Current Path : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/public_html/app/Models/Api/ |
Current File : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/public_html/app/Models/Api/Webinar.php |
<?php namespace App\Models\Api; use App\Models\Api\Traits\CheckForSaleTrait; use App\Models\Api\Traits\WebinarChartTrait; use App\Models\CourseForum; use App\Models\SpecialOffer; use App\Models\Webinar as Model; use App\Models\Sale; use App\Models\Ticket; use App\Models\WebinarChapterItem; use App\Models\WebinarFilterOption; use App\Models\CourseLearning; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB; class Webinar extends Model { use WebinarChartTrait; use CheckForSaleTrait; public function can_view_error() { $error = null; $user = apiAuth(); if ($user) { if (!$user->access_content) { $error = [trans('update.not_access_to_content'), trans('update.not_access_to_content_hint')]; } // return $user->private_content ? null : 'private_content'; } else { if (getFeaturesSettings('webinar_private_content_status')) { $error = [trans('update.private_content'), trans('update.private_content_login_hint')]; } // return !getFeaturesSettings('webinar_private_content_status'); } return $error; } public function getBriefAttribute() { if (!$this) { return null; } $user = apiAuth(); $hasBought = $this->checkUserHasBought($user); // $sale = Sale::where('buyer_id', $user->id)->where('webinar_id', $this->id)->first(); $rate = $this->getRate(); return [ 'image' => url($this->getImage()), 'auth' => ($user) ? true : false, 'can' => [ 'view' => !$this->can_view_error(), ], 'can_view_error' => $this->can_view_error(), 'id' => $this->id, 'status' => $this->status, 'label' => $this->label, 'title' => $this->title, 'type' => $this->type, 'link' => $this->getUrl(), // getExpiredAccessDays 'access_days' => $this->access_days, // 'expired' => ($sale and $this->access_days and !$this->checkHasExpiredAccessDays($sale->created_at)), // 'expire_on' => ($sale and $this->getExpiredAccessDays($sale->created_at) ) ? $this->getExpiredAccessDays($sale->created_at) : null, // 'expired' => ($sale and $this->checkHasExpiredAccessDays($sale->created_at)) ?$this->getExpiredAccessDays($sale->created_at) : false, 'live_webinar_status' => $this->liveWebinarStatus(), 'auth_has_bought' => $hasBought, 'sales' => [ 'count' => $this->sales->count(), 'amount' => $this->sales->sum('amount'), ], 'sales_count_number'=>$this->sales_count_number, 'is_favorite' => $this->isFavorite(), 'price_string' => ($this->price > 0) ? handlePrice($this->price) : null, 'best_ticket_string' => ($this->price > 0 and $this->bestTicket() < $this->price) ? handlePrice($this->bestTicket()) : null, 'price' => nicePriceWithTax($this->price)['price'], 'tax' => nicePriceWithTax($this->price)['tax'], 'tax_with_discount' => nicePriceWithTax($this->bestTicket(true)['bestTicket'])['tax'], 'best_ticket_price' => round(nicePriceWithTax($this->bestTicket(true)['bestTicket'])['price'], 3), 'discount_percent' => $this->bestTicket(true)['percent'], 'course_page_tax' => (!$this->activeSpecialOffer()) ? nicePriceWithTax($this->price)['tax'] : nicePriceWithTax(number_format($this->price - ($this->price * $this->activeSpecialOffer()->percent / 100), 2))['tax'] , 'price_with_discount' => nicePrice(($this->activeSpecialOffer()) ? ( number_format($this->price - ($this->price * $this->activeSpecialOffer()->percent / 100), 2)) : $this->price), 'discount_amount' => ((int)nicePriceWithTax($this->price)['price'] - (int)round(nicePriceWithTax($this->bestTicket(true)['bestTicket'])['price'] )), 'active_special_offer' => $this->activeSpecialOffer() ?: null, // 'discount' => $this->getDiscount(), 'duration' => $this->duration, 'teacher' => $this->teacher->brief, 'students_count' => $this->sales->count(), 'rate' => ($rate > 0) ? (float)$rate : 0, 'rate_type' => [ 'content_quality' => $this->reviews->count() > 0 ? round($this->reviews->avg('content_quality'), 1) : 0, 'instructor_skills' => $this->reviews->count() > 0 ? round($this->reviews->avg('instructor_skills'), 1) : 0, 'purchase_worth' => $this->reviews->count() > 0 ? round($this->reviews->avg('purchase_worth'), 1) : 0, 'support_quality' => $this->reviews->count() > 0 ? round($this->reviews->avg('support_quality'), 1) : 0, ], 'created_at' => $this->created_at, 'start_date' => $this->start_date, 'purchased_at' => $this->purchasedDate(), 'reviews_count' => $this->reviews->pluck('creator_id')->count(), 'points' => $this->points, 'progress' => $this->progress(), 'progress_percent' => $this->getProgress(), 'category' => $this->category->title ?? null, 'capacity' => $this->capacity, 'isPrivate' => $this->private, 'forum' => getFeaturesSettings("course_forum_status") == "1" ? $this->forum : 0, 'badges' => $this->badges, ]; } public function getDiscount($ticket = null, $user = null) { $activeSpecialOffer = $this->activeSpecialOffer(); $discountOut = $activeSpecialOffer ? $this->price * $activeSpecialOffer->percent / 100 : 0; if (!empty($user) and !empty($user->getUserGroup()) and isset($user->getUserGroup()->discount) and $user->getUserGroup()->discount > 0) { $discountOut += $this->price * $user->getUserGroup()->discount / 100; } if (!empty($ticket)) { $discountOut += $this->price * $ticket->discount / 100; } return $discountOut; } public function getDetailsAttribute() { $user = apiAuth(); $hasBought = $this->checkUserHasBought($user); $details = [ 'support' => $this->support ? true : false, 'subscribe' => $this->subscribe ? true : false, 'description' => $this->description, 'prerequisites' => $this->prerequisites() ->whereHas('prerequisiteWebinar') ->orderBy('order', 'asc') ->get() ->map(function ($prerequisite) { if ($prerequisite->prerequisiteWebinar) { return [ 'required' => $prerequisite->required, 'webinar' => $prerequisite->prerequisiteWebinar->brief ?? null, ]; } }), 'faqs' => $this->faqs()->orderBy('order', 'asc') ->get() ->map(function ($faq) { return $faq->details; }), 'comments' => $this->comments() ->where('status', 'active') ->whereNull('reply_id') ->orderBy('created_at', 'desc') ->get() ->map(function ($comment) { return $comment->details; }), 'session_chapters' => $this->chapters() ->whereHas('chapterItems', function ($query) { $query->where('type', WebinarChapterItem::$chapterSession); }) ->where('status', WebinarChapter::$chapterActive) ->orderBy('order', 'asc') ->get() ->map(function ($chapter) { return $chapter->details; }), 'sessions_without_chapter' => $this->sessions() ->where('status', WebinarChapter::$chapterActive) ->orderBy('order', 'asc') ->whereNull('chapter_id') ->get()->map(function ($session) { return $session->details; }), 'sessions_count' => $this->sessions() ->where('status', WebinarChapter::$chapterActive) ->count(), 'files_chapters' => $this->chapters() ->whereHas('chapterItems', function ($query) { $query->where('type', WebinarChapterItem::$chapterFile); }) ->where('status', WebinarChapter::$chapterActive) // ->where('type', WebinarChapter::$chapterFile) ->orderBy('order', 'asc') ->get() ->map(function ($chapter) { return $chapter->details; }), 'files_without_chapter' => $this->files() ->where('status', WebinarChapter::$chapterActive) ->orderBy('order', 'asc') ->whereNull('chapter_id') ->get() ->map(function ($file) { return $file->details; }), 'files_count' => $this->files() ->where('status', WebinarChapter::$chapterActive) ->count(), 'text_lesson_chapters' => $this->chapters() ->whereHas('chapterItems', function ($query) { $query->where('type', WebinarChapterItem::$chapterTextLesson); }) ->where('status', WebinarChapter::$chapterActive) // ->where('type', WebinarChapter::$chapterTextLesson) ->get() ->map(function ($chapter) { return $chapter->details; }), 'text_lessons_without_chapter' => $this->textLessons() ->where('status', WebinarChapter::$chapterActive) ->orderBy('order', 'asc') ->whereNull('chapter_id') ->get() ->map(function ($file) { return $file->details; }), 'text_lessons_count' => $this->chapters() ->whereHas('chapterItems', function ($query) { $query->where('type', WebinarChapterItem::$chapterTextLesson); }) // ->where('type', WebinarChapter::$chapterTextLesson) ->count(), 'quizzes' => $this->quizzes() ->whereNull('chapter_id') ->where('status', 'active') ->get() ->map(function ($quiz) { return $quiz->brief; }), 'quizzes_count' => $this->quizzes->count(), 'certificate' => $this->quizzes()->where('certificate', 1)->get()->map(function ($quiz) { return $quiz->brief; }), 'auth_certificates' => $user ? $user->achievement_certificates($this) : [], 'reviews' => $this->reviews->where('status', 'active')->map(function ($review) { return $review->details; }), 'video_demo' => $this->video_demo ? url($this->video_demo) : null, 'video_demo_source' => $this->video_demo_source, 'image_cover' => $this->image_cover ? url($this->image_cover) : null, 'tickets' => $this->tickets->map(function ($ticket) { return $ticket->details; }), 'teacher' => $this->teacher->brief, 'isDownloadable' => $this->isDownloadable() ? true : false, 'teacher_is_offline' => $this->teacher->offline ? true : false, 'tags' => $this->tags->map(function ($tag) { return [ 'id' => $tag->id, 'title' => $tag->title ]; }), 'auth_has_subscription' => ($user) ? $user->hasActiveSubscription : null, 'can_add_to_cart' => $this->canAddToCart(), 'can_buy_with_points' => ($this->canSale() and !$this->checkUserHasBought($user) and !empty($this->points) and $this->price > 0), 'forum' => getFeaturesSettings("course_forum_status") == "1" ? $this->forum : 0, 'auth_has_bought' => $hasBought, //////******************** ]; // return $details ; return array_merge($this->brief, $details); } public function getStudentsCountAttribute() { $studentsIds = Sale::where('webinar_id', $this->id) ->whereNull('refund_at') ->pluck('buyer_id') ->toArray(); return count(array_unique($studentsIds)); } public function pendingAssignments() { return $this->assignments()->where('status', 'active') ->whereHas('assignmentHistory', function ($query) { $query->where('status', 'pending'); }); } public function getQuizzesAverageGradeAttribute() { $quizzes = Quiz::where('webinar_id', $this->id) ->join('quizzes_results', 'quizzes_results.quiz_id', 'quizzes.id') ->select(DB::raw('avg(quizzes_results.user_grade) as result_grade')) ->whereIn('quizzes_results.status', ['passed', 'failed']) ->groupBy('quizzes_results.quiz_id') ->get(); return $quizzes->avg('result_grade'); } public function getAssignmentsAverageGradeAttribute() { $assignments = WebinarAssignment::where('webinar_id', $this->id) ->join('webinar_assignment_history', 'webinar_assignment_history.assignment_id', 'webinar_assignments.id') ->select(DB::raw('avg(webinar_assignment_history.grade) as result_grade')) ->whereIn('webinar_assignment_history.status', ['passed', 'not_passed']) ->groupBy('webinar_assignment_history.assignment_id') ->get(); return $assignments->avg('result_grade') ?? 0; } public function getForumsMessagesCountAttribute() { $forums = CourseForum::where('webinar_id', $this->id) ->join('course_forum_answers', 'course_forum_answers.forum_id', 'course_forums.id') ->select(DB::raw('count(course_forum_answers.id) as count')) ->groupBy('course_forum_answers.forum_id') ->get(); return $forums->sum('count') ?? 0; } public function getForumsStudentsCountAttribute($webinarId) { $forums = CourseForum::where('webinar_id', $webinarId) ->join('course_forum_answers', 'course_forum_answers.forum_id', 'course_forums.id') ->select(DB::raw('count(distinct course_forum_answers.user_id) as count')) ->groupBy('course_forum_answers.forum_id') ->get(); return $forums->sum('count') ?? 0; } public function getSalesAmountAttribute() { return Sale::where('webinar_id', $this->id) ->whereNull('refund_at') ->sum('total_amount'); } public function pendingQuizzes() { return $this->quizzes()->where('status', 'active') ->whereHas('quizResults', function ($query) { $query->where('status', 'waiting'); }); } public function getCommentsCountAttribute() { return Comment::where('webinar_id', $this->id) ->where('status', 'active') ->count(); } public function getLabelAttribute() { switch ($this->status) { case self::$active : if ($this->isWebinar()) { if ($this->start_date > time()) { return trans('panel.not_conducted'); } elseif ($this->isProgressing()) { return trans('webinars.in_progress'); } else { return trans('public.finished'); } } else { return trans('webinars.' . $this->type); } case self::$isDraft : return trans('public.draft'); case self::$pending : return trans('public.waiting'); case self::$inactive : return trans('public.rejected'); } } public function getSpecificationAttribute() { $array = []; $nextSession = $this->nextSession(); if ($this->isProgressing() and $nextSession) { $array['next_session_duration'] = $nextSession->duration; if ($this->isWebinar()) { $array['next_session_start_date'] = $nextSession->date; } } else { $array['duration'] = $this->duration; if ($this->isWebinar()) { $array['start_date'] = $this->start_date; } } if ($this->isTextCourse() or $this->isCourse()) { $array['files_count'] = $this->files->count(); } if ($this->isTextCourse()) { $array['text_lessions_count'] = $this->textLessons->count(); } if ($this->isCourse()) { $array['downloadable'] = (bool)$this->downloadable; } return $array; } public function scopeHandleFilters($query) { $request = request(); $onlyNotConducted = $request->get('not_conducted'); $offset = $request->get('offset', null); $limit = $request->get('limit', null); $upcoming = $request->get('upcoming', null); $isFree = $request->get('free', null); $withDiscount = $request->get('discount', null); $isDownloadable = $request->get('downloadable', null); $sort = $request->get('sort', null); $filterOptions = $request->get('filter_option', null); $type = $request->get('type', []); $moreOptions = $request->get('moreOptions', []); $category = $request->get('cat', null); $reward = $request->get('reward', null); if (!empty($reward) and $reward == 1) { $query->whereNotNull('points'); } if (!empty($onlyNotConducted)) { $query->where('status', 'active') ->where('start_date', '>', time()); } if (!empty($category) and is_numeric($category)) { $query->where('category_id', $category); } if (!empty($upcoming) and $upcoming == 1) { $query->whereNotNull('start_date') ->where('start_date', '>=', time()); } if (!empty($isFree) and $isFree == 1) { $query->where(function ($qu) { $qu->whereNull('price') ->orWhere('price', '0'); }); } if (!empty($isDownloadable) and $isDownloadable == 1) { $query->where('downloadable', 1); } if (!empty($withDiscount) and $withDiscount == 1) { $now = time(); $webinarIdsHasDiscount = []; $tickets = Ticket::where('start_date', '<', $now) ->where('end_date', '>', $now) ->get(); foreach ($tickets as $ticket) { if ($ticket->isValid()) { $webinarIdsHasDiscount[] = $ticket->webinar_id; } } $specialOffersWebinarIds = SpecialOffer::where('status', 'active') ->where('from_date', '<', $now) ->where('to_date', '>', $now) ->pluck('webinar_id') ->toArray(); $webinarIdsHasDiscount = array_merge($specialOffersWebinarIds, $webinarIdsHasDiscount); $webinarIdsHasDiscount = array_unique($webinarIdsHasDiscount); $query->whereIn("webinars.id", $webinarIdsHasDiscount); } if (!empty($filterOptions)) { $webinarIdsFilterOptions = WebinarFilterOption::where('filter_option_id', $filterOptions) ->pluck('webinar_id') ->toArray(); $query->whereIn('webinars.id', $webinarIdsFilterOptions); } if (!empty($type)) { $query->where('type', $type); } if (!empty($moreOptions) and is_array($moreOptions)) { if (in_array('subscribe', $moreOptions)) { $query->where('subscribe', 1); } if (in_array('certificate_included', $moreOptions)) { $query->whereHas('quizzes', function ($query) { $query->where('certificate', 1) ->where('status', 'active'); }); } if (in_array('with_quiz', $moreOptions)) { $query->whereHas('quizzes', function ($query) { $query->where('status', 'active'); }); } if (in_array('featured', $moreOptions)) { $query->whereHas('feature', function ($query) { $query->whereIn('page', ['home_categories', 'categories']) ->where('status', 'publish'); }); } } if (!empty($offset) && !empty($limit)) { $query->skip($offset); } if (!empty($limit)) { $query->take($limit); } if (!empty($sort)) { if ($sort == 'expensive') { $query->orderBy('price', 'desc'); } if ($sort == 'inexpensive') { $query->orderBy('price', 'asc'); } if ($sort == 'bestsellers') { $query->leftJoin('sales', function ($join) { $join->on('webinars.id', '=', 'sales.webinar_id') ->whereNull('refund_at'); }) ->whereNotNull('sales.webinar_id') ->select('webinars.*', 'sales.webinar_id', DB::raw('count(sales.webinar_id) as salesCounts')) ->groupBy('sales.webinar_id') ->orderBy('salesCounts', 'desc'); } if ($sort == 'best_rates') { $query->leftJoin('webinar_reviews', function ($join) { $join->on('webinars.id', '=', 'webinar_reviews.webinar_id'); $join->where('webinar_reviews.status', 'active'); }) ->whereNotNull('rates') ->select('webinars.*', DB::raw('avg(rates) as rates')) ->groupBy('webinars.id') ->orderBy('rates', 'desc'); } if ($sort == 'newest') { $query->orderBy('created_at', 'desc'); } } else { $query->orderBy('webinars.created_at', 'desc') ->orderBy('webinars.updated_at', 'desc'); } return $query; } public function scopeValidWebinar($query) { return $query->where('private', false)->where('status', 'active'); } private function liveWebinarStatus() { $live_webinar_status = null; if ($this->type == 'webinar') { if ($this->start_date > time()) { $live_webinar_status = 'not_conducted'; } elseif ($this->isProgressing()) { $live_webinar_status = 'in_progress'; } else { $live_webinar_status = 'finished'; } } return $live_webinar_status; } public function progress() { $user = apiAuth(); /* progressbar status */ $hasBought = $this->checkUserHasBought($user); $progress = null; if ($hasBought or $this->isWebinar()) { $progress = $this->getProgress(); } return $progress; } public function getProgress($isLearningPage = false) { $progress = 0; $user = apiAuth(); if (!$user and !$this->isWebinar()) { return null; } if ($this->isWebinar()) { if ($user and ($this->isProgressing() or $isLearningPage) and $this->checkUserHasBought($user)) { $user_id = $user->id; $sessions = $this->sessions; $files = $this->files; $passed = 0; foreach ($files as $file) { $status = CourseLearning::where('user_id', $user_id) ->where('file_id', $file->id) ->first(); if (!empty($status)) { $passed += 1; } } foreach ($sessions as $session) { $status = CourseLearning::where('user_id', $user_id) ->where('session_id', $session->id) ->first(); if (!empty($status)) { $passed += 1; } } if ($passed > 0) { $progress = ($passed * 100) / ($sessions->count() + $files->count()); $this->handleLearningProgress100Reward($progress, $user_id, $this->id); } } else if (!empty($this->capacity)) { $salesCount = !empty($this->sales_count) ? $this->sales_count : $this->sales()->count(); if ($salesCount > 0) { $progress = ($salesCount * 100) / $this->capacity; } } } elseif ($this->checkUserHasBought($user)) { $user_id = $user->id; $files = $this->files; $textLessons = $this->textLessons; $passed = 0; foreach ($files as $file) { $status = CourseLearning::where('user_id', $user_id) ->where('file_id', $file->id) ->first(); if (!empty($status)) { $passed += 1; } } foreach ($textLessons as $textLesson) { $status = CourseLearning::where('user_id', $user_id) ->where('text_lesson_id', $textLesson->id) ->first(); if (!empty($status)) { $passed += 1; } } if ($passed > 0) { $progress = ($passed * 100) / ($files->count() + $textLessons->count()); $this->handleLearningProgress100Reward($progress, $user_id, $this->id); } } return round($progress, 2); } private function isFavorite() { $user = apiAuth(); $isFavorite = false; if (!empty($user)) { $isFavorite = Favorite::where('webinar_id', $this->id) ->where('user_id', $user->id) ->first(); } return ($isFavorite) ? true : false; } public function purchasedDate() { $user = apiAuth(); $sale = null; if ($user) { $sale = Sale::where('buyer_id', $user->id) ->whereNotNull('webinar_id') ->where('type', 'webinar') ->where('webinar_id', $this->id) ->whereNull('refund_at') ->first(); } return ($sale) ? $sale->created_at : null; } public function contentItems() { // if($this->ty) } public function canAddToCart($user = null) { if (!apiAuth()) { return null; } if (!$this->price) { return 'free'; } return $this->checkCourseForSale($user); } function checkCourseForSale($user = null) { $course = $this; $user = ($user) ?: apiAuth(); if ($this->expired) return 'expired'; if (!$this->hasCapacity) return 'no_capacity'; if ($this->sameUser) return 'same_user'; if ($course->checkUserHasBought($user)) return 'already_bought'; if ($this->notPassedRequiredPrerequisite()) return 'required_prerequisites'; return 'ok'; } function checkCourseForSaleMsg($user = null) { $status = $this->checkCourseForSale(); if ($status == 'expired') { return trans('cart.course_not_capacity'); } elseif ($status == 'no_capacity') { return trans('cart.course_not_capacity'); } elseif ($status == 'already_bought') { return trans('site.you_bought_webinar'); } elseif ($status == 'same_user') { return trans('cart.cant_purchase_your_course'); } elseif ($status == 'required_prerequisites') { return trans('cart.this_course_has_required_prerequisite'); } elseif ($status == 'ok') { } } public function getExpiredAttribute() { if ($this->type == self::$webinar) { return ($this->start_date < time()); } return false; } public function getHasCapacityAttribute() { $salesCount = !empty($this->sales_count) ? $this->sales_count : $this->sales()->count(); if ($this->type == 'webinar') { return ($salesCount < $this->capacity); } return true; } public function getSameUserAttribute($user = null) { $user = $user ?: apiAuth(); if ($this->creator_id == $user->id or $this->teacher_id == $user->id) { return true; } return false; } public function notPassedRequiredPrerequisite($user = null) { $user = $user ?: apiAuth(); $isRequiredPrerequisite = false; $prerequisites = $this->prerequisites; if (count($prerequisites)) { foreach ($prerequisites as $prerequisite) { $prerequisiteWebinar = $prerequisite->prerequisiteWebinar; if ($prerequisite->required and !empty($prerequisiteWebinar) and !$prerequisiteWebinar->checkUserHasBought($user)) { $isRequiredPrerequisite = true; } } } return $isRequiredPrerequisite; } public function tickets() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Api\Ticket', 'webinar_id', 'id'); } public function badges() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Api\ProductBadgeContent', 'targetable_id', 'id'); } public function chapters() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Api\WebinarChapter', 'webinar_id', 'id'); } public function sessions() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Api\Session', 'webinar_id', 'id'); } public function files() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Api\File', 'webinar_id', 'id'); } public function textLessons() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Api\TextLesson', 'webinar_id', 'id'); } public function creator() { return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Api\User', 'creator_id', 'id'); } public function teacher() { return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Api\User', 'teacher_id', 'id'); } public function category() { return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Category', 'category_id', 'id'); } public function tags() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Tag', 'webinar_id', 'id'); } public function purchases() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Purchase', 'webinar_id', 'id'); } public function comments() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Api\Comment', 'webinar_id', 'id'); } public function reviews() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Api\WebinarReview', 'webinar_id', 'id'); } public function prerequisites() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Api\Prerequisite', 'webinar_id', 'id'); } public function faqs() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Api\Faq', 'webinar_id', 'id'); } public function quizzes() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Api\Quiz', 'webinar_id', 'id'); } }
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