Current Path : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/.trash/vendor/aws/aws-sdk-php/src/ |
Current File : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/.trash/vendor/aws/aws-sdk-php/src/RetryMiddleware.php |
<?php namespace Aws; use Aws\Exception\AwsException; use Aws\Retry\RetryHelperTrait; use GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException; use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface; use GuzzleHttp\Promise\PromiseInterface; use GuzzleHttp\Promise; /** * Middleware that retries failures. V1 implemention that supports 'legacy' mode. * * @internal */ class RetryMiddleware { use RetryHelperTrait; private static $retryStatusCodes = [ 500 => true, 502 => true, 503 => true, 504 => true ]; private static $retryCodes = [ // Throttling error 'RequestLimitExceeded' => true, 'Throttling' => true, 'ThrottlingException' => true, 'ThrottledException' => true, 'ProvisionedThroughputExceededException' => true, 'RequestThrottled' => true, 'BandwidthLimitExceeded' => true, 'RequestThrottledException' => true, 'TooManyRequestsException' => true, 'IDPCommunicationError' => true, 'EC2ThrottledException' => true, ]; private $decider; private $delay; private $nextHandler; private $collectStats; public function __construct( callable $decider, callable $delay, callable $nextHandler, $collectStats = false ) { $this->decider = $decider; $this->delay = $delay; $this->nextHandler = $nextHandler; $this->collectStats = (bool) $collectStats; } /** * Creates a default AWS retry decider function. * * The optional $extraConfig parameter is an associative array * that specifies additional retry conditions on top of the ones specified * by default by the Aws\RetryMiddleware class, with the following keys: * * - errorCodes: (string[]) An indexed array of AWS exception codes to retry. * Optional. * - statusCodes: (int[]) An indexed array of HTTP status codes to retry. * Optional. * - curlErrors: (int[]) An indexed array of Curl error codes to retry. Note * these should be valid Curl constants. Optional. * * @param int $maxRetries * @param array $extraConfig * @return callable */ public static function createDefaultDecider( $maxRetries = 3, $extraConfig = [] ) { $retryCurlErrors = []; if (extension_loaded('curl')) { $retryCurlErrors[CURLE_RECV_ERROR] = true; } return function ( $retries, CommandInterface $command, RequestInterface $request, ResultInterface $result = null, $error = null ) use ($maxRetries, $retryCurlErrors, $extraConfig) { // Allow command-level options to override this value $maxRetries = null !== $command['@retries'] ? $command['@retries'] : $maxRetries; $isRetryable = self::isRetryable( $result, $error, $retryCurlErrors, $extraConfig ); if ($retries >= $maxRetries) { if (!empty($error) && $error instanceof AwsException && $isRetryable ) { $error->setMaxRetriesExceeded(); } return false; } return $isRetryable; }; } private static function isRetryable( $result, $error, $retryCurlErrors, $extraConfig = [] ) { $errorCodes = self::$retryCodes; if (!empty($extraConfig['error_codes']) && is_array($extraConfig['error_codes']) ) { foreach($extraConfig['error_codes'] as $code) { $errorCodes[$code] = true; } } $statusCodes = self::$retryStatusCodes; if (!empty($extraConfig['status_codes']) && is_array($extraConfig['status_codes']) ) { foreach($extraConfig['status_codes'] as $code) { $statusCodes[$code] = true; } } if (!empty($extraConfig['curl_errors']) && is_array($extraConfig['curl_errors']) ) { foreach($extraConfig['curl_errors'] as $code) { $retryCurlErrors[$code] = true; } } if (!$error) { if (!isset($result['@metadata']['statusCode'])) { return false; } return isset($statusCodes[$result['@metadata']['statusCode']]); } if (!($error instanceof AwsException)) { return false; } if ($error->isConnectionError()) { return true; } if (isset($errorCodes[$error->getAwsErrorCode()])) { return true; } if (isset($statusCodes[$error->getStatusCode()])) { return true; } if (count($retryCurlErrors) && ($previous = $error->getPrevious()) && $previous instanceof RequestException ) { if (method_exists($previous, 'getHandlerContext')) { $context = $previous->getHandlerContext(); return !empty($context['errno']) && isset($retryCurlErrors[$context['errno']]); } $message = $previous->getMessage(); foreach (array_keys($retryCurlErrors) as $curlError) { if (strpos($message, 'cURL error ' . $curlError . ':') === 0) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Delay function that calculates an exponential delay. * * Exponential backoff with jitter, 100ms base, 20 sec ceiling * * @param $retries - The number of retries that have already been attempted * * @return int * * @link https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/exponential-backoff-and-jitter/ */ public static function exponentialDelay($retries) { return mt_rand(0, (int) min(20000, (int) pow(2, $retries) * 100)); } /** * @param CommandInterface $command * @param RequestInterface $request * * @return PromiseInterface */ public function __invoke( CommandInterface $command, RequestInterface $request = null ) { $retries = 0; $requestStats = []; $monitoringEvents = []; $handler = $this->nextHandler; $decider = $this->decider; $delay = $this->delay; $request = $this->addRetryHeader($request, 0, 0); $g = function ($value) use ( $handler, $decider, $delay, $command, $request, &$retries, &$requestStats, &$monitoringEvents, &$g ) { $this->updateHttpStats($value, $requestStats); if ($value instanceof MonitoringEventsInterface) { $reversedEvents = array_reverse($monitoringEvents); $monitoringEvents = array_merge($monitoringEvents, $value->getMonitoringEvents()); foreach ($reversedEvents as $event) { $value->prependMonitoringEvent($event); } } if ($value instanceof \Exception || $value instanceof \Throwable) { if (!$decider($retries, $command, $request, null, $value)) { return Promise\Create::rejectionFor( $this->bindStatsToReturn($value, $requestStats) ); } } elseif ($value instanceof ResultInterface && !$decider($retries, $command, $request, $value, null) ) { return $this->bindStatsToReturn($value, $requestStats); } // Delay fn is called with 0, 1, ... so increment after the call. $delayBy = $delay($retries++); $command['@http']['delay'] = $delayBy; if ($this->collectStats) { $this->updateStats($retries, $delayBy, $requestStats); } // Update retry header with retry count and delayBy $request = $this->addRetryHeader($request, $retries, $delayBy); return $handler($command, $request)->then($g, $g); }; return $handler($command, $request)->then($g, $g); } }
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