Current Path : /usr/share/perl5/ |
Current File : //usr/share/perl5/DebianNet.pm |
# Copyright © 1995, 1996 Peter Tobias <tobias@et-inf.fho-emden.de> # Copyright © 1995, 1996 Ian Jackson <iwj10@cus.cam.ac.uk> # Copyright © 2009-2012 Serafeim Zanikolas <sez@debian.org> # Copyright © 2018 Guillem Jover <guillem@debian.org> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME DebianNet - create, remove, enable or disable entry in /etc/inetd. =head1 DESCRIPTION You can use the functions in B<DebianNet> to to add, remove, enable or disable entries in the F</etc/inetd.conf> file. After the F</etc/inetd.conf> file has been changed, a B<SIGHUP> signal will be sent to the inetd process to make sure that inetd will use the new F</etc/inetd.conf> file. The functions can also be used to add entries that are commented out by default. They will be treated like normal entries. That also means that if you already have an entry that is commented out you can't add an entry for the same service without removing the old one first. The B<DebianNet> functions treat entries that are commented out by a single 'B<#>' character as entries that have been commented out by a user. It will not change such entries. For shell scripts you can also use the B<update-inetd> command. See B<update-inetd>(8) for further information. =cut package DebianNet; use 5.010; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = '1.13'; use Errno qw(ENOENT); use Carp; use List::Util qw(any none); use Debconf::Client::ConfModule (); BEGIN { eval 'use File::Temp qw/ tempfile /'; if ($@) { # If perl-base and perl-modules are out of sync, fall back to the # external 'tempfile' command. In this case we don't bother trying # to mangle the template we're given into something that tempfile # can understand. *tempfile = sub { open my $tempfile_fh, '-|', 'tempfile' or _error("cannot run 'tempfile': $!"); chomp (my $tempfile_name = <$tempfile_fh>); unless (length $tempfile_name) { _error("'tempfile' process did not return a temporary file name"); } unless (close $tempfile_fh) { if ($!) { _error("cannot close 'tempfile' pipe: $!"); } else { _error("'tempfile' process returned exit status $?"); } } open my $fh, '+<', $tempfile_name or _error("cannot open temporary file $tempfile_name: $!"); return ($fh, $tempfile_name); }; } eval 'use File::Copy qw/ move /'; if ($@) { # If perl-base and perl-modules are out of sync, fall back to the # external 'mv' command. *move = sub { my ($from, $to) = @_; return system('mv', $from, $to) == 0; }; } } =head1 VARIABLES =over 4 =item $DebianNet::INETD_CONF Contains a scalar filename to use as the inetd config file (e.g. for testing purposes). Defaults to F</etc/inetd.conf>. =cut our $INETD_CONF = '/etc/inetd.conf'; =item $DebianNet::SEP Contains the entry comment characters. This is only necessary if you have to deal with two (or more) services of the same name. Defaults to "B<#E<lt>offE<gt># >" as the comment characters. =cut our $SEP = '#<off># '; =item $DebianNet::MULTI Contains a boolean that decides whether to disable/remove more than one entry at a time. If you try to remove more than one entry at a time without using this option the program will show a warning and will ask the user whether to continue. Defaults to false. =cut our $MULTI; =item $DebianNet::VERBOSE Contains a boolean to select whether to explain verbosely what is being done. Defaults to false. =cut our $VERBOSE; =back =cut our $INETD_WAKEUP_CALLED = 0; our @DEBCONF_ARGV = (); # Backwards compatibility aliases. ## no critic (Variables::ProhibitPackageVars) our $version; *version = \$VERSION; our $verbose; *verbose = \$VERBOSE; our $inetdcf; *inetdcf = \$INETD_CONF; our $sep; *sep = \$SEP; our $multi; *multi = \$MULTI; our $called_wakeup_inetd; *called_wakeup_inetd = \$INETD_WAKEUP_CALLED; ## use critic =head1 FUNCTIONS =over 4 =cut sub _debconf_init { local @ARGV = @DEBCONF_ARGV; Debconf::Client::ConfModule->import(':all'); } =item $rc = DebianNet::add_service($newentry, $group) Add $newentry to the group $group of the F</etc/inetd.conf> file. If the entry already exist it will be enabled (it will also detect entries with different program options). Using $group is optional (the default group is the group OTHER). If the group does not exist the entry will be placed at the end of the file. Returns 1 on success, and -1 on failure. This function might call B<exit>() due to debconf prompt answers. =cut sub add_service { my ($newentry, $group) = @_; my ($service, $searchentry, @inetd, $inetdconf, $found, $success); return -1 unless defined $newentry; chomp $newentry; if (defined $group) { chomp $group; } else { $group = 'OTHER'; } $group =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; $newentry =~ s/\\t/\t/g; ($service = $newentry) =~ s/(\W*\w+)\s+.*/$1/; (my $sservice = $service) =~ s/^#([A-Za-z].*)/$1/; ($searchentry = $newentry) =~ s/^$SEP//; $searchentry =~ s/^#([A-Za-z].*)/$1/; # strip parameter from entry (e.g. -s /tftpboot) # example: service dgram udp wait root /tcpd /prg -s /tftpboot"; $searchentry =~ s/^(\w\S+\W+\w+\W+\w\S+\W+\w\S+\W+\w\S+\W+\S+\W+\S+).*/$1/; $searchentry =~ s/[ \t]+/ /g; $searchentry =~ s/ /\\s+/g; $searchentry =~ s{\\s\+/\S+\\s\+/\S+}{\\s\+\\S\+\\s\+\\S\+}g; if (_is_xinetd()) { warn "Note: xinetd currently is not fully supported by update-inetd.\n"; warn "Please consult /usr/share/doc/xinetd/README.Debian and itox(8).\n"; } if (open my $inetdconf_fh, '<', $INETD_CONF) { @inetd = <$inetdconf_fh>; close $inetdconf_fh; if (any { m/^$SEP$sservice\s+/ } @inetd) { enable_service($sservice); } elsif (any { m/^$sservice\s+/ } @inetd) { _debconf_init(); if (scalar grep { m/^$sservice\s+/ } @inetd > 1) { set('update-inetd/ask-several-entries', 'true'); fset('update-inetd/ask-several-entries', 'seen', 'false'); settitle('update-inetd/title'); subst('update-inetd/ask-several-entries', 'service', $sservice); subst('update-inetd/ask-several-entries', 'sservice', $sservice); subst('update-inetd/ask-several-entries', 'inetdcf', $INETD_CONF); input('high', 'update-inetd/ask-several-entries'); my @ret = go(); if ($ret[0] == 0) { @ret = get('update-inetd/ask-several-entries'); exit 1 if $ret[1] !~ m/true/i; } } elsif (none { m{^#?.*$searchentry.*} } @inetd) { set('update-inetd/ask-entry-present', 'true'); fset('update-inetd/ask-entry-present', 'seen', 'false'); settitle('update-inetd/title'); subst('update-inetd/ask-entry-present', 'service', $sservice); subst('update-inetd/ask-entry-present', 'newentry', $newentry); subst('update-inetd/ask-entry-present', 'sservice', $sservice); subst('update-inetd/ask-entry-present', 'inetdcf', $INETD_CONF); my $lookslike = (grep { m/^$sservice\s+/ } @inetd)[0]; $lookslike =~ s/\n//g; subst('update-inetd/ask-entry-present', 'lookslike', $lookslike); input('high', 'update-inetd/ask-entry-present'); my @ret = go(); if ($ret[0] == 0) { @ret = get('update-inetd/ask-entry-present'); exit 1 if $ret[1] !~ m/true/i; } } } elsif (any { m/^#\s*$sservice\s+/ } @inetd or ($service =~ s/^#// and any { m/^$service\s+/ } @inetd)) { _printv("Processing service '$service' ... not enabled" . ' (entry is commented out by user)'); } else { _printv("Processing service '$sservice' ... added"); $inetdconf = 1; } if ($inetdconf) { my $init_svc_count = _scan_entries(); _printv("Number of currently enabled services: $init_svc_count"); my ($icwrite_fh, $new_inetdcf) = tempfile('/tmp/inetdcfXXXXX', UNLINK => 0); unless (defined $icwrite_fh) { _error("cannot create temporary file: $!"); } _printv("Using tempfile $new_inetdcf"); open my $icread_fh, '<', $INETD_CONF or _error("cannot open $INETD_CONF: $!"); while (<$icread_fh>) { chomp; if (/^#:$group:/) { $found = 1; } if ($found and not m/[a-zA-Z#]/) { print { $icwrite_fh } "$newentry\n" or _error("cannot write to $new_inetdcf: $!"); $found = 0; $success = 1; } print { $icwrite_fh } "$_\n"; } close $icread_fh; unless ($success) { print { $icwrite_fh } "$newentry\n" or _error("cannot write to $new_inetdcf: $!"); $success = 1; } close $icwrite_fh or _error("cannot close $new_inetdcf: $!"); if ($success) { move($new_inetdcf, $INETD_CONF) or _error("cannot install $new_inetdcf to $INETD_CONF: $!"); chmod 0644, $INETD_CONF; _wakeup_inetd(0, $init_svc_count); _printv('New service(s) added'); } else { _printv('No service(s) added'); unlink $new_inetdcf or _error("cannot remove $new_inetdcf: $!"); } } else { _printv('No service(s) added'); } } elsif ($! == ENOENT) { _warn("cannot add service, $INETD_CONF does not exist"); } else { _error("cannot open $INETD_CONF: $!"); } _wakeup_xinetd(); return(1); } =item $rc = DebianNet::remove_service($entry) Remove $entry from F</etc/inetd.conf>. You can use a regular expression to remove the entry. Returns 1 on success, and -1 on failure. =cut sub remove_service { my ($service, $pattern) = @_; chomp $service; my $nlines_removed = 0; if ($service eq '') { carp('DebianNet::remove_service() called with empty argument'); return -1; } $pattern //= ''; if (((_scan_entries($service, $pattern) > 1) or (_scan_entries("$SEP$service", $pattern) > 1)) and (not defined $MULTI)) { _debconf_init(); set('update-inetd/ask-remove-entries', 'false'); fset('update-inetd/ask-remove-entries', 'seen', 'false'); settitle('update-inetd/title'); subst('update-inetd/ask-remove-entries', 'service', $service); subst('update-inetd/ask-remove-entries', 'inetdcf', $INETD_CONF); input('high', 'update-inetd/ask-remove-entries'); my @ret = go(); if ($ret[0] == 0) { @ret = get('update-inetd/ask-remove-entries'); return 1 if $ret[1] =~ /false/i; } } my ($icwrite_fh, $new_inetdcf) = tempfile('/tmp/inetdcfXXXXX', UNLINK => 0); unless (defined $icwrite_fh) { _error("cannot create temporary file: $!"); } _printv("Using tempfile $new_inetdcf"); if (open my $icread_fh, '<', $INETD_CONF) { RLOOP: while (<$icread_fh>) { chomp; if (not((/^$service\s+/ or /^$SEP$service\s+/) and /$pattern/)) { print { $icwrite_fh } "$_\n"; } else { _printv("Removing line: '$_'"); $nlines_removed += 1; } } close $icread_fh; } elsif ($! != ENOENT) { _error("cannot open $INETD_CONF: $!"); } close $icwrite_fh; if ($nlines_removed > 0) { move($new_inetdcf, $INETD_CONF) or _error("cannot install $new_inetdcf to $INETD_CONF: $!"); chmod 0644, $INETD_CONF; _wakeup_inetd(1); _printv("Number of service entries removed: $nlines_removed"); } else { _printv('No service entries were removed'); unlink $new_inetdcf or _error("cannot remove $new_inetdcf: $!"); } _wakeup_xinetd(); return 1; } =item $rc = DebianNet::disable_service($service, $pattern) Disable $service (e.g. "I<ftp>") in F</etc/inetd.conf>. Using $pattern is optional (see enable_service()). Returns 1 on success, and -1 on failure. =cut sub disable_service { my ($service, $pattern) = @_; return -1 unless defined $service; $pattern //= ''; chomp $service; my $nlines_disabled = 0; if ((_scan_entries($service, $pattern) > 1) and (not defined $MULTI)) { _debconf_init(); set('update-inetd/ask-disable-entries', 'false'); fset('update-inetd/ask-disable-entries', 'seen', 'false'); settitle('update-inetd/title'); subst('update-inetd/ask-disable-entries', 'service', $service); subst('update-inetd/ask-disable-entries', 'inetdcf', $INETD_CONF); input('high', 'update-inetd/ask-disable-entries'); my @ret = go(); if ($ret[0] == 0) { @ret = get('update-inetd/ask-disable-entries'); return 1 if $ret[1] =~ /false/i; } } my ($icwrite_fh, $new_inetdcf) = tempfile('/tmp/inetdcfXXXXX', UNLINK => 0); unless (defined $icwrite_fh) { _error("cannot create temporary file: $!"); } _printv("Using tempfile $new_inetdcf"); if (open my $icread_fh, '<', $INETD_CONF) { DLOOP: while (<$icread_fh>) { chomp; if (/^$service\s+\w+\s+/ and /$pattern/) { _printv("Processing service '$service' ... disabled"); s/^(.+)$/$SEP$1/; $nlines_disabled += 1; } print { $icwrite_fh } "$_\n"; } close $icread_fh; } elsif ($! =! ENOENT) { _error("cannot open $INETD_CONF: $!"); } close $icwrite_fh or _error("cannot close $new_inetdcf: $!"); if ($nlines_disabled > 0) { move($new_inetdcf, $INETD_CONF) or _error("cannot install new $INETD_CONF: $!"); chmod 0644, $INETD_CONF; _wakeup_inetd(1); _printv("Number of service entries disabled: $nlines_disabled"); } else { _printv('No service entries were disabled'); unlink $new_inetdcf or _error("cannot remove $new_inetdcf: $!"); } _wakeup_xinetd(); return 1; } =item $rc = DebianNet::enable_service($service, $pattern) Enable $service (e.g. "I<ftp>") in F</etc/inetd.conf>. Using $pattern is optional. It can be used to select a service. You only need this option if you have two (or more) services of the same name. An example: you have three I<ftp> entries in the F</etc/inetd.conf> file (all disabled by default) and you want to enable the entry which uses the I<vsftpd> daemon. To do this, use the pattern "I<vsftpd>" (or any other regular expression that matches this entry). Returns 1 on success, and -1 on failure. =cut sub enable_service { my ($service, $pattern) = @_; return -1 unless defined $service; $pattern //= ''; my $init_svc_count = _scan_entries(); my $nlines_enabled = 0; chomp $service; my ($icwrite_fh, $new_inetdcf) = tempfile('/tmp/inetdXXXXX', UNLINK => 0); unless (defined $icwrite_fh) { _error("cannot create temporary file: $!"); } _printv("Using tempfile $new_inetdcf"); if (open my $icread_fh, '<', $INETD_CONF) { while (<$icread_fh>) { chomp; if (/^$SEP$service\s+\w+\s+/ and /$pattern/) { _printv("Processing service '$service' ... enabled"); s/^$SEP//; $nlines_enabled += 1; } print { $icwrite_fh } "$_\n"; } close $icread_fh; } elsif ($! == ENOENT) { _warn("cannot enable service, $INETD_CONF does not exist"); } else { _error("cannot open $INETD_CONF: $!"); } close $icwrite_fh or _error("cannot close $new_inetdcf: $!"); if ($nlines_enabled > 0) { move($new_inetdcf, $INETD_CONF) or _error("cannot install $new_inetdcf to $INETD_CONF: $!"); chmod 0644, $INETD_CONF; _wakeup_inetd(0, $init_svc_count); _printv("Number of service entries enabled: $nlines_enabled"); } else { _printv('No service entries were enabled'); unlink $new_inetdcf or _error("cannot remove $new_inetdcf: $!"); } _wakeup_xinetd(); return 1; } sub _is_xinetd { state $xinetd; return $xinetd if defined $xinetd; if ((!defined $ENV{UPDATE_INETD_NOXINETD}) && (-f '/etc/xinetd.conf') && (-x '/usr/sbin/xinetd')) { $xinetd = 1; } else { $xinetd = 0; } return $xinetd; } sub _wakeup_inetd { my ($removal,$init_svc_count) = @_; my $pid; my $action; $INETD_WAKEUP_CALLED = 1; if ($removal) { $action = 'force-reload'; } elsif (defined $init_svc_count and $init_svc_count == 0) { $action = 'start'; } else { $action = 'restart'; } my $fake_invocation = defined $ENV{UPDATE_INETD_FAKE_IT}; if (open my $pid_fh, '<', '/var/run/inetd.pid') { $pid = <$pid_fh>; chomp $pid; my $pid_stat = sprintf '/proc/%d/stat', $pid; if (open my $cmd_fh, '<', $pid_stat) { $_ = <$cmd_fh>; if (m/^\d+ \((?:rl|inetutils-)?inetd\)/) { _printv("About to send SIGHUP to inetd (pid: $pid)"); unless ($fake_invocation) { kill 1, $pid; } } else { warn "/var/run/inetd.pid does not have a valid pid!\n"; warn "Please investigate and restart inetd manually.\n"; } close $cmd_fh; } close $pid_fh; } else { $_ = glob '/etc/init.d/*inetd'; if (m{/etc/init\.d/(.*inetd)} or $fake_invocation) { _printv("About to $action inetd via invoke-rc.d"); my $service = $1; unless ($fake_invocation) { # If we were called by a shell script that also uses # debconf, the pipe to the debconf frontend is fd 3 as # well as fd 1 (stdout). Ensure that fd 3 is not # inherited by invoke-rc.d and inetd, as that will # cause debconf to hang (bug #589487). Don't let them # confuse debconf via stdout either. system "invoke-rc.d $service $action >/dev/null 3>&-"; } } } return 1; } sub _wakeup_xinetd { # In case of xinetd, we have no clue about whether to restart/SIGHUP/noop # so we always restart anyway. if (_is_xinetd() && !$INETD_WAKEUP_CALLED) { _wakeup_inetd(0); } } sub _scan_entries { my ($service, $pattern) = @_; $service //= '[^#\s]+'; $pattern //= ''; my $counter = 0; if (open my $icread_fh, '<', $INETD_CONF) { SLOOP: while (<$icread_fh>) { $counter++ if /^$service\s+/ and /$pattern/; } close $icread_fh; } elsif ($! != ENOENT) { _error("cannot open $INETD_CONF: $!"); } return $counter; } sub _printv { my (@args) = @_; warn "@args\n" if defined $VERBOSE; } sub _warn { my $msg = shift; my ($progname) = $0 =~ m{(?:.*/)?([^/]*)}; warn "$progname: warning: $msg\n"; } sub _error { my $msg = shift; my ($progname) = $0 =~ m{(?:.*/)?([^/]*)}; die "$progname: error: $msg\n"; } 1; =back =head1 CHANGES =head2 Version 1.13 New variables: $VERSION, $VERBOSE, $MULTI, $SEP, $INETD_CONF. Deprecated variables: $version, $verbose, $multi, $sep, $inetdcf. =cut
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