Current Path : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/public_html/vendor/symfony/http-client/Response/ |
Current File : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/public_html/vendor/symfony/http-client/Response/NativeResponse.php |
<?php /* * This file is part of the Symfony package. * * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Response; use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface; use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Chunk\FirstChunk; use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Exception\TransportException; use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Internal\Canary; use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Internal\ClientState; use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Internal\NativeClientState; use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\ResponseInterface; /** * @author Nicolas Grekas <p@tchwork.com> * * @internal */ final class NativeResponse implements ResponseInterface, StreamableInterface { use CommonResponseTrait; use TransportResponseTrait; /** * @var resource */ private $context; private string $url; private \Closure $resolver; private ?\Closure $onProgress; private ?int $remaining = null; /** * @var resource|null */ private $buffer; private NativeClientState $multi; private float $pauseExpiry = 0.0; /** * @internal */ public function __construct(NativeClientState $multi, $context, string $url, array $options, array &$info, callable $resolver, ?callable $onProgress, ?LoggerInterface $logger) { $this->multi = $multi; $this->id = $id = (int) $context; $this->context = $context; $this->url = $url; $this->logger = $logger; $this->timeout = $options['timeout']; $this->info = &$info; $this->resolver = $resolver(...); $this->onProgress = $onProgress ? $onProgress(...) : null; $this->inflate = !isset($options['normalized_headers']['accept-encoding']); $this->shouldBuffer = $options['buffer'] ?? true; // Temporary resource to dechunk the response stream $this->buffer = fopen('php://temp', 'w+'); $info['original_url'] = implode('', $info['url']); $info['user_data'] = $options['user_data']; $info['max_duration'] = $options['max_duration']; ++$multi->responseCount; $this->initializer = static fn (self $response) => null === $response->remaining; $pauseExpiry = &$this->pauseExpiry; $info['pause_handler'] = static function (float $duration) use (&$pauseExpiry) { $pauseExpiry = 0 < $duration ? hrtime(true) / 1E9 + $duration : 0; }; $this->canary = new Canary(static function () use ($multi, $id) { if (null !== ($host = $multi->openHandles[$id][6] ?? null) && 0 >= --$multi->hosts[$host]) { unset($multi->hosts[$host]); } unset($multi->openHandles[$id], $multi->handlesActivity[$id]); }); } public function getInfo(?string $type = null): mixed { if (!$info = $this->finalInfo) { $info = $this->info; $info['url'] = implode('', $info['url']); unset($info['size_body'], $info['request_header']); if (null === $this->buffer) { $this->finalInfo = $info; } } return null !== $type ? $info[$type] ?? null : $info; } public function __destruct() { try { $this->doDestruct(); } finally { // Clear the DNS cache when all requests completed if (0 >= --$this->multi->responseCount) { $this->multi->responseCount = 0; $this->multi->dnsCache = []; } } } private function open(): void { $url = $this->url; set_error_handler(function ($type, $msg) use (&$url) { if (\E_NOTICE !== $type || 'fopen(): Content-type not specified assuming application/x-www-form-urlencoded' !== $msg) { throw new TransportException($msg); } $this->logger?->info(sprintf('%s for "%s".', $msg, $url ?? $this->url)); }); try { $this->info['start_time'] = microtime(true); [$resolver, $url] = ($this->resolver)($this->multi); while (true) { $context = stream_context_get_options($this->context); if ($proxy = $context['http']['proxy'] ?? null) { $this->info['debug'] .= "* Establish HTTP proxy tunnel to {$proxy}\n"; $this->info['request_header'] = $url; } else { $this->info['debug'] .= "* Trying {$this->info['primary_ip']}...\n"; $this->info['request_header'] = $this->info['url']['path'].$this->info['url']['query']; } $this->info['request_header'] = sprintf("> %s %s HTTP/%s \r\n", $context['http']['method'], $this->info['request_header'], $context['http']['protocol_version']); $this->info['request_header'] .= implode("\r\n", $context['http']['header'])."\r\n\r\n"; if (\array_key_exists('peer_name', $context['ssl']) && null === $context['ssl']['peer_name']) { unset($context['ssl']['peer_name']); $this->context = stream_context_create([], ['options' => $context] + stream_context_get_params($this->context)); } // Send request and follow redirects when needed $this->handle = $h = fopen($url, 'r', false, $this->context); self::addResponseHeaders(stream_get_meta_data($h)['wrapper_data'], $this->info, $this->headers, $this->info['debug']); $url = $resolver($this->multi, $this->headers['location'][0] ?? null, $this->context); if (null === $url) { break; } $this->logger?->info(sprintf('Redirecting: "%s %s"', $this->info['http_code'], $url ?? $this->url)); } } catch (\Throwable $e) { $this->close(); $this->multi->handlesActivity[$this->id][] = null; $this->multi->handlesActivity[$this->id][] = $e; return; } finally { $this->info['pretransfer_time'] = $this->info['total_time'] = microtime(true) - $this->info['start_time']; restore_error_handler(); } if (isset($context['ssl']['capture_peer_cert_chain']) && isset(($context = stream_context_get_options($this->context))['ssl']['peer_certificate_chain'])) { $this->info['peer_certificate_chain'] = $context['ssl']['peer_certificate_chain']; } stream_set_blocking($h, false); unset($this->context, $this->resolver); // Create dechunk buffers if (isset($this->headers['content-length'])) { $this->remaining = (int) $this->headers['content-length'][0]; } elseif ('chunked' === ($this->headers['transfer-encoding'][0] ?? null)) { stream_filter_append($this->buffer, 'dechunk', \STREAM_FILTER_WRITE); $this->remaining = -1; } else { $this->remaining = -2; } $this->multi->handlesActivity[$this->id] = [new FirstChunk()]; if ('HEAD' === $context['http']['method'] || \in_array($this->info['http_code'], [204, 304], true)) { $this->multi->handlesActivity[$this->id][] = null; $this->multi->handlesActivity[$this->id][] = null; return; } $host = parse_url($this->info['redirect_url'] ?? $this->url, \PHP_URL_HOST); $this->multi->lastTimeout = null; $this->multi->openHandles[$this->id] = [&$this->pauseExpiry, $h, $this->buffer, $this->onProgress, &$this->remaining, &$this->info, $host]; $this->multi->hosts[$host] = 1 + ($this->multi->hosts[$host] ?? 0); } private function close(): void { $this->canary->cancel(); $this->handle = $this->buffer = $this->inflate = $this->onProgress = null; } private static function schedule(self $response, array &$runningResponses): void { if (!isset($runningResponses[$i = $response->multi->id])) { $runningResponses[$i] = [$response->multi, []]; } $runningResponses[$i][1][$response->id] = $response; if (null === $response->buffer) { // Response already completed $response->multi->handlesActivity[$response->id][] = null; $response->multi->handlesActivity[$response->id][] = null !== $response->info['error'] ? new TransportException($response->info['error']) : null; } } /** * @param NativeClientState $multi */ private static function perform(ClientState $multi, ?array &$responses = null): void { foreach ($multi->openHandles as $i => [$pauseExpiry, $h, $buffer, $onProgress]) { if ($pauseExpiry) { if (hrtime(true) / 1E9 < $pauseExpiry) { continue; } $multi->openHandles[$i][0] = 0; } $hasActivity = false; $remaining = &$multi->openHandles[$i][4]; $info = &$multi->openHandles[$i][5]; $e = null; // Read incoming buffer and write it to the dechunk one try { if ($remaining && '' !== $data = (string) fread($h, 0 > $remaining ? 16372 : $remaining)) { fwrite($buffer, $data); $hasActivity = true; $multi->sleep = false; if (-1 !== $remaining) { $remaining -= \strlen($data); } } } catch (\Throwable $e) { $hasActivity = $onProgress = false; } if (!$hasActivity) { if ($onProgress) { try { // Notify the progress callback so that it can e.g. cancel // the request if the stream is inactive for too long $info['total_time'] = microtime(true) - $info['start_time']; $onProgress(); } catch (\Throwable $e) { // no-op } } } elseif ('' !== $data = stream_get_contents($buffer, -1, 0)) { rewind($buffer); ftruncate($buffer, 0); if (null === $e) { $multi->handlesActivity[$i][] = $data; } } if (null !== $e || !$remaining || feof($h)) { // Stream completed $info['total_time'] = microtime(true) - $info['start_time']; $info['starttransfer_time'] = $info['starttransfer_time'] ?: $info['total_time']; if ($onProgress) { try { $onProgress(-1); } catch (\Throwable $e) { // no-op } } if (null === $e) { if (0 < $remaining) { $e = new TransportException(sprintf('Transfer closed with %s bytes remaining to read.', $remaining)); } elseif (-1 === $remaining && fwrite($buffer, '-') && '' !== stream_get_contents($buffer, -1, 0)) { $e = new TransportException('Transfer closed with outstanding data remaining from chunked response.'); } } $multi->handlesActivity[$i][] = null; $multi->handlesActivity[$i][] = $e; if (null !== ($host = $multi->openHandles[$i][6] ?? null) && 0 >= --$multi->hosts[$host]) { unset($multi->hosts[$host]); } unset($multi->openHandles[$i]); $multi->sleep = false; } } if (null === $responses) { return; } $maxHosts = $multi->maxHostConnections; foreach ($responses as $i => $response) { if (null !== $response->remaining || null === $response->buffer) { continue; } if ($response->pauseExpiry && hrtime(true) / 1E9 < $response->pauseExpiry) { // Create empty open handles to tell we still have pending requests $multi->openHandles[$i] = [\INF, null, null, null]; } elseif ($maxHosts && $maxHosts > ($multi->hosts[parse_url($response->url, \PHP_URL_HOST)] ?? 0)) { // Open the next pending request - this is a blocking operation so we do only one of them $response->open(); $multi->sleep = false; self::perform($multi); $maxHosts = 0; } } } /** * @param NativeClientState $multi */ private static function select(ClientState $multi, float $timeout): int { if (!$multi->sleep = !$multi->sleep) { return -1; } $_ = $handles = []; $now = null; foreach ($multi->openHandles as [$pauseExpiry, $h]) { if (null === $h) { continue; } if ($pauseExpiry && ($now ??= hrtime(true) / 1E9) < $pauseExpiry) { $timeout = min($timeout, $pauseExpiry - $now); continue; } $handles[] = $h; } if (!$handles) { usleep((int) (1E6 * $timeout)); return 0; } return stream_select($handles, $_, $_, (int) $timeout, (int) (1E6 * ($timeout - (int) $timeout))); } }
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