Current Path : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/public_html/app/Models/Api/ |
Current File : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/public_html/app/Models/Api/Quiz.php |
<?php namespace App\Models\Api; use App\Models\Api\QuizzesResult; use App\Models\Api\Traits\CheckWebinarItemAccessTrait; use App\Models\Quiz as Model; use App\User; use App\Models\Role; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth; use Illuminate\Auth\Events\Failed; class Quiz extends Model { use CheckWebinarItemAccessTrait ; public function getBriefAttribute() { return [ 'id' => $this->id, 'title' => $this->title, 'time' => $this->time, 'auth_status' => $this->auth_status, 'question_count' => $this->quizQuestions->count(), 'total_mark' => $this->quizQuestions->sum('grade'), 'pass_mark' => $this->pass_mark, 'average_grade' => $this->average_grade, 'student_count' => $this->quizResults->pluck('user_id')->count(), 'certificates_count' => $this->certificates->count(), 'success_rate' => $this->success_rate, 'status' => $this->status, 'attempt' => $this->attempt, 'created_at' => $this->created_at, 'certificate' => $this->certificate, 'teacher' => $this->creator->brief, /**********************/ 'auth_attempt_count' => $this->auth_attempt_count, 'attempt_state' => $this->attempt_state, 'auth_can_start' => $this->auth_can_take_quiz, 'webinar' => $this->webinar->brief, ]; } public function getDetailsAttribute() { $details = [ 'questions' => $this->quizQuestions->map(function ($question) { return $question->details; }), 'chapter' => ($this->chapter) ? $this->chapter->details : null, 'auth_can_download_certificate' => $this->auth_can_download_certificate, 'participated_count' => $this->quizResults->count(), 'latest_students' => $this->latest_students, ]; return array_merge($this->brief, $details); } public function getAuthCanTakeQuizStatusAttribute() { $user = apiAuth(); if (!$user) { return null; } $status = 'ok'; $hasBought = $this->webinar->checkUserHasBought($user); if (!$hasBought) { $status = 'not_purchased'; } elseif ($this->auth_passed_quiz) { $status = 'passed'; } // !$this->results && $this->status == QuizzesResult::$waiting elseif (isset($this->attempt) and $this->auth_attempt_count >= $this->attempt ) { $status = 'max_attempt'; } return $status; } public function getAuthCanTakeQuizAttribute() { $user = apiAuth(); if (!$user) { return null; } if ($this->auth_can_take_quiz_status == 'ok') { return true; } return false; } public function getAuthPassedQuizAttribute() { $user = apiAuth(); if (!$user) { return null; } $userQuizDone = $this->auth_results; $status_pass = false; foreach ($userQuizDone as $result) { if ($result->status == QuizzesResult::$passed) { $status_pass = true; } } return $status_pass; } public function getAuthAttemptCountAttribute() { if ($this->auth_results) { return $this->auth_results->count(); } return null; } public function getCountTryAgainAttribute() { if (!$this->auth_can_take_quiz) { return 0; } if (!$this->attempt) { return 'unlimited'; } $diff = $this->attempt - $this->auth_results->count(); return ($diff >= 0) ? $diff : 0; } public function getAuthResultsAttribute() { // $user->quizResults->where('quiz_id', $this->id) $user = apiAuth(); if (!$user) { return null; } $userQuizDone = QuizzesResult::where('quiz_id', $this->id) ->where('user_id', $user->id) ->orderBy('id', 'desc') ->get(); return $userQuizDone; } public function getAttemptStateAttribute() { $a = (!empty(apiAuth()) and !empty($this->auth_results)) ? $this->auth_results->count() : '0'; return $a . '/' . $this->attempt; } public function getAuthCanDownloadCertificateAttribute() { if (!apiAuth()) { return null; } $canDownloadCertificate = false; if (!$this->certificate) { return false; } $user_passed_quiz = apiAuth()->quizResults->where('quiz_id', $this->id)->where('status', 'passed'); if ($user_passed_quiz->count()) { $canDownloadCertificate = true; } return $canDownloadCertificate; } public function getSuccessRateAttribute() { if ($this->quizResults->count()) { return round($this->quizResults->where('status', QuizzesResult::$passed)->pluck('user_id')->count() / $this->quizResults->count() * 100); } return 0; } public function getLatestStudentsAttribute() { /// return 'f' ; return $this->quizResults()->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->groupBy('user_id')->get()->map(function ($result) { return $result->user->brief/// ->user() ; }); } public function getAverageGradeAttribute() { // $quiz->avg_grade = $quizResults->where('status', \App\Models\QuizzesResult::$passed)->avg('user_grade'); return round($this->quizResults->where('status', QuizzesResult::$passed)->avg('user_grade'),2); } public function getAuthStatusAttribute() { $user = apiAuth(); if (!$user) { return null; } $user_quiz_result = $user->quizResults()-> where('quiz_id', $this->id) ->orderBy('id', 'desc') ->get(); if (!$user_quiz_result->count()) { return 'not_participated'; } if ($user_quiz_result->where('status', 'passed')->count() > 0) { return 'passed'; } if ($user_quiz_result->first()->status == 'waiting') { return 'waiting'; } if ($user_quiz_result->first()->status == 'failed') { return 'failed'; } return null; } public function scopeHandleFilters($query) { $request = request(); $from = $request->get('from', null); $to = $request->get('to', null); $quiz_id = $request->get('quiz_id', null); $total_mark = $request->get('total_mark', null); $status = $request->get('status', null); $user_id = $request->get('user_id', null); $creator_id = $request->get('creator_id', null); $webinar_id = $request->get('webinar_id', null); $instructor = $request->get('instructor', null); $open_results = $request->get('open_results', null); $query = fromAndToDateFilter($from, $to, $query, 'created_at'); if (!empty($webinar_id)) { $query->where('webinar_id', $webinar_id); } if (!empty($quiz_id) and $quiz_id != 'all') { $query->where('quiz_id', $quiz_id); } if ($total_mark) { $query->where('total_mark', $total_mark); } if (!empty($user_id) and $user_id != 'all') { $query->where('user_id', $user_id); } if (!empty($creator_id) and $creator_id != 'all') { $query->where('creator_id', $creator_id); } if ($instructor) { $userIds = User::whereIn('role_name', [Role::$teacher, Role::$organization]) ->where('full_name', 'like', '%' . $instructor . '%') ->pluck('id')->toArray(); $query->whereIn('creator_id', $userIds); } if ($status and $status != 'all') { $query->where('status', strtolower($status)); } if (!empty($open_results)) { $query->where('status', 'waiting'); } return $query; } public function webinar() { return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Api\Webinar', 'webinar_id', 'id'); } public function chapter() { return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Api\WebinarChapter', 'webinar_id', 'id'); } public function quizResults() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Api\QuizzesResult', 'quiz_id', 'id'); } public function quizQuestions() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Api\QuizzesQuestion', 'quiz_id', 'id'); } public function creator() { return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Api\User', 'creator_id', 'id'); } }
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