Current Path : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/public_html/app/ |
Current File : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/public_html/app/User.php |
<?php namespace App; use App\Bitwise\UserLevelOfTraining; use App\Mixins\RegistrationPackage\UserPackage; use App\Models\Accounting; use App\Models\Badge; use App\Models\BundleWebinar; use App\Models\ForumTopic; use App\Models\ForumTopicLike; use App\Models\ForumTopicPost; use App\Models\Meeting; use App\Models\Noticeboard; use App\Models\Notification; use App\Models\Permission; use App\Models\ProductOrder; use App\Models\QuizzesResult; use App\Models\Region; use App\Models\ReserveMeeting; use App\Models\RewardAccounting; use App\Models\Role; use App\Models\Follow; use App\Models\Sale; use App\Models\Section; use App\Models\UserCommission; use App\Models\Webinar; use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable; use Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable; use Illuminate\Support\Carbon; class User extends Authenticatable { use Notifiable; static $active = 'active'; static $pending = 'pending'; static $inactive = 'inactive'; protected $dateFormat = 'U'; public $timestamps = false; /** * The attributes that are mass assignable. * * @var array */ protected $guarded = ['id']; protected $hidden = [ 'password', 'remember_token', 'google_id', 'facebook_id', 'role_id' ]; static $statuses = [ 'active', 'pending', 'inactive' ]; /** * The attributes that should be cast to native types. * * @var array */ protected $casts = [ 'email_verified_at' => 'datetime', 'level_of_training' => 'integer', ]; private $permissions; private $user_group; private $userInfo; static function getMainAdmin() { $role = Role::where('name', Role::$admin)->first(); $admin = self::where('role_name', $role->name) ->where('role_id', $role->id) ->first(); return $admin; } static function getMainAdminId() { $admin = self::getMainAdmin(); if (!empty($admin)) { return $admin->id; } return null; } public function isAdmin() { return $this->role->is_admin; } public function isUser() { return $this->role_name === Role::$user; } public function isTeacher() { return $this->role_name === Role::$teacher; } public function isOrganization() { return $this->role_name === Role::$organization; } public function hasPermission($section_name) { if (!isset($this->permissions)) { $sections_id = Permission::where('role_id', '=', $this->role_id)->where('allow', true)->pluck('section_id')->toArray(); $this->permissions = Section::whereIn('id', $sections_id)->pluck('name')->toArray(); } return in_array($section_name, $this->permissions); } public function role() { return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Role', 'role_id', 'id'); } public function getAvatar($size = 40) { if (!empty($this->avatar)) { $avatarUrl = $this->avatar; } else { $settings = getOthersPersonalizationSettings(); if (!empty($settings) and !empty($settings['user_avatar_style']) and $settings['user_avatar_style'] == "ui_avatar") { $avatarUrl = "/getDefaultAvatar?item={$this->id}&name={$this->full_name}&size=$size"; } else { if (!empty($settings) and !empty($settings['default_user_avatar'])) { $avatarUrl = $settings['default_user_avatar']; } else { $avatarUrl = "/assets/default/img/default/avatar-1.png"; } } } return $avatarUrl; } public function getCover() { if (!empty($this->cover_img)) { $path = str_replace('/storage', '', $this->cover_img); $imgUrl = url($path); } else { $imgUrl = getPageBackgroundSettings('user_cover'); } return $imgUrl; } public function getSignature() { $path = null; if (!empty($this->userMetas)) { $meta = $this->userMetas->where('name', 'signature')->first(); if ($meta) { $path = $meta->value; } } if (empty($path)) { $path = getPageBackgroundSettings('user_default_signature'); } return $path; } public function getProfileUrl() { return '/users/' . $this->id . '/profile'; } public function getLevelOfTrainingAttribute() { $levels = null; $bit = $this->attributes['level_of_training']; if (!empty($bit) and is_string($bit)) { // in host with mariaDB try { $tmp = (int)bin2hex($bit); if (is_numeric($tmp) and $tmp > 0 and $tmp <= 7) { $bit = $tmp; } } catch (\Exception $exception) { } } if (!empty($bit) and is_numeric($bit)) { $levels = (new UserLevelOfTraining())->getName($bit); if (!empty($levels) and !is_array($levels)) { $levels = [$levels]; } } return $levels; } public function getUserGroup() { if (empty($this->user_group)) { if (!empty($this->userGroup) and !empty($this->userGroup->group) and $this->userGroup->group->status == 'active') { $this->user_group = $this->userGroup->group; } } return $this->user_group; } public static function generatePassword($password) { return password_hash($password, PASSWORD_BCRYPT); } public function accounting() { return $this->hasMany(Accounting::class, 'user_id', 'id'); } public function meeting() { return $this->hasOne('App\Models\Meeting', 'creator_id', 'id'); } public function hasMeeting() { return Meeting::where('disabled', false) ->where('creator_id', $this->id) ->first(); } public function ReserveMeetings() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\ReserveMeeting', 'user_id', 'id'); } public function affiliateCode() { return $this->hasOne('App\Models\AffiliateCode', 'user_id', 'id'); } public function affiliates() { return $this->hasOne('App\Models\Affiliate', 'affiliate_user_id', 'id'); } public function followers() { return Follow::where('user_id', $this->id)->where('status', Follow::$accepted)->get(); } public function following() { return Follow::where('follower', $this->id)->where('status', Follow::$accepted)->get(); } public function webinars() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Webinar', 'creator_id', 'id') ->orWhere('teacher_id', $this->id); } public function products() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Product', 'creator_id', 'id'); } public function productOrdersAsBuyer() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\ProductOrder', 'buyer_id', 'id'); } public function productOrdersAsSeller() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\ProductOrder', 'seller_id', 'id'); } public function forumTopics() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\ForumTopic', 'creator_id', 'id'); } public function forumTopicPosts() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\ForumTopicPost', 'user_id', 'id'); } public function blog() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Blog', 'author_id', 'id'); } public function selectedBank() { return $this->hasOne('App\Models\UserSelectedBank', 'user_id', 'id'); } public function installmentOrders() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\InstallmentOrder', 'user_id', 'id'); } public function loginHistories() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\UserLoginHistory', 'user_id', 'id'); } public function getActiveWebinars($just_count = false) { $webinars = Webinar::where('status', 'active') ->where(function ($query) { $query->where('creator_id', $this->id) ->orWhere('teacher_id', $this->id); }) ->orderBy('created_at', 'desc'); if ($just_count) { return $webinars->count(); } return $webinars->get(); } public function getLiveChatJsCode() { $code = null; if (!empty($this->userMetas)) { $meta = $this->userMetas->where('name', 'live_chat_js_code')->first(); if ($meta) { $code = $meta->value; } } return $code; } public function userMetas() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\UserMeta'); } public function carts() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Cart', 'creator_id', 'id'); } public function userGroup() { return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\GroupUser', 'id', 'user_id'); } public function certificates() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Certificate', 'student_id', 'id'); } public function customBadges() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\UserBadge', 'user_id', 'id'); } public function supports() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Support', 'user_id', 'id'); } public function occupations() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\UserOccupation', 'user_id', 'id'); } public function userRegistrationPackage() { return $this->hasOne('App\Models\UserRegistrationPackage', 'user_id', 'id'); } public function organization() { return $this->hasOne($this, 'id', 'organ_id'); } public function getOrganizationTeachers() { return $this->hasMany($this, 'organ_id', 'id')->where('role_name', Role::$teacher); } public function getOrganizationStudents() { return $this->hasMany($this, 'organ_id', 'id')->where('role_name', Role::$user); } public function zoomApi() { return $this->hasOne('App\Models\UserZoomApi', 'user_id', 'id'); } public function commissions() { return $this->hasMany(UserCommission::class, 'user_id', 'id'); } public function rates() { $webinars = $this->webinars() ->where('status', 'active') ->get(); $rate = 0; if (!empty($webinars)) { $rates = 0; $count = 0; foreach ($webinars as $webinar) { $webinarRate = $webinar->getRate(); if (!empty($webinarRate) and $webinarRate > 0) { $count += 1; $rates += $webinarRate; } } if ($rates > 0) { if ($count < 1) { $count = 1; } $rate = number_format($rates / $count, 2); } } return $rate; } public function reviewsCount() { $webinars = $this->webinars; $count = 0; if (!empty($webinars)) { foreach ($webinars as $webinar) { $count += $webinar->reviews->count(); } } return $count; } public function getBadges($customs = true, $getNext = false) { return Badge::getUserBadges($this, $customs, $getNext); } public function getCommission() { $commission = 0; $getUserGroup = $this->getUserGroup(); if (!empty($getUserGroup) and isset($getUserGroup->commission)) { $commission = $getUserGroup->commission; } if (isset($this->commission)) { $commission = $this->commission; } return $commission; } public function getIncome() { $totalIncome = Accounting::where('user_id', $this->id) ->where('type_account', Accounting::$income) ->where('type', Accounting::$addiction) ->where('system', false) ->where('tax', false) ->sum('amount'); return $totalIncome; } public function getPayout() { $credit = Accounting::where('user_id', $this->id) ->where('type_account', Accounting::$income) ->where('type', Accounting::$addiction) ->where('system', false) ->where('tax', false) ->sum('amount'); $debit = Accounting::where('user_id', $this->id) ->where('type_account', Accounting::$income) ->where('type', Accounting::$deduction) ->where('system', false) ->where('tax', false) ->sum('amount'); return $credit - $debit; } public function getAccountingCharge() { $query = Accounting::where('user_id', $this->id) ->where('type_account', Accounting::$asset) ->where('system', false) ->where('tax', false); $additions = deepClone($query)->where('type', Accounting::$addiction) ->sum('amount'); $deductions = deepClone($query)->where('type', Accounting::$deduction) ->sum('amount'); $charge = $additions - $deductions; return $charge > 0 ? $charge : 0; } public function getAccountingBalance() { $additions = Accounting::where('user_id', $this->id) ->where('type', Accounting::$addiction) ->where('system', false) ->where('tax', false) ->sum('amount'); $deductions = Accounting::where('user_id', $this->id) ->where('type', Accounting::$deduction) ->where('system', false) ->where('tax', false) ->sum('amount'); $balance = $additions - $deductions; return $balance > 0 ? $balance : 0; } public function getRegisteredDays() { $createdAt = Carbon::parse($this->created_at); $currentDate = Carbon::now(); return $createdAt->diffInDays($currentDate); } public function getPurchaseAmounts() { return Sale::where('buyer_id', $this->id) ->sum('amount'); } public function getSaleAmounts() { return Sale::where('seller_id', $this->id) ->whereNull('refund_at') ->sum('amount'); } public function sales() { $webinarIds = Webinar::where('creator_id', $this->id)->pluck('id')->toArray(); return Sale::whereIn('webinar_id', $webinarIds)->sum('amount'); } public function salesCount() { return Sale::where('seller_id', $this->id) ->whereNotNull('webinar_id') ->where('type', 'webinar') ->whereNull('refund_at') ->count(); } public function productsSalesCount() { return Sale::where('seller_id', $this->id) ->whereNotNull('product_order_id') ->where('type', 'product') ->whereNull('refund_at') ->count(); } public function getUnReadNotifications() { $user = $this; $notifications = Notification::where(function ($query) { $query->where(function ($query) { $query->where('user_id', $this->id) ->where('type', 'single'); })->orWhere(function ($query) { if (!$this->isAdmin()) { $query->whereNull('user_id') ->whereNull('group_id') ->where('type', 'all_users'); } }); })->doesntHave('notificationStatus') ->orderBy('created_at', 'desc') ->get(); $userGroup = $this->userGroup()->first(); if (!empty($userGroup)) { $groupNotifications = Notification::where('group_id', $userGroup->group_id) ->where('type', 'group') ->doesntHave('notificationStatus') ->orderBy('created_at', 'desc') ->get(); if (!empty($groupNotifications) and !$groupNotifications->isEmpty()) { $notifications = $notifications->merge($groupNotifications); } } if ($this->isUser()) { $studentsNotifications = Notification::whereNull('user_id') ->whereNull('group_id') ->where('type', 'students') ->doesntHave('notificationStatus') ->orderBy('created_at', 'desc') ->get(); if (!empty($studentsNotifications) and !$studentsNotifications->isEmpty()) { $notifications = $notifications->merge($studentsNotifications); } } if ($this->isTeacher()) { $instructorNotifications = Notification::whereNull('user_id') ->whereNull('group_id') ->where('type', 'instructors') ->doesntHave('notificationStatus') ->orderBy('created_at', 'desc') ->get(); if (!empty($instructorNotifications) and !$instructorNotifications->isEmpty()) { $notifications = $notifications->merge($instructorNotifications); } } if ($this->isOrganization()) { $organNotifications = Notification::whereNull('user_id') ->whereNull('group_id') ->where('type', 'organizations') ->doesntHave('notificationStatus') ->orderBy('created_at', 'desc') ->get(); if (!empty($organNotifications) and !$organNotifications->isEmpty()) { $notifications = $notifications->merge($organNotifications); } } /* Get Course Students Notifications */ $userBoughtWebinarsIds = $this->getAllPurchasedWebinarsIds(); if (!empty($userBoughtWebinarsIds)) { $courseStudentsNotifications = Notification::whereIn('webinar_id', $userBoughtWebinarsIds) ->where('type', 'course_students') ->whereDoesntHave('notificationStatus', function ($query) use ($user) { $query->where('user_id', $user->id); }) ->orderBy('created_at', 'desc') ->get(); if (!empty($courseStudentsNotifications) and !$courseStudentsNotifications->isEmpty()) { $notifications = $notifications->merge($courseStudentsNotifications); } } return $notifications->sortByDesc('created_at'); } public function getAllPurchasedWebinarsIds() { $userBoughtWebinarsIds = []; $userBoughtWebinars = Sale::query()->where('buyer_id', $this->id) ->whereNotNull('webinar_id') ->whereNull('refund_at') ->get(); foreach ($userBoughtWebinars as $sale) { if (!empty($sale->webinar) and $sale->webinar->checkUserHasBought($this)) { $userBoughtWebinarsIds[] = $sale->webinar->id; } } return $userBoughtWebinarsIds; } public function getUnreadNoticeboards() { $purchasedCoursesIds = $this->getPurchasedCoursesIds(); $purchasedCoursesInstructorsIds = Webinar::whereIn('id', $purchasedCoursesIds) ->pluck('teacher_id') ->toArray(); $noticeboards = Noticeboard::where(function ($query) { $query->whereNotNull('organ_id') ->where('organ_id', $this->organ_id) ->where(function ($query) { if ($this->isOrganization()) { $query->where('type', 'organizations'); } else { $type = 'students'; if ($this->isTeacher()) { $type = 'instructors'; } $query->whereIn('type', ['students_and_instructors', $type]); } }); })->orWhere(function ($query) { $type = ['all']; if ($this->isUser()) { $type = array_merge($type, ['students', 'students_and_instructors']); } elseif ($this->isTeacher()) { $type = array_merge($type, ['instructors', 'students_and_instructors']); } elseif ($this->isOrganization()) { $type = array_merge($type, ['organizations']); } $query->whereNull('organ_id') ->whereNull('instructor_id') ->whereIn('type', $type); })->orWhere(function ($query) use ($purchasedCoursesInstructorsIds) { $query->whereNull('webinar_id') ->whereIn('instructor_id', $purchasedCoursesInstructorsIds); })->orWhere(function ($query) use ($purchasedCoursesIds) { $query->whereIn('webinar_id', $purchasedCoursesIds); }) ->orderBy('created_at', 'desc') ->get(); /* ->whereDoesntHave('noticeboardStatus', function ($qu) { $qu->where('user_id', $this->id); }) */ return $noticeboards; } public function getPurchasedCoursesIds() { $webinarIds = []; $bundleIds = []; $sales = Sale::where('buyer_id', $this->id) ->where(function ($query) { $query->whereNotNull('webinar_id'); $query->orWhereNotNull('bundle_id'); }) ->whereNull('refund_at') ->get(); foreach ($sales as $sale) { if ($sale->payment_method == Sale::$subscribe) { $subscribe = $sale->getUsedSubscribe($sale->buyer_id, $sale->webinar_id); if (!empty($subscribe)) { $subscribeSale = Sale::where('buyer_id', $this->id) ->where('type', Sale::$subscribe) ->where('subscribe_id', $subscribe->id) ->whereNull('refund_at') ->latest('created_at') ->first(); if (!empty($subscribeSale)) { $usedDays = (int)diffTimestampDay(time(), $subscribeSale->created_at); if ($usedDays <= $subscribe->days) { if (!empty($sale->webinar_id)) { $webinarIds[] = $sale->webinar_id; } if (!empty($sale->bundle_id)) { $bundleIds[] = $sale->bundle_id; } } } } } else { if (!empty($sale->webinar_id)) { $webinarIds[] = $sale->webinar_id; } if (!empty($sale->bundle_id)) { $bundleIds[] = $sale->bundle_id; } } } if (!empty($bundleIds)) { $bundleWebinarIds = BundleWebinar::query()->whereIn('bundle_id', $bundleIds) ->pluck('webinar_id') ->toArray(); $webinarIds = array_merge($webinarIds, $bundleWebinarIds); } return array_unique($webinarIds); } public function getActiveQuizzesResults($group_by_quiz = false, $status = null) { $query = QuizzesResult::where('user_id', $this->id); if (!empty($status)) { $query->where('status', $status); } if ($group_by_quiz) { $query->groupBy('quiz_id'); } return $query->get(); } public function getTotalHoursTutoring() { $seconds = 0; if (!empty($this->meeting)) { $meetingId = $this->meeting->id; $reserves = ReserveMeeting::where('meeting_id', $meetingId) ->where('status', 'finished') ->get(); if (!empty($reserves)) { foreach ($reserves as $reserve) { $meetingTime = $reserve->meetingTime; if ($meetingTime) { $time = explode('-', $meetingTime->time); $start = strtotime($time[0]); $end = strtotime($time[1]); $seconds = $end - $start; } } } } $hours = $seconds ? $seconds / (60 * 60) : 0; return round($hours, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP); } public function getRewardPoints() { $credit = RewardAccounting::where('user_id', $this->id) ->where('status', RewardAccounting::ADDICTION) ->sum('score'); $debit = RewardAccounting::where('user_id', $this->id) ->where('status', RewardAccounting::DEDUCTION) ->sum('score'); return $credit - $debit; } public function getAddress($full = false) { $address = null; if ($full) { $regionIds = [$this->country_id, $this->province_id, $this->city_id, $this->district_id]; $regions = Region::whereIn('id', $regionIds)->get(); foreach ($regions as $region) { if ($region->id == $this->country_id) { $address .= $region->title; } elseif ($region->id == $this->province_id) { $address .= ', ' . $region->title; } elseif ($region->id == $this->city_id) { $address .= ', ' . $region->title; } elseif ($region->id == $this->district_id) { $address .= ', ' . $region->title; } } } if (!empty($address)) { $address .= ', '; } $address .= $this->address; return $address; } public function getWaitingDeliveryProductOrdersCount() { return ProductOrder::where('seller_id', $this->id) ->where('status', ProductOrder::$waitingDelivery) ->count(); } public function checkCanAccessToStore() { $result = (!empty(getStoreSettings('status')) and getStoreSettings('status')); if (!$result) { $result = $this->can_create_store; } return $result; } public function getTopicsPostsCount() { $topics = ForumTopic::where('creator_id', $this->id)->count(); $posts = ForumTopicPost::where('user_id', $this->id)->count(); return $topics + $posts; } public function getTopicsPostsLikesCount() { $topicsIds = ForumTopic::where('creator_id', $this->id)->pluck('id')->toArray(); $postsIds = ForumTopicPost::where('user_id', $this->id)->pluck('id')->toArray(); $topicsLikes = ForumTopicLike::whereIn('topic_id', $topicsIds)->count(); $postsLikes = ForumTopicLike::whereIn('topic_post_id', $postsIds)->count(); return $topicsLikes + $postsLikes; } public function getCountryAndState() { $address = null; if (!empty($this->country_id)) { $country = Region::where('id', $this->country_id)->first(); if (!empty($country)) { $address .= $country->title; } } if (!empty($this->province_id)) { $province = Region::where('id', $this->province_id)->first(); if (!empty($province)) { if (!empty($address)) { $address .= '/'; } $address .= $province->title; } } return $address; } public function getRegionByTypeId($typeId, $justTitle = true) { $region = !empty($typeId) ? Region::where('id', $typeId)->first() : null; if (!empty($region)) { return $justTitle ? $region->title : $region; } return ''; } public function checkAccessToAIContentFeature() { $access = false; if (!empty(getAiContentsSettingsName('status'))) { if ($this->isOrganization() and !empty(getAiContentsSettingsName("active_for_organization_panel"))) { $access = true; } if ($this->isTeacher() and !empty(getAiContentsSettingsName("active_for_instructor_panel"))) { $access = true; } } if ($this->enable_ai_content) { $access = true; } if (!$access) { $userPackage = new UserPackage($this); $activePackage = $userPackage->getPackage(); $access = !!(!empty($activePackage->ai_content_access) and $activePackage->ai_content_access); } return $access; } }
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