Current Path : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/.trash/app/Http/Controllers/Web/ |
Current File : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/.trash/app/Http/Controllers/Web/CartController.php |
<?php namespace App\Http\Controllers\Web; use App\Http\Controllers\Controller; use App\Http\Controllers\Web\traits\RegionsDataByUser; use App\Mixins\Cashback\CashbackRules; use App\Models\Cart; use App\Models\CartDiscount; use App\Models\Discount; use App\Models\Order; use App\Models\OrderItem; use App\Models\PaymentChannel; use App\Models\Product; use App\Models\ProductOrder; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use Illuminate\Validation\Rule; class CartController extends Controller { use RegionsDataByUser; public function index() { $user = auth()->user(); $carts = Cart::where('creator_id', $user->id) ->with([ 'user', 'webinar', 'installmentPayment', 'reserveMeeting' => function ($query) { $query->with([ 'meeting', 'meetingTime' ]); }, 'ticket', 'productOrder' => function ($query) { $query->whereHas('product'); $query->with(['product']); } ]) ->get(); if (!empty($carts) and !$carts->isEmpty()) { $calculate = $this->calculatePrice($carts, $user); $hasPhysicalProduct = $carts->where('productOrder.product.type', Product::$physical); $deliveryEstimateTime = 0; if (!empty($hasPhysicalProduct) and count($hasPhysicalProduct)) { foreach ($hasPhysicalProduct as $physicalProductCart) { if (!empty($physicalProductCart->productOrder) and !empty($physicalProductCart->productOrder->product) and !empty($physicalProductCart->productOrder->product->delivery_estimated_time) and $physicalProductCart->productOrder->product->delivery_estimated_time > $deliveryEstimateTime ) { $deliveryEstimateTime = $physicalProductCart->productOrder->product->delivery_estimated_time; } } } if (!empty($calculate)) { $totalCashbackAmount = $this->getTotalCashbackAmount($carts, $user, $calculate["sub_total"]); $cartDiscount = CartDiscount::query() ->where('show_only_on_empty_cart', false) ->where('enable', true) ->first(); $data = [ 'pageTitle' => trans('public.cart_page_title'), 'user' => $user, 'carts' => $carts, 'subTotal' => $calculate["sub_total"], 'totalDiscount' => $calculate["total_discount"], 'tax' => $calculate["tax"], 'taxPrice' => $calculate["tax_price"], 'total' => $calculate["total"], 'productDeliveryFee' => $calculate["product_delivery_fee"], 'taxIsDifferent' => $calculate["tax_is_different"], 'userGroup' => !empty($user->userGroup) ? $user->userGroup->group : null, 'hasPhysicalProduct' => (count($hasPhysicalProduct) > 0), 'deliveryEstimateTime' => $deliveryEstimateTime, 'totalCashbackAmount' => $totalCashbackAmount, 'cartDiscount' => $cartDiscount, ]; $data = array_merge($data, $this->getLocationsData($user)); return view('web.default.cart.cart', $data); } } else { $cartDiscount = CartDiscount::query()->where('enable', true)->first(); if (!empty($cartDiscount)) { $data = [ 'pageTitle' => trans('update.cart_is_empty'), 'cartDiscount' => $cartDiscount, ]; return view('web.default.cart.empty_cart', $data); } } return redirect('/'); } public function couponValidate(Request $request) { $user = auth()->user(); $coupon = $request->get('coupon'); $discountCoupon = Discount::where('code', $coupon) ->first(); if (!empty($discountCoupon)) { $checkDiscount = $discountCoupon->checkValidDiscount(); if ($checkDiscount != 'ok') { return response()->json([ 'status' => 422, 'msg' => $checkDiscount ]); } $carts = Cart::where('creator_id', $user->id) ->get(); if (!empty($carts) and !$carts->isEmpty()) { $calculate = $this->calculatePrice($carts, $user, $discountCoupon); if (!empty($calculate)) { return response()->json([ 'status' => 200, 'discount_id' => $discountCoupon->id, 'total_discount' => handlePrice($calculate["total_discount"]), 'total_tax' => handlePrice($calculate["tax_price"]), 'total_amount' => handlePrice($calculate["total"]), ], 200); } } } return response()->json([ 'status' => 422, 'msg' => trans('cart.coupon_invalid') ]); } private function handleDiscountPrice($discount, $carts, $subTotal) { $user = auth()->user(); $percent = $discount->percent ?? 1; $totalDiscount = 0; if ($discount->source == Discount::$discountSourceCourse) { $totalWebinarsAmount = 0; $webinarOtherDiscounts = 0; $discountWebinarsIds = $discount->discountCourses()->pluck('course_id')->toArray(); foreach ($carts as $cart) { $webinar = $cart->webinar; if (!empty($webinar) and (in_array($webinar->id, $discountWebinarsIds) or count($discountWebinarsIds) < 1)) { $totalWebinarsAmount += $webinar->price; //$webinarOtherDiscounts += $webinar->getDiscount($cart->ticket, $user); } } if ($discount->discount_type == Discount::$discountTypeFixedAmount) { $totalDiscount = ($totalWebinarsAmount > $discount->amount) ? $discount->amount : $totalWebinarsAmount; /*if (!empty($webinarOtherDiscounts)) { $totalDiscount = $totalDiscount - (int)$webinarOtherDiscounts; }*/ } else { $totalDiscount = ($totalWebinarsAmount > 0) ? $totalWebinarsAmount * $percent / 100 : 0; } } elseif ($discount->source == Discount::$discountSourceBundle) { $totalBundlesAmount = 0; $bundleOtherDiscounts = 0; $discountBundlesIds = $discount->discountBundles()->pluck('bundle_id')->toArray(); foreach ($carts as $cart) { $bundle = $cart->bundle; if (!empty($bundle) and (in_array($bundle->id, $discountBundlesIds) or count($discountBundlesIds) < 1)) { $totalBundlesAmount += $bundle->price; //$bundleOtherDiscounts += $bundle->getDiscount($cart->ticket, $user); } } if ($discount->discount_type == Discount::$discountTypeFixedAmount) { $totalDiscount = ($totalBundlesAmount > $discount->amount) ? $discount->amount : $totalBundlesAmount; /*if (!empty($bundleOtherDiscounts)) { $totalDiscount = $totalDiscount - (int)$bundleOtherDiscounts; }*/ } else { $totalDiscount = ($totalBundlesAmount > 0) ? $totalBundlesAmount * $percent / 100 : 0; } } elseif ($discount->source == Discount::$discountSourceProduct) { $totalProductsAmount = 0; $productOtherDiscounts = 0; foreach ($carts as $cart) { if (!empty($cart->productOrder)) { $product = $cart->productOrder->product; if (!empty($product) and ($discount->product_type == 'all' or $discount->product_type == $product->type)) { $totalProductsAmount += ($product->price * $cart->productOrder->quantity); //$productOtherDiscounts += $product->getDiscountPrice(); } } } if ($discount->discount_type == Discount::$discountTypeFixedAmount) { $totalDiscount = ($totalProductsAmount > $discount->amount) ? $discount->amount : $totalProductsAmount; /*if (!empty($productOtherDiscounts)) { $totalDiscount = $totalDiscount - (int)$productOtherDiscounts; }*/ } else { $totalDiscount = ($totalProductsAmount > 0) ? $totalProductsAmount * $percent / 100 : 0; } } elseif ($discount->source == Discount::$discountSourceMeeting) { $totalMeetingAmount = 0; $meetingOtherDiscounts = 0; foreach ($carts as $cart) { $reserveMeeting = $cart->reserveMeeting; if (!empty($reserveMeeting)) { $totalMeetingAmount += $reserveMeeting->paid_amount; //$meetingOtherDiscounts += $reserveMeeting->getDiscountPrice($user); } } if ($discount->discount_type == Discount::$discountTypeFixedAmount) { $totalDiscount = ($totalMeetingAmount > $discount->amount) ? $discount->amount : $totalMeetingAmount; /*if (!empty($meetingOtherDiscounts)) { $totalDiscount = $totalDiscount - $meetingOtherDiscounts; }*/ } else { $totalDiscount = ($totalMeetingAmount > 0) ? $totalMeetingAmount * $percent / 100 : 0; } } elseif ($discount->source == Discount::$discountSourceCategory) { $totalCategoriesAmount = 0; $categoriesOtherDiscounts = 0; $categoriesIds = ($discount->discountCategories) ? $discount->discountCategories()->pluck('category_id')->toArray() : []; foreach ($carts as $cart) { $webinar = $cart->webinar; if (!empty($webinar) and in_array($webinar->category_id, $categoriesIds)) { $totalCategoriesAmount += $webinar->price; //$categoriesOtherDiscounts += $webinar->getDiscount($cart->ticket, $user); } } if ($discount->discount_type == Discount::$discountTypeFixedAmount) { $totalDiscount = ($totalCategoriesAmount > $discount->amount) ? $discount->amount : $totalCategoriesAmount; /*if (!empty($categoriesOtherDiscounts)) { $totalDiscount = $totalDiscount - $categoriesOtherDiscounts; }*/ } else { $totalDiscount = ($totalCategoriesAmount > 0) ? $totalCategoriesAmount * $percent / 100 : 0; } } else { $totalCartAmount = 0; $totalCartOtherDiscounts = 0; foreach ($carts as $cart) { $webinar = $cart->webinar; $bundle = $cart->bundle; $reserveMeeting = $cart->reserveMeeting; if (!empty($webinar)) { $totalCartAmount += $webinar->price; //$totalCartOtherDiscounts += $webinar->getDiscount($cart->ticket, $user); } if (!empty($reserveMeeting)) { $totalCartAmount += $reserveMeeting->paid_amount; //$totalCartOtherDiscounts += $reserveMeeting->getDiscountPrice($user); } if (!empty($bundle)) { $totalCartAmount += $bundle->price; //$bundleOtherDiscounts += $bundle->getDiscount($cart->ticket, $user); } if (!empty($cart->productOrder)) { $product = $cart->productOrder->product; if (!empty($product)) { $totalCartAmount += ($product->price * $cart->productOrder->quantity); //$productOtherDiscounts += $product->getDiscountPrice(); } } } if ($discount->discount_type == Discount::$discountTypeFixedAmount) { $totalDiscount = ($totalCartAmount > $discount->amount) ? $discount->amount : $totalCartAmount; /*if (!empty($totalCartOtherDiscounts)) { $totalDiscount = $totalDiscount - $totalCartOtherDiscounts; }*/ } else { $totalDiscount = ($totalCartAmount > 0) ? $totalCartAmount * $percent / 100 : 0; } } if ($discount->discount_type != Discount::$discountTypeFixedAmount and !empty($discount->max_amount) and $totalDiscount > $discount->max_amount) { $totalDiscount = $discount->max_amount; } return $totalDiscount; } private function productDeliveryFeeBySeller($carts) { $productFee = []; foreach ($carts as $cart) { if (!empty($cart->productOrder) and !empty($cart->productOrder->product)) { $product = $cart->productOrder->product; if (!empty($product->delivery_fee)) { if (!empty($productFee[$product->creator_id]) and $productFee[$product->creator_id] < $product->delivery_fee) { $productFee[$product->creator_id] = $product->delivery_fee; } else if (empty($productFee[$product->creator_id])) { $productFee[$product->creator_id] = $product->delivery_fee; } } } } return $productFee; } private function physicalProductCountBySeller($carts) { $productCount = []; foreach ($carts as $cart) { if (!empty($cart->productOrder) and !empty($cart->productOrder->product)) { $product = $cart->productOrder->product; if (!empty($product) and $product->isPhysical()) { if (!empty($productCount[$product->creator_id])) { $productCount[$product->creator_id] += 1; } else { $productCount[$product->creator_id] = 1; } } } } return $productCount; } private function calculateProductDeliveryFee($carts) { $fee = 0; if (!empty($carts)) { $productsFee = $this->productDeliveryFeeBySeller($carts); if (!empty($productsFee) and count($productsFee)) { $fee = array_sum($productsFee); } } return $fee; } public function calculatePrice($carts, $user, $discountCoupon = null) { $financialSettings = getFinancialSettings(); $subTotal = 0; $totalDiscount = 0; $tax = (!empty($financialSettings['tax']) and $financialSettings['tax'] > 0) ? $financialSettings['tax'] : 0; $taxPrice = 0; $commissionPrice = 0; $commission = 0; $cartHasWebinar = array_filter($carts->pluck('webinar_id')->toArray()); $cartHasBundle = array_filter($carts->pluck('bundle_id')->toArray()); $cartHasMeeting = array_filter($carts->pluck('reserve_meeting_id')->toArray()); $cartHasInstallmentPayment = array_filter($carts->pluck('installment_payment_id')->toArray()); $taxIsDifferent = (count($cartHasWebinar) or count($cartHasBundle) or count($cartHasMeeting) or count($cartHasInstallmentPayment)); foreach ($carts as $cart) { $orderPrices = $this->handleOrderPrices($cart, $user, $taxIsDifferent, $discountCoupon); $subTotal += $orderPrices['sub_total']; $totalDiscount += $orderPrices['total_discount']; $tax = $orderPrices['tax']; $taxPrice += $orderPrices['tax_price']; $commission += $orderPrices['commission']; $commissionPrice += $orderPrices['commission_price']; $taxIsDifferent = $orderPrices['tax_is_different']; } if (!empty($discountCoupon)) { $totalDiscount += $this->handleDiscountPrice($discountCoupon, $carts, $subTotal); } if ($totalDiscount > $subTotal) { $totalDiscount = $subTotal; } $subTotalWithoutDiscount = $subTotal - $totalDiscount; $productDeliveryFee = $this->calculateProductDeliveryFee($carts); $total = $subTotalWithoutDiscount + $taxPrice + $productDeliveryFee; if ($total < 0) { $total = 0; } return [ 'sub_total' => round($subTotal, 2), 'total_discount' => round($totalDiscount, 2), 'tax' => $tax, 'tax_price' => round($taxPrice, 2), 'commission' => $commission, 'commission_price' => round($commissionPrice, 2), 'total' => round($total, 2), 'product_delivery_fee' => round($productDeliveryFee, 2), 'tax_is_different' => $taxIsDifferent ]; } public function checkout(Request $request, $carts = null) { $user = auth()->user(); if (empty($carts)) { $carts = Cart::where('creator_id', $user->id) ->get(); } $hasPhysicalProduct = $carts->where('productOrder.product.type', Product::$physical); $checkAddressValidation = (count($hasPhysicalProduct) > 0); if (empty(getStoreSettings('show_address_selection_in_cart')) or !empty(getStoreSettings('take_address_selection_optional'))) { $checkAddressValidation = false; } $this->validate($request, [ 'country_id' => Rule::requiredIf($checkAddressValidation), 'province_id' => Rule::requiredIf($checkAddressValidation), 'city_id' => Rule::requiredIf($checkAddressValidation), 'district_id' => Rule::requiredIf($checkAddressValidation), 'address' => Rule::requiredIf($checkAddressValidation), ]); $discountId = $request->input('discount_id'); $paymentChannels = PaymentChannel::where('status', 'active')->get(); $discountCoupon = Discount::where('id', $discountId)->first(); if (empty($discountCoupon) or $discountCoupon->checkValidDiscount() != 'ok') { $discountCoupon = null; } if (!empty($carts) and !$carts->isEmpty()) { $calculate = $this->calculatePrice($carts, $user); $order = $this->createOrderAndOrderItems($carts, $calculate, $user, $discountCoupon); if (!empty($discountCoupon)) { $totalCouponDiscount = $this->handleDiscountPrice($discountCoupon, $carts, $calculate['sub_total']); $calculate['total_discount'] += $totalCouponDiscount; $calculate["total"] = $calculate["total"] - $totalCouponDiscount; } if (count($hasPhysicalProduct) > 0) { $this->updateProductOrders($request, $carts, $user); } if (!empty($order) and $order->total_amount > 0) { $razorpay = false; $isMultiCurrency = !empty(getFinancialCurrencySettings('multi_currency')); foreach ($paymentChannels as $paymentChannel) { if ($paymentChannel->class_name == 'Razorpay' and (!$isMultiCurrency or in_array(currency(), $paymentChannel->currencies))) { $razorpay = true; } } $totalCashbackAmount = $this->getTotalCashbackAmount($carts, $user, $calculate["sub_total"]); $data = [ 'pageTitle' => trans('public.checkout_page_title'), 'paymentChannels' => $paymentChannels, 'carts' => $carts, 'subTotal' => $calculate["sub_total"], 'totalDiscount' => $calculate["total_discount"], 'tax' => $calculate["tax"], 'taxPrice' => $calculate["tax_price"], 'total' => $calculate["total"], 'userGroup' => $user->userGroup ? $user->userGroup->group : null, 'order' => $order, 'count' => $carts->count(), 'userCharge' => $user->getAccountingCharge(), 'razorpay' => $razorpay, 'totalCashbackAmount' => $totalCashbackAmount, 'previousUrl' => url()->previous(), ]; return view(getTemplate() . '.cart.payment', $data); } else { return $this->handlePaymentOrderWithZeroTotalAmount($order); } } return redirect('/cart'); } private function updateProductOrders(Request $request, $carts, $user) { $data = $request->all(); foreach ($carts as $cart) { if (!empty($cart->product_order_id)) { ProductOrder::where('id', $cart->product_order_id) ->where('buyer_id', $user->id) ->update([ 'message_to_seller' => $data['message_to_seller'], ]); } } $user->update([ 'country_id' => $data['country_id'] ?? $user->country_id, 'province_id' => $data['province_id'] ?? $user->province_id, 'city_id' => $data['city_id'] ?? $user->city_id, 'district_id' => $data['district_id'] ?? $user->district_id, 'address' => $data['address'] ?? $user->address, ]); } public function createOrderAndOrderItems($carts, $calculate, $user, $discountCoupon = null) { $totalCouponDiscount = 0; if (!empty($discountCoupon)) { $totalCouponDiscount = $this->handleDiscountPrice($discountCoupon, $carts, $calculate['sub_total']); } $totalAmount = $calculate["total"] - $totalCouponDiscount; $order = Order::create([ 'user_id' => $user->id, 'status' => Order::$pending, 'amount' => $calculate["sub_total"], 'tax' => $calculate["tax_price"], 'total_discount' => $calculate["total_discount"] + $totalCouponDiscount, 'total_amount' => ($totalAmount > 0) ? $totalAmount : 0, 'product_delivery_fee' => $calculate["product_delivery_fee"] ?? null, 'created_at' => time(), ]); $productsFee = $this->productDeliveryFeeBySeller($carts); $sellersProductsCount = $this->physicalProductCountBySeller($carts); foreach ($carts as $cart) { $orderPrices = $this->handleOrderPrices($cart, $user); $price = $orderPrices['sub_total']; $totalDiscount = $orderPrices['total_discount']; $tax = $orderPrices['tax']; $taxPrice = $orderPrices['tax_price']; $commission = $orderPrices['commission']; $commissionPrice = $orderPrices['commission_price']; $productDeliveryFee = 0; if (!empty($cart->product_order_id)) { $product = $cart->productOrder->product; if (!empty($product) and $product->isPhysical() and !empty($productsFee[$product->creator_id])) { $productDeliveryFee = $productsFee[$product->creator_id]; } $sellerProductCount = !empty($sellersProductsCount[$product->creator_id]) ? $sellersProductsCount[$product->creator_id] : 1; $productDeliveryFee = $productDeliveryFee > 0 ? $productDeliveryFee / $sellerProductCount : 0; } $allDiscountPrice = $totalDiscount; if ($totalCouponDiscount > 0 and $price > 0) { $percent = (($price / $calculate["sub_total"]) * 100); $allDiscountPrice += (($totalCouponDiscount * $percent) / 100); } $subTotalWithoutDiscount = $price - $allDiscountPrice; $totalAmount = $subTotalWithoutDiscount + $taxPrice + $productDeliveryFee; $ticket = $cart->ticket; if (!empty($ticket) and !$ticket->isValid()) { $ticket = null; } OrderItem::create([ 'user_id' => $user->id, 'order_id' => $order->id, 'webinar_id' => $cart->webinar_id ?? null, 'bundle_id' => $cart->bundle_id ?? null, 'product_id' => (!empty($cart->product_order_id) and !empty($cart->productOrder->product)) ? $cart->productOrder->product->id : null, 'product_order_id' => (!empty($cart->product_order_id)) ? $cart->product_order_id : null, 'reserve_meeting_id' => $cart->reserve_meeting_id ?? null, 'subscribe_id' => $cart->subscribe_id ?? null, 'promotion_id' => $cart->promotion_id ?? null, 'gift_id' => $cart->gift_id ?? null, 'installment_payment_id' => $cart->installment_payment_id ?? null, 'ticket_id' => !empty($ticket) ? $ticket->id : null, 'discount_id' => $discountCoupon ? $discountCoupon->id : null, 'amount' => $price, 'total_amount' => $totalAmount, 'tax' => $tax, 'tax_price' => $taxPrice, 'commission' => $commission, 'commission_price' => $commissionPrice, 'product_delivery_fee' => $productDeliveryFee, 'discount' => $allDiscountPrice, 'created_at' => time(), ]); } return $order; } private function getSeller($cart) { $user = null; if (!empty($cart->webinar_id) or !empty($cart->bundle_id)) { $user = $cart->webinar_id ? $cart->webinar->creator : $cart->bundle->creator; } elseif (!empty($cart->reserve_meeting_id)) { $user = $cart->reserveMeeting->meeting->creator; } elseif (!empty($cart->product_order_id)) { $user = $cart->productOrder->seller; } return $user; } /** * @param $sources => \App\Models\UserCommission::$sources * @param $itemPrice * @param null $seller * */ private function getCommissionPrice($source, $itemPrice, $seller = null) { $hasSellerSpecificCommission = false; $commissionPrice = 0; if (!empty($seller)) { $userCommission = $seller->commissions()->where('source', $source)->first(); if (!empty($userCommission)) { $hasSellerSpecificCommission = true; $commissionPrice = $userCommission->calculatePrice($itemPrice); } else { $userGroup = $seller->getUserGroup(); if (!empty($userGroup)) { $groupCommission = $userGroup->commissions()->where('source', $source)->first(); if (!empty($groupCommission)) { $hasSellerSpecificCommission = true; $commissionPrice = $groupCommission->calculatePrice($itemPrice); } } } } if (!$hasSellerSpecificCommission) { // Get System Default Commission $commissionSettings = getCommissionSettings(); if (!empty($commissionSettings) and !empty($commissionSettings[$source]) and !empty($commissionSettings[$source]['type']) and !empty($commissionSettings[$source]['value'])) { $type = $commissionSettings[$source]['type']; $value = $commissionSettings[$source]['value']; if ($type == "percent") { $commissionPrice = $itemPrice > 0 ? (($itemPrice * $value) / 100) : 0; } else { $commissionPrice = $value; } } } return $commissionPrice; } public function handleOrderPrices($cart, $user, $taxIsDifferent = false, $discountCoupon = null) { $seller = $this->getSeller($cart); $financialSettings = getFinancialSettings(); $subTotal = 0; $totalDiscount = 0; $tax = (!empty($financialSettings['tax']) and $financialSettings['tax'] > 0) ? $financialSettings['tax'] : 0; $taxPrice = 0; $commissionPrice = 0; $priceWithoutDiscount = 0; if (!empty($cart->webinar_id) or !empty($cart->bundle_id)) { $item = !empty($cart->webinar_id) ? $cart->webinar : $cart->bundle; $price = $item->price; $discount = $item->getDiscount($cart->ticket, $user); $priceWithoutDiscount = $price - $discount; if ($tax > 0 and $priceWithoutDiscount > 0) { $taxPrice += $priceWithoutDiscount * $tax / 100; } $source = !empty($cart->webinar_id) ? 'courses' : 'bundles'; $commissionPrice += $this->getCommissionPrice($source, $priceWithoutDiscount, $seller); $totalDiscount += $discount; $subTotal += $price; } elseif (!empty($cart->reserve_meeting_id)) { $price = $cart->reserveMeeting->paid_amount; $discount = $cart->reserveMeeting->getDiscountPrice($user); $priceWithoutDiscount = $price - $discount; if ($tax > 0 and $priceWithoutDiscount > 0) { $taxPrice += $priceWithoutDiscount * $tax / 100; } $commissionPrice += $this->getCommissionPrice('meetings', $priceWithoutDiscount, $seller); $totalDiscount += $discount; $subTotal += $price; } elseif (!empty($cart->product_order_id)) { $product = $cart->productOrder->product; if (!empty($product)) { $productQuantity = $cart->productOrder->quantity; $price = ($product->price * $productQuantity); $discount = $product->getDiscountPrice() * $productQuantity; $productTax = $product->getTax(); $priceWithoutDiscount = $price - $discount; $taxIsDifferent = ($taxIsDifferent and $tax != $productTax); $tax = $productTax; if ($productTax > 0 and $priceWithoutDiscount > 0) { $taxPrice += $priceWithoutDiscount * $productTax / 100; } // Product Commission if (isset($product->commission)) { if ($product->commission_type == "percent") { $commissionPrice += ($priceWithoutDiscount > 0 and $product->commission > 0) ? (($priceWithoutDiscount * $product->commission) / 100) : 0; } else { $commissionPrice += $product->commission; } } else { $source = ($product->type == Product::$physical) ? 'physical_products' : 'virtual_products'; $commissionPrice += $this->getCommissionPrice($source, $priceWithoutDiscount, $seller); } $totalDiscount += $discount; $subTotal += $price; } } elseif (!empty($cart->installment_payment_id)) { $price = $cart->installmentPayment->amount; $discount = 0; $priceWithoutDiscount = $price - $discount; if ($tax > 0 and $priceWithoutDiscount > 0) { $taxPrice += $priceWithoutDiscount * $tax / 100; } // Commission $installmentOrder = $cart->installmentPayment->installmentOrder; if (!empty($installmentOrder)) { $source = null; if (!empty($installmentOrder->webinar_id)) { $source = "courses"; } elseif (!empty($installmentOrder->bundle_id)) { $source = "bundles"; } elseif (!empty($installmentOrder->product_id) and !empty($installmentOrder->product)) { if ($installmentOrder->product->type == Product::$physical) { $source = "physical_products"; } else { $source = "virtual_products"; } } if (!empty($source)) { $commissionPrice += $this->getCommissionPrice($source, $priceWithoutDiscount, $seller); } } $totalDiscount += $discount; $subTotal += $price; } if ($totalDiscount > $subTotal) { $totalDiscount = $subTotal; } $commission = ($commissionPrice > 0 and $priceWithoutDiscount > 0) ? (($commissionPrice / $priceWithoutDiscount) * 100) : 0; return [ 'sub_total' => round($subTotal, 2), 'total_discount' => round($totalDiscount, 2), 'tax' => $tax, 'tax_price' => round($taxPrice, 2), 'commission' => $commission, 'commission_price' => round($commissionPrice, 2), //'product_delivery_fee' => round($productDeliveryFee, 2), 'tax_is_different' => $taxIsDifferent ]; } private function handlePaymentOrderWithZeroTotalAmount($order) { $order->update([ 'payment_method' => Order::$paymentChannel ]); $paymentController = new PaymentController(); $paymentController->setPaymentAccounting($order); $order->update([ 'status' => Order::$paid ]); return redirect('/payments/status?order_id=' . $order->id); } private function getTotalCashbackAmount($carts, $user, $subTotal) { $amount = 0; if (getFeaturesSettings('cashback_active') and (empty($user) or !$user->disable_cashback)) { $cashbackRulesMixin = new CashbackRules($user); $applyPerItemRules = []; foreach ($carts as $cart) { $rules = $cashbackRulesMixin->getRulesByItem($cart); if (!empty($rules) and count($rules)) { foreach ($rules as $rule) { if (empty($rule->min_amount) or $rule->min_amount <= $subTotal) { if ($rule->amount_type == "fixed_amount") { if ($rule->apply_cashback_per_item and $rule->apply_cashback_per_item > 0) { $amount += $rule->amount; } else { $applyPerItemRules[$rule->id] = $rule; } } else if ($rule->amount_type == "percent") { $itemOrder = $this->handleOrderPrices($cart, $user); $itemPrice = $itemOrder['sub_total']; if (!empty($itemOrder['total_discount'])) { $itemPrice = $itemPrice - $itemOrder['total_discount']; } $ruleAmount = $rule->getAmount($itemPrice); if (!empty($rule->max_amount) and $rule->max_amount < $ruleAmount) { $amount += $rule->max_amount; } else { $amount += $ruleAmount; } } } } } } if (!empty($applyPerItemRules)) { foreach ($applyPerItemRules as $applyPerItemRule) { $amount += $applyPerItemRule->amount; } } } return $amount; } }
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