Current Path : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/.trash/app/Http/Controllers/Web/ |
Current File : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/.trash/app/Http/Controllers/Web/WebinarController.php |
<?php namespace App\Http\Controllers\Web; use App\Http\Controllers\Controller; use App\Http\Controllers\Web\traits\CheckContentLimitationTrait; use App\Http\Controllers\Web\traits\InstallmentsTrait; use App\Mixins\Cashback\CashbackRules; use App\Mixins\Installment\InstallmentPlans; use App\Models\AdvertisingBanner; use App\Models\Cart; use App\Models\Discount; use App\Models\Favorite; use App\Models\File; use App\Models\QuizzesResult; use App\Models\RewardAccounting; use App\Models\Sale; use App\Models\TextLesson; use App\Models\CourseLearning; use App\Models\WebinarChapter; use App\Models\WebinarReport; use App\Models\Webinar; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator; class WebinarController extends Controller { use CheckContentLimitationTrait; use InstallmentsTrait; public function course($slug, $justReturnData = false) { $user = null; if (auth()->check()) { $user = auth()->user(); } if (!$justReturnData) { $contentLimitation = $this->checkContentLimitation($user, true); if ($contentLimitation != "ok") { return $contentLimitation; } } $course = Webinar::where('slug', $slug) ->with([ 'quizzes' => function ($query) { $query->where('status', 'active') ->with(['quizResults', 'quizQuestions']); }, 'tags', 'prerequisites' => function ($query) { $query->with(['prerequisiteWebinar' => function ($query) { $query->with(['teacher' => function ($qu) { $qu->select('id', 'full_name', 'avatar'); }]); }]); $query->orderBy('order', 'asc'); }, 'relatedCourses' => function ($query) { $query->whereHas('course', function ($query) { $query->where('status', 'active'); }); }, 'faqs' => function ($query) { $query->orderBy('order', 'asc'); }, 'webinarExtraDescription' => function ($query) { $query->orderBy('order', 'asc'); }, 'chapters' => function ($query) use ($user) { $query->where('status', WebinarChapter::$chapterActive); $query->orderBy('order', 'asc'); $query->with([ 'chapterItems' => function ($query) { $query->orderBy('order', 'asc'); } ]); }, 'files' => function ($query) use ($user) { $query->join('webinar_chapters', 'webinar_chapters.id', '=', 'files.chapter_id') ->select('files.*', DB::raw('webinar_chapters.order as chapterOrder')) ->where('files.status', WebinarChapter::$chapterActive) ->orderBy('chapterOrder', 'asc') ->orderBy('files.order', 'asc') ->with([ 'learningStatus' => function ($query) use ($user) { $query->where('user_id', !empty($user) ? $user->id : null); } ]); }, 'textLessons' => function ($query) use ($user) { $query->where('status', WebinarChapter::$chapterActive) ->withCount(['attachments']) ->orderBy('order', 'asc') ->with([ 'learningStatus' => function ($query) use ($user) { $query->where('user_id', !empty($user) ? $user->id : null); } ]); }, 'sessions' => function ($query) use ($user) { $query->where('status', WebinarChapter::$chapterActive) ->orderBy('order', 'asc') ->with([ 'learningStatus' => function ($query) use ($user) { $query->where('user_id', !empty($user) ? $user->id : null); } ]); }, 'assignments' => function ($query) { $query->where('status', WebinarChapter::$chapterActive); }, 'tickets' => function ($query) { $query->orderBy('order', 'asc'); }, 'filterOptions', 'category', 'teacher', 'reviews' => function ($query) { $query->where('status', 'active'); $query->with([ 'comments' => function ($query) { $query->where('status', 'active'); }, 'creator' => function ($qu) { $qu->select('id', 'full_name', 'avatar'); } ]); }, 'comments' => function ($query) { $query->where('status', 'active'); $query->whereNull('reply_id'); $query->with([ 'user' => function ($query) { $query->select('id', 'full_name', 'role_name', 'role_id', 'avatar', 'avatar_settings'); }, 'replies' => function ($query) { $query->where('status', 'active'); $query->with([ 'user' => function ($query) { $query->select('id', 'full_name', 'role_name', 'role_id', 'avatar', 'avatar_settings'); } ]); } ]); $query->orderBy('created_at', 'desc'); }, ]) ->withCount([ 'sales' => function ($query) { $query->whereNull('refund_at'); }, 'noticeboards' ]) //->where('status', 'active') ->first(); if (empty($course)) { return $justReturnData ? false : back(); } if (!$justReturnData) { /* Check Not Active */ if ($course->status != "active" and (empty($user) or (!$user->isAdmin() and !$course->canAccess($user)))) { $data = [ 'pageTitle' => trans('update.access_denied'), 'pageRobot' => getPageRobotNoIndex(), ]; return view('web.default.course.not_access', $data); } /* Installment Check */ $installmentLimitation = $this->installmentContentLimitation($user, $course->id, 'webinar_id'); if ($installmentLimitation != "ok") { return $installmentLimitation; } } $hasBought = $course->checkUserHasBought($user, true, true); $isPrivate = $course->private; if (!empty($user) and ($user->id == $course->creator_id or $user->organ_id == $course->creator_id or $user->isAdmin())) { $isPrivate = false; } if ($isPrivate and $hasBought) { // check the user has bought the course or not $isPrivate = false; } if ($isPrivate) { return $justReturnData ? false : back(); } $isFavorite = false; if (!empty($user)) { $isFavorite = Favorite::where('webinar_id', $course->id) ->where('user_id', $user->id) ->first(); } $webinarContentCount = 0; if (!empty($course->sessions)) { $webinarContentCount += $course->sessions->count(); } if (!empty($course->files)) { $webinarContentCount += $course->files->count(); } if (!empty($course->textLessons)) { $webinarContentCount += $course->textLessons->count(); } if (!empty($course->quizzes)) { $webinarContentCount += $course->quizzes->count(); } if (!empty($course->assignments)) { $webinarContentCount += $course->assignments->count(); } $advertisingBanners = AdvertisingBanner::where('published', true) ->whereIn('position', ['course', 'course_sidebar']) ->get(); $sessionsWithoutChapter = $course->sessions->whereNull('chapter_id'); $filesWithoutChapter = $course->files->whereNull('chapter_id'); $textLessonsWithoutChapter = $course->textLessons->whereNull('chapter_id'); $quizzes = $course->quizzes->whereNull('chapter_id'); if ($user) { $quizzes = $this->checkQuizzesResults($user, $quizzes); if (!empty($course->chapters) and count($course->chapters)) { foreach ($course->chapters as $chapter) { if (!empty($chapter->chapterItems) and count($chapter->chapterItems)) { foreach ($chapter->chapterItems as $chapterItem) { if (!empty($chapterItem->quiz)) { $chapterItem->quiz = $this->checkQuizResults($user, $chapterItem->quiz); } } } } } if (!empty($course->quizzes) and count($course->quizzes)) { $course->quizzes = $this->checkQuizzesResults($user, $course->quizzes); } } $pageRobot = getPageRobot('course_show'); // index $canSale = ($course->canSale() and !$hasBought); /* Installments */ $showInstallments = true; $overdueInstallmentOrders = $this->checkUserHasOverdueInstallment($user); if ($overdueInstallmentOrders->isNotEmpty() and getInstallmentsSettings('disable_instalments_when_the_user_have_an_overdue_installment')) { $showInstallments = false; } if ($canSale and !empty($course->price) and $course->price > 0 and $showInstallments and getInstallmentsSettings('status') and (empty($user) or $user->enable_installments)) { $installmentPlans = new InstallmentPlans($user); $installments = $installmentPlans->getPlans('courses', $course->id, $course->type, $course->category_id, $course->teacher_id); } /* Cashback Rules */ if ($canSale and !empty($course->price) and getFeaturesSettings('cashback_active') and (empty($user) or !$user->disable_cashback)) { $cashbackRulesMixin = new CashbackRules($user); $cashbackRules = $cashbackRulesMixin->getRules('courses', $course->id, $course->type, $course->category_id, $course->teacher_id); } $instructorDiscounts = null; if (!empty(getFeaturesSettings('frontend_coupons_status'))) { $instructorDiscounts = Discount::query() ->where(function (Builder $query) use ($course) { $query->where('creator_id', $course->creator_id); $query->orWhere('creator_id', $course->teacher_id); }) ->where(function (Builder $query) use ($course) { $query->where('source', 'all'); $query->orWhere(function (Builder $query) use ($course) { $query->where('source', Discount::$discountSourceCourse); $query->where(function (Builder $query) use ($course) { $query->whereHas('discountCourses', function ($query) use ($course) { $query->where('course_id', $course->id); }); $query->whereDoesntHave('discountCourses'); }); }); }) ->where('status', 'active') ->where('expired_at', '>', time()) ->get(); } $data = [ 'pageTitle' => $course->title, 'pageDescription' => $course->seo_description, 'pageRobot' => $pageRobot, 'pageMetaImage' => $course->getImage(), 'course' => $course, 'isFavorite' => $isFavorite, 'hasBought' => $hasBought, 'user' => $user, 'webinarContentCount' => $webinarContentCount, 'advertisingBanners' => $advertisingBanners->where('position', 'course'), 'advertisingBannersSidebar' => $advertisingBanners->where('position', 'course_sidebar'), 'activeSpecialOffer' => $course->activeSpecialOffer(), 'sessionsWithoutChapter' => $sessionsWithoutChapter, 'filesWithoutChapter' => $filesWithoutChapter, 'textLessonsWithoutChapter' => $textLessonsWithoutChapter, 'quizzes' => $quizzes, 'installments' => $installments ?? null, 'cashbackRules' => $cashbackRules ?? null, 'instructorDiscounts' => $instructorDiscounts, ]; // check for certificate if (!empty($user)) { $course->makeCertificateForUser($user); } if ($justReturnData) { return $data; } return view('web.default.course.index', $data); } private function checkQuizzesResults($user, $quizzes) { $canDownloadCertificate = false; foreach ($quizzes as $quiz) { $quiz = $this->checkQuizResults($user, $quiz); } return $quizzes; } private function checkQuizResults($user, $quiz) { $canDownloadCertificate = false; $canTryAgainQuiz = false; $userQuizDone = QuizzesResult::where('quiz_id', $quiz->id) ->where('user_id', $user->id) ->orderBy('created_at', 'desc') ->get(); if (count($userQuizDone)) { $quiz->user_grade = $userQuizDone->first()->user_grade; $quiz->result_count = $userQuizDone->count(); $quiz->result = $userQuizDone->first(); $status_pass = false; foreach ($userQuizDone as $result) { if ($result->status == QuizzesResult::$passed) { $status_pass = true; } } $quiz->result_status = $status_pass ? QuizzesResult::$passed : $userQuizDone->first()->status; if ($quiz->certificate and $quiz->result_status == QuizzesResult::$passed) { $canDownloadCertificate = true; } } if (!isset($quiz->attempt) or (count($userQuizDone) < $quiz->attempt and $quiz->result_status !== QuizzesResult::$passed)) { $canTryAgainQuiz = true; } $quiz->can_try = $canTryAgainQuiz; $quiz->can_download_certificate = $canDownloadCertificate; return $quiz; } private function checkCanAccessToPrivateCourse($course, $user = null): bool { if (empty($user)) { $user = auth()->user(); } if (empty($user)) { $user = apiAuth(); } $canAccess = !$course->private; $hasBought = $course->checkUserHasBought($user); if (!empty($user) and ($user->id == $course->creator_id or $user->organ_id == $course->creator_id or $user->isAdmin() or $hasBought)) { $canAccess = true; } return $canAccess; } public function downloadFile($slug, $file_id) { $webinar = Webinar::where('slug', $slug) ->where('status', 'active') ->first(); if (!empty($webinar) and $this->checkCanAccessToPrivateCourse($webinar)) { $file = File::where('webinar_id', $webinar->id) ->where('id', $file_id) ->first(); if (!empty($file) and $file->downloadable) { $canAccess = true; if ($file->accessibility == 'paid') { $canAccess = $webinar->checkUserHasBought(); } if ($canAccess) { if (in_array($file->storage, ['s3', 'external_link'])) { return redirect($file->file); } $filePath = public_path($file->file); if (file_exists($filePath)) { $extension = \Illuminate\Support\Facades\File::extension($filePath); $fileName = str_replace(' ', '-', $file->title); $fileName = str_replace('.', '-', $fileName); $fileName .= '.' . $extension; $headers = array( 'Content-Type: application/' . $file->file_type, ); return response()->download($filePath, $fileName, $headers); } } else { $toastData = [ 'title' => trans('public.not_access_toast_lang'), 'msg' => trans('public.not_access_toast_msg_lang'), 'status' => 'error' ]; return back()->with(['toast' => $toastData]); } } } return back(); } public function showHtmlFile($slug, $file_id) { $webinar = Webinar::where('slug', $slug) ->where('status', 'active') ->first(); if (!empty($webinar) and $this->checkCanAccessToPrivateCourse($webinar)) { $file = File::where('webinar_id', $webinar->id) ->where('id', $file_id) ->first(); if (!empty($file)) { $canAccess = true; if ($file->accessibility == 'paid') { $canAccess = $webinar->checkUserHasBought(); } if ($canAccess) { $filePath = $file->interactive_file_path; if (\Illuminate\Support\Facades\File::exists(public_path($filePath))) { $data = [ 'pageTitle' => $file->title, 'path' => url($filePath) ]; return view('web.default.course.learningPage.interactive_file', $data); } abort(404); } else { $toastData = [ 'title' => trans('public.not_access_toast_lang'), 'msg' => trans('public.not_access_toast_msg_lang'), 'status' => 'error' ]; return back()->with(['toast' => $toastData]); } } } abort(403); } public function getFilePath(Request $request) { $this->validate($request, [ 'file_id' => 'required' ]); $file_id = $request->get('file_id'); $file = File::where('id', $file_id) ->first(); if (!empty($file)) { $webinar = Webinar::where('id', $file->webinar_id) ->where('status', 'active') ->with([ 'files' => function ($query) { $query->select('id', 'webinar_id', 'file_type') ->where('status', 'active') ->orderBy('order', 'asc'); } ]) ->first(); if (!empty($webinar)) { $canAccess = true; if ($file->accessibility == 'paid') { $canAccess = $webinar->checkUserHasBought(); } if ($canAccess) { $path = $file->file; if ($file->storage == 'upload') { $path = url("/course/$webinar->slug/file/$file->id/play"); } elseif ($file->storage == 'upload_archive') { $path = url("/course/$webinar->slug/file/$file->id/showHtml"); } return response()->json([ 'code' => 200, 'storage' => $file->storage, 'path' => $path, 'storageService' => $file->storage ], 200); } } } abort(403); } public function playFile($slug, $file_id) { // this methode linked from video modal for play local video // and linked from file.blade for show google_drive,dropbox,iframe $webinar = Webinar::where('slug', $slug) ->where('status', 'active') ->first(); if (!empty($webinar) and $this->checkCanAccessToPrivateCourse($webinar)) { $file = File::where('webinar_id', $webinar->id) ->where('id', $file_id) ->first(); if (!empty($file)) { $canAccess = true; if ($file->accessibility == 'paid') { $canAccess = $webinar->checkUserHasBought(); } if ($canAccess) { $notVideoSource = ['iframe', 'google_drive', 'dropbox']; if (in_array($file->storage, $notVideoSource)) { $data = [ 'pageTitle' => $file->title, 'iframe' => $file->file ]; return view('web.default.course.learningPage.interactive_file', $data); } else if ($file->isVideo()) { return response()->file(public_path($file->file)); } } } } abort(403); } public function getLesson(Request $request, $slug, $lesson_id) { $user = null; if (auth()->check()) { $user = auth()->user(); } $course = Webinar::where('slug', $slug) ->where('status', 'active') ->with(['teacher', 'textLessons' => function ($query) { $query->orderBy('order', 'asc'); }]) ->first(); if (!empty($course) and $this->checkCanAccessToPrivateCourse($course)) { $textLesson = TextLesson::where('id', $lesson_id) ->where('webinar_id', $course->id) ->where('status', WebinarChapter::$chapterActive) ->with([ 'attachments' => function ($query) { $query->with('file'); }, 'learningStatus' => function ($query) use ($user) { $query->where('user_id', !empty($user) ? $user->id : null); } ]) ->first(); if (!empty($textLesson)) { $canAccess = $course->checkUserHasBought(); if ($textLesson->accessibility == 'paid' and !$canAccess) { $toastData = [ 'title' => trans('public.request_failed'), 'msg' => trans('cart.you_not_purchased_this_course'), 'status' => 'error' ]; return back()->with(['toast' => $toastData]); } $checkSequenceContent = $textLesson->checkSequenceContent(); $sequenceContentHasError = (!empty($checkSequenceContent) and (!empty($checkSequenceContent['all_passed_items_error']) or !empty($checkSequenceContent['access_after_day_error']))); if (!empty($checkSequenceContent) and $sequenceContentHasError) { $toastData = [ 'title' => trans('public.request_failed'), 'msg' => ($checkSequenceContent['all_passed_items_error'] ? $checkSequenceContent['all_passed_items_error'] . ' - ' : '') . ($checkSequenceContent['access_after_day_error'] ?? ''), 'status' => 'error' ]; return back()->with(['toast' => $toastData]); } $nextLesson = null; $previousLesson = null; if (!empty($course->textLessons) and count($course->textLessons)) { $nextLesson = $course->textLessons->where('order', '>', $textLesson->order)->first(); $previousLesson = $course->textLessons->where('order', '<', $textLesson->order)->first(); } if (!empty($nextLesson)) { $nextLesson->not_purchased = ($nextLesson->accessibility == 'paid' and !$canAccess); } $data = [ 'pageTitle' => $textLesson->title, 'textLesson' => $textLesson, 'course' => $course, 'nextLesson' => $nextLesson, 'previousLesson' => $previousLesson, ]; return view(getTemplate() . '.course.text_lesson', $data); } } abort(404); } public function free(Request $request, $slug) { if (auth()->check()) { $user = auth()->user(); $course = Webinar::where('slug', $slug) ->where('status', 'active') ->first(); if (!empty($course)) { $checkCourseForSale = checkCourseForSale($course, $user); if ($checkCourseForSale != 'ok') { return $checkCourseForSale; } if (!empty($course->price) and $course->price > 0) { $toastData = [ 'title' => trans('cart.fail_purchase'), 'msg' => trans('cart.course_not_free'), 'status' => 'error' ]; return back()->with(['toast' => $toastData]); } Sale::create([ 'buyer_id' => $user->id, 'seller_id' => $course->creator_id, 'webinar_id' => $course->id, 'type' => Sale::$webinar, 'payment_method' => Sale::$credit, 'amount' => 0, 'total_amount' => 0, 'created_at' => time(), ]); $notifyOptions = [ '[u.name]' => $user->full_name, '[c.title]' => $course->title, '[amount]' => trans('public.free'), '[time.date]' => dateTimeFormat(time(), 'j M Y H:i'), ]; sendNotification("new_course_enrollment", $notifyOptions, 1); $toastData = [ 'title' => '', 'msg' => trans('cart.success_pay_msg_for_free_course'), 'status' => 'success' ]; return back()->with(['toast' => $toastData]); } abort(404); } else { return redirect('/login'); } } public function reportWebinar(Request $request, $id) { if (auth()->check()) { $user = auth()->user(); $data = $request->all(); $validator = Validator::make($data, [ 'reason' => 'required|string', 'message' => 'required|string', ]); if ($validator->fails()) { return response()->json([ 'code' => 422, 'errors' => $validator->errors() ], 422); } $webinar = Webinar::select('id', 'status') ->where('id', $id) ->where('status', 'active') ->first(); if (!empty($webinar)) { WebinarReport::create([ 'user_id' => $user->id, 'webinar_id' => $webinar->id, 'reason' => $data['reason'], 'message' => $data['message'], 'created_at' => time() ]); $notifyOptions = [ '[u.name]' => $user->full_name, '[content_type]' => trans('product.course') ]; sendNotification("new_report_item_for_admin", $notifyOptions, 1); return response()->json([ 'code' => 200 ], 200); } } return response()->json([ 'code' => 401 ], 200); } public function learningStatus(Request $request, $id) { if (auth()->check()) { $user = auth()->user(); $course = Webinar::where('id', $id)->first(); if (!empty($course) and $course->checkUserHasBought($user)) { $data = $request->all(); $item = $data['item']; $item_id = $data['item_id']; $status = $data['status']; CourseLearning::where('user_id', $user->id) ->where($item, $item_id) ->delete(); if ($status and $status == "true") { CourseLearning::create([ 'user_id' => $user->id, $item => $item_id, 'created_at' => time() ]); } // check for certificate $course->makeCertificateForUser($user); return response()->json([], 200); } } abort(403); } public function buyWithPoint($slug) { if (auth()->check()) { $user = auth()->user(); $course = Webinar::where('slug', $slug) ->where('status', 'active') ->first(); if (!empty($course)) { if (empty($course->points)) { $toastData = [ 'title' => '', 'msg' => trans('update.can_not_buy_this_course_with_point'), 'status' => 'error' ]; return back()->with(['toast' => $toastData]); } $availablePoints = $user->getRewardPoints(); if ($availablePoints < $course->points) { $toastData = [ 'title' => '', 'msg' => trans('update.you_have_no_enough_points_for_this_course'), 'status' => 'error' ]; return back()->with(['toast' => $toastData]); } $checkCourseForSale = checkCourseForSale($course, $user); if ($checkCourseForSale != 'ok') { return $checkCourseForSale; } Sale::create([ 'buyer_id' => $user->id, 'seller_id' => $course->creator_id, 'webinar_id' => $course->id, 'type' => Sale::$webinar, 'payment_method' => Sale::$credit, 'amount' => 0, 'total_amount' => 0, 'created_at' => time(), ]); RewardAccounting::makeRewardAccounting($user->id, $course->points, 'withdraw', null, false, RewardAccounting::DEDUCTION); $toastData = [ 'title' => '', 'msg' => trans('update.success_pay_course_with_point_msg'), 'status' => 'success' ]; return back()->with(['toast' => $toastData]); } abort(404); } else { return redirect('/login'); } } public function directPayment(Request $request) { $user = auth()->user(); if (!empty($user) and !empty(getFeaturesSettings('direct_classes_payment_button_status'))) { $this->validate($request, [ 'item_id' => 'required', 'item_name' => 'nullable', ]); $data = $request->except('_token'); $webinarId = $data['item_id']; $ticketId = $data['ticket_id'] ?? null; $webinar = Webinar::where('id', $webinarId) ->where('private', false) ->where('status', 'active') ->first(); if (!empty($webinar)) { $checkCourseForSale = checkCourseForSale($webinar, $user); if ($checkCourseForSale != 'ok') { return $checkCourseForSale; } $fakeCarts = collect(); $fakeCart = new Cart(); $fakeCart->creator_id = $user->id; $fakeCart->webinar_id = $webinarId; $fakeCart->ticket_id = $ticketId; $fakeCart->special_offer_id = null; $fakeCart->created_at = time(); $fakeCarts->add($fakeCart); $cartController = new CartController(); return $cartController->checkout(new Request(), $fakeCarts); } } abort(404); } }
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