Current Path : /lib/geoip/ |
Current File : //lib/geoip/ |
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use diagnostics; use NetAddr::IP; use Getopt::Long; my $quiet = 0; GetOptions( 'quiet' => \$quiet, ) or die("bad args"); unless(-s "$ARGV[0]"){ print STDERR "Specify Country DB to use on the command line.\n"; exit 1; } # Prime country data with additional continent codes # my $countryinfo; $countryinfo->{'6255146'}->{'code'} = 'AF'; $countryinfo->{'6255146'}->{'name'} = 'Africa'; $countryinfo->{'6255147'}->{'code'} = 'AS'; $countryinfo->{'6255147'}->{'name'} = 'Asia'; $countryinfo->{'6255148'}->{'code'} = 'EU'; $countryinfo->{'6255148'}->{'name'} = 'Europe'; $countryinfo->{'6255149'}->{'code'} = 'NA'; $countryinfo->{'6255149'}->{'name'} = 'North America'; $countryinfo->{'6255150'}->{'code'} = 'SA'; $countryinfo->{'6255150'}->{'name'} = 'South America'; $countryinfo->{'6255151'}->{'code'} = 'OC'; $countryinfo->{'6255151'}->{'name'} = 'Oceania'; $countryinfo->{'6255152'}->{'code'} = 'AN'; $countryinfo->{'6255152'}->{'name'} = 'Antarctica'; # Read the countryinfo file open my $fh_in, "<", "$ARGV[0]" or die "Can't open $ARGV[0]: $!\n"; foreach my $line (<$fh_in>){ chomp $line; next if ($line =~ /^#/); my @fields = (split "\t", $line); my $code = $fields[0]; my $name = $fields[4]; my $id = $fields[16]; $countryinfo->{$id}->{'code'} = $code; $countryinfo->{$id}->{'name'} = $name; } close $fh_in; # Convert actual GeoLite2 data from STDIN my $counter; foreach my $line (<STDIN>){ next unless ($line =~ /^\d/); chomp $line; $counter++; my @fields = (split ",", $line); my $network = $fields[0]; my $geoname_id = $fields[1]; my $registered_country_geoname_id = $fields[2]; my $represented_country_geoname_id = $fields[3]; my $is_anonymous_proxy = $fields[4]; my $is_satellite_provider = $fields[5]; my $ip = NetAddr::IP->new($network); my $start_ip = $ip->canon(); my $end_ip = $ip->broadcast(); my $start_int = $ip->bigint(); my $end_int = $end_ip->bigint(); my $code; my $name; if ($is_anonymous_proxy){ $code = "A1"; $name = "Anonymous Proxy"; }elsif ($is_satellite_provider){ $code = "A2"; $name = "Satellite Provider"; }elsif($countryinfo->{$geoname_id}){ $code = $countryinfo->{$geoname_id}->{'code'}; $name = $countryinfo->{$geoname_id}->{'name'}; }elsif($countryinfo->{$represented_country_geoname_id}){ $code = $countryinfo->{$represented_country_geoname_id}->{'code'}; $name = $countryinfo->{$represented_country_geoname_id}->{'name'}; }elsif($countryinfo->{$registered_country_geoname_id}){ $code = $countryinfo->{$registered_country_geoname_id}->{'code'}; $name = $countryinfo->{$registered_country_geoname_id}->{'name'}; }else{ print STDERR "Unknown Geoname ID, panicking. This is a bug.\n"; print STDERR "ID: $geoname_id\n"; print STDERR "ID Registered: $registered_country_geoname_id\n"; print STDERR "ID Represented $represented_country_geoname_id\n"; exit 1; } # Legacy GeoIP listing format: # "","","16777216","16777471","AU","Australia" printf "\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\"\n", $start_ip, $end_ip->canon(), $start_int, $end_int, $code, $name; if (!$quiet && $counter % 10000 == 0) { print STDERR "$counter\n"; } }
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