Current Path : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/public_html/vendor/symfony/http-client/Response/ |
Current File : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/public_html/vendor/symfony/http-client/Response/AsyncResponse.php |
<?php /* * This file is part of the Symfony package. * * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Response; use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Chunk\ErrorChunk; use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Chunk\FirstChunk; use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Chunk\LastChunk; use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Exception\TransportException; use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\ChunkInterface; use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\Exception\ExceptionInterface; use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\Exception\HttpExceptionInterface; use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\Exception\TransportExceptionInterface; use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\HttpClientInterface; use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\ResponseInterface; /** * Provides a single extension point to process a response's content stream. * * @author Nicolas Grekas <p@tchwork.com> */ class AsyncResponse implements ResponseInterface, StreamableInterface { use CommonResponseTrait; private const FIRST_CHUNK_YIELDED = 1; private const LAST_CHUNK_YIELDED = 2; private ?HttpClientInterface $client; private ResponseInterface $response; private array $info = ['canceled' => false]; /** @var callable|null */ private $passthru; private ?\Iterator $stream = null; private ?int $yieldedState = null; /** * @param ?callable(ChunkInterface, AsyncContext): ?\Iterator $passthru */ public function __construct(HttpClientInterface $client, string $method, string $url, array $options, ?callable $passthru = null) { $this->client = $client; $this->shouldBuffer = $options['buffer'] ?? true; if (null !== $onProgress = $options['on_progress'] ?? null) { $thisInfo = &$this->info; $options['on_progress'] = static function (int $dlNow, int $dlSize, array $info) use (&$thisInfo, $onProgress) { $onProgress($dlNow, $dlSize, $thisInfo + $info); }; } $this->response = $client->request($method, $url, ['buffer' => false] + $options); $this->passthru = $passthru; $this->initializer = static function (self $response, ?float $timeout = null) { if (null === $response->shouldBuffer) { return false; } while (true) { foreach (self::stream([$response], $timeout) as $chunk) { if ($chunk->isTimeout() && $response->passthru) { // Timeouts thrown during initialization are transport errors foreach (self::passthru($response->client, $response, new ErrorChunk($response->offset, new TransportException($chunk->getError()))) as $chunk) { if ($chunk->isFirst()) { return false; } } continue 2; } if ($chunk->isFirst()) { return false; } } return false; } }; if (\array_key_exists('user_data', $options)) { $this->info['user_data'] = $options['user_data']; } if (\array_key_exists('max_duration', $options)) { $this->info['max_duration'] = $options['max_duration']; } } public function getStatusCode(): int { if ($this->initializer) { self::initialize($this); } return $this->response->getStatusCode(); } public function getHeaders(bool $throw = true): array { if ($this->initializer) { self::initialize($this); } $headers = $this->response->getHeaders(false); if ($throw) { $this->checkStatusCode(); } return $headers; } public function getInfo(?string $type = null): mixed { if (null !== $type) { return $this->info[$type] ?? $this->response->getInfo($type); } return $this->info + $this->response->getInfo(); } /** * @return resource */ public function toStream(bool $throw = true) { if ($throw) { // Ensure headers arrived $this->getHeaders(true); } $handle = function () { $stream = $this->response instanceof StreamableInterface ? $this->response->toStream(false) : StreamWrapper::createResource($this->response); return stream_get_meta_data($stream)['wrapper_data']->stream_cast(\STREAM_CAST_FOR_SELECT); }; $stream = StreamWrapper::createResource($this); stream_get_meta_data($stream)['wrapper_data'] ->bindHandles($handle, $this->content); return $stream; } public function cancel(): void { if ($this->info['canceled']) { return; } $this->info['canceled'] = true; $this->info['error'] = 'Response has been canceled.'; $this->close(); $client = $this->client; $this->client = null; if (!$this->passthru) { return; } try { foreach (self::passthru($client, $this, new LastChunk()) as $chunk) { // no-op } $this->passthru = null; } catch (ExceptionInterface) { // ignore any errors when canceling } } public function __destruct() { $httpException = null; if ($this->initializer && null === $this->getInfo('error')) { try { self::initialize($this, -0.0); $this->getHeaders(true); } catch (HttpExceptionInterface $httpException) { // no-op } } if ($this->passthru && null === $this->getInfo('error')) { $this->info['canceled'] = true; try { foreach (self::passthru($this->client, $this, new LastChunk()) as $chunk) { // no-op } } catch (ExceptionInterface) { // ignore any errors when destructing } } if (null !== $httpException) { throw $httpException; } } /** * @internal */ public static function stream(iterable $responses, ?float $timeout = null, ?string $class = null): \Generator { while ($responses) { $wrappedResponses = []; $asyncMap = new \SplObjectStorage(); $client = null; foreach ($responses as $r) { if (!$r instanceof self) { throw new \TypeError(sprintf('"%s::stream()" expects parameter 1 to be an iterable of AsyncResponse objects, "%s" given.', $class ?? static::class, get_debug_type($r))); } if (null !== $e = $r->info['error'] ?? null) { yield $r => $chunk = new ErrorChunk($r->offset, new TransportException($e)); $chunk->didThrow() ?: $chunk->getContent(); continue; } if (null === $client) { $client = $r->client; } elseif ($r->client !== $client) { throw new TransportException('Cannot stream AsyncResponse objects with many clients.'); } $asyncMap[$r->response] = $r; $wrappedResponses[] = $r->response; if ($r->stream) { yield from self::passthruStream($response = $r->response, $r, new FirstChunk(), $asyncMap); if (!isset($asyncMap[$response])) { array_pop($wrappedResponses); } if ($r->response !== $response && !isset($asyncMap[$r->response])) { $asyncMap[$r->response] = $r; $wrappedResponses[] = $r->response; } } } if (!$client || !$wrappedResponses) { return; } foreach ($client->stream($wrappedResponses, $timeout) as $response => $chunk) { $r = $asyncMap[$response]; if (null === $chunk->getError()) { if ($chunk->isFirst()) { // Ensure no exception is thrown on destruct for the wrapped response $r->response->getStatusCode(); } elseif (0 === $r->offset && null === $r->content && $chunk->isLast()) { $r->content = fopen('php://memory', 'w+'); } } if (!$r->passthru) { if (null !== $chunk->getError() || $chunk->isLast()) { unset($asyncMap[$response]); } elseif (null !== $r->content && '' !== ($content = $chunk->getContent()) && \strlen($content) !== fwrite($r->content, $content)) { $chunk = new ErrorChunk($r->offset, new TransportException(sprintf('Failed writing %d bytes to the response buffer.', \strlen($content)))); $r->info['error'] = $chunk->getError(); $r->response->cancel(); } yield $r => $chunk; continue; } if (null !== $chunk->getError()) { // no-op } elseif ($chunk->isFirst()) { $r->yieldedState = self::FIRST_CHUNK_YIELDED; } elseif (self::FIRST_CHUNK_YIELDED !== $r->yieldedState && null === $chunk->getInformationalStatus()) { throw new \LogicException(sprintf('Instance of "%s" is already consumed and cannot be managed by "%s". A decorated client should not call any of the response\'s methods in its "request()" method.', get_debug_type($response), $class ?? static::class)); } foreach (self::passthru($r->client, $r, $chunk, $asyncMap) as $chunk) { yield $r => $chunk; } if ($r->response !== $response && isset($asyncMap[$response])) { break; } } if (null === $chunk->getError() && $chunk->isLast()) { $r->yieldedState = self::LAST_CHUNK_YIELDED; } if (null === $chunk->getError() && self::LAST_CHUNK_YIELDED !== $r->yieldedState && $r->response === $response && null !== $r->client) { throw new \LogicException('A chunk passthru must yield an "isLast()" chunk before ending a stream.'); } $responses = []; foreach ($asyncMap as $response) { $r = $asyncMap[$response]; if (null !== $r->client) { $responses[] = $asyncMap[$response]; } } } } /** * @param \SplObjectStorage<ResponseInterface, AsyncResponse>|null $asyncMap */ private static function passthru(HttpClientInterface $client, self $r, ChunkInterface $chunk, ?\SplObjectStorage $asyncMap = null): \Generator { $r->stream = null; $response = $r->response; $context = new AsyncContext($r->passthru, $client, $r->response, $r->info, $r->content, $r->offset); if (null === $stream = ($r->passthru)($chunk, $context)) { if ($r->response === $response && (null !== $chunk->getError() || $chunk->isLast())) { throw new \LogicException('A chunk passthru cannot swallow the last chunk.'); } return; } if (!$stream instanceof \Iterator) { throw new \LogicException(sprintf('A chunk passthru must return an "Iterator", "%s" returned.', get_debug_type($stream))); } $r->stream = $stream; yield from self::passthruStream($response, $r, null, $asyncMap); } /** * @param \SplObjectStorage<ResponseInterface, AsyncResponse>|null $asyncMap */ private static function passthruStream(ResponseInterface $response, self $r, ?ChunkInterface $chunk, ?\SplObjectStorage $asyncMap): \Generator { while (true) { try { if (null !== $chunk && $r->stream) { $r->stream->next(); } if (!$r->stream || !$r->stream->valid() || !$r->stream) { $r->stream = null; break; } } catch (\Throwable $e) { unset($asyncMap[$response]); $r->stream = null; $r->info['error'] = $e->getMessage(); $r->response->cancel(); yield $r => $chunk = new ErrorChunk($r->offset, $e); $chunk->didThrow() ?: $chunk->getContent(); break; } $chunk = $r->stream->current(); if (!$chunk instanceof ChunkInterface) { throw new \LogicException(sprintf('A chunk passthru must yield instances of "%s", "%s" yielded.', ChunkInterface::class, get_debug_type($chunk))); } if (null !== $chunk->getError()) { // no-op } elseif ($chunk->isFirst()) { $e = $r->openBuffer(); yield $r => $chunk; if ($r->initializer && null === $r->getInfo('error')) { // Ensure the HTTP status code is always checked $r->getHeaders(true); } if (null === $e) { continue; } $r->response->cancel(); $chunk = new ErrorChunk($r->offset, $e); } elseif ('' !== $content = $chunk->getContent()) { if (null !== $r->shouldBuffer) { throw new \LogicException('A chunk passthru must yield an "isFirst()" chunk before any content chunk.'); } if (null !== $r->content && \strlen($content) !== fwrite($r->content, $content)) { $chunk = new ErrorChunk($r->offset, new TransportException(sprintf('Failed writing %d bytes to the response buffer.', \strlen($content)))); $r->info['error'] = $chunk->getError(); $r->response->cancel(); } } if (null !== $chunk->getError() || $chunk->isLast()) { $stream = $r->stream; $r->stream = null; unset($asyncMap[$response]); } if (null === $chunk->getError()) { $r->offset += \strlen($content); yield $r => $chunk; if (!$chunk->isLast()) { continue; } $stream->next(); if ($stream->valid()) { throw new \LogicException('A chunk passthru cannot yield after an "isLast()" chunk.'); } $r->passthru = null; } else { if ($chunk instanceof ErrorChunk) { $chunk->didThrow(false); } else { try { $chunk = new ErrorChunk($chunk->getOffset(), !$chunk->isTimeout() ?: $chunk->getError()); } catch (TransportExceptionInterface $e) { $chunk = new ErrorChunk($chunk->getOffset(), $e); } } yield $r => $chunk; $chunk->didThrow() ?: $chunk->getContent(); } break; } } private function openBuffer(): ?\Throwable { if (null === $shouldBuffer = $this->shouldBuffer) { throw new \LogicException('A chunk passthru cannot yield more than one "isFirst()" chunk.'); } $e = $this->shouldBuffer = null; if ($shouldBuffer instanceof \Closure) { try { $shouldBuffer = $shouldBuffer($this->getHeaders(false)); if (null !== $e = $this->response->getInfo('error')) { throw new TransportException($e); } } catch (\Throwable $e) { $this->info['error'] = $e->getMessage(); $this->response->cancel(); } } if (true === $shouldBuffer) { $this->content = fopen('php://temp', 'w+'); } elseif (\is_resource($shouldBuffer)) { $this->content = $shouldBuffer; } return $e; } private function close(): void { $this->response->cancel(); } }
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