Current Path : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/public_html/public/store/1015/custom/ |
Current File : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/public_html/public/store/1015/custom/analytics-frame.html |
<!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta name="referrer" content="origin" /> <script> /* jshint ignore:start */ // jscs:disable // https://gist.github.com/982883 var uuid = function(a) { return a // if the placeholder was passed, return ? ( // a random number from 0 to 15 a ^ // unless b is 8, Math.random() // in which case * 16 // a random number from >> a/4 // 8 to 11 ).toString(16) // in hexadecimal : ( // or otherwise a concatenated string: [1e7] + // 10000000 + -1e3 + // -1000 + -4e3 + // -4000 + -8e3 + // -80000000 + -1e11 // -100000000000, ).replace( // replacing /[018]/g, // zeroes, ones, and eights with uuid // random hex digits ); }; window.frameHash = window.location.hash.replace(/^#/, ''); var postToParent = function(message) { if (window.parent.postMessage != null) { window.parent.postMessage(message, '*'); } }; var onDidReceiveMessage = function(e) { if (e.data.id === frameHash) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(), now = new Date(), data = { messageId: uuid(), sentAt: now.toISOString(), batch: [ { event: e.data.event, properties: e.data.properties, type: 'track', messageId: uuid(), timestamp: now.toISOString(), context: { ip: '', page: { path: '/', referrer: '', search: '', title: '', url: 'http://' } }, integrations: {}, userId: e.data.aid } ] }; xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readyState === 4) { postToParent({ id: frameHash, message: 'xhr sent' }); window.onDidReceiveMessage = null; } }; xhr.open('POST', 'https://metrics.articulate.com/v1/import'); xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); xhr.send(JSON.stringify(data)); } }; if ('onmessage' in window) { window.addEventListener('message', onDidReceiveMessage, false); } else { // coming from flash, we will use older JS since we can expect some older IE versions var validProps = [ 'os', 'browser', 'playerVersion', 'playerType', 'lmsPresent', 'tinCanPresent', 'aoSupport', 'publishSource', 'protocol', 'productChannel', 'cid' ]; var aid, props = window.location.search.replace(/^\?/, '').split('&'), config = {}; for (var i = 0, ii = props.length, currProp; i < ii; i++) { currProp = props[i].split('='); if (validProps.indexOf(currProp[0]) > -1 && currProp.length === 2) { config[currProp[0]] = currProp[1]; } else if (currProp[0] === 'aid') { aid = currProp[1]; } } window.onDidReceiveMessage({ data: { id: frameHash, event: 'player_course_load', properties: config, aid: aid } }) } /* jshint ignore:end */ // jscs:enable </script> </head> <body> </body> <script> postToParent({ id: window.frameHash, message: 'loaded' }); </script> </html>
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