Current Path : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/.trash/vendor/tymon/jwt-auth/src/Providers/ |
Current File : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/.trash/vendor/tymon/jwt-auth/src/Providers/AbstractServiceProvider.php |
<?php /* * This file is part of jwt-auth. * * (c) Sean Tymon <tymon148@gmail.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers; use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider; use Namshi\JOSE\JWS; use Tymon\JWTAuth\Blacklist; use Tymon\JWTAuth\Claims\Factory as ClaimFactory; use Tymon\JWTAuth\Console\JWTGenerateSecretCommand; use Tymon\JWTAuth\Contracts\Providers\Auth; use Tymon\JWTAuth\Contracts\Providers\JWT as JWTContract; use Tymon\JWTAuth\Contracts\Providers\Storage; use Tymon\JWTAuth\Factory; use Tymon\JWTAuth\Http\Middleware\Authenticate; use Tymon\JWTAuth\Http\Middleware\AuthenticateAndRenew; use Tymon\JWTAuth\Http\Middleware\Check; use Tymon\JWTAuth\Http\Middleware\RefreshToken; use Tymon\JWTAuth\Http\Parser\AuthHeaders; use Tymon\JWTAuth\Http\Parser\InputSource; use Tymon\JWTAuth\Http\Parser\Parser; use Tymon\JWTAuth\Http\Parser\QueryString; use Tymon\JWTAuth\JWT; use Tymon\JWTAuth\JWTAuth; use Tymon\JWTAuth\JWTGuard; use Tymon\JWTAuth\Manager; use Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\JWT\Lcobucci; use Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\JWT\Namshi; use Tymon\JWTAuth\Validators\PayloadValidator; abstract class AbstractServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider { /** * The middleware aliases. * * @var array */ protected $middlewareAliases = [ 'jwt.auth' => Authenticate::class, 'jwt.check' => Check::class, 'jwt.refresh' => RefreshToken::class, 'jwt.renew' => AuthenticateAndRenew::class, ]; /** * Boot the service provider. * * @return void */ abstract public function boot(); /** * Register the service provider. * * @return void */ public function register() { $this->registerAliases(); $this->registerJWTProvider(); $this->registerAuthProvider(); $this->registerStorageProvider(); $this->registerJWTBlacklist(); $this->registerManager(); $this->registerTokenParser(); $this->registerJWT(); $this->registerJWTAuth(); $this->registerPayloadValidator(); $this->registerClaimFactory(); $this->registerPayloadFactory(); $this->registerJWTCommand(); $this->commands('tymon.jwt.secret'); } /** * Extend Laravel's Auth. * * @return void */ protected function extendAuthGuard() { $this->app['auth']->extend('jwt', function ($app, $name, array $config) { $guard = new JWTGuard( $app['tymon.jwt'], $app['auth']->createUserProvider($config['provider']), $app['request'] ); $app->refresh('request', $guard, 'setRequest'); return $guard; }); } /** * Bind some aliases. * * @return void */ protected function registerAliases() { $this->app->alias('tymon.jwt', JWT::class); $this->app->alias('tymon.jwt.auth', JWTAuth::class); $this->app->alias('tymon.jwt.provider.jwt', JWTContract::class); $this->app->alias('tymon.jwt.provider.jwt.namshi', Namshi::class); $this->app->alias('tymon.jwt.provider.jwt.lcobucci', Lcobucci::class); $this->app->alias('tymon.jwt.provider.auth', Auth::class); $this->app->alias('tymon.jwt.provider.storage', Storage::class); $this->app->alias('tymon.jwt.manager', Manager::class); $this->app->alias('tymon.jwt.blacklist', Blacklist::class); $this->app->alias('tymon.jwt.payload.factory', Factory::class); $this->app->alias('tymon.jwt.validators.payload', PayloadValidator::class); } /** * Register the bindings for the JSON Web Token provider. * * @return void */ protected function registerJWTProvider() { $this->registerNamshiProvider(); $this->registerLcobucciProvider(); $this->app->singleton('tymon.jwt.provider.jwt', function ($app) { return $this->getConfigInstance('providers.jwt'); }); } /** * Register the bindings for the Lcobucci JWT provider. * * @return void */ protected function registerNamshiProvider() { $this->app->singleton('tymon.jwt.provider.jwt.namshi', function ($app) { return new Namshi( new JWS(['typ' => 'JWT', 'alg' => $this->config('algo')]), $this->config('secret'), $this->config('algo'), $this->config('keys') ); }); } /** * Register the bindings for the Lcobucci JWT provider. * * @return void */ protected function registerLcobucciProvider() { $this->app->singleton('tymon.jwt.provider.jwt.lcobucci', function ($app) { return new Lcobucci( $this->config('secret'), $this->config('algo'), $this->config('keys') ); }); } /** * Register the bindings for the Auth provider. * * @return void */ protected function registerAuthProvider() { $this->app->singleton('tymon.jwt.provider.auth', function () { return $this->getConfigInstance('providers.auth'); }); } /** * Register the bindings for the Storage provider. * * @return void */ protected function registerStorageProvider() { $this->app->singleton('tymon.jwt.provider.storage', function () { return $this->getConfigInstance('providers.storage'); }); } /** * Register the bindings for the JWT Manager. * * @return void */ protected function registerManager() { $this->app->singleton('tymon.jwt.manager', function ($app) { $instance = new Manager( $app['tymon.jwt.provider.jwt'], $app['tymon.jwt.blacklist'], $app['tymon.jwt.payload.factory'] ); return $instance->setBlacklistEnabled((bool) $this->config('blacklist_enabled')) ->setPersistentClaims($this->config('persistent_claims')); }); } /** * Register the bindings for the Token Parser. * * @return void */ protected function registerTokenParser() { $this->app->singleton('tymon.jwt.parser', function ($app) { $parser = new Parser( $app['request'], [ new AuthHeaders, new QueryString, new InputSource, ] ); $app->refresh('request', $parser, 'setRequest'); return $parser; }); } /** * Register the bindings for the main JWT class. * * @return void */ protected function registerJWT() { $this->app->singleton('tymon.jwt', function ($app) { return (new JWT( $app['tymon.jwt.manager'], $app['tymon.jwt.parser'] ))->lockSubject($this->config('lock_subject')); }); } /** * Register the bindings for the main JWTAuth class. * * @return void */ protected function registerJWTAuth() { $this->app->singleton('tymon.jwt.auth', function ($app) { return (new JWTAuth( $app['tymon.jwt.manager'], $app['tymon.jwt.provider.auth'], $app['tymon.jwt.parser'] ))->lockSubject($this->config('lock_subject')); }); } /** * Register the bindings for the Blacklist. * * @return void */ protected function registerJWTBlacklist() { $this->app->singleton('tymon.jwt.blacklist', function ($app) { $instance = new Blacklist($app['tymon.jwt.provider.storage']); return $instance->setGracePeriod($this->config('blacklist_grace_period')) ->setRefreshTTL($this->config('refresh_ttl')); }); } /** * Register the bindings for the payload validator. * * @return void */ protected function registerPayloadValidator() { $this->app->singleton('tymon.jwt.validators.payload', function () { return (new PayloadValidator) ->setRefreshTTL($this->config('refresh_ttl')) ->setRequiredClaims($this->config('required_claims')); }); } /** * Register the bindings for the Claim Factory. * * @return void */ protected function registerClaimFactory() { $this->app->singleton('tymon.jwt.claim.factory', function ($app) { $factory = new ClaimFactory($app['request']); $app->refresh('request', $factory, 'setRequest'); return $factory->setTTL($this->config('ttl')) ->setLeeway($this->config('leeway')); }); } /** * Register the bindings for the Payload Factory. * * @return void */ protected function registerPayloadFactory() { $this->app->singleton('tymon.jwt.payload.factory', function ($app) { return new Factory( $app['tymon.jwt.claim.factory'], $app['tymon.jwt.validators.payload'] ); }); } /** * Register the Artisan command. * * @return void */ protected function registerJWTCommand() { $this->app->singleton('tymon.jwt.secret', function () { return new JWTGenerateSecretCommand; }); } /** * Helper to get the config values. * * @param string $key * @param string $default * @return mixed */ protected function config($key, $default = null) { return config("jwt.$key", $default); } /** * Get an instantiable configuration instance. * * @param string $key * @return mixed */ protected function getConfigInstance($key) { $instance = $this->config($key); if (is_string($instance)) { return $this->app->make($instance); } return $instance; } }
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