Current Path : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/public_html/vendor/spatie/flare-client-php/src/ |
Current File : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/public_html/vendor/spatie/flare-client-php/src/Report.php |
<?php namespace Spatie\FlareClient; use ErrorException; use Spatie\Backtrace\Arguments\ArgumentReducers; use Spatie\Backtrace\Arguments\Reducers\ArgumentReducer; use Spatie\Backtrace\Backtrace; use Spatie\Backtrace\Frame as SpatieFrame; use Spatie\ErrorSolutions\Contracts\Solution; use Spatie\FlareClient\Concerns\HasContext; use Spatie\FlareClient\Concerns\UsesTime; use Spatie\FlareClient\Context\ContextProvider; use Spatie\FlareClient\Contracts\ProvidesFlareContext; use Spatie\FlareClient\Glows\Glow; use Spatie\FlareClient\Solutions\ReportSolution; use Spatie\Ignition\Contracts\Solution as IgnitionSolution; use Spatie\LaravelFlare\Exceptions\ViewException; use Spatie\LaravelIgnition\Exceptions\ViewException as IgnitionViewException; use Throwable; class Report { use UsesTime; use HasContext; protected Backtrace $stacktrace; protected string $exceptionClass = ''; protected string $message = ''; /** @var array<int, array{time: int, name: string, message_level: string, meta_data: array, microtime: float}> */ protected array $glows = []; /** @var array<int, array<int|string, mixed>> */ protected array $solutions = []; /** @var array<int, string> */ public array $documentationLinks = []; protected ContextProvider $context; protected ?string $applicationPath = null; protected ?string $applicationVersion = null; /** @var array<int|string, mixed> */ protected array $userProvidedContext = []; /** @var array<int|string, mixed> */ protected array $exceptionContext = []; protected ?Throwable $throwable = null; protected string $notifierName = 'Flare Client'; protected ?string $languageVersion = null; protected ?string $frameworkVersion = null; protected ?int $openFrameIndex = null; protected string $trackingUuid; protected ?View $view; public static ?string $fakeTrackingUuid = null; protected ?bool $handled = null; /** @param array<class-string<ArgumentReducer>|ArgumentReducer>|ArgumentReducers|null $argumentReducers */ public static function createForThrowable( Throwable $throwable, ContextProvider $context, ?string $applicationPath = null, ?string $version = null, null|array|ArgumentReducers $argumentReducers = null, bool $withStackTraceArguments = true, ): self { $stacktrace = Backtrace::createForThrowable($throwable) ->withArguments($withStackTraceArguments) ->reduceArguments($argumentReducers) ->applicationPath($applicationPath ?? ''); return (new self()) ->setApplicationPath($applicationPath) ->throwable($throwable) ->useContext($context) ->exceptionClass(self::getClassForThrowable($throwable)) ->message($throwable->getMessage()) ->stackTrace($stacktrace) ->exceptionContext($throwable) ->setApplicationVersion($version); } protected static function getClassForThrowable(Throwable $throwable): string { /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line */ if ($throwable::class === IgnitionViewException::class || $throwable::class === ViewException::class) { /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line */ if ($previous = $throwable->getPrevious()) { return get_class($previous); } } return get_class($throwable); } /** @param array<class-string<ArgumentReducer>|ArgumentReducer>|ArgumentReducers|null $argumentReducers */ public static function createForMessage( string $message, string $logLevel, ContextProvider $context, ?string $applicationPath = null, null|array|ArgumentReducers $argumentReducers = null, bool $withStackTraceArguments = true, ): self { $stacktrace = Backtrace::create() ->withArguments($withStackTraceArguments) ->reduceArguments($argumentReducers) ->applicationPath($applicationPath ?? ''); return (new self()) ->setApplicationPath($applicationPath) ->message($message) ->useContext($context) ->exceptionClass($logLevel) ->stacktrace($stacktrace) ->openFrameIndex($stacktrace->firstApplicationFrameIndex()); } public function __construct() { $this->trackingUuid = self::$fakeTrackingUuid ?? $this->generateUuid(); } public function trackingUuid(): string { return $this->trackingUuid; } public function exceptionClass(string $exceptionClass): self { $this->exceptionClass = $exceptionClass; return $this; } public function getExceptionClass(): string { return $this->exceptionClass; } public function throwable(Throwable $throwable): self { $this->throwable = $throwable; return $this; } public function getThrowable(): ?Throwable { return $this->throwable; } public function message(string $message): self { $this->message = $message; return $this; } public function getMessage(): string { return $this->message; } public function stacktrace(Backtrace $stacktrace): self { $this->stacktrace = $stacktrace; return $this; } public function getStacktrace(): Backtrace { return $this->stacktrace; } public function notifierName(string $notifierName): self { $this->notifierName = $notifierName; return $this; } public function languageVersion(string $languageVersion): self { $this->languageVersion = $languageVersion; return $this; } public function frameworkVersion(string $frameworkVersion): self { $this->frameworkVersion = $frameworkVersion; return $this; } public function useContext(ContextProvider $request): self { $this->context = $request; return $this; } public function openFrameIndex(?int $index): self { $this->openFrameIndex = $index; return $this; } public function setApplicationPath(?string $applicationPath): self { $this->applicationPath = $applicationPath; return $this; } public function getApplicationPath(): ?string { return $this->applicationPath; } public function setApplicationVersion(?string $applicationVersion): self { $this->applicationVersion = $applicationVersion; return $this; } public function getApplicationVersion(): ?string { return $this->applicationVersion; } public function view(?View $view): self { $this->view = $view; return $this; } public function addGlow(Glow $glow): self { $this->glows[] = $glow->toArray(); return $this; } public function addSolution(Solution|IgnitionSolution $solution): self { $this->solutions[] = ReportSolution::fromSolution($solution)->toArray(); return $this; } /** * @param array<int, string> $documentationLinks * * @return $this */ public function addDocumentationLinks(array $documentationLinks): self { $this->documentationLinks = $documentationLinks; return $this; } /** * @param array<int|string, mixed> $userProvidedContext * * @return $this */ public function userProvidedContext(array $userProvidedContext): self { $this->userProvidedContext = $userProvidedContext; return $this; } /** * @return array<int|string, mixed> */ public function allContext(): array { $context = $this->context->toArray(); $context = array_merge_recursive_distinct($context, $this->exceptionContext); return array_merge_recursive_distinct($context, $this->userProvidedContext); } public function handled(?bool $handled = true): self { $this->handled = $handled; return $this; } protected function exceptionContext(Throwable $throwable): self { if ($throwable instanceof ProvidesFlareContext) { $this->exceptionContext = $throwable->context(); } return $this; } /** * @return array<int|string, mixed> */ protected function stracktraceAsArray(): array { return array_map( fn (SpatieFrame $frame) => Frame::fromSpatieFrame($frame)->toArray(), $this->cleanupStackTraceForError($this->stacktrace->frames()), ); } /** * @param array<SpatieFrame> $frames * * @return array<SpatieFrame> */ protected function cleanupStackTraceForError(array $frames): array { if ($this->throwable === null || get_class($this->throwable) !== ErrorException::class) { return $frames; } $firstErrorFrameIndex = null; $restructuredFrames = array_values(array_slice($frames, 1)); // remove the first frame where error was created foreach ($restructuredFrames as $index => $frame) { if ($frame->file === $this->throwable->getFile()) { $firstErrorFrameIndex = $index; break; } } if ($firstErrorFrameIndex === null) { return $frames; } $restructuredFrames[$firstErrorFrameIndex]->arguments = null; // Remove error arguments return array_values(array_slice($restructuredFrames, $firstErrorFrameIndex)); } /** * @return array<string, mixed> */ public function toArray(): array { return [ 'notifier' => $this->notifierName ?? 'Flare Client', 'language' => 'PHP', 'framework_version' => $this->frameworkVersion, 'language_version' => $this->languageVersion ?? phpversion(), 'exception_class' => $this->exceptionClass, 'seen_at' => $this->getCurrentTime(), 'message' => $this->message, 'glows' => $this->glows, 'solutions' => $this->solutions, 'documentation_links' => $this->documentationLinks, 'stacktrace' => $this->stracktraceAsArray(), 'context' => $this->allContext(), 'stage' => $this->stage, 'message_level' => $this->messageLevel, 'open_frame_index' => $this->openFrameIndex, 'application_path' => $this->applicationPath, 'application_version' => $this->applicationVersion, 'tracking_uuid' => $this->trackingUuid, 'handled' => $this->handled, ]; } /* * Found on https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2040240/php-function-to-generate-v4-uuid/15875555#15875555 */ protected function generateUuid(): string { // Generate 16 bytes (128 bits) of random data or use the data passed into the function. $data = random_bytes(16); // Set version to 0100 $data[6] = chr(ord($data[6]) & 0x0f | 0x40); // Set bits 6-7 to 10 $data[8] = chr(ord($data[8]) & 0x3f | 0x80); // Output the 36 character UUID. return vsprintf('%s%s-%s-%s-%s-%s%s%s', str_split(bin2hex($data), 4)); } }
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