Current Path : /bin/X11/ |
Current File : //bin/X11/pastebinit |
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Author: Stéphane Graber <stgraber@ubuntu.com> # Written by Stéphane Graber <stgraber@stgraber.org> # Daniel Bartlett <dan@f-box.org> # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA from __future__ import print_function import sys from configparser import ConfigParser, NoOptionError from urllib.parse import urlencode from urllib import request # Set the default pastebin defaultPB = "pastebin.com" # Now try to override it with a distributor pastebin try: import distro release = distro.id() if release == 'debian': defaultPB = "paste.debian.net" elif release == 'fedora': defaultPB = "fpaste.org" elif release == 'ubuntu': defaultPB = "paste.ubuntu.com" except ImportError: pass try: import getopt import gettext import os import re import socket import xml.dom.minidom try: import json except ImportError: json = None _ = gettext.gettext gettext.textdomain("pastebinit") # Timeout after 5s socket.setdefaulttimeout(15) # Version number to show in the usage version = "1.5.1" configfile = os.path.expanduser("~/.pastebinit.xml") class PasteRequest(request.Request): version = "Pastebinit v%s" % version def __init__(self, *args, **opts): super(PasteRequest, self).__init__(*args, **opts) if 'User-agent' not in self.headers: self.add_header('User-agent', self.version) def preloadPastebins(): # Check several places for config files: # - global config in /etc/pastebin.d # - for source checkout, config in the checkout # - user's overrides in ~/.pastebin.d # Files found later override files found earlier. pastebind = {} for confdir in ['/usr/share/pastebin.d', '/etc/pastebin.d', '/usr/local/etc/pastebin.d', os.path.expanduser('~/.pastebin.d'), os.path.join( os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'pastebin.d')]: try: confdirlist = os.listdir(confdir) except OSError: continue for fileitem in confdirlist: if fileitem.startswith('.') or not fileitem.endswith('.conf'): continue filename = os.path.join(confdir, fileitem) instance = ConfigParser() try: instance.read(filename) except UnicodeError: continue if not instance.has_section('pastebin'): print(_('%s: no section [pastebin]') % filename, file=sys.stderr) continue if not instance.has_option('pastebin', 'basename'): print(_("%s: no 'basename' in [pastebin]") % filename, file=sys.stderr) continue pastebind[instance.get('pastebin', 'basename')] = instance return pastebind # Return the parameters depending of the pastebin used def getParameters(website, pastebind, content, user, jabberid, version, format, permatag, title, username, password, private): "Return the parameters array for the selected pastebin" params = {} for paste_name, paste_config in pastebind.items(): basename = paste_config.get('pastebin', 'basename') try: https = paste_config.get('pastebin', 'https') except: https = False if basename == website or paste_name == website: if https: website = "https://%s" % basename else: website = "http://%s" % basename if re.search(paste_config.get('pastebin', 'regexp'), website): if paste_config.has_option('pastebin', 'sizelimit'): params['sizelimit'] = paste_config.get('pastebin', 'sizelimit') for param in paste_config.options('format'): paramname = paste_config.get('format', param) if param == 'user': params[paramname] = user elif param == 'content': params[paramname] = content elif param == 'title': params[paramname] = title elif param == 'version': params[paramname] = version elif param == 'format': try: params[paramname] = paste_config.get('defaults', 'format') except NoOptionError: params[paramname] = format elif param == 'permatag': params[paramname] = permatag elif param == 'private': params[paramname] = private elif param == 'username': params[paramname] = username elif param == 'password': params[paramname] = password elif param == 'jabberid': params[paramname] = jabberid else: params[paramname] = paste_config.get('defaults', param) if params: return website, params else: print(_("Unknown website, please post a bugreport to request " "this pastebin to be added (%s)") % website, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) # XML Handling methods def getText(nodelist): rc = "" for node in nodelist: if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE: rc = rc + node.data return rc def getNodes(nodes, title): return nodes.getElementsByTagName(title) def getFirstNode(nodes, title): return getNodes(nodes, title)[0] def getFirstNodeText(nodes, title): return getText(getFirstNode(nodes, title).childNodes) # Display usage instructions def Usage(fd=sys.stdout): print("pastebinit v" + version, file=fd) print(_("Reads on stdin for input or takes a list of filenames " "as parameters"), file=fd) print(_("\t-E also print content to standard output"), file=fd) print(_("Optional arguments (not supported by all pastebins):"), file=fd) print(_("\t-a <author:default is '%s'>") % user, file=fd) print(_("\t-b <pastebin url:default is '%s'>") % website, file=fd) print(_("\t-f <format of paste:default is '%s' (or from pastebin config)>") % format, file=fd) # noqa print(_("\t-h This help screen"), file=fd) print(_("\t-i <input file>"), file=fd) print(_("\t-l List all supported pastebins"), file=fd) print(_("\t-j <jabberid for notifications:default is '%s'>") % jabberid, file=fd) print(_("\t-m <permatag for all versions of a post:default is blank>"), file=fd) print(_("\t-t <title of paste:default is blank>"), file=fd) print(_("\t-P Private. Makes your paste hidden if possible"), file=fd) print(_("\t-u <username> -p <password>"), file=fd) print(_("\t-v Print the version number"), file=fd) print(_("\t--verbose Verbose output to stderr"), file=fd) # Set defaults website = defaultPB user = os.environ.get('USER', os.environ.get('LOGNAME')) jabberid = "" title = "" permatag = "" format = "text" username = "" password = "" filenames = [] content = "" private = 0 verbose = False echo = False # Example configuration file string configexample = """\ <pastebinit> <pastebin>paste.debian.net</pastebin> <author>A pastebinit user</author> <jabberid>nobody@nowhere.org</jabberid> <format>text</format> </pastebinit> """ # Open configuration file if it exists try: f = open(configfile) configtext = f.read() f.close() gotconfigxml = True except KeyboardInterrupt: print(_("KeyboardInterrupt caught."), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) except: gotconfigxml = False # Parse configuration file if gotconfigxml: try: configxml = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(configtext) for variable, key in (('pastebin', 'website'), ('author', 'user'), ('format', 'format'), ('private', 'private'), ('jabberid', 'jabberid')): try: value = getFirstNodeText(configxml, variable) vars()[key] = value except: pass except KeyboardInterrupt: print(_("KeyboardInterrupt caught."), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) except: print(_("Error parsing configuration file!"), file=sys.stderr) print(_("Please ensure that your configuration file looks " "similar to the following:"), file=sys.stderr) print(configexample, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) # Get options try: optlist, arglist = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'EPhvli:f:b:a:j:t:m:u:p:', ('verbose',)) except KeyboardInterrupt: print(_("KeyboardInterrupt caught."), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) except getopt.GetoptError as e: print(_("Invalid arguments: %s!" % e)+"\n", file=sys.stderr) Usage(sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) # Get the config pastebind = preloadPastebins() # Iterate through options for opt in optlist: if opt[0] == "-h": Usage() sys.exit(0) if opt[0] == "-i": filenames.append(opt[1]) elif opt[0] == "-E": echo = True elif opt[0] == "-f": format = opt[1] elif opt[0] == "-b": website = opt[1] elif opt[0] == "-a": user = opt[1] elif opt[0] == "-j": jabberid = opt[1] elif opt[0] == "-l": print(_("Supported pastebins:")) for pastebin in sorted(pastebind): print("- %s" % pastebin) sys.exit(0) elif opt[0] == "-t": title = opt[1] elif opt[0] == "-m": permatag = opt[1] elif opt[0] == "-P": private = 1 elif opt[0] == "-u": username = opt[1] elif opt[0] == "-p": password = opt[1] elif opt[0] == "-v": print("pastebinit v" + version) sys.exit(0) elif opt[0] == "--verbose": verbose = True filenames += arglist if not filenames: filenames.append("-") contents = [] for filename in filenames: # If - is specified as a filename read from stdin # otherwise load the specified files. if filename == "-": content = sys.stdin.read() else: try: with open(filename, "r") as fd: content = fd.read() except KeyboardInterrupt: print(_("KeyboardInterrupt caught."), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) except: print(_("Unable to read from: %s") % filename, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) if not content: print(_("You are trying to send an empty document, exiting."), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) contents.append(content) if echo: print(content) for content in contents: # Get the parameter array website, params = getParameters(website, pastebind, content, user, jabberid, version, format, permatag, title, username, password, private) if not website.endswith("/"): website += "/" if "sizelimit" in params: if len(content) > int(params['sizelimit']): print(_("The content you are trying to send exceeds " "the pastebin's size limit."), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) else: del params['sizelimit'] if "page" in params: # Use page, without leading slash: website has a trailing one. fetch_url = website + params['page'].lstrip("/") del params['page'] else: fetch_url = website if "regexp" in params: reLink = params['regexp'] del params["regexp"] else: reLink = False # Get target_url for replacement, only used with reLink. if "target_url" in params: relink_target_url = params["target_url"] del params["target_url"] if not reLink: print("Warning: using target_url without regexp.", file=sys.stderr) elif reLink: relink_target_url = website if 'post_format' in params: post_format = params['post_format'] del params['post_format'] else: post_format = 'standard' req = PasteRequest(fetch_url) if post_format == 'json': if json: params = bytes(json.dumps(params), encoding='US-ASCII') req.add_header('Content-type', 'text/json') else: print(_("Could not find any json library."), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) else: # Convert to a format usable with the HTML POST params = bytes(urlencode(params), encoding='US-ASCII') # Send the informations and be redirected to the final page if verbose: print("POSTing to: %s\nParams: %s" % ( fetch_url, str(params)), file=sys.stderr) try: page = request.urlopen(req, params) except Exception as e: print(_("Failed to contact the server: %s") % e, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) try: # Check if we have to apply a regexp page_url = "" if reLink: if reLink == '(.*)': page_url = page.read().decode('utf-8').strip() else: # Print the result of the regexp page_url = relink_target_url + re.split( reLink, page.read().decode('utf-8'))[1] else: # Get the final page and show the url if echo: print("-" * len(page.url)) page_url = page.url print(page_url.strip()) except KeyboardInterrupt: print(_("KeyboardInterrupt caught."), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) except: print(_("Unable to read or parse the result page, it could be a " "server timeout or a change server side, " "try with another pastebin."), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print(_("KeyboardInterrupt caught."), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1)
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