Current Path : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/public_html/app/Models/ |
Current File : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/public_html/app/Models/Product.php |
<?php namespace App\Models; use App\Models\Traits\CascadeDeletes; use App\User; use Cviebrock\EloquentSluggable\Services\SlugService; use Cviebrock\EloquentSluggable\Sluggable; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; use Astrotomic\Translatable\Contracts\Translatable as TranslatableContract; use Astrotomic\Translatable\Translatable; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB; use Jorenvh\Share\ShareFacade; class Product extends Model implements TranslatableContract { use Translatable; use Sluggable; use CascadeDeletes; protected $table = 'products'; public $timestamps = false; protected $dateFormat = 'U'; protected $guarded = ['id']; public $morphsFunctions = ['productBadgeContent', 'relatedCourses', 'deleteRequest']; static $productTypes = ['virtual', 'physical']; static $productStatus = ['active', 'pending', 'draft', 'inactive']; static $physical = 'physical'; static $virtual = 'virtual'; static $active = 'active'; static $pending = 'pending'; static $draft = 'draft'; static $inactive = 'inactive'; public $translatedAttributes = ['title', 'seo_description', 'summary', 'description']; public function getTitleAttribute() { return getTranslateAttributeValue($this, 'title'); } public function getSeoDescriptionAttribute() { return getTranslateAttributeValue($this, 'seo_description'); } public function getSummaryAttribute() { return getTranslateAttributeValue($this, 'summary'); } public function getDescriptionAttribute() { return getTranslateAttributeValue($this, 'description'); } public function getThumbnailAttribute() { $media = $this->media()->where('type', ProductMedia::$thumbnail)->first(); return !empty($media) ? $media->path : null; } public function getImagesAttribute() { return $this->media()->where('type', ProductMedia::$image)->get(); } public function getVideoDemoAttribute() { $media = $this->media()->where('type', ProductMedia::$video)->first(); return !empty($media) ? $media->path : null; } public function sluggable(): array { return [ 'slug' => [ 'source' => 'title' ] ]; } public static function makeSlug($title) { return SlugService::createSlug(self::class, 'slug', $title); } public function getImage() { return $this->thumbnail; } /* * Relations * */ public function creator() { return $this->belongsTo('App\User', 'creator_id', 'id'); } public function files() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\ProductFile', 'product_id', 'id'); } public function media() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\ProductMedia', 'product_id', 'id'); } public function category() { return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\ProductCategory', 'category_id', 'id'); } public function selectedFilterOptions() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\ProductSelectedFilterOption', 'product_id', 'id'); } public function selectedSpecifications() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\ProductSelectedSpecification', 'product_id', 'id'); } public function faqs() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\ProductFaq', 'product_id', 'id'); } public function discounts() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\ProductDiscount', 'product_id', 'id'); } public function comments() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Comment', 'product_id', 'id'); } public function reviews() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\ProductReview', 'product_id', 'id'); } public function productOrders() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\ProductOrder', 'product_id', 'id'); } public function productBadgeContent() { return $this->morphMany(ProductBadgeContent::class, 'targetable'); } public function relatedCourses() { return $this->morphMany('App\Models\RelatedCourse', 'targetable'); } public function deleteRequest() { return $this->morphOne(ContentDeleteRequest::class, 'targetable'); } public function sales($withoutRefunds = true) { if (empty($this->salesCache)) { $ordersIds = $this->productOrders->pluck('id')->toArray(); $query = Sale::whereIn('product_order_id', $ordersIds); if ($withoutRefunds) { $query->whereNull('refund_at'); } $query->orderBy('created_at', 'desc'); $this->salesCache = $query->get(); } return $this->salesCache; } public function salesCount($inventoryUpdatedAt = false) { if (empty($this->salesCountCache)) { $query = $this->productOrders() ->whereNotNull('sale_id') ->whereHas('sale', function ($query) { $query->whereNull('refund_at'); }) ->whereNotIn('status', [ProductOrder::$canceled, ProductOrder::$pending]); if ($inventoryUpdatedAt and !empty($this->inventory_updated_at)) { $query->where('created_at', '>=', $this->inventory_updated_at); } $this->salesCountCache = $query->sum('quantity'); } return $this->salesCountCache; } /* * .\ Relations * */ public function isVirtual(): bool { return ($this->type == self::$virtual); } public function isPhysical(): bool { return ($this->type == self::$physical); } public function getActiveDiscount() { $activeDiscount = ProductDiscount::where('product_id', $this->id) ->where('status', 'active') ->where('start_date', '<', time()) ->where('end_date', '>', time()) ->first(); if (!empty($activeDiscount) and !empty($activeDiscount->count)) { $usedCount = ProductOrder::where('product_id', $this->id) ->where('discount_id', $activeDiscount->id) ->whereHas('sale', function ($query) { $query->whereNull('refund_at'); }) ->count(); if ($usedCount >= $activeDiscount->count) { return false; } } return $activeDiscount ?? false; } public function getPriceWithActiveDiscountPrice() { $activeDiscount = $this->getActiveDiscount(); $price = $this->price ?? 0; if (!empty($activeDiscount)) { $price = $price - ($price * $activeDiscount->percent / 100); } return $price; } public function getDiscountPrice() { $price = 0; $activeDiscount = $this->getActiveDiscount(); if (!empty($activeDiscount)) { $price = $this->price * $activeDiscount->percent / 100; } return $price; } public function getPrice() { // this method used in installment return $this->getPriceWithActiveDiscountPrice(); } public function getAvailability() { if (empty($this->availabilityCount)) { if ($this->unlimited_inventory) { $this->availabilityCount = 99999; } else { $availabilityCount = $this->inventory - $this->salesCount(true); if ($availabilityCount < 0) { $availabilityCount = 0; } $this->availabilityCount = $availabilityCount; } } return $this->availabilityCount; } public function getUrl() { return url('/products/' . $this->slug); } public function getShareLink($social) { $link = ShareFacade::page($this->getUrl(), $this->title) ->facebook() ->twitter() ->whatsapp() ->telegram() ->getRawLinks(); return !empty($link[$social]) ? $link[$social] : ''; } public function getRate() { $rate = 0; $reviews = $this->reviews() ->where('status', 'active') ->get(); if (!empty($reviews) and $reviews->count() > 0) { $rate = number_format($reviews->avg('rates'), 2); } if ($rate > 5) { $rate = 5; } return $rate > 0 ? number_format($rate, 2) : 0; } public function getCommission() { $commission = 0; if (!empty($this->commission)) { $commission = $this->commission; } else { $getStoreSettings = getStoreSettings(); if ($this->type == self::$virtual and !empty($getStoreSettings) and !empty($getStoreSettings['virtual_product_commission'])) { $commission = $getStoreSettings['virtual_product_commission']; } elseif ($this->type == self::$physical and !empty($getStoreSettings) and !empty($getStoreSettings['physical_product_commission'])) { $commission = $getStoreSettings['physical_product_commission']; } else { $financialSettings = getFinancialSettings(); if (!empty($financialSettings['commission'])) { $commission = $financialSettings['commission']; } } } return $commission; } public function getTax() { $tax = 0; if (!empty($this->tax)) { $tax = $this->tax; } else { $getStoreSettings = getStoreSettings(); if (!empty($getStoreSettings) and isset($getStoreSettings['store_tax'])) { $tax = $getStoreSettings['store_tax']; } else { $financialSettings = getFinancialSettings(); if (!empty($financialSettings['tax'])) { $tax = $financialSettings['tax']; } } } return $tax; } public function checkUserHasBought($user = null): bool { $hasBought = false; if (empty($user)) { $user = auth()->user(); } if (!empty($user)) { $giftsIds = Gift::query()->where('email', $user->email) ->where('status', 'active') ->whereNotNull('product_id') ->where(function ($query) { $query->whereNull('date'); $query->orWhere('date', '<', time()); }) ->whereHas('sale') ->pluck('id') ->toArray(); $order = ProductOrder::query()->where('product_id', $this->id) ->where(function ($query) use ($user, $giftsIds) { $query->where('buyer_id', $user->id); $query->orWhereIn('gift_id', $giftsIds); }) ->whereHas('sale', function ($query) use ($user) { $query->whereIn('type', ['product', 'gift']) ->where('access_to_purchased_item', true) ->whereNull('refund_at'); })->first(); $hasBought = !empty($order); } return $hasBought; } }
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