Current Path : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/public_html/vendor/symfony/var-exporter/ |
Current File : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/public_html/vendor/symfony/var-exporter/LazyGhostTrait.php |
<?php /* * This file is part of the Symfony package. * * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\VarExporter; use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Attribute\Ignore; use Symfony\Component\VarExporter\Internal\Hydrator; use Symfony\Component\VarExporter\Internal\LazyObjectRegistry as Registry; use Symfony\Component\VarExporter\Internal\LazyObjectState; use Symfony\Component\VarExporter\Internal\LazyObjectTrait; trait LazyGhostTrait { use LazyObjectTrait; /** * Creates a lazy-loading ghost instance. * * Skipped properties should be indexed by their array-cast identifier, see * https://php.net/manual/language.types.array#language.types.array.casting * * @param (\Closure(static):void $initializer The closure should initialize the object it receives as argument * @param array<string, true>|null $skippedProperties An array indexed by the properties to skip, a.k.a. the ones * that the initializer doesn't initialize, if any * @param static|null $instance */ public static function createLazyGhost(\Closure|array $initializer, ?array $skippedProperties = null, ?object $instance = null): static { if (\is_array($initializer)) { trigger_deprecation('symfony/var-exporter', '6.4', 'Per-property lazy-initializers are deprecated and won\'t be supported anymore in 7.0, use an object initializer instead.'); } $onlyProperties = null === $skippedProperties && \is_array($initializer) ? $initializer : null; if (self::class !== $class = $instance ? $instance::class : static::class) { $skippedProperties["\0".self::class."\0lazyObjectState"] = true; } elseif (\defined($class.'::LAZY_OBJECT_PROPERTY_SCOPES')) { Hydrator::$propertyScopes[$class] ??= $class::LAZY_OBJECT_PROPERTY_SCOPES; } $instance ??= (Registry::$classReflectors[$class] ??= new \ReflectionClass($class))->newInstanceWithoutConstructor(); Registry::$defaultProperties[$class] ??= (array) $instance; $instance->lazyObjectState = new LazyObjectState($initializer, $skippedProperties ??= []); foreach (Registry::$classResetters[$class] ??= Registry::getClassResetters($class) as $reset) { $reset($instance, $skippedProperties, $onlyProperties); } return $instance; } /** * Returns whether the object is initialized. * * @param $partial Whether partially initialized objects should be considered as initialized */ #[Ignore] public function isLazyObjectInitialized(bool $partial = false): bool { if (!$state = $this->lazyObjectState ?? null) { return true; } if (!\is_array($state->initializer)) { return LazyObjectState::STATUS_INITIALIZED_FULL === $state->status; } $class = $this::class; $properties = (array) $this; if ($partial) { return (bool) array_intersect_key($state->initializer, $properties); } $propertyScopes = Hydrator::$propertyScopes[$class] ??= Hydrator::getPropertyScopes($class); foreach ($state->initializer as $key => $initializer) { if (!\array_key_exists($key, $properties) && isset($propertyScopes[$key])) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Forces initialization of a lazy object and returns it. */ public function initializeLazyObject(): static { if (!$state = $this->lazyObjectState ?? null) { return $this; } if (!\is_array($state->initializer)) { if (LazyObjectState::STATUS_UNINITIALIZED_FULL === $state->status) { $state->initialize($this, '', null); } return $this; } $values = isset($state->initializer["\0"]) ? null : []; $class = $this::class; $properties = (array) $this; $propertyScopes = Hydrator::$propertyScopes[$class] ??= Hydrator::getPropertyScopes($class); foreach ($state->initializer as $key => $initializer) { if (\array_key_exists($key, $properties) || ![$scope, $name, $readonlyScope] = $propertyScopes[$key] ?? null) { continue; } $scope = $readonlyScope ?? ('*' !== $scope ? $scope : $class); if (null === $values) { if (!\is_array($values = ($state->initializer["\0"])($this, Registry::$defaultProperties[$class]))) { throw new \TypeError(sprintf('The lazy-initializer defined for instance of "%s" must return an array, got "%s".', $class, get_debug_type($values))); } if (\array_key_exists($key, $properties = (array) $this)) { continue; } } if (\array_key_exists($key, $values)) { $accessor = Registry::$classAccessors[$scope] ??= Registry::getClassAccessors($scope); $accessor['set']($this, $name, $properties[$key] = $values[$key]); } else { $state->initialize($this, $name, $scope); $properties = (array) $this; } } return $this; } /** * @return bool Returns false when the object cannot be reset, ie when it's not a lazy object */ public function resetLazyObject(): bool { if (!$state = $this->lazyObjectState ?? null) { return false; } if (LazyObjectState::STATUS_UNINITIALIZED_FULL !== $state->status) { $state->reset($this); } return true; } public function &__get($name): mixed { $propertyScopes = Hydrator::$propertyScopes[$this::class] ??= Hydrator::getPropertyScopes($this::class); $scope = null; if ([$class, , $readonlyScope] = $propertyScopes[$name] ?? null) { $scope = Registry::getScope($propertyScopes, $class, $name); $state = $this->lazyObjectState ?? null; if ($state && (null === $scope || isset($propertyScopes["\0$scope\0$name"]))) { if (LazyObjectState::STATUS_INITIALIZED_FULL === $state->status) { // Work around php/php-src#12695 $property = null === $scope ? $name : "\0$scope\0$name"; $property = $propertyScopes[$property][3] ?? Hydrator::$propertyScopes[$this::class][$property][3] = new \ReflectionProperty($scope ?? $class, $name); } else { $property = null; } if ($property?->isInitialized($this) ?? LazyObjectState::STATUS_UNINITIALIZED_PARTIAL !== $state->initialize($this, $name, $readonlyScope ?? $scope)) { goto get_in_scope; } } } if ($parent = (Registry::$parentMethods[self::class] ??= Registry::getParentMethods(self::class))['get']) { if (2 === $parent) { return parent::__get($name); } $value = parent::__get($name); return $value; } if (null === $class) { $frame = debug_backtrace(\DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 1)[0]; trigger_error(sprintf('Undefined property: %s::$%s in %s on line %s', $this::class, $name, $frame['file'], $frame['line']), \E_USER_NOTICE); } get_in_scope: try { if (null === $scope) { if (null === $readonlyScope) { return $this->$name; } $value = $this->$name; return $value; } $accessor = Registry::$classAccessors[$scope] ??= Registry::getClassAccessors($scope); return $accessor['get']($this, $name, null !== $readonlyScope); } catch (\Error $e) { if (\Error::class !== $e::class || !str_starts_with($e->getMessage(), 'Cannot access uninitialized non-nullable property')) { throw $e; } try { if (null === $scope) { $this->$name = []; return $this->$name; } $accessor['set']($this, $name, []); return $accessor['get']($this, $name, null !== $readonlyScope); } catch (\Error) { if (preg_match('/^Cannot access uninitialized non-nullable property ([^ ]++) by reference$/', $e->getMessage(), $matches)) { throw new \Error('Typed property '.$matches[1].' must not be accessed before initialization', $e->getCode(), $e->getPrevious()); } throw $e; } } } public function __set($name, $value): void { $propertyScopes = Hydrator::$propertyScopes[$this::class] ??= Hydrator::getPropertyScopes($this::class); $scope = null; if ([$class, , $readonlyScope] = $propertyScopes[$name] ?? null) { $scope = Registry::getScope($propertyScopes, $class, $name, $readonlyScope); $state = $this->lazyObjectState ?? null; if ($state && ($readonlyScope === $scope || isset($propertyScopes["\0$scope\0$name"])) && LazyObjectState::STATUS_INITIALIZED_FULL !== $state->status ) { if (LazyObjectState::STATUS_UNINITIALIZED_FULL === $state->status) { $state->initialize($this, $name, $readonlyScope ?? $scope); } goto set_in_scope; } } if ((Registry::$parentMethods[self::class] ??= Registry::getParentMethods(self::class))['set']) { parent::__set($name, $value); return; } set_in_scope: if (null === $scope) { $this->$name = $value; } else { $accessor = Registry::$classAccessors[$scope] ??= Registry::getClassAccessors($scope); $accessor['set']($this, $name, $value); } } public function __isset($name): bool { $propertyScopes = Hydrator::$propertyScopes[$this::class] ??= Hydrator::getPropertyScopes($this::class); $scope = null; if ([$class, , $readonlyScope] = $propertyScopes[$name] ?? null) { $scope = Registry::getScope($propertyScopes, $class, $name); $state = $this->lazyObjectState ?? null; if ($state && (null === $scope || isset($propertyScopes["\0$scope\0$name"])) && LazyObjectState::STATUS_INITIALIZED_FULL !== $state->status && LazyObjectState::STATUS_UNINITIALIZED_PARTIAL !== $state->initialize($this, $name, $readonlyScope ?? $scope) ) { goto isset_in_scope; } } if ((Registry::$parentMethods[self::class] ??= Registry::getParentMethods(self::class))['isset']) { return parent::__isset($name); } isset_in_scope: if (null === $scope) { return isset($this->$name); } $accessor = Registry::$classAccessors[$scope] ??= Registry::getClassAccessors($scope); return $accessor['isset']($this, $name); } public function __unset($name): void { $propertyScopes = Hydrator::$propertyScopes[$this::class] ??= Hydrator::getPropertyScopes($this::class); $scope = null; if ([$class, , $readonlyScope] = $propertyScopes[$name] ?? null) { $scope = Registry::getScope($propertyScopes, $class, $name, $readonlyScope); $state = $this->lazyObjectState ?? null; if ($state && ($readonlyScope === $scope || isset($propertyScopes["\0$scope\0$name"])) && LazyObjectState::STATUS_INITIALIZED_FULL !== $state->status ) { if (LazyObjectState::STATUS_UNINITIALIZED_FULL === $state->status) { $state->initialize($this, $name, $readonlyScope ?? $scope); } goto unset_in_scope; } } if ((Registry::$parentMethods[self::class] ??= Registry::getParentMethods(self::class))['unset']) { parent::__unset($name); return; } unset_in_scope: if (null === $scope) { unset($this->$name); } else { $accessor = Registry::$classAccessors[$scope] ??= Registry::getClassAccessors($scope); $accessor['unset']($this, $name); } } public function __clone(): void { if ($state = $this->lazyObjectState ?? null) { $this->lazyObjectState = clone $state; } if ((Registry::$parentMethods[self::class] ??= Registry::getParentMethods(self::class))['clone']) { parent::__clone(); } } public function __serialize(): array { $class = self::class; if ((Registry::$parentMethods[$class] ??= Registry::getParentMethods($class))['serialize']) { $properties = parent::__serialize(); } else { $this->initializeLazyObject(); $properties = (array) $this; } unset($properties["\0$class\0lazyObjectState"]); if (Registry::$parentMethods[$class]['serialize'] || !Registry::$parentMethods[$class]['sleep']) { return $properties; } $scope = get_parent_class($class); $data = []; foreach (parent::__sleep() as $name) { $value = $properties[$k = $name] ?? $properties[$k = "\0*\0$name"] ?? $properties[$k = "\0$class\0$name"] ?? $properties[$k = "\0$scope\0$name"] ?? $k = null; if (null === $k) { trigger_error(sprintf('serialize(): "%s" returned as member variable from __sleep() but does not exist', $name), \E_USER_NOTICE); } else { $data[$k] = $value; } } return $data; } public function __destruct() { $state = $this->lazyObjectState ?? null; if ($state && \in_array($state->status, [LazyObjectState::STATUS_UNINITIALIZED_FULL, LazyObjectState::STATUS_UNINITIALIZED_PARTIAL], true)) { return; } if ((Registry::$parentMethods[self::class] ??= Registry::getParentMethods(self::class))['destruct']) { parent::__destruct(); } } #[Ignore] private function setLazyObjectAsInitialized(bool $initialized): void { $state = $this->lazyObjectState ?? null; if ($state && !\is_array($state->initializer)) { $state->status = $initialized ? LazyObjectState::STATUS_INITIALIZED_FULL : LazyObjectState::STATUS_UNINITIALIZED_FULL; } } }
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