Current Path : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/public_html/vendor/symfony/http-client/Response/ |
Current File : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/public_html/vendor/symfony/http-client/Response/CurlResponse.php |
<?php /* * This file is part of the Symfony package. * * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Response; use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface; use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Chunk\FirstChunk; use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Chunk\InformationalChunk; use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Exception\TransportException; use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Internal\Canary; use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Internal\ClientState; use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Internal\CurlClientState; use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\ResponseInterface; /** * @author Nicolas Grekas <p@tchwork.com> * * @internal */ final class CurlResponse implements ResponseInterface, StreamableInterface { use CommonResponseTrait { getContent as private doGetContent; } use TransportResponseTrait; private CurlClientState $multi; /** * @var resource */ private $debugBuffer; /** * @internal */ public function __construct(CurlClientState $multi, \CurlHandle|string $ch, ?array $options = null, ?LoggerInterface $logger = null, string $method = 'GET', ?callable $resolveRedirect = null, ?int $curlVersion = null, ?string $originalUrl = null) { $this->multi = $multi; if ($ch instanceof \CurlHandle) { $this->handle = $ch; $this->debugBuffer = fopen('php://temp', 'w+'); if (0x074000 === $curlVersion) { fwrite($this->debugBuffer, 'Due to a bug in curl 7.64.0, the debug log is disabled; use another version to work around the issue.'); } else { curl_setopt($ch, \CURLOPT_VERBOSE, true); curl_setopt($ch, \CURLOPT_STDERR, $this->debugBuffer); } } else { $this->info['url'] = $ch; $ch = $this->handle; } $this->id = $id = (int) $ch; $this->logger = $logger; $this->shouldBuffer = $options['buffer'] ?? true; $this->timeout = $options['timeout'] ?? null; $this->info['http_method'] = $method; $this->info['user_data'] = $options['user_data'] ?? null; $this->info['max_duration'] = $options['max_duration'] ?? null; $this->info['start_time'] ??= microtime(true); $this->info['original_url'] = $originalUrl ?? $this->info['url'] ?? curl_getinfo($ch, \CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL); $info = &$this->info; $headers = &$this->headers; $debugBuffer = $this->debugBuffer; if (!$info['response_headers']) { // Used to keep track of what we're waiting for curl_setopt($ch, \CURLOPT_PRIVATE, \in_array($method, ['GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'TRACE'], true) && 1.0 < (float) ($options['http_version'] ?? 1.1) ? 'H2' : 'H0'); // H = headers + retry counter } curl_setopt($ch, \CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, static function ($ch, string $data) use (&$info, &$headers, $options, $multi, $id, &$location, $resolveRedirect, $logger): int { return self::parseHeaderLine($ch, $data, $info, $headers, $options, $multi, $id, $location, $resolveRedirect, $logger); }); if (null === $options) { // Pushed response: buffer until requested curl_setopt($ch, \CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, static function ($ch, string $data) use ($multi, $id): int { $multi->handlesActivity[$id][] = $data; curl_pause($ch, \CURLPAUSE_RECV); return \strlen($data); }); return; } $execCounter = $multi->execCounter; $this->info['pause_handler'] = static function (float $duration) use ($ch, $multi, $execCounter) { if (0 < $duration) { if ($execCounter === $multi->execCounter) { curl_multi_remove_handle($multi->handle, $ch); } $lastExpiry = end($multi->pauseExpiries); $multi->pauseExpiries[(int) $ch] = $duration += hrtime(true) / 1E9; if (false !== $lastExpiry && $lastExpiry > $duration) { asort($multi->pauseExpiries); } curl_pause($ch, \CURLPAUSE_ALL); } else { unset($multi->pauseExpiries[(int) $ch]); curl_pause($ch, \CURLPAUSE_CONT); curl_multi_add_handle($multi->handle, $ch); } }; $this->inflate = !isset($options['normalized_headers']['accept-encoding']); curl_pause($ch, \CURLPAUSE_CONT); if ($onProgress = $options['on_progress']) { $url = isset($info['url']) ? ['url' => $info['url']] : []; curl_setopt($ch, \CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, false); curl_setopt($ch, \CURLOPT_PROGRESSFUNCTION, static function ($ch, $dlSize, $dlNow) use ($onProgress, &$info, $url, $multi, $debugBuffer) { try { rewind($debugBuffer); $debug = ['debug' => stream_get_contents($debugBuffer)]; $onProgress($dlNow, $dlSize, $url + curl_getinfo($ch) + $info + $debug); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $multi->handlesActivity[(int) $ch][] = null; $multi->handlesActivity[(int) $ch][] = $e; return 1; // Abort the request } return null; }); } curl_setopt($ch, \CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, static function ($ch, string $data) use ($multi, $id): int { if ('H' === (curl_getinfo($ch, \CURLINFO_PRIVATE)[0] ?? null)) { $multi->handlesActivity[$id][] = null; $multi->handlesActivity[$id][] = new TransportException(sprintf('Unsupported protocol for "%s"', curl_getinfo($ch, \CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL))); return 0; } curl_setopt($ch, \CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, static function ($ch, string $data) use ($multi, $id): int { $multi->handlesActivity[$id][] = $data; return \strlen($data); }); $multi->handlesActivity[$id][] = $data; return \strlen($data); }); $this->initializer = static function (self $response) { $waitFor = curl_getinfo($response->handle, \CURLINFO_PRIVATE); return 'H' === $waitFor[0]; }; // Schedule the request in a non-blocking way $multi->lastTimeout = null; $multi->openHandles[$id] = [$ch, $options]; curl_multi_add_handle($multi->handle, $ch); $this->canary = new Canary(static function () use ($ch, $multi, $id) { unset($multi->pauseExpiries[$id], $multi->openHandles[$id], $multi->handlesActivity[$id]); curl_setopt($ch, \CURLOPT_PRIVATE, '_0'); if ($multi->performing) { return; } curl_multi_remove_handle($multi->handle, $ch); curl_setopt_array($ch, [ \CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS => true, \CURLOPT_PROGRESSFUNCTION => null, \CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION => null, \CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION => null, \CURLOPT_READFUNCTION => null, \CURLOPT_INFILE => null, ]); if (!$multi->openHandles) { // Schedule DNS cache eviction for the next request $multi->dnsCache->evictions = $multi->dnsCache->evictions ?: $multi->dnsCache->removals; $multi->dnsCache->removals = $multi->dnsCache->hostnames = []; } }); } public function getInfo(?string $type = null): mixed { if (!$info = $this->finalInfo) { $info = array_merge($this->info, curl_getinfo($this->handle)); $info['url'] = $this->info['url'] ?? $info['url']; $info['redirect_url'] = $this->info['redirect_url'] ?? null; // workaround curl not subtracting the time offset for pushed responses if (isset($this->info['url']) && $info['start_time'] / 1000 < $info['total_time']) { $info['total_time'] -= $info['starttransfer_time'] ?: $info['total_time']; $info['starttransfer_time'] = 0.0; } rewind($this->debugBuffer); $info['debug'] = stream_get_contents($this->debugBuffer); $waitFor = curl_getinfo($this->handle, \CURLINFO_PRIVATE); if ('H' !== $waitFor[0] && 'C' !== $waitFor[0]) { curl_setopt($this->handle, \CURLOPT_VERBOSE, false); rewind($this->debugBuffer); ftruncate($this->debugBuffer, 0); $this->finalInfo = $info; } } return null !== $type ? $info[$type] ?? null : $info; } public function getContent(bool $throw = true): string { $performing = $this->multi->performing; $this->multi->performing = $performing || '_0' === curl_getinfo($this->handle, \CURLINFO_PRIVATE); try { return $this->doGetContent($throw); } finally { $this->multi->performing = $performing; } } public function __destruct() { try { if (null === $this->timeout) { return; // Unused pushed response } $this->doDestruct(); } finally { if ($this->handle instanceof \CurlHandle) { curl_setopt($this->handle, \CURLOPT_VERBOSE, false); } } } private static function schedule(self $response, array &$runningResponses): void { if (isset($runningResponses[$i = (int) $response->multi->handle])) { $runningResponses[$i][1][$response->id] = $response; } else { $runningResponses[$i] = [$response->multi, [$response->id => $response]]; } if ('_0' === curl_getinfo($response->handle, \CURLINFO_PRIVATE)) { // Response already completed $response->multi->handlesActivity[$response->id][] = null; $response->multi->handlesActivity[$response->id][] = null !== $response->info['error'] ? new TransportException($response->info['error']) : null; } } /** * @param CurlClientState $multi */ private static function perform(ClientState $multi, ?array &$responses = null): void { if ($multi->performing) { if ($responses) { $response = current($responses); $multi->handlesActivity[(int) $response->handle][] = null; $multi->handlesActivity[(int) $response->handle][] = new TransportException(sprintf('Userland callback cannot use the client nor the response while processing "%s".', curl_getinfo($response->handle, \CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL))); } return; } try { $multi->performing = true; ++$multi->execCounter; $active = 0; while (\CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM === ($err = curl_multi_exec($multi->handle, $active))) { } if (\CURLM_OK !== $err) { throw new TransportException(curl_multi_strerror($err)); } while ($info = curl_multi_info_read($multi->handle)) { if (\CURLMSG_DONE !== $info['msg']) { continue; } $result = $info['result']; $id = (int) $ch = $info['handle']; $waitFor = @curl_getinfo($ch, \CURLINFO_PRIVATE) ?: '_0'; if (\in_array($result, [\CURLE_SEND_ERROR, \CURLE_RECV_ERROR, /* CURLE_HTTP2 */ 16, /* CURLE_HTTP2_STREAM */ 92], true) && $waitFor[1] && 'C' !== $waitFor[0]) { curl_multi_remove_handle($multi->handle, $ch); $waitFor[1] = (string) ((int) $waitFor[1] - 1); // decrement the retry counter curl_setopt($ch, \CURLOPT_PRIVATE, $waitFor); curl_setopt($ch, \CURLOPT_FORBID_REUSE, true); if (0 === curl_multi_add_handle($multi->handle, $ch)) { continue; } } if (\CURLE_RECV_ERROR === $result && 'H' === $waitFor[0] && 400 <= ($responses[(int) $ch]->info['http_code'] ?? 0)) { $multi->handlesActivity[$id][] = new FirstChunk(); } $multi->handlesActivity[$id][] = null; $multi->handlesActivity[$id][] = \in_array($result, [\CURLE_OK, \CURLE_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS], true) || '_0' === $waitFor || curl_getinfo($ch, \CURLINFO_SIZE_DOWNLOAD) === curl_getinfo($ch, \CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_DOWNLOAD) ? null : new TransportException(ucfirst(curl_error($ch) ?: curl_strerror($result)).sprintf(' for "%s".', curl_getinfo($ch, \CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL))); } } finally { $multi->performing = false; } } /** * @param CurlClientState $multi */ private static function select(ClientState $multi, float $timeout): int { if ($multi->pauseExpiries) { $now = hrtime(true) / 1E9; foreach ($multi->pauseExpiries as $id => $pauseExpiry) { if ($now < $pauseExpiry) { $timeout = min($timeout, $pauseExpiry - $now); break; } unset($multi->pauseExpiries[$id]); curl_pause($multi->openHandles[$id][0], \CURLPAUSE_CONT); curl_multi_add_handle($multi->handle, $multi->openHandles[$id][0]); } } if (0 !== $selected = curl_multi_select($multi->handle, $timeout)) { return $selected; } if ($multi->pauseExpiries && 0 < $timeout -= hrtime(true) / 1E9 - $now) { usleep((int) (1E6 * $timeout)); } return 0; } /** * Parses header lines as curl yields them to us. */ private static function parseHeaderLine($ch, string $data, array &$info, array &$headers, ?array $options, CurlClientState $multi, int $id, ?string &$location, ?callable $resolveRedirect, ?LoggerInterface $logger): int { if (!str_ends_with($data, "\r\n")) { return 0; } $waitFor = @curl_getinfo($ch, \CURLINFO_PRIVATE) ?: '_0'; if ('H' !== $waitFor[0]) { return \strlen($data); // Ignore HTTP trailers } $statusCode = curl_getinfo($ch, \CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE); if ($statusCode !== $info['http_code'] && !preg_match("#^HTTP/\d+(?:\.\d+)? {$statusCode}(?: |\r\n$)#", $data)) { return \strlen($data); // Ignore headers from responses to CONNECT requests } if ("\r\n" !== $data) { // Regular header line: add it to the list self::addResponseHeaders([substr($data, 0, -2)], $info, $headers); if (!str_starts_with($data, 'HTTP/')) { if (0 === stripos($data, 'Location:')) { $location = trim(substr($data, 9, -2)); } return \strlen($data); } if (\function_exists('openssl_x509_read') && $certinfo = curl_getinfo($ch, \CURLINFO_CERTINFO)) { $info['peer_certificate_chain'] = array_map('openssl_x509_read', array_column($certinfo, 'Cert')); } if (300 <= $info['http_code'] && $info['http_code'] < 400) { if (curl_getinfo($ch, \CURLINFO_REDIRECT_COUNT) === $options['max_redirects']) { curl_setopt($ch, \CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, false); } elseif (303 === $info['http_code'] || ('POST' === $info['http_method'] && \in_array($info['http_code'], [301, 302], true))) { curl_setopt($ch, \CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, ''); } } return \strlen($data); } // End of headers: handle informational responses, redirects, etc. if (200 > $statusCode) { $multi->handlesActivity[$id][] = new InformationalChunk($statusCode, $headers); $location = null; return \strlen($data); } $info['redirect_url'] = null; if (300 <= $statusCode && $statusCode < 400 && null !== $location) { if ($noContent = 303 === $statusCode || ('POST' === $info['http_method'] && \in_array($statusCode, [301, 302], true))) { $info['http_method'] = 'HEAD' === $info['http_method'] ? 'HEAD' : 'GET'; curl_setopt($ch, \CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $info['http_method']); } if (null === $info['redirect_url'] = $resolveRedirect($ch, $location, $noContent)) { $options['max_redirects'] = curl_getinfo($ch, \CURLINFO_REDIRECT_COUNT); curl_setopt($ch, \CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, false); curl_setopt($ch, \CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, $options['max_redirects']); } else { $url = parse_url($location ?? ':'); if (isset($url['host']) && null !== $ip = $multi->dnsCache->hostnames[$url['host'] = strtolower($url['host'])] ?? null) { // Populate DNS cache for redirects if needed $port = $url['port'] ?? ('http' === ($url['scheme'] ?? parse_url(curl_getinfo($ch, \CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL), \PHP_URL_SCHEME)) ? 80 : 443); curl_setopt($ch, \CURLOPT_RESOLVE, ["{$url['host']}:$port:$ip"]); $multi->dnsCache->removals["-{$url['host']}:$port"] = "-{$url['host']}:$port"; } } } if (401 === $statusCode && isset($options['auth_ntlm']) && 0 === strncasecmp($headers['www-authenticate'][0] ?? '', 'NTLM ', 5)) { // Continue with NTLM auth } elseif ($statusCode < 300 || 400 <= $statusCode || null === $location || curl_getinfo($ch, \CURLINFO_REDIRECT_COUNT) === $options['max_redirects']) { // Headers and redirects completed, time to get the response's content $multi->handlesActivity[$id][] = new FirstChunk(); if ('HEAD' === $info['http_method'] || \in_array($statusCode, [204, 304], true)) { $waitFor = '_0'; // no content expected $multi->handlesActivity[$id][] = null; $multi->handlesActivity[$id][] = null; } else { $waitFor[0] = 'C'; // C = content } curl_setopt($ch, \CURLOPT_PRIVATE, $waitFor); } elseif (null !== $info['redirect_url'] && $logger) { $logger->info(sprintf('Redirecting: "%s %s"', $info['http_code'], $info['redirect_url'])); } $location = null; return \strlen($data); } }
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