Current Path : /lib/python3/dist-packages/softwareproperties/ |
Current File : //lib/python3/dist-packages/softwareproperties/extendedsourceslist.py |
# NOTE: do not expect anything in this file to be stable for use outside this package! # the interface here is a confusing mess because it attempts to provide a compatible # interface to the python-apt sourceslist classes; however it didn't make it into that # package, so it's temporarily here, and there's no longer any reason it needs to be # interface-compatible, so creating a completely new set of classes will be better, # so these classes should not be relied on in the future. import apt_pkg import logging import os from copy import copy from aptsources import sourceslist from aptsources.distro import get_distro apt_pkg.init() class SourceEntry(sourceslist.SourceEntry): """ single sources.list entry """ @classmethod def create_entry(cls, **kwargs): return cls(cls.create_line(**kwargs)) @classmethod def create_line(cls, uri, disabled=None, type=None, dist=None, suite=None, pocket=None, comps=None, architectures=None, trusted=None, comment=None): """ Create a line from the given parts. The 'uri' parameter is mandatory; the rest will be filled with defaults if not set or if set to None. If 'dist' and 'suite' are both provided, 'suite' is ignored. If 'dist' includes a pocket and 'pocket' is provided, the 'pocket' parameter will replace the pocket in 'dist'. """ if disabled is None: disabled = False if type is None: type = get_distro().binary_type if suite is None: suite = get_distro().codename if comps is None: comps = [] if architectures is None: architectures = [] if type.startswith("#"): # backwards compatibility; please just use disabled param disabled = True type = type.lstrip("# ") hashmark = "# " if disabled else "" options = [] if architectures: options.append(f'arch={",".join(architectures)}') if trusted is not None: options.append(f'trusted={"yes" if trusted else "no"}') options = " ".join(options) if options: options = f' [{options}]' if not dist: dist = suite if pocket: dist = dist.partition('-')[0] dist = f'{dist}-{pocket}' comps = " ".join(comps) if comps: comps = f' {comps}' if comment: if not comment.startswith("#"): comment = f' #{comment}' elif not comment.startswith(" "): comment = f' {comment}' else: comment = '' return f'{hashmark}{type}{options} {uri} {dist}{comps}{comment}'.strip() def __eq__(self, other): """ equal operator for two sources.list entries """ try: if self.invalid or other.invalid: return (self.invalid == other.invalid and self.line == other.line) return (self.disabled == other.disabled and self.type == other.type and set(self.architectures) == set(other.architectures) and self.trusted == other.trusted and self.uri.rstrip('/') == other.uri.rstrip('/') and self.suite == other.suite and self.pocket == other.pocket and set(self.comps) == set(other.comps)) except AttributeError: return False @property def suite(self): """ Return the suite, without pocket This always returns the suite in lowercase. """ return self.dist.partition('-')[0].lower() @suite.setter def suite(self, new_suite): if not new_suite: return pocket = self._pocket if pocket: self.dist = f'{new_suite}-{pocket}' else: self.dist = new_suite @property def _pocket(self): """ Return the pocket, or if unset return None """ return self.dist.partition('-')[2] @property def pocket(self): """ Return the pocket, or if unset return 'release' This always returns the pocket in lowercase. """ return (self._pocket or 'release').lower() @pocket.setter def pocket(self, new_pocket): if new_pocket: self.dist = f'{self.suite}-{new_pocket}' else: self.dist = self.suite def __copy__(self): """ Copy this SourceEntry """ return SourceEntry(str(self), file=self.file) def _replace(self, **kwargs): """ Return copy of this SourceEntry with replaced field(s) """ entry = copy(self) for (k, v) in kwargs.items(): setattr(entry, k, v) return entry def __str__(self): """ debug helper """ return self.str().strip() def str(self): """ return the current entry as string """ if self.invalid: return self.line line = self.create_line(uri=self.uri, disabled=self.disabled, type=self.type, suite=self.suite, pocket=self._pocket, comps=self.comps, architectures=self.architectures, trusted=self.trusted, comment=self.comment) return f'{line}\n' class MergedSourceEntry(SourceEntry): """ A SourceEntry representing one or more identical SourceEntries The SourceEntries this represents are identical except for the components they contain. This will contain all the contained entries' components. If all components are removed, this will still act as a normal SourceEntry without any components, but all corresponding real SourceEntries will be removed from the SourcesList. This may contain multiple SourceEntries that overlap components (e.g. two entries that both contain 'main' component), however once any changes are made to the set of comps, duplicates will be removed. """ def __init__(self, entry, sourceslist): self._initialized = False super(MergedSourceEntry, self).__init__(str(entry), file=entry.file) self._initialized = True self._sourceslist = sourceslist self._entries = [entry] def match(self, other): """ Check if this is equal to other, ignoring comps """ if not isinstance(other, SourceEntry): return False if self.invalid: # Never match an invalid entry; those are full-line comments # and whitespace and should be left as-is return False return self._replace(comps=[]) == other._replace(comps=[]) def _append(self, entry): """ Append entry This should be called only with an entry that is equal to us, besides comps. The new entry may contain comps already in other entries we contain, but any modification of our comps will remove all duplicate comps. """ self._entries.append(entry) def get_entry(self, comps, add=False, isolate=False): """ Get single SourceEntry with comps This moves all the components into a single entry in our entries list, and returns that entry. If add is False, this will return None if we do not already contain all the requested comps; otherwise this adds any new comps. If isolate is False, the entry returned may contain more components than those requested in comps. If isolate is True, this moves any excess components into a new entry, located immediately after the returned entry. If any of the components already exist in one of our entries, it is used to move all the components to; otherwise the first entry in our list is used. Any of our entries that has all its components moved (thus has no components left) will be removed from our entries list and removed from our sourceslist. If called with no comps this will return our first SourceEntry. If we contain no SourceEntries (because we contain no components), this will return None if called with no comps. """ comps = set(copy(comps)) if not set(self.comps) >= comps and not add: # we don't contain all requested comps return None for e in self._entries: if set(e.comps) & comps: # we want to move requested comps to e comps -= set(e.comps) # remove other comps from other entries self.comps = list(set(self.comps) - comps) # add them all to this entry e.comps = list(set(e.comps) | comps) break else: # all comps are new to us (or no comps requested), # add them to our first entry self.comps = list(set(self.comps) | comps) try: e = self._entries[0] except KeyError: # we are empty, return None return None if isolate and comps and set(e.comps) > comps: newe = e._replace(comps=list(set(e.comps) - comps)) e.comps = list(comps) newi = self._sourceslist.list.index(e) + 1 self._sourceslist.list.insert(newi, newe) self._append(newe) return e @property def comps(self): c = set() for e in self._entries: c |= set(e.comps) return list(c) @comps.setter def comps(self, comps): if not self._initialized: return comps = set(copy(comps)) if comps == set(self.comps): # no change needed return for e in self._entries: e.comps = list(set(e.comps) & comps) comps -= set(e.comps) if comps: if not self._entries: self._entries = [copy(self)] self._sourceslist.list.append(self._entries[0]) self._entries[0].comps = list(set(self._entries[0].comps) | comps) for e in list(self._entries): if not e.comps: self._entries.remove(e) self._sourceslist.list.remove(e) def set_enabled(self, enabled): for e in self._entries: e.set_enabled(enabled) super(MergedSourceEntry, self).set_enabled(enabled) def __setattribute__(self, name, value): if not (name == 'comps' or name.startswith('_')): for e in self._entries: setattr(e, name, value) super(MergedSourceEntry, self).__setattribute__(name, value) class SourcesList(sourceslist.SourcesList): """ represents the full sources.list + sources.list.d file """ def refresh(self): """ update the list of known entries """ self._files = set() super(SourcesList, self).refresh() def filter(self, **kwargs): """ convenience method to get filtered list """ l = list(self.list) for (key, value) in kwargs.items(): l = [e for e in l if getattr(e, key, not value) == value] return l def __iter__(self): """ simple iterator to go over self.list, returns SourceEntry types """ for entry in self.list: yield entry def __len__(self): """ calculate len of self.list """ return len(self.list) def __eq__(self, other): """ equal operator for two sources.list entries """ return (all([e in other for e in self]) and all([e in self for e in other])) def add(self, type, uri, dist, comps, comment="", pos=-1, file=None, architectures=[], disabled=False): """ Create a new entry and add it to our list """ if pos >= 0 and pos < len(self.list): before = self.list[pos] else: before = None line = SourceEntry.create_line(disabled=disabled, type=type, uri=uri, dist=dist, comps=comps, comment=comment, architectures=architectures) new_entry = SourceEntry(line, file=file) collapsed = CollapsedSourcesList(self) return collapsed.add_entry(new_entry, before=before) def load(self, file): """ (re)load the current sources """ try: with open(file, "r") as f: for line in f: source = SourceEntry(line, file) self.list.append(source) self._files.add(file) except Exception: logging.warning("could not open file '%s'\n" % file) def save(self, remove=False): """ save the current sources By default, this will NOT remove any files that we no longer have entries for; those files will not be modified at all. If 'remove' is True, any files that we initially parsed, but no longer have any entries for, will be removed. """ files = set(e.file for e in self.list) for filename in files: with open(filename, "w") as f: for source in [s for s in self.list if s.file == filename]: f.write(source.str()) if remove: # remove any files that are now empty for filename in self._files - files: try: os.remove(filename) except (OSError, IOError): pass self._files = files # re-create empty sources.list if needed sourcelist = apt_pkg.config.find_file("Dir::Etc::sourcelist") if sourcelist not in files: header = ( "## See sources.list(5) for more information, especialy\n" "# Remember that you can only use http, ftp or file URIs\n" "# CDROMs are managed through the apt-cdrom tool.\n") with open(sourcelist, "w") as f: f.write(header) class CollapsedSourcesList(object): """ collapsed version of SourcesList This provides a 'collapsed' view of a SourcesList. Each entry in our list is a MergedSourceEntry, representing real SourceEntry(s) from our backing SourcesList. Any changes to our MergedSourceEntries are reflected in our backing SourcesList, however direct changes to SourceEntries in our backing SourcesList are not reflected in our list until after our refresh() method is called. If you change any part of any MergedSourceEntry besides the comps, you must refresh the CollapsedSourcesList to pick up those changes. The 'files' kwarg may be used to restrict which lines of the backing SourcesList are included, by providing a list of filenames. This can be used, for example, to get a CollapsedSourcesList of only SourceEntry lines from the main sources.list file. """ def __init__(self, sourceslist=None, /, files=None): self.sourceslist = sourceslist or SourcesList() self._files = files self.list = [] self.refresh() def __iter__(self): """ iterator for self.list Returns MergedSourceEntry objects """ for entry in self.list: yield entry def __len__(self): """ calculate len of self.list """ return len(self.list) def __eq__(self, other): """ equal operator for two sources.list entries """ return (all([e in other for e in self]) and all([e in self for e in other])) def __contains__(self, other): """ check if other is contained in this list """ return self.has_entry(other) def filter(self, **kwargs): """ convenience method to get filtered list """ l = list(self.list) for (key, value) in kwargs.items(): l = [e for e in l if getattr(e, key, not value) == value] return l def refresh(self): """ update only our list of MergedSourceEntries This updates only our list of MergedSourceEntries, our backing SourcesList is not updated. This should be called anytime our backing SourcesList is updated directly. This does not refresh our backing SourcesList. """ self.list = [] for entry in self.sourceslist: if self._files and entry.file not in self._files: continue for mergedentry in self.list: if mergedentry.match(entry): mergedentry._append(entry) break else: self.list.append(MergedSourceEntry(entry, self.sourceslist)) def add_entry(self, new_entry, after=None, before=None): """ Add a new entry to the sources.list. This will try to find an existing entry, or an existing entry with the opposite 'disabled' state, to reuse. If an existing entry does not exist, new_entry is inserted. If either 'after' or 'before' are specified, and match an existing SourceEntry in our list, then new_entry will be inserted before or after the specified SourceEntry. If both 'after' and 'before' are provided, 'after' has precedence. If neither 'after' or 'before' are provided, new_entry is appended to the end of the list. """ # the 'inverse' is just the entry with disabled field toggled # this is so we can correctly maintain the requested comps # for both the enabled and disabled entry matches inverse = new_entry._replace(disabled=not new_entry.disabled) # the list of comps is the same for new_entry and inverse comps = set(new_entry.comps) match_entry = None match_inverse = None for c in self.list: if c.match(new_entry): match_entry = c if c.match(inverse): match_inverse = c if match_entry and match_inverse: break if match_entry: # at least one existing entry if match_inverse: # remove comps from inverse inverse_comps = set(match_inverse.comps) - comps match_inverse.comps = list(inverse_comps) # add comps to existing entry return match_entry.get_entry(comps, add=True) if match_inverse: # at least one existing inverse entry, and no matching entry; # replace the inverse entry and toggle its disabled state new_inverse = match_inverse.get_entry(comps, add=True, isolate=True) # after modifying the entry, we must refresh our merged entries new_inverse.set_enabled(new_inverse.disabled) self.refresh() return self.get_entry(new_entry) # no match at all: just append/insert new_entry if after and after in self.sourceslist.list: new_index = self.sourceslist.list.index(after) + 1 self.sourceslist.list.insert(new_index, new_entry) elif before and before in self.sourceslist.list: new_index = self.sourceslist.list.index(before) self.sourceslist.list.insert(new_index, new_entry) else: self.sourceslist.list.append(new_entry) self.list.append(MergedSourceEntry(new_entry, self.sourceslist)) return new_entry def remove_entry(self, entry): """ Remove the specified entry form the sources.list This removes as much as possible of the entry. If the entry matches an existing entry in our list, but our entry contains more components, only the specified components will be removed from our list's entry. Similarly, if entry contains multiple components, this will remove those components from one or multiple entries, if needed. Any entries in our list that have all their components removed will be removed from our list. """ c = self.get_merged_entry(entry) if c: c.comps = list(set(c.comps) - set(entry.comps)) def get_entry(self, new_entry): """ If we already contain new_entry, find and return it If new_entry is already contained in our list, with at least all the components in new_entry, this returns our existing entry. The returned entry may have more components than new_entry. If new_entry is not contained in our list, or we do not have all the components in new_entry, this returns None. This may combine multiple existing SourceEntry lines into a single SourceEntry line so it contains all the requested components. This returns a SourceEntry. """ c = self.get_merged_entry(new_entry) if c: return c.get_entry(new_entry.comps) return None def get_merged_entry(self, new_entry): """ This is similar to get_entry(), but we return the MergedSourceEntry This returns the MergedSourceEntry in our list that matches the new_entry. Note that this IGNORES any comps in the new_entry, so the returned MergedSourceEntry may have more or less comps than the new_entry. If we contain no match for the new_entry, return None. This method will never combine SourceEntry lines like the get_entry method sometimes does. This returns a MergedSourceEntry. """ for c in self.list: if c.match(new_entry): return c return None def has_entry(self, new_entry): """ Check if we already contain new_entry If new_entry contains multiple components, they may be located in multiple lines; this only checks that all requested components, for exactly the SourceEntry that equals new_entry (besides comps), are included in our list. This will not change our list. """ c = self.get_merged_entry(new_entry) if c: return set(c.comps) >= set(new_entry.comps) return False
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