimezone = getTimezone(); } $new_str = new DateTime($str, new DateTimeZone($userTimezone)); $new_str->setTimeZone(new DateTimeZone('UTC')); if ($format) { return $new_str->format("Y-m-d H:i"); } return $new_str; } function x_week_range() { $start = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', strtotime("last Saturday"))); return array( $start, strtotime(date('Y-m-d', strtotime('next Friday', $start))) ); } function getTimeByDay($title) { $start = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("last Saturday")); $time = 0; switch ($title) { case "saturday": $time = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', strtotime($start))); break; case "sunday": $time = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', strtotime($start . "+1 days"))); break; case "monday": $time = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', strtotime($start . "+2 days"))); break; case "tuesday": $time = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', strtotime($start . "+3 days"))); break; case "wednesday": $time = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', strtotime($start . "+4 days"))); break; case "thursday": $time = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', strtotime($start . "+5 days"))); break; case "friday": $time = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', strtotime($start . "+6 days"))); break; } return $time; } function convertDayToNumber($times) { $numbers = [ 'sunday' => 1, 'monday' => 2, 'tuesday' => 3, 'wednesday' => 4, 'thursday' => 5, 'friday' => 6, 'saturday' => 7 ]; $numberDay = []; foreach ($times as $day => $time) { $numberDay[] = $numbers[$day]; } return $numberDay; } function getBindedSQL($query) { $fullQuery = $query->toSql(); $replaces = $query->getBindings(); foreach ($replaces as $replace) { $fullQuery = Str::replaceFirst('?', $replace, $fullQuery); } return $fullQuery; } function getUserLanguagesLists() { $generalSettings = getGeneralSettings(); $userLanguages = ($generalSettings and !empty($generalSettings['user_languages'])) ? $generalSettings['user_languages'] : null; if (!empty($userLanguages) and is_array($userLanguages)) { $userLanguages = getLanguages($userLanguages); } else { $userLanguages = []; } if (count($userLanguages) > 0) { foreach ($userLanguages as $locale => $language) { if (mb_strtolower($locale) == mb_strtolower(app()->getLocale())) { $firstKey = array_key_first($userLanguages); if ($firstKey != $locale) { $firstValue = $userLanguages[$firstKey]; unset($userLanguages[$locale]); unset($userLanguages[$firstKey]); $userLanguages = array_merge([ $locale => $language, $firstKey => $firstValue ], $userLanguages); } } } } return $userLanguages; } function getLanguages($lang = null) { $languages = [ "AA" => 'Afar', "AF" => 'Afrikanns', "SQ" => 'Albanian', "AM" => 'Amharic', "AR" => 'Arabic', "HY" => 'Armenian', "AY" => 'Aymara', "AZ" => 'Azerbaijani', "EU" => 'Basque', "DZ" => 'Bhutani', "BH" => 'Bihari', "BI" => 'Bislama', "BR" => 'Breton', "BG" => 'Bulgarian', "MY" => 'Burmese', "BE" => 'Byelorussian', "BN" => 'Bangla', "KM" => 'Cambodian', "CA" => 'Catalan', "ZH" => 'Chinese', "HR" => 'Croation', "CS" => 'Czech', "DA" => 'Danish', "NL" => 'Dutch', "EN" => 'English', "ET" => 'Estonian', "FO" => 'Faeroese', "FJ" => 'Fiji', "FI" => 'Finnish', "FR" => 'French', "KA" => 'Georgian', "DE" => 'German', "DV" => 'Dhivehi', "EL" => 'Greek', "KL" => 'Greenlandic', "GN" => 'Guarani', "HI" => 'Hindi', "HE" => 'Hebrew', "HU" => 'Hungarian', "IS" => 'Icelandic', "ID" => 'Indonesian', "IT" => 'Italian', "JA" => 'Japanese', "KK" => 'Kazakh', "RW" => 'Kinyarwanda', "KY" => 'Kirghiz', "KO" => 'Korean', "KU" => 'Kurdish', "LO" => 'Laothian', "LA" => 'Latin', "LV" => 'Latvian', "LT" => 'Lithuanian', "MK" => 'Macedonian', "MG" => 'Malagasy', "MS" => 'Malay', "MT" => 'Maltese', "MI" => 'Maori', "MN" => 'Mongolian', "NA" => 'Nauru', "NE" => 'Nepali', "NO" => 'Norwegian', "OM" => 'Oromo', "PS" => 'Pashto', "FA" => 'Persian', "PL" => 'Polish', "PT" => 'Portuguese', "QU" => 'Quechua', "RM" => 'Rhaeto', "RO" => 'Romanian', "RU" => 'Russian', "SM" => 'Samoan', "SG" => 'Sangro', "SR" => 'Serbian', "TN" => 'Setswana', "SN" => 'Shona', "SI" => 'Singhalese', "SS" => 'Siswati', "SK" => 'Slovak', "SL" => 'Slovenian', "SO" => 'Somali', "ES" => 'Spanish', "SV" => 'Swedish', "TL" => 'Tagalog', "TG" => 'Tajik', "TA" => 'Tamil', "TH" => 'Thai', "TI" => 'Tigrinya', "TR" => 'Turkish', "TK" => 'Turkmen', "TW" => 'Twi', "UK" => 'Ukranian', "UR" => 'Urdu', "UZ" => 'Uzbek', "VI" => 'Vietnamese', "XH" => 'Xhosa', ]; if (!empty($lang) and is_array($lang)) { return array_flip(array_intersect(array_flip($languages), $lang)); } elseif (!empty($lang)) { return $languages[$lang]; } return $languages; } function localeToCountryCode($code, $revers = false) { $languages = [ "AA" => 'DJ', // language code => country code "AF" => 'ZA', "SQ" => 'AL', "AM" => 'ET', "AR" => 'IQ', "HY" => 'AM', "AY" => 'BO', "AZ" => 'AZ', "EU" => 'ES', "BN" => 'BD', "DZ" => 'BT', "BI" => 'VU', "BG" => 'BG', "MY" => 'MM', "BE" => 'BY', "KM" => 'KH', "CA" => 'ES', "ZH" => 'CN', "HR" => 'HR', "CS" => 'CZ', "DA" => 'DK', "DV" => 'MV', "NL" => 'NL', "EN" => 'US', "ET" => 'EE', "FO" => 'FO', "FJ" => 'FJ', "FI" => 'FI', "FR" => 'FR', "KA" => 'GE', "DE" => 'DE', "EL" => 'GR', "KL" => 'GL', "GN" => 'GN', "HI" => 'IN', "HE" => 'IL', "HU" => 'HU', "IS" => 'IS', "ID" => 'ID', "IT" => 'IT', "JA" => 'JP', "KK" => 'KZ', "RW" => 'RW', "KY" => 'KG', "KO" => 'KR', "LO" => 'LA', "LA" => 'RS', "LV" => 'LV', "LT" => 'LT', "MK" => 'MK', "MG" => 'MG', "MS" => 'MS', "MT" => 'MT', "MI" => 'NZ', "MN" => 'MN', "NA" => 'NR', "NE" => 'NP', "NO" => 'NO', "OM" => 'ET', "PS" => 'AF', "FA" => 'IR', "PL" => 'PL', "PT" => 'PT', "QU" => 'BO', "RM" => 'CH', "RO" => 'RO', "RU" => 'RU', "SM" => 'WS', "SG" => 'CG', "SR" => 'SR', "TN" => 'BW', "SN" => 'ZW', "SI" => 'LK', "SS" => 'SZ', "SK" => 'SK', "SL" => 'SI', "SO" => 'SO', "ES" => 'ES', "SV" => 'SE', "TL" => 'PH', "TG" => 'TJ', "TA" => 'LK', "TH" => 'TH', "TI" => 'ER', "TR" => 'TR', "TK" => 'TM', "TW" => 'TW', "UK" => 'UA', "UR" => 'PK', "UZ" => 'UZ', "VI" => 'VN', "XH" => 'ZA', "KU" => 'KU', ]; if ($revers) { $languages = array_flip($languages); return !empty($languages[$code]) ? $languages[$code] : ''; } return !empty($languages[$code]) ? $languages[$code] : ''; } function getMoneyUnits($unit = null) { $units = [ "USD" => 'United States Dollar', "EUR" => 'Euro Member Countries', "AUD" => 'Australia Dollar', "AED" => 'United Arab Emirates dirham', "KAD" => 'KAD', "JPY" => 'Japan Yen', "CNY" => 'China Yuan Renminbi', "SAR" => 'Saudi Arabia Riyal', "KRW" => 'Korea (South) Won', "INR" => 'India Rupee', "RUB" => 'Russia Ruble', "Lek" => 'Albania Lek', "AFN" => 'Afghanistan Afghani', "ARS" => 'Argentina Peso', "AWG" => 'Aruba Guilder', "AZN" => 'Azerbaijan Manat', "BDT" => 'Bangladeshi taka', "BSD" => 'Bahamas Dollar', "BBD" => 'Barbados Dollar', "BYN" => 'Belarus Ruble', "BZD" => 'Belize Dollar', "BMD" => 'Bermuda Dollar', "BOB" => 'Bolivia Bolíviano', "BAM" => 'Bosnia and Herzegovina Convertible Mark', "BWP" => 'Botswana Pula', "BGN" => 'Bulgaria Lev', "BRL" => 'Brazil Real', "BND" => 'Brunei Darussalam Dollar', "KHR" => 'Cambodia Riel', "CAD" => 'Canada Dollar', "KYD" => 'Cayman Islands Dollar', "CLP" => 'Chile Peso', "COP" => 'Colombia Peso', "CRC" => 'Costa Rica Colon', "HRK" => 'Croatia Kuna', "CUP" => 'Cuba Peso', "CZK" => 'Czech Republic Koruna', "DKK" => 'Denmark Krone', "DZD" => 'Algerian Dinar', "DOP" => 'Dominican Republic Peso', "XCD" => 'East Caribbean Dollar', "EGP" => 'Egypt Pound', "GTQ" => 'Guatemala Quetzal', "GHS" => 'Ghanaian cedi', "HKD" => 'Hong Kong Dollar', "HUF" => 'Hungary Forint', "IDR" => 'Indonesia Rupiah', "IRR" => 'Iran Rial', "ILS" => 'Israel Shekel', "LBP" => 'Lebanon Pound', "MAD" => 'Moroccan dirham', "MYR" => 'Malaysia Ringgit', "MVR" => 'Maldivian Rufiyaa', "NGN" => 'Nigeria Naira', "NPR" => 'Nepalese Rupee', "NOK" => 'Norway Krone', "OMR" => 'Oman Rial', "PKR" => 'Pakistan Rupee', "PHP" => 'Philippines Peso', "PLN" => 'Poland Zloty', "RON" => 'Romania Leu', "ZAR" => 'South Africa Rand', "LKR" => 'Sri Lanka Rupee', "SEK" => 'Sweden Krona', "SGD" => 'Singapore Dollar', "CHF" => 'Switzerland Franc', "THB" => 'Thailand Baht', "TRY" => 'Turkey Lira', "UAH" => 'Ukraine Hryvnia', "GBP" => 'United Kingdom Pound', "TWD" => 'Taiwan New Dollar', "VND" => 'Viet Nam Dong', "UZS" => 'Uzbekistan Som', "KZT" => 'Kazakhstani Tenge', "TZS" => 'Tanzanian shilling', "ETB" => 'Ethiopian Birr', "KWD" => 'Kuwaiti Dinar', "EGP" => 'Egyptian Pound', "BIF" => 'Burundian Francs', "CDF" => 'Congolese Franc', "NAD" => 'Namibian Dollar', ]; if (!empty($unit)) { return $units[$unit]; } return $units; } function currenciesLists($sing = null) { $lists = [ "USD" => 'United States Dollar', "EUR" => 'Euro Member Countries', "AUD" => 'Australia Dollar', "AED" => 'United Arab Emirates dirham', "KAD" => 'KAD', "JPY" => 'Japan Yen', "CNY" => 'China Yuan Renminbi', "SAR" => 'Saudi Arabia Riyal', "KRW" => 'Korea (South) Won', "INR" => 'India Rupee', "RUB" => 'Russia Ruble', "Lek" => 'Albania Lek', "AFN" => 'Afghanistan Afghani', "ARS" => 'Argentina Peso', "AWG" => 'Aruba Guilder', "AZN" => 'Azerbaijan Manat', "BSD" => 'Bahamas Dollar', "BBD" => 'Barbados Dollar', "BDT" => 'Bangladeshi taka', "BYN" => 'Belarus Ruble', "BZD" => 'Belize Dollar', "BMD" => 'Bermuda Dollar', "BOB" => 'Bolivia Bolíviano', "BAM" => 'Bosnia and Herzegovina Convertible Mark', "BWP" => 'Botswana Pula', "BGN" => 'Bulgaria Lev', "BRL" => 'Brazil Real', "BND" => 'Brunei Darussalam Dollar', "KHR" => 'Cambodia Riel', "CAD" => 'Canada Dollar', "KYD" => 'Cayman Islands Dollar', "CLP" => 'Chile Peso', "COP" => 'Colombia Peso', "CRC" => 'Costa Rica Colon', "HRK" => 'Croatia Kuna', "CUP" => 'Cuba Peso', "CZK" => 'Czech Republic Koruna', "DKK" => 'Denmark Krone', "DZD" => 'Algerian Dinar', "DOP" => 'Dominican Republic Peso', "XCD" => 'East Caribbean Dollar', "EGP" => 'Egypt Pound', "GTQ" => 'Guatemala Quetzal', "GHS" => 'Ghanaian cedi', "HKD" => 'Hong Kong Dollar', "HUF" => 'Hungary Forint', "IDR" => 'Indonesia Rupiah', "IRR" => 'Iran Rial', "ILS" => 'Israel Shekel', "LBP" => 'Lebanon Pound', "MAD" => 'Moroccan dirham', "MYR" => 'Malaysia Ringgit', "MVR" => 'Maldivian Rufiyaa', "NGN" => 'Nigeria Naira', "NPR" => 'Nepalese Rupee', "NOK" => 'Norway Krone', "OMR" => 'Oman Rial', "PKR" => 'Pakistan Rupee', "PHP" => 'Philippines Peso', "PLN" => 'Poland Zloty', "RON" => 'Romania Leu', "ZAR" => 'South Africa Rand', "LKR" => 'Sri Lanka Rupee', "SEK" => 'Sweden Krona', "SGD" => 'Singapore Dollar', "CHF" => 'Switzerland Franc', "THB" => 'Thailand Baht', "TRY" => 'Turkey Lira', "UAH" => 'Ukraine Hryvnia', "GBP" => 'United Kingdom Pound', "TWD" => 'Taiwan New Dollar', "VND" => 'Viet Nam Dong', "UZS" => 'Uzbekistan Som', "KZT" => 'Kazakhstani Tenge', "TZS" => 'Tanzanian shilling', "ETB" => 'Ethiopian Birr', "KWD" => 'Kuwaiti Dinar', "EGP" => 'Egyptian Pound', "BIF" => 'Burundian Francs', "CDF" => 'Congolese Franc', "NAD" => 'Namibian Dollar', ]; if (!empty($sing)) { return $lists[$sing]; } return $lists; } function currency($user = null) { if (empty($user)) { $user = auth()->user(); } if (!empty($user) and !empty($user->currency)) { return $user->currency; } else if (empty($user)) { $checkCookie = Cookie::get('user_currency'); if (!empty($checkCookie)) { return $checkCookie; } } return getDefaultCurrency(); } function getDefaultCurrency() { return getFinancialCurrencySettings('currency') ?? 'USD'; } function currencySign($currency = null) { if (empty($currency)) { $currency = currency(); } switch ($currency) { case 'USD': return '$'; break; case 'EUR': return '€'; break; case 'JPY': case 'CNY': return '¥'; break; case 'AED': return 'د.إ'; break; case 'SAR': return 'ر.س'; break; case 'KRW': return '₩'; break; case 'INR': return '₹'; break; case 'RUB': return '₽'; break; case 'Lek': return 'Lek'; break; case 'AFN': return '؋'; break; case 'ARS': return '$'; break; case 'AWG': return 'ƒ'; break; case 'AUD': return '$'; break; case 'AZN': return '₼'; break; case 'BSD': return '$'; break; case 'BBD': return '$'; break; case 'BDT': return '৳'; break; case 'BYN': return 'Br'; break; case 'BZD': return 'BZ$'; break; case 'BMD': return '$'; break; case 'BOB': return '$b'; break; case 'BAM': return 'KM'; break; case 'BWP': return 'P'; break; case 'BGN': return 'лв'; break; case 'BRL': return 'R$'; break; case 'BND': return '$'; break; case 'COP': return '$'; break; case 'CRC': return '₡'; break; case 'CZK': return 'Kč'; break; case 'CUP': return '₱'; break; case 'DKK': return 'kr'; break; case 'DZD': return 'دج'; break; case 'DOP': return 'RD$'; break; case 'XCD': return '$'; break; case 'EGP': return '£'; break; case 'GTQ': return 'Q'; break; case 'HKD': return '$'; break; case 'HUF': return 'Ft'; break; case 'IDR': return 'Rp'; break; case 'IRR': return '﷼'; break; case 'ILS': return '₪'; break; case 'LBP': return '£'; break; case 'MAD': return 'DH'; break; case 'MYR': return 'RM'; break; case 'MVR': return 'MVR'; break; case 'NGN': return '₦'; break; case 'NPR': return 'रू'; break; case 'NOK': return 'kr'; break; case 'OMR': return '﷼'; break; case 'PKR': return '₨'; break; case 'PHP': return '₱'; break; case 'PLN': return 'zł'; break; case 'RON': return 'lei'; break; case 'ZAR': return 'R'; break; case 'LKR': return '₨'; break; case 'SEK': return 'kr'; break; case 'SGD': return '$'; break; case 'CHF': return 'CHF'; break; case 'THB': return '฿'; break; case 'TRY': return '₺'; break; case 'UAH': return '₴'; break; case 'GBP': return '£'; break; case 'GHS': return 'GH₵'; break; case 'VND': return '₫'; break; case 'TWD': return 'NT$'; break; case 'UZS': return 'лв'; break; case 'KZT': return '₸'; break; case 'TZS': return 'TSh'; break; case 'ETB': return 'Br'; break; case 'KWD': return 'KD'; break; case 'EGP': return 'ج.م'; break; case 'NAD': return 'NAD'; break; case 'CDF': return 'CDF'; break; case 'BIF': return 'BIF'; break; default: return '$'; } return '$'; } function getCountriesMobileCode() { return [ 'USA (+1)' => '+1', 'UK (+44)' => '+44', 'Algeria (+213)' => '+213', 'Andorra (+376)' => '+376', 'Angola (+244)' => '+244', 'Anguilla (+1264)' => '+1264', 'Antigua & Barbuda (+1268)' => '+1268', 'Argentina (+54)' => '+54', 'Armenia (+374)' => '+374', 'Aruba (+297)' => '+297', 'Australia (+61)' => '+61', 'Austria (+43)' => '+43', 'Azerbaijan (+994)' => '+994', 'Bahamas (+1242)' => '+1242', 'Bahrain (+973)' => '+973', 'Bangladesh (+880)' => '+880', 'Barbados (+1246)' => '+1246', 'Belarus (+375)' => '+375', 'Belgium (+32)' => '+32', 'Belize (+501)' => '+501', 'Benin (+229)' => '+229', 'Bermuda (+1441)' => '+1441', 'Bhutan (+975)' => '+975', 'Bolivia (+591)' => '+591', 'Bosnia Herzegovina (+387)' => '+387', 'Botswana (+267)' => '+267', 'Brazil (+55)' => '+55', 'Brunei (+673)' => '+673', 'Bulgaria (+359)' => '+359', 'Burkina Faso (+226)' => '+226', 'Burundi (+257)' => '+257', 'Cambodia (+855)' => '+855', 'Cameroon (+237)' => '+237', 'Canada (+1)' => '+1', 'Cape Verde Islands (+238)' => '+238', 'Cayman Islands (+1345)' => '+1345', 'Central African Republic (+236)' => '+236', 'Chile (+56)' => '+56', 'China (+86)' => '+86', 'Colombia (+57)' => '+57', 'Comoros (+269)' => '+269', 'Congo (+242)' => '+242', 'Cook Islands (+682)' => '+682', 'Costa Rica (+506)' => '+506', 'Croatia (+385)' => '+385', 'Cuba (+53)' => '+53', 'Cyprus - North (+90)' => '+90', 'Cyprus - South (+357)' => '+357', 'Czech Republic (+420)' => '+420', 'Denmark (+45)' => '+45', 'Djibouti (+253)' => '+253', 'Dominica (+1809)' => '+1809', 'Dominican Republic (+1809)' => '+1809', 'Ecuador (+593)' => '+593', 'Egypt (+20)' => '+20', 'El Salvador (+503)' => '+503', 'Equatorial Guinea (+240)' => '+240', 'Eritrea (+291)' => '+291', 'Estonia (+372)' => '+372', 'Ethiopia (+251)' => '+251', 'Falkland Islands (+500)' => '+500', 'Faroe Islands (+298)' => '+298', 'Fiji (+679)' => '+679', 'Finland (+358)' => '+358', 'France (+33)' => '+33', 'French Guiana (+594)' => '+594', 'French Polynesia (+689)' => '+689', 'Gabon (+241)' => '+241', 'Gambia (+220)' => '+220', 'Georgia (+7880)' => '+7880', 'Germany (+49)' => '+49', 'Ghana (+233)' => '+233', 'Gibraltar (+350)' => '+350', 'Greece (+30)' => '+30', 'Greenland (+299)' => '+299', 'Grenada (+1473)' => '+1473', 'Guadeloupe (+590)' => '+590', 'Guam (+671)' => '+671', 'Guatemala (+502)' => '+502', 'Guinea (+224)' => '+224', 'Guinea - Bissau (+245)' => '+245', 'Guyana (+592)' => '+592', 'Haiti (+509)' => '+509', 'Honduras (+504)' => '+504', 'Hong Kong (+852)' => '+852', 'Hungary (+36)' => '+36', 'Iceland (+354)' => '+354', 'India (+91)' => '+91', 'Indonesia (+62)' => '+62', 'Iraq (+964)' => '+964', 'Iran (+98)' => '+98', 'Ireland (+353)' => '+353', 'Israel (+972)' => '+972', 'Italy (+39)' => '+39', 'Jamaica (+1876)' => '+1876', 'Japan (+81)' => '+81', 'Jordan (+962)' => '+962', 'Kazakhstan (+7)' => '+7', 'Kenya (+254)' => '+254', 'Kiribati (+686)' => '+686', 'Korea - North (+850)' => '+850', 'Korea - South (+82)' => '+82', 'Kuwait (+965)' => '+965', 'Kyrgyzstan (+996)' => '+996', 'Laos (+856)' => '+856', 'Latvia (+371)' => '+371', 'Lebanon (+961)' => '+961', 'Lesotho (+266)' => '+266', 'Liberia (+231)' => '+231', 'Libya (+218)' => '+218', 'Liechtenstein (+417)' => '+417', 'Lithuania (+370)' => '+370', 'Luxembourg (+352)' => '+352', 'Macao (+853)' => '+853', 'Macedonia (+389)' => '+389', 'Madagascar (+261)' => '+261', 'Malawi (+265)' => '+265', 'Malaysia (+60)' => '+60', 'Maldives (+960)' => '+960', 'Mali (+223)' => '+223', 'Malta (+356)' => '+356', 'Marshall Islands (+692)' => '+692', 'Martinique (+596)' => '+596', 'Mauritania (+222)' => '+222', 'Mayotte (+269)' => '+269', 'Mexico (+52)' => '+52', 'Micronesia (+691)' => '+691', 'Moldova (+373)' => '+373', 'Monaco (+377)' => '+377', 'Mongolia (+976)' => '+976', 'Montserrat (+1664)' => '+1664', 'Morocco (+212)' => '+212', 'Mozambique (+258)' => '+258', 'Myanmar (+95)' => '+95', 'Namibia (+264)' => '+264', 'Nauru (+674)' => '+674', 'Nepal (+977)' => '+977', 'Netherlands (+31)' => '+31', 'New Caledonia (+687)' => '+687', 'New Zealand (+64)' => '+64', 'Nicaragua (+505)' => '+505', 'Niger (+227)' => '+227', 'Nigeria (+234)' => '+234', 'Niue (+683)' => '+683', 'Norfolk Islands (+672)' => '+672', 'Northern Marianas (+670)' => '+670', 'Norway (+47)' => '+47', 'Oman (+968)' => '+968', 'Pakistan (+92)' => '+92', 'Palau (+680)' => '+680', 'Panama (+507)' => '+507', 'Papua New Guinea (+675)' => '+675', 'Paraguay (+595)' => '+595', 'Peru (+51)' => '+51', 'Philippines (+63)' => '+63', 'Poland (+48)' => '+48', 'Portugal (+351)' => '+351', 'Puerto Rico (+1787)' => '+1787', 'Qatar (+974)' => '+974', 'Reunion (+262)' => '+262', 'Romania (+40)' => '+40', 'Russia (+7)' => '+7', 'Rwanda (+250)' => '+250', 'San Marino (+378)' => '+378', 'Sao Tome & Principe (+239)' => '+239', 'Saudi Arabia (+966)' => '+966', 'Senegal (+221)' => '+221', 'Serbia (+381)' => '+381', 'Seychelles (+248)' => '+248', 'Sierra Leone (+232)' => '+232', 'Singapore (+65)' => '+65', 'Slovak Republic (+421)' => '+421', 'Slovenia (+386)' => '+386', 'Solomon Islands (+677)' => '+677', 'Somalia (+252)' => '+252', 'South Africa (+27)' => '+27', 'Spain (+34)' => '+34', 'Sri Lanka (+94)' => '+94', 'St. Helena (+290)' => '+290', 'St. Kitts (+1869)' => '+1869', 'St. Lucia (+1758)' => '+1758', 'Suriname (+597)' => '+597', 'Sudan (+249)' => '+249', 'Swaziland (+268)' => '+268', 'Sweden (+46)' => '+46', 'Switzerland (+41)' => '+41', 'Syria (+963)' => '+963', 'Taiwan (+886)' => '+886', 'Tanzania (+255)' => '+255', 'Tajikistan (+992)' => '+992', 'Thailand (+66)' => '+66', 'Togo (+228)' => '+228', 'Tonga (+676)' => '+676', 'Trinidad & Tobago (+1868)' => '+1868', 'Tunisia (+216)' => '+216', 'Turkey (+90)' => '+90', 'Turkmenistan (+993)' => '+993', 'Turks & Caicos Islands (+1649)' => '+1649', 'Tuvalu (+688)' => '+688', 'Uganda (+256)' => '+256', 'Ukraine (+380)' => '+380', 'United Arab Emirates (+971)' => '+971', 'Uruguay (+598)' => '+598', 'Uzbekistan (+998)' => '+998', 'Vanuatu (+678)' => '+678', 'Vatican City (+379)' => '+379', 'Venezuela (+58)' => '+58', 'Vietnam (+84)' => '+84', 'Virgin Islands - British (+1)' => '+1', 'Virgin Islands - US (+1)' => '+1', 'Wallis & Futuna (+681)' => '+681', 'Yemen (North)(+969)' => '+969', 'Yemen (South)(+967)' => '+967', 'Zambia (+260)' => '+260', 'Zimbabwe (+263)' => '+263', ]; } function getCountriesLists($code = null) { $countries = [ 'AF' => 'Afghanistan', 'AX' => 'Aland Islands', 'AL' => 'Albania', 'DZ' => 'Algeria', 'AS' => 'American Samoa', 'AD' => 'Andorra', 'AO' => 'Angola', 'AI' => 'Anguilla', 'AQ' => 'Antarctica', 'AG' => 'Antigua and Barbuda', 'AR' => 'Argentina', 'AM' => 'Armenia', 'AW' => 'Aruba', 'AU' => 'Australia', 'AT' => 'Austria', 'AZ' => 'Azerbaijan', 'BS' => 'Bahamas', 'BH' => 'Bahrain', 'BD' => 'Bangladesh', 'BB' => 'Barbados', 'BY' => 'Belarus', 'BE' => 'Belgium', 'BZ' => 'Belize', 'BJ' => 'Benin', 'BM' => 'Bermuda', 'BT' => 'Bhutan', 'BO' => 'Bolivia', 'BQ' => 'Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba', 'BA' => 'Bosnia and Herzegovina', 'BW' => 'Botswana', 'BV' => 'Bouvet Island', 'BR' => 'Brazil', 'IO' => 'British Indian Ocean Territory', 'BN' => 'Brunei Darussalam', 'BG' => 'Bulgaria', 'BF' => 'Burkina Faso', 'BI' => 'Burundi', 'KH' => 'Cambodia', 'CM' => 'Cameroon', 'CA' => 'Canada', 'CV' => 'Cape Verde', 'KY' => 'Cayman Islands', 'CF' => 'Central African Republic', 'TD' => 'Chad', 'CL' => 'Chile', 'CN' => 'China', 'CX' => 'Christmas Island', 'CC' => 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands', 'CO' => 'Colombia', 'KM' => 'Comoros', 'CG' => 'Congo', 'CD' => 'Congo, Democratic Republic', 'CK' => 'Cook Islands', 'CR' => 'Costa Rica', 'CI' => 'Cote d Ivoire', 'HR' => 'Croatia', 'CU' => 'Cuba', 'CW' => 'Curacao', 'CY' => 'Cyprus', 'CZ' => 'Czech Republic', 'DK' => 'Denmark', 'DJ' => 'Djibouti', 'DM' => 'Dominica', 'DO' => 'Dominican Republic', 'EC' => 'Ecuador', 'EG' => 'Egypt', 'SV' => 'El Salvador', 'GQ' => 'Equatorial Guinea', 'ER' => 'Eritrea', 'EE' => 'Estonia', 'ET' => 'Ethiopia', 'FK' => 'Falkland Islands', 'FO' => 'Faroe Islands', 'FJ' => 'Fiji', 'FI' => 'Finland', 'FR' => 'France', 'GF' => 'French Guiana', 'PF' => 'French Polynesia', 'TF' => 'French Southern Territories', 'GA' => 'Gabon', 'GM' => 'Gambia', 'GE' => 'Georgia', 'DE' => 'Germany', 'GH' => 'Ghana', 'GI' => 'Gibraltar', 'GR' => 'Greece', 'GL' => 'Greenland', 'GD' => 'Grenada', 'GP' => 'Guadeloupe', 'GU' => 'Guam', 'GT' => 'Guatemala', 'GG' => 'Guernsey', 'GN' => 'Guinea', 'GW' => 'Guinea-Bissau', 'GY' => 'Guyana', 'HT' => 'Haiti', 'HM' => 'Heard Island and McDonald Islands', 'VA' => 'Holy See (Vatican City State)', 'HN' => 'Honduras', 'HK' => 'Hong Kong', 'HU' => 'Hungary', 'IS' => 'Iceland', 'IN' => 'India', 'ID' => 'Indonesia', 'IR' => 'Iran, Islamic Republic of', 'IQ' => 'Iraq', 'IE' => 'Ireland', 'IM' => 'Isle of Man', 'IL' => 'Israel', 'IT' => 'Italy', 'JM' => 'Jamaica', 'JP' => 'Japan', 'JE' => 'Jersey', 'JO' => 'Jordan', 'KZ' => 'Kazakhstan', 'KE' => 'Kenya', 'KI' => 'Kiribati', 'KP' => 'Korea, Democratic Peoples Republic of', 'KR' => 'Korea, Republic of', 'KW' => 'Kuwait', 'KG' => 'Kyrgyzstan', 'LA' => 'Lao Peoples Democratic Republic', 'LV' => 'Latvia', 'LB' => 'Lebanon', 'LS' => 'Lesotho', 'LR' => 'Liberia', 'LY' => 'Libya', 'LI' => 'Liechtenstein', 'LT' => 'Lithuania', 'LU' => 'Luxembourg', 'MO' => 'Macao', 'MK' => 'Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of', 'MG' => 'Madagascar', 'MW' => 'Malawi', 'MY' => 'Malaysia', 'MV' => 'Maldives', 'ML' => 'Mali', 'MT' => 'Malta', 'MH' => 'Marshall Islands', 'MQ' => 'Martinique', 'MR' => 'Mauritania', 'MU' => 'Mauritius', 'YT' => 'Mayotte', 'MX' => 'Mexico', 'FM' => 'Micronesia, Federated States of', 'MD' => 'Moldova, Republic of', 'MC' => 'Monaco', 'MN' => 'Mongolia', 'ME' => 'Montenegro', 'MS' => 'Montserrat', 'MA' => 'Morocco', 'MZ' => 'Mozambique', 'MM' => 'Myanmar', 'NA' => 'Namibia', 'NR' => 'Nauru', 'NP' => 'Nepal', 'NL' => 'Netherlands', 'NC' => 'New Caledonia', 'NZ' => 'New Zealand', 'NI' => 'Nicaragua', 'NE' => 'Niger', 'NG' => 'Nigeria', 'NU' => 'Niue', 'NF' => 'Norfolk Island', 'MP' => 'Northern Mariana Islands', 'NO' => 'Norway', 'OM' => 'Oman', 'PK' => 'Pakistan', 'PW' => 'Palau', 'PS' => 'Palestinian Territory, Occupied', 'PA' => 'Panama', 'PG' => 'Papua New Guinea', 'PY' => 'Paraguay', 'PE' => 'Peru', 'PH' => 'Philippines', 'PN' => 'Pitcairn', 'PL' => 'Poland', 'PT' => 'Portugal', 'PR' => 'Puerto Rico', 'QA' => 'Qatar', 'RE' => 'Reunion', 'RO' => 'Romania', 'RU' => 'Russian Federation', 'RW' => 'Rwanda', 'BL' => 'Saint Barthelemy', 'SH' => 'Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha', 'KN' => 'Saint Kitts and Nevis', 'LC' => 'Saint Lucia', 'MF' => 'Saint Martin (French part)', 'PM' => 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon', 'VC' => 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines', 'WS' => 'Samoa', 'SM' => 'San Marino', 'ST' => 'Sao Tome and Principe', 'SA' => 'Saudi Arabia', 'SN' => 'Senegal', 'RS' => 'Serbia', 'SC' => 'Seychelles', 'SL' => 'Sierra Leone', 'SG' => 'Singapore', 'SX' => 'Sint Maarten (Dutch part)', 'SK' => 'Slovakia', 'SI' => 'Slovenia', 'SB' => 'Solomon Islands', 'SO' => 'Somalia', 'ZA' => 'South Africa', 'GS' => 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands', 'SS' => 'South Sudan', 'ES' => 'Spain', 'LK' => 'Sri Lanka', 'SD' => 'Sudan', 'SR' => 'Suriname', 'SJ' => 'Svalbard and Jan Mayen', 'SZ' => 'Swaziland', 'SE' => 'Sweden', 'CH' => 'Switzerland', 'SY' => 'Syrian Arab Republic', 'TW' => 'Taiwan, Province of China', 'TJ' => 'Tajikistan', 'TZ' => 'Tanzania, United Republic of', 'TH' => 'Thailand', 'TL' => 'Timor-Leste', 'TG' => 'Togo', 'TK' => 'Tokelau', 'TO' => 'Tonga', 'TT' => 'Trinidad and Tobago', 'TN' => 'Tunisia', 'TR' => 'Turkey', 'TM' => 'Turkmenistan', 'TC' => 'Turks and Caicos Islands', 'TV' => 'Tuvalu', 'UG' => 'Uganda', 'UA' => 'Ukraine', 'AE' => 'United Arab Emirates', 'GB' => 'United Kingdom', 'US' => 'United States', 'UM' => 'United States Minor Outlying Islands', 'UY' => 'Uruguay', 'UZ' => 'Uzbekistan', 'VU' => 'Vanuatu', 'VE' => 'Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of', 'VN' => 'Viet Nam', 'VG' => 'Virgin Islands, British', 'VI' => 'Virgin Islands, U.S.', 'WF' => 'Wallis and Futuna', 'EH' => 'Western Sahara', 'YE' => 'Yemen', 'ZM' => 'Zambia', 'ZW' => 'Zimbabwe', ]; if (!empty($code) and !empty($countries[$code])) { return $countries[$code]; } return $countries; } // Truncate a string only at a whitespace function truncate($text, $length, $withTail = true) { $length = abs((int)$length); if (strlen($text) > $length) { $text = preg_replace("/^(.{1,$length})(\s.*|$)/s", ($withTail ? '\\1 ...' : '\\1'), $text); } return ($text); } /** * @param null $page => Setting::$pagesSeoMetas * @return array [title, description] */ function getSeoMetas($page = null) { return App\Models\Setting::getSeoMetas($page); } /** * @return array [title, image, link] */ function getSocials() { return App\Models\Setting::getSocials(); } /** * @return array [title, items => [title, link]] */ function getFooterColumns() { return App\Models\Setting::getFooterColumns(); } /* * @return array [site_name, site_email, site_phone, site_language, register_method, user_languages, rtl_languages, fav_icon, locale, logo, footer_logo, rtl_layout, home hero1 is active, home hero2 is active, content_translate, default_time_zone, date_format, time_format] */ function getGeneralSettings($key = null) { return App\Models\Setting::getGeneralSettings($key); } /** * @param null $key * $key => "agora_resolution" | "agora_max_bitrate" | "agora_min_bitrate" | "agora_frame_rate" | "agora_live_streaming" | "agora_chat" | "agora_cloud_rec" | "agora_in_free_courses" * "new_interactive_file" | "timezone_in_register" | "timezone_in_create_webinar" * "sequence_content_status" | "webinar_assignment_status" | "webinar_private_content_status" | "disable_view_content_after_user_register" * "direct_classes_payment_button_status" | "mobile_app_status" | "cookie_settings_status" | "show_other_register_method" | "show_certificate_additional_in_register" * @return * */ function getFeaturesSettings($key = null) { return App\Models\Setting::getFeaturesSettings($key); } function getSMSChannelsSettings($key = null) { return App\Models\Setting::getSMSChannelsSettings($key); } /** * @param null $key * $key => cookie_settings_modal_message | cookie_settings_modal_items * @return * */ function getCookieSettings($key = null) { return App\Models\Setting::getCookieSettings($key); } /** * @param $key * @return array|[commission, tax, minimum_payout, currency, currency_position, price_display] */ function getFinancialSettings($key = null) { return App\Models\Setting::getFinancialSettings($key); } function getFinancialCurrencySettings($key = null) { return App\Models\Setting::getFinancialCurrencySettings($key); } function getCommissionSettings($key = null) { return App\Models\Setting::getCommissionSettings($key); } /** * @param string $section => 2 for hero section 2 * @return array|[title, description, hero_background] */ function getHomeHeroSettings($section = '1') { return App\Models\Setting::getHomeHeroSettings($section); } /** * @return array|[title, description, background] */ function getHomeVideoOrImageBoxSettings() { return App\Models\Setting::getHomeVideoOrImageBoxSettings(); } /** * @param null $page => admin_login, admin_dashboard, login, register, remember_pass, search, categories, * become_instructor, certificate_validation, blog, instructors * ,dashboard, panel_sidebar, user_avatar, user_cover, instructor_finder_wizard, products_lists * @return string|array => [all pages] */ function getPageBackgroundSettings($page = null) { return App\Models\Setting::getPageBackgroundSettings($page); } /** * @param null $key => css, js * @return string|array => {css, js} */ function getCustomCssAndJs($key = null) { return App\Models\Setting::getCustomCssAndJs($key); } /** * @return array */ function getOfflineBankSettings($key = null) { return App\Models\Setting::getOfflineBankSettings($key); } /** * @return array [status, users_affiliate_status, affiliate_user_commission, affiliate_user_amount, referred_user_amount, referral_description] */ function getReferralSettings() { $settings = App\Models\Setting::getReferralSettings(); if (empty($settings['status'])) { $settings['status'] = false; } else { $settings['status'] = true; } if (empty($settings['users_affiliate_status'])) { $settings['users_affiliate_status'] = false; } else { $settings['users_affiliate_status'] = true; } if (empty($settings['affiliate_user_commission'])) { $settings['affiliate_user_commission'] = 0; } if (empty($settings['affiliate_user_amount'])) { $settings['affiliate_user_amount'] = 0; } if (empty($settings['referred_user_amount'])) { $settings['referred_user_amount'] = 0; } if (empty($settings['referral_description'])) { $settings['referral_description'] = ''; } return $settings; } /** * @return array */ function getOfflineBanksTitle() { $titles = []; $banks = getOfflineBankSettings(); if (!empty($banks) and count($banks)) { foreach ($banks as $bank) { $titles[] = $bank['title'] ?? ""; } } return $titles; } /** * @return array */ function getReportReasons() { return App\Models\Setting::getReportReasons(); } /** * @param $template {String|nullable} * @return array */ function getNotificationTemplates($template = null) { return App\Models\Setting::getNotificationTemplates($template); } /** * @param $key * @return array */ function getContactPageSettings($key = null) { return App\Models\Setting::getContactPageSettings($key); } /** * @param $key * @return array */ function get404ErrorPageSettings($key = null) { return App\Models\Setting::get404ErrorPageSettings($key); } /** * @param $key * @return array */ function getHomeSectionsSettings($key = null) { return App\Models\Setting::getHomeSectionsSettings($key); } /** * @param $key * @return array */ function getNavbarLinks() { $links = App\Models\Setting::getNavbarLinksSettings(); if (!empty($links)) { usort($links, function ($item1, $item2) { return $item1['order'] <=> $item2['order']; }); } return $links; } /** * @return array */ function getPanelSidebarSettings() { return App\Models\Setting::getPanelSidebarSettings(); } /** * @return array */ function getFindInstructorsSettings() { return App\Models\Setting::getFindInstructorsSettings(); } /** * @return array */ function getRewardProgramSettings() { return App\Models\Setting::getRewardProgramSettings(); } /** * @return array */ function getRewardsSettings() { return App\Models\Setting::getRewardsSettings(); } /** * @param $kay => [status, virtual_product_commission, physical_product_commission, store_tax, * possibility_create_virtual_product, possibility_create_physical_product, * shipping_tracking_url, activate_comments * ] */ function getStoreSettings($key = null) { return App\Models\Setting::getStoreSettings($key); } function getBecomeInstructorSectionSettings() { return App\Models\Setting::getBecomeInstructorSectionSettings(); } function getForumSectionSettings() { return App\Models\Setting::getForumSectionSettings(); } function getRegistrationPackagesGeneralSettings($key = null) { return App\Models\Setting::getRegistrationPackagesGeneralSettings($key); } function getRegistrationPackagesInstructorsSettings($key = null) { return App\Models\Setting::getRegistrationPackagesInstructorsSettings($key); } function getRegistrationPackagesOrganizationsSettings($key = null) { return App\Models\Setting::getRegistrationPackagesOrganizationsSettings($key); } function getMobileAppSettings($key = null) { return App\Models\Setting::getMobileAppSettings($key); } function getMaintenanceSettings($key = null) { return App\Models\Setting::getMaintenanceSettings($key); } function getRestrictionSettings($key = null) { return App\Models\Setting::getRestrictionSettings($key); } function getGeneralOptionsSettings($key = null) { return App\Models\Setting::getGeneralOptionsSettings($key); } function getGiftsGeneralSettings($key = null) { return App\Models\Setting::getGiftsGeneralSettings($key); } function getAiContentsSettingsName($key = null) { return App\Models\Setting::getAiContentsSettingsName($key); } function getCertificateMainSettings($key = null) { return App\Models\Setting::getCertificateMainSettings($key); } function getRemindersSettings($key = null) { return App\Models\Setting::getRemindersSettings($key); } function getGeneralSecuritySettings($key = null) { return App\Models\Setting::getGeneralSecuritySettings($key); } function getAbandonedCartSettings($key = null) { return App\Models\Setting::getAbandonedCartSettings($key); } function getAdminPanelUrlPrefix() { $prefix = getGeneralSecuritySettings('admin_panel_url'); return !empty($prefix) ? $prefix : 'admin'; } function getAdminPanelUrl($url = null, $withFirstSlash = true) { return ($withFirstSlash ? '/' : '') . getAdminPanelUrlPrefix() . ($url ?? ''); } function getAdvertisingModalSettings() { $cookieKey = 'show_advertise_modal'; $settings = App\Models\Setting::getAdvertisingModalSettings(); $show = false; if (!empty($settings) and !empty($settings['status']) and $settings['status'] == 1) { $checkCookie = Cookie::get($cookieKey); if (empty($checkCookie)) { $show = true; Cookie::queue($cookieKey, 1, 30 * 24 * 60); } } return $show ? $settings : null; } function getOthersPersonalizationSettings($key = null) { return \App\Models\Setting::getOthersPersonalizationSettings($key); } function getInstallmentsSettings($key = null) { return \App\Models\Setting::getInstallmentsSettings($key); } function getInstallmentsTermsSettings($key = null) { return \App\Models\Setting::getInstallmentsTermsSettings($key); } function getRegistrationBonusSettings($key = null) { return \App\Models\Setting::getRegistrationBonusSettings($key); } function getRegistrationBonusTermsSettings($key = null) { return \App\Models\Setting::getRegistrationBonusTermsSettings($key); } function getStatisticsSettings($key = null) { return \App\Models\Setting::getStatisticsSettings($key); } /** * @return string ("primary_color"|"secondary_color") || null * */ function getThemeColorsSettings($admin = false) { $settings = App\Models\Setting::getThemeColorsSettings(); $result = ''; if (!empty($settings) and count($settings)) { $result = ":root{" . PHP_EOL; if ($admin) { foreach (\App\Models\Setting::$rootAdminColors as $color) { if (!empty($settings['admin_' . $color])) { $result .= "--$color:" . $settings['admin_' . $color] . ';' . PHP_EOL; } } } else { foreach (\App\Models\Setting::$rootColors as $color) { if (!empty($settings[$color])) { $result .= "--$color:" . $settings[$color] . ';' . PHP_EOL; } } if (!empty($settings['front_body_background'])) { $result .= "--body_bg:" . $settings['front_body_background'] . ';' . PHP_EOL; } } $result .= "}" . PHP_EOL; } return $result; } /** * @return string ("primary_color"|"secondary_color") || null * */ function getThemeFontsSettings() { $settings = App\Models\Setting::getThemeFontsSettings(); $result = ''; if (!empty($settings) and count($settings)) { foreach ($settings as $type => $setting) { if (!empty($settings[$type]['regular'])) { $result .= "@font-face { font-family: '$type-font-family'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 400; font-display: swap; src: url({$settings[$type]['regular']}) format('woff2'); }"; } if (!empty($settings[$type]['bold'])) { $result .= "@font-face { font-family: '$type-font-family'; font-style: normal; font-weight: bold; font-display: swap; src: url({$settings[$type]['bold']}) format('woff2'); }"; } if (!empty($settings[$type]['medium'])) { $result .= "@font-face { font-family: '$type-font-family'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 500; font-display: swap; src: url({$settings[$type]['medium']}) format('woff2'); }"; } } } return $result; } /** * @param $page => home, search, classes, categories, login, register, contact, blog, certificate_validation, 'instructors', 'organizations' * * @return string * */ function getPageRobot($page) { $seoSettings = getSeoMetas($page); return (empty($seoSettings['robot']) or $seoSettings['robot'] != 'noindex') ? 'index, follow, all' : 'NOODP, nofollow, noindex'; } function getPageRobotNoIndex() { return 'NOODP, nofollow, noindex'; } function getDefaultLocale() { $key = 'site_language'; $name = \App\Models\Setting::$generalName; /// I did not use the helper method because the Setting model uses translation and may get stuck in the loop. $setting = cache()->remember('settings.getDefaultLocale', 24 * 60 * 60, function () use ($name) { $setting = \Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB::table('settings') ->where('page', $name) ->where('name', $name) ->join('setting_translations', 'settings.id', '=', 'setting_translations.setting_id') ->select('settings.*', 'setting_translations.value') ->first(); $value = []; if (!empty($setting) and !empty($setting->value) and isset($setting->value)) { $value = json_decode($setting->value, true); } return $value; }); $siteLanguage = 'EN'; if (!empty($setting)) { if (!empty($setting[$key])) { $siteLanguage = $setting[$key]; } } return $siteLanguage; } function deepClone($object) { $cloned = clone($object); foreach ($cloned as $key => $val) { if (is_object($val) || (is_array($val))) { $cloned->{$key} = unserialize(serialize($val)); } } return $cloned; } function sendNotification($template, $options, $user_id = null, $group_id = null, $sender = 'system', $type = 'single', $templateId = null) { if ($user_id == 1) { $mainAdminId = \App\User::getMainAdminId(); if (!empty($mainAdminId)) { $user_id = $mainAdminId; } } if (empty($templateId)) { $templateId = getNotificationTemplates($template); } $notificationTemplate = \App\Models\NotificationTemplate::where('id', $templateId)->first(); if (!empty($notificationTemplate)) { $title = str_replace(array_keys($options), array_values($options), $notificationTemplate->title); $message = str_replace(array_keys($options), array_values($options), $notificationTemplate->template); $check = \App\Models\Notification::where('user_id', $user_id) ->where('group_id', $group_id) ->where('title', $title) ->where('message', $message) ->where('sender', $sender) ->where('type', $type) ->first(); $ignoreDuplicateTemplates = ['new_badge', 'registration_package_expired']; if (empty($check) or !in_array($template, $ignoreDuplicateTemplates)) { \App\Models\Notification::create([ 'user_id' => $user_id, 'group_id' => $group_id, 'title' => $title, 'message' => $message, 'sender' => $sender, 'type' => $type, 'created_at' => time() ]); if (env('APP_ENV') == 'production') { $user = \App\User::where('id', $user_id)->first(); if (!empty($user) and !empty($user->email)) { try { \Mail::to($user->email)->send(new \App\Mail\SendNotifications(['title' => $title, 'message' => $message])); } catch (Exception $exception) { // dd($exception) } } // Send Firebase Messages handleSendFirebaseMessages($user_id, $group_id, $sender, $type, $title, $message); } } return true; } return false; } function sendNotificationToEmail($template, $options, $email) { $templateId = getNotificationTemplates($template); $notificationTemplate = \App\Models\NotificationTemplate::where('id', $templateId)->first(); if (!empty($notificationTemplate)) { $title = str_replace(array_keys($options), array_values($options), $notificationTemplate->title); $message = str_replace(array_keys($options), array_values($options), $notificationTemplate->template); if (env('APP_ENV') == 'production') { try { \Mail::to($email)->send(new \App\Mail\SendNotifications(['title' => $title, 'message' => $message])); } catch (Exception $exception) { // dd($exception) } } return true; } return false; } function time2string($time) { $_d = 0; $_h = 0; $_m = 0; $_s = 1; if ($time > 0) { $d = floor($time / 86400); $_d = ($d < 10 ? '0' : '') . $d; $h = floor(($time - $d * 86400) / 3600); $_h = ($h < 10 ? '0' : '') . $h; $m = floor(($time - ($d * 86400 + $h * 3600)) / 60); $_m = ($m < 10 ? '0' : '') . $m; $s = $time - ($d * 86400 + $h * 3600 + $m * 60); $_s = ($s < 10 ? '0' : '') . $s; } return [ 'day' => $_d, 'hour' => $_h, 'minute' => $_m, 'second' => $_s ]; } $months = [ 1 => 'Jan.', 2 => 'Feb.', 3 => 'Mar.', 4 => 'Apr.', 5 => 'May', 6 => 'Jun.', 7 => 'Jul.', 8 => 'Aug.', 9 => 'Sep.', 10 => 'Oct.', 11 => 'Nov.', 12 => 'Dec.' ]; function fromAndToDateFilter($from, $to, $query, $column = 'created_at', $strToTime = true) { if (!empty($from) and !empty($to)) { $from = $strToTime ? strtotime($from) : $from; $to = $strToTime ? strtotime($to) : $to; $query->whereBetween($column, [$from, $to]); } else { if (!empty($from)) { $from = $strToTime ? strtotime($from) : $from; $query->where($column, '>=', $from); } if (!empty($to)) { $to = $strToTime ? strtotime($to) : $to; $query->where($column, '<', $to); } } return $query; } function random_str($length, $includeNumeric = true, $includeChar = true) { $keyspace = ($includeNumeric ? '0123456789' : '') . ($includeChar ? 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' : ''); $str = ''; $max = mb_strlen($keyspace, '8bit') - 1; for ($i = 0; $i < $length; ++$i) { $str .= $keyspace[rand(0, $max)]; } return ($includeNumeric and !$includeChar) ? (int)$str : $str; } function checkCourseForSale($course, $user) { if (!$course->canSale()) { $toastData = [ 'title' => trans('public.request_failed'), 'msg' => trans('cart.course_not_capacity'), 'status' => 'error' ]; return back()->with(['toast' => $toastData]); } if ($course->checkUserHasBought($user)) { $toastData = [ 'title' => trans('cart.fail_purchase'), 'msg' => trans('site.you_bought_webinar'), 'status' => 'error' ]; return back()->with(['toast' => $toastData]); } if ($course->creator_id == $user->id or $course->teacher_id == $user->id) { $toastData = [ 'title' => trans('public.request_failed'), 'msg' => trans('cart.cant_purchase_your_course'), 'status' => 'error' ]; return back()->with(['toast' => $toastData]); } $isRequiredPrerequisite = false; if (!empty($course->prerequisites)) { $prerequisites = $course->prerequisites; if (count($prerequisites)) { foreach ($prerequisites as $prerequisite) { $prerequisiteWebinar = $prerequisite->prerequisiteWebinar; if ($prerequisite->required and !empty($prerequisiteWebinar) and !$prerequisiteWebinar->checkUserHasBought()) { $isRequiredPrerequisite = true; } } } } if ($isRequiredPrerequisite) { $toastData = [ 'title' => trans('public.request_failed'), 'msg' => trans('cart.this_course_has_required_prerequisite'), 'status' => 'error' ]; return back()->with(['toast' => $toastData]); } return 'ok'; } function checkProductForSale($product, $user) { if ($product->getAvailability() < 1) { $toastData = [ 'title' => trans('public.request_failed'), 'msg' => trans('update.product_not_availability'), 'status' => 'error' ]; return back()->with(['toast' => $toastData]); } if ($product->creator_id == $user->id) { $toastData = [ 'title' => trans('public.request_failed'), 'msg' => trans('update.cant_purchase_your_product'), 'status' => 'error' ]; return back()->with(['toast' => $toastData]); } return 'ok'; } function isAdminUrl($url = null) { if (empty($url)) { $url = request()->getPathInfo(); } return (1 === strpos($url, 'admin')); } function getTranslateAttributeValue($model, $key, $loca = null) { $isAdminUrl = isAdminUrl(); $locale = app()->getLocale(); $contentLocale = $isAdminUrl ? getContentLocale() : null; // for admin edit contents $isEditModel = ($isAdminUrl and !empty($contentLocale) and is_array($contentLocale) and $contentLocale['table'] == $model->getTable() and $contentLocale['item_id'] == $model->id); if ($isAdminUrl and !empty($contentLocale) and is_array($contentLocale) and ( ($contentLocale['table'] == $model->getTable() and $contentLocale['item_id'] == $model->id) or ( (!empty($model->parent_id) and $contentLocale['item_id'] == $model->parent_id) or // for category edit page (!empty($model->filter_id) and $contentLocale['item_id'] == $model->filter_id) // for filter edit page ) ) ) { $locale = $contentLocale['locale']; // for admin edit contents } try { $locale = !empty($loca) ? $loca : $locale; if ($model->getTable() === 'settings' and in_array($model->name, \App\Models\Setting::getSettingsWithDefaultLocal())) { $locale = \App\Models\Setting::$defaultSettingsLocale; } $model->locale = $locale; return $model->translate(mb_strtolower($locale))->{$key}; } catch (\Exception $e) { // this conditions get client side if (empty($contentLocale) and empty($loca)) { // first get translate by site default language $defaultLocale = getDefaultLocale(); return getTranslateAttributeValue($model, $key, $defaultLocale); } elseif ((!empty($loca) or !$isEditModel) and $loca != 'en' and !empty($model->translations) and count($model->translations)) { // if not translate by site default language get translate by English language return getTranslateAttributeValue($model, $key, 'en'); } else if ((!empty($loca) or !$isEditModel) and !empty($model->translations) and count($model->translations)) { // if not default and English get translate by first locale $translations = $model->translations->first(); return getTranslateAttributeValue($model, $key, $translations->locale); } return ''; } } function getContentLocale() { return session()->get('edit_content_locale', null); } function storeContentLocale($locale, $table, $item_id) { removeContentLocale(); $data = [ 'locale' => $locale, 'table' => $table, 'item_id' => $item_id ]; session()->put('edit_content_locale', $data); } function removeContentLocale() { session()->remove('edit_content_locale'); } function getAgoraResolutions(): array { return [ '160_120', '120_120', '320_180', '180_180', '240_180', '320_240', '240_240', '424_240', '640_360', '360_360', '640_360', '360_360', '480_360', '480_360', '640_480', '480_480', '640_480', '480_480', '848_480', '848_480', '640_480', '1280_720', '1280_720', '960_720', '960_720', '1920_1080', '1920_1080', '1920_1080' ]; } function getUserCurrencyItem($user = null, $userCurrency = null) { $multiCurrency = new MultiCurrency(); $currencies = $multiCurrency->getCurrencies(); if (empty($userCurrency)) { $userCurrency = currency($user); } foreach ($currencies as $currencyItem) { if ($currencyItem->currency == $userCurrency) { return $currencyItem; } } return $multiCurrency->getDefaultCurrency(); } function curformat($amount) { // (A1) SPLIT WHOLE & DECIMALS $amount = explode(".", $amount); $whole = $amount[0]; $decimal = isset($amount[1]) ? $amount[1] : ""; // (A2) ADD THOUSAND SEPARATORS if (strlen($whole) > 3) { $temp = ""; $j = 0; for ($i = strlen($whole) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $temp = $whole[$i] . $temp; $j++; if ($j % 3 == 0 && $i != 0) { $temp = "," . $temp; } } $whole = $temp; } // (A3) RESULT return "\$$whole.$decimal"; } function handlePriceFormat($price, $decimals = 0, $decimal_separator = '.', $thousands_separator = '') { if ($price and $price > 0) { $format = number_format($price, $decimals, $decimal_separator, $thousands_separator); $str = "{$decimal_separator}"; $i = 0; while ($i < $decimals) { $i += 1; $str .= "0"; } return str_replace($str, "", $format); } return $price; } function handlePrice($price, $showCurrency = true, $format = true, $coursePagePrice = false, $user = null, $showTaxInPrice = false, $taxType = 'general') { if (empty($price)) { return 0; } $userCurrencyItem = getUserCurrencyItem($user); $priceDisplay = getFinancialSettings('price_display') ?? 'only_price'; $decimal = $userCurrencyItem->currency_decimal ?? 1; $decimalSeparator = $userCurrencyItem->currency_separator == "dot" ? '.' : ','; $thousandsSeparator = $userCurrencyItem->currency_separator == "dot" ? "," : "."; $price = convertPriceToUserCurrency($price, $userCurrencyItem); if ($priceDisplay != 'only_price') { $tax = getFinancialSettings('tax') ?? 0; if ($taxType == 'store') { $storeTax = getStoreSettings('store_tax'); if (isset($storeTax) and is_numeric($storeTax)) { $tax = $storeTax; } } $tax = convertPriceToUserCurrency($tax, $userCurrencyItem); if ($tax > 0) { $taxPrice = $price * $tax / 100; if ($priceDisplay == 'total_price') { if ($showTaxInPrice) { $price = $price + $taxPrice; } if ($format) { $price = handlePriceFormat($price, $decimal, $decimalSeparator, $thousandsSeparator); } } elseif ($priceDisplay == 'price_and_tax') { if ($coursePagePrice) { return [ 'price' => $price, 'tax' => $taxPrice ]; } if ($format) { $price = handlePriceFormat($price, $decimal, $decimalSeparator, $thousandsSeparator); $taxPrice = handlePriceFormat($taxPrice, $decimal, $decimalSeparator, $thousandsSeparator); } if ($showCurrency) { $price = addCurrencyToPrice($price, $userCurrencyItem); $taxPrice = addCurrencyToPrice($taxPrice, $userCurrencyItem); } $price = $price . ($showTaxInPrice ? ('+' . $taxPrice . ' ' . trans('cart.tax')) : ''); } } } elseif ($format) { $price = handlePriceFormat($price, $decimal, $decimalSeparator, $thousandsSeparator); } if ($coursePagePrice) { return [ 'price' => $price, 'tax' => 0 ]; } if ($showCurrency and $priceDisplay != 'price_and_tax') { $price = addCurrencyToPrice($price, $userCurrencyItem); } return $price; } function convertPriceToUserCurrency($price, $userCurrencyItem = null) { if (empty($userCurrencyItem)) { $userCurrencyItem = getUserCurrencyItem(); } $exchangeRate = (!empty($userCurrencyItem) and $userCurrencyItem->exchange_rate) ? $userCurrencyItem->exchange_rate : 0; if ($exchangeRate > 0) { return $price * $exchangeRate; } return $price; } function convertPriceToDefaultCurrency($price, $userCurrencyItem = null) { if (empty($userCurrencyItem)) { $userCurrencyItem = getUserCurrencyItem(); } $exchangeRate = (!empty($userCurrencyItem) and $userCurrencyItem->exchange_rate) ? $userCurrencyItem->exchange_rate : 0; if ($exchangeRate > 0) { return $price / $exchangeRate; } return $price; } function addCurrencyToPrice($price, $userCurrencyItem = null) { if (empty($userCurrencyItem)) { $userCurrencyItem = getUserCurrencyItem(); } if (!empty($price)) { $currency = currencySign($userCurrencyItem->currency); $currencyPosition = $userCurrencyItem->currency_position; switch ($currencyPosition) { case 'left': $price = $currency . $price; break; case 'left_with_space': $price = $currency . ' ' . $price; break; case 'right': $price = $price . $currency; break; case 'right_with_space': $price = $price . ' ' . $currency; break; default: $price = $currency . $price; } } return $price; } /** * This text is for the course details page only and should not be used elsewhere. Use the "handlePrice" method for other places. * */ function handleCoursePagePrice($price) { $result = handlePrice($price, true, true, true, null, true); $price = addCurrencyToPrice($result['price']); $tax = !empty($result['tax']) ? addCurrencyToPrice($result['tax']) : 0; return [ 'price' => $price, 'tax' => $tax, ]; } function checkShowCookieSecurityDialog() { $show = false; if (getFeaturesSettings('cookie_settings_status')) { if (auth()->check()) { $checkDB = \App\Models\UserCookieSecurity::where('user_id', auth()->id()) ->first(); $show = empty($checkDB); } else { $checkCookie = Cookie::get('cookie-security'); $show = empty($checkCookie); } } return $show; } function getNavbarButton($roleId = null, $forGuest = false) { return \App\Models\NavbarButton::where('role_id', $roleId) ->where('for_guest', $forGuest) ->first(); } function getLeafletApiPath() { return "https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png"; //return 'https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/mapbox/streets-v11/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=pk.eyJ1IjoibWFwYm94IiwiYSI6ImNpejY4NXVycTA2emYycXBndHRqcmZ3N3gifQ.rJcFIG214AriISLbB6B5aw'; } function convertToMB($size, $unit = 'B') { $units = array('B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'); $index = array_search($unit, $units); $bytes = $size * pow(1024, $index); $mb_size = $bytes / pow(1024, 2); return round($mb_size, 2); } function checkMobileNumber($phoneNumber) { if (preg_match('/^\+\d{12}$/', $phoneNumber)) { return true; } return true; } function canDeleteContentDirectly() { $result = false; $allowInstructorDeleteContent = !!(!empty(getGeneralOptionsSettings('allow_instructor_delete_content'))); if ($allowInstructorDeleteContent) { $result = (!empty(getGeneralOptionsSettings('content_delete_method')) and getGeneralOptionsSettings('content_delete_method') == "delete_directly"); } return $result; } function getRazorpayApiKey(): array { $api_key = ""; $api_secret = ""; $paymentChannel = \App\Models\PaymentChannel::query()->where('class_name', 'Razorpay')->first(); if (!empty($paymentChannel) and !empty($paymentChannel->credentials)) { if (!empty($paymentChannel->credentials['api_key'])) { $api_key = $paymentChannel->credentials['api_key']; } if (!empty($paymentChannel->credentials['api_secret'])) { $api_secret = $paymentChannel->credentials['api_secret']; } } return [ 'api_key' => $api_key, 'api_secret' => $api_secret, ]; } function customSortArrayNumAndTextIndex($array) { $numericKeys = []; $textualKeys = []; foreach ($array as $key => $value) { if (is_numeric($key)) { $numericKeys[$key] = $value; } else { $textualKeys[$key] = $value; } } ksort($numericKeys); return array_merge($numericKeys, $textualKeys); }
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