Current Path : /sbin/ |
Current File : //sbin/qshape |
#! /usr/bin/perl -w # To view the formatted manual page of this file, type: # POSTFIXSOURCE/mantools/srctoman - qshape | nroff -man #++ # NAME # qshape 1 # SUMMARY # Print Postfix queue domain and age distribution # SYNOPSIS # .fi # \fBqshape\fR [\fB-s\fR] [\fB-p\fR] [\fB-m \fImin_subdomains\fR] # [\fB-b \fIbucket_count\fR] [\fB-t \fIbucket_time\fR] # [\fB-l\fR] [\fB-w \fIterminal_width\fR] # [\fB-N \fIbatch_msg_count\fR] [\fB-n \fIbatch_top_domains\fR] # [\fB-c \fIconfig_directory\fR] [\fIqueue_name\fR ...] # DESCRIPTION # The \fBqshape\fR program helps the administrator understand the # Postfix queue message distribution in time and by sender domain # or recipient domain. The program needs read access to the queue # directories and queue files, so it must run as the superuser or # the \fBmail_owner\fR specified in \\fR (typically # \fBpostfix\fR). # # Options: # .IP \fB-s\fR # Display the sender domain distribution instead of the recipient # domain distribution. By default the recipient distribution is # displayed. There can be more recipients than messages, but as # each message has only one sender, the sender distribution is a # message distribution. # .IP \fB-p\fR # Generate aggregate statistics for parent domains. Top level domains # are not shown, nor are domains with fewer than \fImin_subdomains\fR # subdomains. The names of parent domains are shown with a leading dot, # (e.g. \\fR). # .IP "\fB-m \fImin_subdomains\fR" # When used with the \fB-p\fR option, sets the minimum subdomain count # needed to show a separate line for a parent domain. The default is 5. # .IP "\fB-b \fIbucket_count\fR" # The age distribution is broken up into a sequence of geometrically # increasing intervals. This option sets the number of intervals # or "buckets". Each bucket has a maximum queue age that is twice # as large as that of the previous bucket. The last bucket has no # age limit. # .IP "\fB-t \fIbucket_time\fR" # The age limit in minutes for the first time bucket. The default # value is 5, meaning that the first bucket counts messages between # 0 and 5 minutes old. # .IP "\fB-l\fR" # Instead of using a geometric age sequence, use a linear age sequence, # in other words simple multiples of \fBbucket_time\fR. # # This feature is available in Postfix 2.2 and later. # .IP "\fB-w \fIterminal_width\fR" # The output is right justified, with the counts for the last # bucket shown on the 80th column, the \fIterminal_width\fR can be # adjusted for wider screens allowing more buckets to be displayed # without truncating the domain names on the left. When a row for a # full domain name and its counters does not fit in the specified # number of columns, only the last 17 bytes of the domain name # are shown with the prefix replaced by a '+' character. Truncated # parent domain rows are shown as '.+' followed by the last 16 bytes # of the domain name. If this is still too narrow to show the domain # name and all the counters, the terminal_width limit is violated. # .IP "\fB-N \fIbatch_msg_count\fR" # When the output device is a terminal, intermediate results are # shown each "batch_msg_count" messages. This produces usable results # in a reasonable time even when the deferred queue is large. The # default is to show intermediate results every 1000 messages. # .IP "\fB-n \fIbatch_top_domains\fR" # When reporting intermediate or final results to a termainal, report # only the top "batch_top_domains" domains. The default limit is 20 # domains. # .IP "\fB-c \fIconfig_directory\fR" # The \\fR configuration file is in the named directory # instead of the default configuration directory. # .PP # Arguments: # .IP \fIqueue_name\fR # By default \fBqshape\fR displays the combined distribution of # the incoming and active queues. To display a different set of # queues, just list their directory names on the command line. # Absolute paths are used as is, other paths are taken relative # to the \\fR \fBqueue_directory\fR parameter setting. # While \\fR supports the use of \fI$variable\fR expansion # in the definition of the \fBqueue_directory\fR parameter, the # \fBqshape\fR program does not. If you must use variable expansions # in the \fBqueue_directory\fR setting, you must specify an explicit # absolute path for each queue subdirectory even if you want the # default incoming and active queue distribution. # SEE ALSO # mailq(1), List all messages in the queue. # QSHAPE_README Examples and background material. # FILES # $config_directory/, Postfix installation parameters. # $queue_directory/maildrop/, local submission directory. # $queue_directory/incoming/, new message queue. # $queue_directory/hold/, messages waiting for tech support. # $queue_directory/active/, messages scheduled for delivery. # $queue_directory/deferred/, messages postponed for later delivery. # LICENSE # .ad # .fi # The Secure Mailer license must be distributed with this software. # AUTHOR(S) # Victor Duchovni # Morgan Stanley #-- use strict; use IO::File; use File::Find; use Getopt::Std; my $cls; # Clear screen escape sequence my $batch_msg_count; # Interim result frequency my $batch_top_domains; # Interim result count my %opts; # Command line switches my %q; # domain counts for queues and buckets my %sub; # subdomain counts for parent domains my $now = time; # reference time my $bnum = 10; # deferred queue bucket count my $width = 80; # screen char width my $dwidth = 18; # min width of domain field my $tick = 5; # minutes my $minsub = 5; # Show parent domains with at least $minsub subdomains my @qlist = qw(incoming active); do { local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { warn "$0: $_[0]" unless exists($opts{"h"}); die "Usage: $0 [ -s ] [ -p ] [ -m <min_subdomains> ] [ -l ]\n". "\t[ -b <bucket_count> ] [ -t <bucket_time> ] [ -w <terminal_width> ]\n". "\t[ -N <batch_msg_count> ] [ -n <batch_top_domains> ]\n". "\t[ -c <config_directory> ] [ <queue_name> ... ]\n". "The 's' option shows sender domain counts.\n". "The 'p' option shows address counts by for parent domains.\n". "Parent domains are shown with a leading '.' before the domain name.\n". "Parent domains are only shown if the the domain is not a TLD, and at\n". "least <min_subdomains> (default 5) subdomains are shown in the output.\n\n". "The bucket age ranges in units of <bucket_time> minutes are\n". "[0,1), [1,2), [2,4), [4,8), [8, 16), ... i.e.:\n". "\tthe first bucket is [0, bucket_time) minutes\n". "\tthe second bucket is [bucket_time, 2*bucket_time) minutes\n". "\tthe third bucket is [2*bucket_time, 4*bucket_time) minutes...\n". "'-l' makes the ages linear, the number of buckets shown is <bucket_count>\n\n". "The default summary is for the incoming and active queues. An explicit\n". "list of queue names can be given on the command line. Non-absolute queue\n". "names are interpreted relative to the Postfix queue directory. Use\n". "<config_directory> to specify a non-default Postfix instance. Values of\n". "the queue_directory parameter that use variable expansions are\n". "not supported. If necessary, use explicit absolute paths for all queues.\n"; }; getopts("lhc:psw:b:t:m:n:N:", \%opts); warn "Help message" if (exists $opts{"h"}); @qlist = @ARGV if (@ARGV > 0); # The -c option specifies the configuration directory, # it is not used if all queue names are absolute. # foreach (@qlist) { next if (m{^/}); $ENV{q{MAIL_CONFIG}} = $opts{"c"} if (exists $opts{"c"}); chomp(my $qdir = qx{postconf -h queue_directory}); die "$0: postconf failed\n" if ($? != 0); warn "'queue_directory' variable expansion not supported: $qdir\n" if ($qdir =~ /\$/); chdir($qdir) or die "$0: chdir($qdir): $!\n"; last; } }; $width = $opts{"w"} if (exists $opts{"w"} && $opts{"w"} > 80); $bnum = $opts{"b"} if (exists $opts{"b"} && $opts{"b"} > 0); $tick = $opts{"t"} if (exists $opts{"t"} && $opts{"t"} > 0); $minsub = $opts{"m"} if (exists $opts{"m"} && $opts{"m"} > 0); if ( -t STDOUT ) { $batch_msg_count = 1000 unless defined($batch_msg_count = $opts{"N"}); $batch_top_domains = 20 unless defined ($batch_top_domains = $opts{"n"}); $cls = `clear`; } else { $batch_msg_count = 0; $batch_top_domains = 0; $cls = ""; } sub rec_get { my ($h) = @_; my $r = getc($h) || return; my $l = 0; my $shift = 0; while (defined(my $lb = getc($h))) { my $o = ord($lb); $l |= ($o & 0x7f) << $shift ; last if (($o & 0x80) == 0); $shift += 7; return if ($shift > 14); # XXX: max rec len of 2097151 } my $d = ""; return unless ($l == 0 || read($h,$d,$l) == $l); ($r, $l, $d); } sub qenv { my ($qfile) = @_; return unless $qfile =~ m{(^|/)[A-Za-z0-9]{6,}$}; my @st = lstat($qfile); return unless (@st > 0 && -f _ && (($st[2] & 0733) == 0700)); my $h = new IO::File($qfile, "r") || return; my ($t, $s, @r, $dlen); my ($r, $l, $d) = rec_get($h); if ($r eq "C") { # XXX: Sanity check, the first record type is REC_TYPE_SIZE (C) # if the file is proper queue file written by "cleanup", in # this case the second record is always REC_TYPE_TIME. # $dlen = $1 if ($d =~ /^\s*(\d+)\s+\d+\s+\d+/); ($r, $l, $d) = rec_get($h); return unless (defined $r && $r eq "T"); ($t) = split(/\s+/, $d); } elsif ($r eq "S" || $r eq "F") { # For embryonic queue files in the "maildrop" directory the first # record is either a REC_TYPE_FULL (F) followed by REC_TYPE_FROM # or an immediate REC_TYPE_FROM (S). In either case there is no # REC_TYPE_TIME and we get the timestamp via lstat(). # $t = $st[9]; if ($r ne "S") { ($r, $l, $d) = rec_get($h); return unless (defined $r && $r eq "S"); } $s = $d; } else { # XXX: Not a valid queue file! # return undef; } while (my ($r, $l, $d) = rec_get($h)) { if ($r eq "p" && $d > 0) { seek($h, $d, 0) or return (); # follow pointer } if ($r eq "R") { push(@r, $d); } elsif ($r eq "S") { $s = $d; } elsif ($r eq "M") { last unless (defined($s)); if (defined($dlen)) { seek($h, $dlen, 1) or return (); # skip content ($r, $l, $d) = rec_get($h); } else { while ((($r, $l, $d) = rec_get($h)) && ($r =~ /^[NLp]$/)) { if ($r eq "p" && $d > 0) { seek($h, $d, 0) or return (); # follow pointer } } } return unless (defined($r) && $r eq "X"); } elsif ($r eq "E") { last unless (defined($t) && defined($s) && @r); return ($t, $s, @r); } } return (); } # bucket 0 is the total over all the buckets. # buckets 1 to $bnum contain the age breakdown. # sub bucket { my ($qt, $now) = @_; my $m = ($now - $qt) / (60 * $tick); return 1 if ($m < 1); my $b = $opts{"l"} ? int($m+1) : 2 + int(log($m) / log(2)); $b < $bnum ? $b : $bnum; } # Collate by age of message in the selected queues. # my $msgs; sub wanted { if (my ($t, $s, @r) = qenv($_)) { my $b = bucket($t, $now); foreach my $a (map {lc($_)} ($opts{"s"} ? ($s) : @r)) { ++$q{"TOTAL"}->[0]; ++$q{"TOTAL"}->[$b]; $a = "MAILER-DAEMON" if ($a eq ""); $a =~ s/.*\@//; $a =~ s/\.\././g; $a =~ s/\.?(.+?)\.?$/$1/; my $new = 0; do { my $old = (++$q{$a}->[0] > 1); ++$q{$a}->[$b]; ++$sub{$a} if ($new); $new = ! $old; } while ($opts{"p"} && $a =~ s/^(?:\.)?[^.]+\.(.*\.)/.$1/); } if ($batch_msg_count > 0 && ++$msgs % $batch_msg_count == 0) { results(); } } } my @heads; my $fmt; my $dw; sub pdomain { my ($d, @count) = @_; foreach ((0 .. $bnum)) { $count[$_] ||= 0; } my $len = length($d); if ($len > $dw) { if (substr($d, 0, 1) eq ".") { print ".+",substr($d, $len-$dw+2, $dw-2); } else { print "+",substr($d, $len-$dw+1, $dw-1); } } else { print (" " x ($dw - $len), $d); } printf "$fmt\n", @count; } sub results { @heads = (); $dw = $width; $fmt = ""; for (my $i = 0, my $t = 0; $i <= $bnum; ) { $q{"TOTAL"}->[$i] ||= 0; my $l = length($q{"TOTAL"}->[$i]); my $h = ($i == 0) ? "T" : $t; $l = length($h) if (length($h) >= $l); $l = ($l > 2) ? $l + 1 : 3; push(@heads, $h); $fmt .= sprintf "%%%ds", $l; $dw -= $l; if (++$i < $bnum) { $t += ($t && !$opts{"l"}) ? $t : $tick; } else { $t = "$t+"; } } $dw = $dwidth if ($dw < $dwidth); print $cls if ($batch_msg_count > 0); # Print headings # pdomain("", @heads); my $n = 0; # Show per-domain totals # foreach my $d (sort { $q{$b}->[0] <=> $q{$a}->[0] || length($a) <=> length($b) } keys %q) { # Skip parent domains with < $minsub subdomains. # next if ($d =~ /^\./ && $sub{$d} < $minsub); last if ($batch_top_domains > 0 && ++$n > $batch_top_domains); pdomain($d, @{$q{$d}}); } } find(\&wanted, @qlist); results();
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