Current Path : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/public_html/public/assets/admin/js/ |
Current File : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/public_html/public/assets/admin/js/stisla.js |
"use strict"; (function($, window, i) { // Bootstrap 4 Modal $.fn.fireModal = function(options) { var options = $.extend({ size: 'modal-md', center: false, animation: true, title: 'Modal Title', closeButton: true, header: true, bodyClass: '', footerClass: '', body: '', buttons: [], autoFocus: true, removeOnDismiss: false, created: function() {}, appended: function() {}, onFormSubmit: function() {}, modal: {} }, options); this.each(function() { i++; var id = 'fire-modal-' + i, trigger_class = 'trigger--' + id, trigger_button = $('.' + trigger_class); $(this).addClass(trigger_class); // Get modal body let body = options.body; if(typeof body == 'object') { if(body.length) { let part = body; body = body.removeAttr('id').clone().removeClass('modal-part'); part.remove(); }else{ body = '<div class="text-danger">Modal part element not found!</div>'; } } // Modal base template var modal_template = ' <div class="modal'+ (options.animation == true ? ' fade' : '') +'" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" id="'+ id +'"> ' + ' <div class="modal-dialog '+options.size+(options.center ? ' modal-dialog-centered' : '')+'" role="document"> ' + ' <div class="modal-content"> ' + ((options.header == true) ? ' <div class="modal-header"> ' + ' <h5 class="modal-title">'+ options.title +'</h5> ' + ((options.closeButton == true) ? ' <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"> ' + ' <span aria-hidden="true">×</span> ' + ' </button> ' : '') + ' </div> ' : '') + ' <div class="modal-body"> ' + ' </div> ' + (options.buttons.length > 0 ? ' <div class="modal-footer"> ' + ' </div> ' : '')+ ' </div> ' + ' </div> ' + ' </div> ' ; // Convert modal to object var modal_template = $(modal_template); // Start creating buttons from 'buttons' option var this_button; options.buttons.forEach(function(item) { // get option 'id' let id = "id" in item ? item.id : ''; // Button template if (typeof item.link !== "undefined" && item.link) { this_button = '<a href="'+ item.href +'" class="'+ item.class +'" id="'+ id +'">'+ item.text +'</a>'; } else { this_button = '<button type="'+ ("submit" in item && item.submit == true ? 'submit' : 'button') +'" class="'+ item.class +'" id="'+ id +'">'+ item.text +'</button>'; } // add click event to the button this_button = $(this_button).off('click').on("click", function() { // execute function from 'handler' option item.handler.call(this, modal_template); }); // append generated buttons to the modal footer $(modal_template).find('.modal-footer').append(this_button); }); // append a given body to the modal $(modal_template).find('.modal-body').append(body); // add additional body class if(options.bodyClass) $(modal_template).find('.modal-body').addClass(options.bodyClass); // add footer body class if(options.footerClass) $(modal_template).find('.modal-footer').addClass(options.footerClass); // execute 'created' callback options.created.call(this, modal_template, options); // modal form and submit form button let modal_form = $(modal_template).find('.modal-body form'), form_submit_btn = modal_template.find('button[type=submit]'); // append generated modal to the body $("body").append(modal_template); // execute 'appended' callback options.appended.call(this, $('#' + id), modal_form, options); // if modal contains form elements if(modal_form.length) { // if `autoFocus` option is true if(options.autoFocus) { // when modal is shown $(modal_template).on('shown.bs.modal', function() { // if type of `autoFocus` option is `boolean` if(typeof options.autoFocus == 'boolean') modal_form.find('input:eq(0)').focus(); // the first input element will be focused // if type of `autoFocus` option is `string` and `autoFocus` option is an HTML element else if(typeof options.autoFocus == 'string' && modal_form.find(options.autoFocus).length) modal_form.find(options.autoFocus).focus(); // find elements and focus on that }); } // form object let form_object = { startProgress: function() { modal_template.addClass('modal-progress'); }, stopProgress: function() { modal_template.removeClass('modal-progress'); } }; // if form is not contains button element if(!modal_form.find('button').length) $(modal_form).append('<button class="d-none" id="'+ id +'-submit"></button>'); // add click event form_submit_btn.on('click',function() { modal_form.trigger('submit'); }); // add submit event modal_form.on('submit',function(e) { // start form progress form_object.startProgress(); // execute `onFormSubmit` callback options.onFormSubmit.call(this, modal_template, e, form_object); }); } $(document).on("click", '.' + trigger_class, function() { let modal = $('#' + id).modal(options.modal); if(options.removeOnDismiss) { modal.on('hidden.bs.modal', function() { modal.remove(); }); } return false; }); }); } // Bootstrap Modal Destroyer $.destroyModal = function(modal) { modal.modal('hide'); modal.on('hidden.bs.modal', function() { }); } // Card Progress Controller $.cardProgress = function(card, options) { var options = $.extend({ dismiss: false, dismissText: 'Cancel', spinner: true, onDismiss: function() {} }, options); var me = $(card); me.addClass('card-progress'); if(options.spinner == false) { me.addClass('remove-spinner'); } if(options.dismiss == true) { var btn_dismiss = '<a class="btn btn-danger card-progress-dismiss">'+options.dismissText+'</a>'; btn_dismiss = $(btn_dismiss).off('click').on('click', function() { me.removeClass('card-progress'); me.find('.card-progress-dismiss').remove(); options.onDismiss.call(this, me); }); me.append(btn_dismiss); } return { dismiss: function(dismissed) { $.cardProgressDismiss(me, dismissed); } }; } $.cardProgressDismiss = function(card, dismissed) { var me = $(card); me.removeClass('card-progress'); me.find('.card-progress-dismiss').remove(); if(dismissed) dismissed.call(this, me); } $.chatCtrl = function(element, chat) { var chat = $.extend({ position: 'chat-right', text: '', time: moment(new Date().toISOString()).format('hh:mm'), picture: '', type: 'text', // or typing timeout: 0, onShow: function() {} }, chat); var target = $(element), element = '<div class="chat-item '+chat.position+'" style="display:none">' + '<img src="'+chat.picture+'">' + '<div class="chat-details">' + '<div class="chat-text">'+chat.text+'</div>' + '<div class="chat-time">'+chat.time+'</div>' + '</div>' + '</div>', typing_element = '<div class="chat-item chat-left chat-typing" style="display:none">' + '<img src="'+chat.picture+'">' + '<div class="chat-details">' + '<div class="chat-text"></div>' + '</div>' + '</div>'; var append_element = element; if(chat.type == 'typing') { append_element = typing_element; } if(chat.timeout > 0) { setTimeout(function() { target.find('.chat-content').append($(append_element).fadeIn()); }, chat.timeout); }else{ target.find('.chat-content').append($(append_element).fadeIn()); } var target_height = 0; target.find('.chat-content .chat-item').each(function() { target_height += $(this).outerHeight(); }); setTimeout(function() { target.find('.chat-content').scrollTop(target_height, -1); }, 100); chat.onShow.call(this, append_element); } })(jQuery, this, 0);
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