Current Path : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/public_html/vendor/symfony/error-handler/ |
Current File : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/public_html/vendor/symfony/error-handler/DebugClassLoader.php |
<?php /* * This file is part of the Symfony package. * * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler; use Composer\InstalledVersions; use Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Proxy as LegacyProxy; use Doctrine\Persistence\Proxy; use Mockery\MockInterface; use Phake\IMock; use PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\Matcher\StatelessInvocation; use PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject; use Prophecy\Prophecy\ProphecySubjectInterface; use ProxyManager\Proxy\ProxyInterface; use Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\Internal\TentativeTypes; use Symfony\Component\VarExporter\LazyObjectInterface; /** * Autoloader checking if the class is really defined in the file found. * * The ClassLoader will wrap all registered autoloaders * and will throw an exception if a file is found but does * not declare the class. * * It can also patch classes to turn docblocks into actual return types. * This behavior is controlled by the SYMFONY_PATCH_TYPE_DECLARATIONS env var, * which is a url-encoded array with the follow parameters: * - "force": any value enables deprecation notices - can be any of: * - "phpdoc" to patch only docblock annotations * - "2" to add all possible return types * - "1" to add return types but only to tests/final/internal/private methods * - "php": the target version of PHP - e.g. "7.1" doesn't generate "object" types * - "deprecations": "1" to trigger a deprecation notice when a child class misses a * return type while the parent declares an "@return" annotation * * Note that patching doesn't care about any coding style so you'd better to run * php-cs-fixer after, with rules "phpdoc_trim_consecutive_blank_line_separation" * and "no_superfluous_phpdoc_tags" enabled typically. * * @author Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com> * @author Christophe Coevoet <stof@notk.org> * @author Nicolas Grekas <p@tchwork.com> * @author Guilhem Niot <guilhem.niot@gmail.com> */ class DebugClassLoader { private const SPECIAL_RETURN_TYPES = [ 'void' => 'void', 'null' => 'null', 'resource' => 'resource', 'boolean' => 'bool', 'true' => 'true', 'false' => 'false', 'integer' => 'int', 'array' => 'array', 'bool' => 'bool', 'callable' => 'callable', 'float' => 'float', 'int' => 'int', 'iterable' => 'iterable', 'object' => 'object', 'string' => 'string', 'self' => 'self', 'parent' => 'parent', 'mixed' => 'mixed', 'static' => 'static', '$this' => 'static', 'list' => 'array', 'class-string' => 'string', 'never' => 'never', ]; private const BUILTIN_RETURN_TYPES = [ 'void' => true, 'array' => true, 'false' => true, 'bool' => true, 'callable' => true, 'float' => true, 'int' => true, 'iterable' => true, 'object' => true, 'string' => true, 'self' => true, 'parent' => true, 'mixed' => true, 'static' => true, 'null' => true, 'true' => true, 'never' => true, ]; private const MAGIC_METHODS = [ '__isset' => 'bool', '__sleep' => 'array', '__toString' => 'string', '__debugInfo' => 'array', '__serialize' => 'array', ]; /** * @var callable */ private $classLoader; private bool $isFinder; private array $loaded = []; private array $patchTypes = []; private static int $caseCheck; private static array $checkedClasses = []; private static array $final = []; private static array $finalMethods = []; private static array $finalProperties = []; private static array $finalConstants = []; private static array $deprecated = []; private static array $internal = []; private static array $internalMethods = []; private static array $annotatedParameters = []; private static array $darwinCache = ['/' => ['/', []]]; private static array $method = []; private static array $returnTypes = []; private static array $methodTraits = []; private static array $fileOffsets = []; public function __construct(callable $classLoader) { $this->classLoader = $classLoader; $this->isFinder = \is_array($classLoader) && method_exists($classLoader[0], 'findFile'); parse_str($_ENV['SYMFONY_PATCH_TYPE_DECLARATIONS'] ?? $_SERVER['SYMFONY_PATCH_TYPE_DECLARATIONS'] ?? getenv('SYMFONY_PATCH_TYPE_DECLARATIONS') ?: '', $this->patchTypes); $this->patchTypes += [ 'force' => null, 'php' => \PHP_MAJOR_VERSION.'.'.\PHP_MINOR_VERSION, 'deprecations' => true, ]; if ('phpdoc' === $this->patchTypes['force']) { $this->patchTypes['force'] = 'docblock'; } if (!isset(self::$caseCheck)) { $file = is_file(__FILE__) ? __FILE__ : rtrim(realpath('.'), \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); $i = strrpos($file, \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); $dir = substr($file, 0, 1 + $i); $file = substr($file, 1 + $i); $test = strtoupper($file) === $file ? strtolower($file) : strtoupper($file); $test = realpath($dir.$test); if (false === $test || false === $i) { // filesystem is case sensitive self::$caseCheck = 0; } elseif (str_ends_with($test, $file)) { // filesystem is case insensitive and realpath() normalizes the case of characters self::$caseCheck = 1; } elseif ('Darwin' === \PHP_OS_FAMILY) { // on MacOSX, HFS+ is case insensitive but realpath() doesn't normalize the case of characters self::$caseCheck = 2; } else { // filesystem case checks failed, fallback to disabling them self::$caseCheck = 0; } } } public function getClassLoader(): callable { return $this->classLoader; } /** * Wraps all autoloaders. */ public static function enable(): void { // Ensures we don't hit https://bugs.php.net/42098 class_exists(\Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\ErrorHandler::class); class_exists(\Psr\Log\LogLevel::class); if (!\is_array($functions = spl_autoload_functions())) { return; } foreach ($functions as $function) { spl_autoload_unregister($function); } foreach ($functions as $function) { if (!\is_array($function) || !$function[0] instanceof self) { $function = [new static($function), 'loadClass']; } spl_autoload_register($function); } } /** * Disables the wrapping. */ public static function disable(): void { if (!\is_array($functions = spl_autoload_functions())) { return; } foreach ($functions as $function) { spl_autoload_unregister($function); } foreach ($functions as $function) { if (\is_array($function) && $function[0] instanceof self) { $function = $function[0]->getClassLoader(); } spl_autoload_register($function); } } public static function checkClasses(): bool { if (!\is_array($functions = spl_autoload_functions())) { return false; } $loader = null; foreach ($functions as $function) { if (\is_array($function) && $function[0] instanceof self) { $loader = $function[0]; break; } } if (null === $loader) { return false; } static $offsets = [ 'get_declared_interfaces' => 0, 'get_declared_traits' => 0, 'get_declared_classes' => 0, ]; foreach ($offsets as $getSymbols => $i) { $symbols = $getSymbols(); for (; $i < \count($symbols); ++$i) { if (!is_subclass_of($symbols[$i], MockObject::class) && !is_subclass_of($symbols[$i], ProphecySubjectInterface::class) && !is_subclass_of($symbols[$i], Proxy::class) && !is_subclass_of($symbols[$i], ProxyInterface::class) && !is_subclass_of($symbols[$i], LazyObjectInterface::class) && !is_subclass_of($symbols[$i], LegacyProxy::class) && !is_subclass_of($symbols[$i], MockInterface::class) && !is_subclass_of($symbols[$i], IMock::class) ) { $loader->checkClass($symbols[$i]); } } $offsets[$getSymbols] = $i; } return true; } public function findFile(string $class): ?string { return $this->isFinder ? ($this->classLoader[0]->findFile($class) ?: null) : null; } /** * Loads the given class or interface. * * @throws \RuntimeException */ public function loadClass(string $class): void { $e = error_reporting(error_reporting() | \E_PARSE | \E_ERROR | \E_CORE_ERROR | \E_COMPILE_ERROR); try { if ($this->isFinder && !isset($this->loaded[$class])) { $this->loaded[$class] = true; if (!$file = $this->classLoader[0]->findFile($class) ?: '') { // no-op } elseif (\function_exists('opcache_is_script_cached') && @opcache_is_script_cached($file)) { include $file; return; } elseif (false === include $file) { return; } } else { ($this->classLoader)($class); $file = ''; } } finally { error_reporting($e); } $this->checkClass($class, $file); } private function checkClass(string $class, ?string $file = null): void { $exists = null === $file || class_exists($class, false) || interface_exists($class, false) || trait_exists($class, false); if (null !== $file && $class && '\\' === $class[0]) { $class = substr($class, 1); } if ($exists) { if (isset(self::$checkedClasses[$class])) { return; } self::$checkedClasses[$class] = true; $refl = new \ReflectionClass($class); if (null === $file && $refl->isInternal()) { return; } $name = $refl->getName(); if ($name !== $class && 0 === strcasecmp($name, $class)) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Case mismatch between loaded and declared class names: "%s" vs "%s".', $class, $name)); } $deprecations = $this->checkAnnotations($refl, $name); foreach ($deprecations as $message) { @trigger_error($message, \E_USER_DEPRECATED); } } if (!$file) { return; } if (!$exists) { if (str_contains($class, '/')) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Trying to autoload a class with an invalid name "%s". Be careful that the namespace separator is "\" in PHP, not "/".', $class)); } throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('The autoloader expected class "%s" to be defined in file "%s". The file was found but the class was not in it, the class name or namespace probably has a typo.', $class, $file)); } if (self::$caseCheck && $message = $this->checkCase($refl, $file, $class)) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Case mismatch between class and real file names: "%s" vs "%s" in "%s".', $message[0], $message[1], $message[2])); } } public function checkAnnotations(\ReflectionClass $refl, string $class): array { if ( 'Symfony\Bridge\PhpUnit\Legacy\SymfonyTestsListenerForV7' === $class || 'Symfony\Bridge\PhpUnit\Legacy\SymfonyTestsListenerForV6' === $class ) { return []; } $deprecations = []; $className = str_contains($class, "@anonymous\0") ? (get_parent_class($class) ?: key(class_implements($class)) ?: 'class').'@anonymous' : $class; // Don't trigger deprecations for classes in the same vendor if ($class !== $className) { $vendor = preg_match('/^namespace ([^;\\\\\s]++)[;\\\\]/m', @file_get_contents($refl->getFileName()), $vendor) ? $vendor[1].'\\' : ''; $vendorLen = \strlen($vendor); } elseif (2 > $vendorLen = 1 + (strpos($class, '\\') ?: strpos($class, '_'))) { $vendorLen = 0; $vendor = ''; } else { $vendor = str_replace('_', '\\', substr($class, 0, $vendorLen)); } $parent = get_parent_class($class) ?: null; self::$returnTypes[$class] = []; $classIsTemplate = false; // Detect annotations on the class if ($doc = $this->parsePhpDoc($refl)) { $classIsTemplate = isset($doc['template']) || isset($doc['template-covariant']); foreach (['final', 'deprecated', 'internal'] as $annotation) { if (null !== $description = $doc[$annotation][0] ?? null) { self::${$annotation}[$class] = '' !== $description ? ' '.$description.(preg_match('/[.!]$/', $description) ? '' : '.') : '.'; } } if ($refl->isInterface() && isset($doc['method'])) { foreach ($doc['method'] as $name => [$static, $returnType, $signature, $description]) { self::$method[$class][] = [$class, $static, $returnType, $name.$signature, $description]; if ('' !== $returnType) { $this->setReturnType($returnType, $refl->name, $name, $refl->getFileName(), $parent); } } } } $parentAndOwnInterfaces = $this->getOwnInterfaces($class, $parent); if ($parent) { $parentAndOwnInterfaces[$parent] = $parent; if (!isset(self::$checkedClasses[$parent])) { $this->checkClass($parent); } if (isset(self::$final[$parent])) { $deprecations[] = sprintf('The "%s" class is considered final%s It may change without further notice as of its next major version. You should not extend it from "%s".', $parent, self::$final[$parent], $className); } } // Detect if the parent is annotated foreach ($parentAndOwnInterfaces + class_uses($class, false) as $use) { if (!isset(self::$checkedClasses[$use])) { $this->checkClass($use); } if (isset(self::$deprecated[$use]) && strncmp($vendor, str_replace('_', '\\', $use), $vendorLen) && !isset(self::$deprecated[$class])) { $type = class_exists($class, false) ? 'class' : (interface_exists($class, false) ? 'interface' : 'trait'); $verb = class_exists($use, false) || interface_exists($class, false) ? 'extends' : (interface_exists($use, false) ? 'implements' : 'uses'); $deprecations[] = sprintf('The "%s" %s %s "%s" that is deprecated%s', $className, $type, $verb, $use, self::$deprecated[$use]); } if (isset(self::$internal[$use]) && strncmp($vendor, str_replace('_', '\\', $use), $vendorLen)) { $deprecations[] = sprintf('The "%s" %s is considered internal%s It may change without further notice. You should not use it from "%s".', $use, class_exists($use, false) ? 'class' : (interface_exists($use, false) ? 'interface' : 'trait'), self::$internal[$use], $className); } if (isset(self::$method[$use])) { if ($refl->isAbstract()) { if (isset(self::$method[$class])) { self::$method[$class] = array_merge(self::$method[$class], self::$method[$use]); } else { self::$method[$class] = self::$method[$use]; } } elseif (!$refl->isInterface()) { if (!strncmp($vendor, str_replace('_', '\\', $use), $vendorLen) && str_starts_with($className, 'Symfony\\') && (!class_exists(InstalledVersions::class) || 'symfony/symfony' !== InstalledVersions::getRootPackage()['name']) ) { // skip "same vendor" @method deprecations for Symfony\* classes unless symfony/symfony is being tested continue; } $hasCall = $refl->hasMethod('__call'); $hasStaticCall = $refl->hasMethod('__callStatic'); foreach (self::$method[$use] as [$interface, $static, $returnType, $name, $description]) { if ($static ? $hasStaticCall : $hasCall) { continue; } $realName = substr($name, 0, strpos($name, '(')); if (!$refl->hasMethod($realName) || !($methodRefl = $refl->getMethod($realName))->isPublic() || ($static && !$methodRefl->isStatic()) || (!$static && $methodRefl->isStatic())) { $deprecations[] = sprintf('Class "%s" should implement method "%s::%s%s"%s', $className, ($static ? 'static ' : '').$interface, $name, $returnType ? ': '.$returnType : '', null === $description ? '.' : ': '.$description); } } } } } if (trait_exists($class)) { $file = $refl->getFileName(); foreach ($refl->getMethods() as $method) { if ($method->getFileName() === $file) { self::$methodTraits[$file][$method->getStartLine()] = $class; } } return $deprecations; } // Inherit @final, @internal, @param and @return annotations for methods self::$finalMethods[$class] = []; self::$internalMethods[$class] = []; self::$annotatedParameters[$class] = []; self::$finalProperties[$class] = []; self::$finalConstants[$class] = []; foreach ($parentAndOwnInterfaces as $use) { foreach (['finalMethods', 'internalMethods', 'annotatedParameters', 'returnTypes', 'finalProperties', 'finalConstants'] as $property) { if (isset(self::${$property}[$use])) { self::${$property}[$class] = self::${$property}[$class] ? self::${$property}[$use] + self::${$property}[$class] : self::${$property}[$use]; } } if (null !== (TentativeTypes::RETURN_TYPES[$use] ?? null)) { foreach (TentativeTypes::RETURN_TYPES[$use] as $method => $returnType) { $returnType = explode('|', $returnType); foreach ($returnType as $i => $t) { if ('?' !== $t && !isset(self::BUILTIN_RETURN_TYPES[$t])) { $returnType[$i] = '\\'.$t; } } $returnType = implode('|', $returnType); self::$returnTypes[$class] += [$method => [$returnType, str_starts_with($returnType, '?') ? substr($returnType, 1).'|null' : $returnType, $use, '']]; } } } foreach ($refl->getMethods() as $method) { if ($method->class !== $class) { continue; } if (null === $ns = self::$methodTraits[$method->getFileName()][$method->getStartLine()] ?? null) { $ns = $vendor; $len = $vendorLen; } elseif (2 > $len = 1 + (strpos($ns, '\\') ?: strpos($ns, '_'))) { $len = 0; $ns = ''; } else { $ns = str_replace('_', '\\', substr($ns, 0, $len)); } if ($parent && isset(self::$finalMethods[$parent][$method->name])) { [$declaringClass, $message] = self::$finalMethods[$parent][$method->name]; $deprecations[] = sprintf('The "%s::%s()" method is considered final%s It may change without further notice as of its next major version. You should not extend it from "%s".', $declaringClass, $method->name, $message, $className); } if (isset(self::$internalMethods[$class][$method->name])) { [$declaringClass, $message] = self::$internalMethods[$class][$method->name]; if (strncmp($ns, $declaringClass, $len)) { $deprecations[] = sprintf('The "%s::%s()" method is considered internal%s It may change without further notice. You should not extend it from "%s".', $declaringClass, $method->name, $message, $className); } } // To read method annotations $doc = $this->parsePhpDoc($method); if (($classIsTemplate || isset($doc['template']) || isset($doc['template-covariant'])) && $method->hasReturnType()) { unset($doc['return']); } if (isset(self::$annotatedParameters[$class][$method->name])) { $definedParameters = []; foreach ($method->getParameters() as $parameter) { $definedParameters[$parameter->name] = true; } foreach (self::$annotatedParameters[$class][$method->name] as $parameterName => $deprecation) { if (!isset($definedParameters[$parameterName]) && !isset($doc['param'][$parameterName])) { $deprecations[] = sprintf($deprecation, $className); } } } $forcePatchTypes = $this->patchTypes['force']; if ($canAddReturnType = null !== $forcePatchTypes && !str_contains($method->getFileName(), \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'vendor'.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)) { if ('void' !== (self::MAGIC_METHODS[$method->name] ?? 'void')) { $this->patchTypes['force'] = $forcePatchTypes ?: 'docblock'; } $canAddReturnType = 2 === (int) $forcePatchTypes || false !== stripos($method->getFileName(), \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'Tests'.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) || $refl->isFinal() || $method->isFinal() || $method->isPrivate() || ('.' === (self::$internal[$class] ?? null) && !$refl->isAbstract()) || '.' === (self::$final[$class] ?? null) || '' === ($doc['final'][0] ?? null) || '' === ($doc['internal'][0] ?? null) ; } if (null !== ($returnType = self::$returnTypes[$class][$method->name] ?? null) && 'docblock' === $this->patchTypes['force'] && !$method->hasReturnType() && isset(TentativeTypes::RETURN_TYPES[$returnType[2]][$method->name])) { $this->patchReturnTypeWillChange($method); } if (null !== ($returnType ??= self::MAGIC_METHODS[$method->name] ?? null) && !$method->hasReturnType() && !isset($doc['return'])) { [$normalizedType, $returnType, $declaringClass, $declaringFile] = \is_string($returnType) ? [$returnType, $returnType, '', ''] : $returnType; if ($canAddReturnType && 'docblock' !== $this->patchTypes['force']) { $this->patchMethod($method, $returnType, $declaringFile, $normalizedType); } if (!isset($doc['deprecated']) && strncmp($ns, $declaringClass, $len)) { if ('docblock' === $this->patchTypes['force']) { $this->patchMethod($method, $returnType, $declaringFile, $normalizedType); } elseif ('' !== $declaringClass && $this->patchTypes['deprecations']) { $deprecations[] = sprintf('Method "%s::%s()" might add "%s" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in %s "%s" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.', $declaringClass, $method->name, $normalizedType, interface_exists($declaringClass) ? 'implementation' : 'child class', $className); } } } if (!$doc) { $this->patchTypes['force'] = $forcePatchTypes; continue; } if (isset($doc['return']) || 'void' !== (self::MAGIC_METHODS[$method->name] ?? 'void')) { $this->setReturnType($doc['return'] ?? self::MAGIC_METHODS[$method->name], $method->class, $method->name, $method->getFileName(), $parent, $method->getReturnType()); if (isset(self::$returnTypes[$class][$method->name][0]) && $canAddReturnType) { $this->fixReturnStatements($method, self::$returnTypes[$class][$method->name][0]); } if ($method->isPrivate()) { unset(self::$returnTypes[$class][$method->name]); } } $this->patchTypes['force'] = $forcePatchTypes; if ($method->isPrivate()) { continue; } $finalOrInternal = false; foreach (['final', 'internal'] as $annotation) { if (null !== $description = $doc[$annotation][0] ?? null) { self::${$annotation.'Methods'}[$class][$method->name] = [$class, '' !== $description ? ' '.$description.(preg_match('/[[:punct:]]$/', $description) ? '' : '.') : '.']; $finalOrInternal = true; } } if ($finalOrInternal || $method->isConstructor() || !isset($doc['param']) || StatelessInvocation::class === $class) { continue; } if (!isset(self::$annotatedParameters[$class][$method->name])) { $definedParameters = []; foreach ($method->getParameters() as $parameter) { $definedParameters[$parameter->name] = true; } } foreach ($doc['param'] as $parameterName => $parameterType) { if (!isset($definedParameters[$parameterName])) { self::$annotatedParameters[$class][$method->name][$parameterName] = sprintf('The "%%s::%s()" method will require a new "%s$%s" argument in the next major version of its %s "%s", not defining it is deprecated.', $method->name, $parameterType ? $parameterType.' ' : '', $parameterName, interface_exists($className) ? 'interface' : 'parent class', $className); } } } $finals = isset(self::$final[$class]) || $refl->isFinal() ? [] : [ 'finalConstants' => $refl->getReflectionConstants(\ReflectionClassConstant::IS_PUBLIC | \ReflectionClassConstant::IS_PROTECTED), 'finalProperties' => $refl->getProperties(\ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC | \ReflectionProperty::IS_PROTECTED), ]; foreach ($finals as $type => $reflectors) { foreach ($reflectors as $r) { if ($r->class !== $class) { continue; } $doc = $this->parsePhpDoc($r); foreach ($parentAndOwnInterfaces as $use) { if (isset(self::${$type}[$use][$r->name]) && !isset($doc['deprecated']) && ('finalConstants' === $type || substr($use, 0, strrpos($use, '\\')) !== substr($use, 0, strrpos($class, '\\')))) { $msg = 'finalConstants' === $type ? '%s" constant' : '$%s" property'; $deprecations[] = sprintf('The "%s::'.$msg.' is considered final. You should not override it in "%s".', self::${$type}[$use][$r->name], $r->name, $class); } } if (isset($doc['final']) || ('finalProperties' === $type && str_starts_with($class, 'Symfony\\') && !$r->hasType())) { self::${$type}[$class][$r->name] = $class; } } } return $deprecations; } public function checkCase(\ReflectionClass $refl, string $file, string $class): ?array { $real = explode('\\', $class.strrchr($file, '.')); $tail = explode(\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, str_replace('/', \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $file)); $i = \count($tail) - 1; $j = \count($real) - 1; while (isset($tail[$i], $real[$j]) && $tail[$i] === $real[$j]) { --$i; --$j; } array_splice($tail, 0, $i + 1); if (!$tail) { return null; } $tail = \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.implode(\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $tail); $tailLen = \strlen($tail); $real = $refl->getFileName(); if (2 === self::$caseCheck) { $real = $this->darwinRealpath($real); } if (0 === substr_compare($real, $tail, -$tailLen, $tailLen, true) && 0 !== substr_compare($real, $tail, -$tailLen, $tailLen, false) ) { return [substr($tail, -$tailLen + 1), substr($real, -$tailLen + 1), substr($real, 0, -$tailLen + 1)]; } return null; } /** * `realpath` on MacOSX doesn't normalize the case of characters. */ private function darwinRealpath(string $real): string { $i = 1 + strrpos($real, '/'); $file = substr($real, $i); $real = substr($real, 0, $i); if (isset(self::$darwinCache[$real])) { $kDir = $real; } else { $kDir = strtolower($real); if (isset(self::$darwinCache[$kDir])) { $real = self::$darwinCache[$kDir][0]; } else { $dir = getcwd(); if (!@chdir($real)) { return $real.$file; } $real = getcwd().'/'; chdir($dir); $dir = $real; $k = $kDir; $i = \strlen($dir) - 1; while (!isset(self::$darwinCache[$k])) { self::$darwinCache[$k] = [$dir, []]; self::$darwinCache[$dir] = &self::$darwinCache[$k]; while ('/' !== $dir[--$i]) { } $k = substr($k, 0, ++$i); $dir = substr($dir, 0, $i--); } } } $dirFiles = self::$darwinCache[$kDir][1]; if (!isset($dirFiles[$file]) && str_ends_with($file, ') : eval()\'d code')) { // Get the file name from "file_name.php(123) : eval()'d code" $file = substr($file, 0, strrpos($file, '(', -17)); } if (isset($dirFiles[$file])) { return $real.$dirFiles[$file]; } $kFile = strtolower($file); if (!isset($dirFiles[$kFile])) { foreach (scandir($real, 2) as $f) { if ('.' !== $f[0]) { $dirFiles[$f] = $f; if ($f === $file) { $kFile = $file; } elseif ($f !== $k = strtolower($f)) { $dirFiles[$k] = $f; } } } self::$darwinCache[$kDir][1] = $dirFiles; } return $real.$dirFiles[$kFile]; } /** * `class_implements` includes interfaces from the parents so we have to manually exclude them. * * @return string[] */ private function getOwnInterfaces(string $class, ?string $parent): array { $ownInterfaces = class_implements($class, false); if ($parent) { foreach (class_implements($parent, false) as $interface) { unset($ownInterfaces[$interface]); } } foreach ($ownInterfaces as $interface) { foreach (class_implements($interface) as $interface) { unset($ownInterfaces[$interface]); } } return $ownInterfaces; } private function setReturnType(string $types, string $class, string $method, string $filename, ?string $parent, ?\ReflectionType $returnType = null): void { if ('__construct' === $method) { return; } if ('null' === $types) { self::$returnTypes[$class][$method] = ['null', 'null', $class, $filename]; return; } if ($nullable = str_starts_with($types, 'null|')) { $types = substr($types, 5); } elseif ($nullable = str_ends_with($types, '|null')) { $types = substr($types, 0, -5); } $arrayType = ['array' => 'array']; $typesMap = []; $glue = str_contains($types, '&') ? '&' : '|'; foreach (explode($glue, $types) as $t) { $t = self::SPECIAL_RETURN_TYPES[strtolower($t)] ?? $t; $typesMap[$this->normalizeType($t, $class, $parent, $returnType)][$t] = $t; } if (isset($typesMap['array'])) { if (isset($typesMap['Traversable']) || isset($typesMap['\Traversable'])) { $typesMap['iterable'] = $arrayType !== $typesMap['array'] ? $typesMap['array'] : ['iterable']; unset($typesMap['array'], $typesMap['Traversable'], $typesMap['\Traversable']); } elseif ($arrayType !== $typesMap['array'] && isset(self::$returnTypes[$class][$method]) && !$returnType) { return; } } if (isset($typesMap['array']) && isset($typesMap['iterable'])) { if ($arrayType !== $typesMap['array']) { $typesMap['iterable'] = $typesMap['array']; } unset($typesMap['array']); } $iterable = $object = true; foreach ($typesMap as $n => $t) { if ('null' !== $n) { $iterable = $iterable && (\in_array($n, ['array', 'iterable']) || str_contains($n, 'Iterator')); $object = $object && (\in_array($n, ['callable', 'object', '$this', 'static']) || !isset(self::SPECIAL_RETURN_TYPES[$n])); } } $phpTypes = []; $docTypes = []; foreach ($typesMap as $n => $t) { if ('null' === $n) { $nullable = true; continue; } $docTypes[] = $t; if ('mixed' === $n || 'void' === $n) { $nullable = false; $phpTypes = ['' => $n]; continue; } if ('resource' === $n) { // there is no native type for "resource" return; } if (!preg_match('/^(?:\\\\?[a-zA-Z_\x80-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x80-\xff]*)+$/', $n)) { // exclude any invalid PHP class name (e.g. `Cookie::SAMESITE_*`) continue; } if (!isset($phpTypes[''])) { $phpTypes[] = $n; } } $docTypes = array_merge([], ...$docTypes); if (!$phpTypes) { return; } if (1 < \count($phpTypes)) { if ($iterable && '8.0' > $this->patchTypes['php']) { $phpTypes = $docTypes = ['iterable']; } elseif ($object && 'object' === $this->patchTypes['force']) { $phpTypes = $docTypes = ['object']; } elseif ('8.0' > $this->patchTypes['php']) { // ignore multi-types return declarations return; } } $phpType = sprintf($nullable ? (1 < \count($phpTypes) ? '%s|null' : '?%s') : '%s', implode($glue, $phpTypes)); $docType = sprintf($nullable ? '%s|null' : '%s', implode($glue, $docTypes)); self::$returnTypes[$class][$method] = [$phpType, $docType, $class, $filename]; } private function normalizeType(string $type, string $class, ?string $parent, ?\ReflectionType $returnType): string { if (isset(self::SPECIAL_RETURN_TYPES[$lcType = strtolower($type)])) { if ('parent' === $lcType = self::SPECIAL_RETURN_TYPES[$lcType]) { $lcType = null !== $parent ? '\\'.$parent : 'parent'; } elseif ('self' === $lcType) { $lcType = '\\'.$class; } return $lcType; } // We could resolve "use" statements to return the FQDN // but this would be too expensive for a runtime checker if (!str_ends_with($type, '[]')) { return $type; } if ($returnType instanceof \ReflectionNamedType) { $type = $returnType->getName(); if ('mixed' !== $type) { return isset(self::SPECIAL_RETURN_TYPES[$type]) ? $type : '\\'.$type; } } return 'array'; } /** * Utility method to add #[ReturnTypeWillChange] where php triggers deprecations. */ private function patchReturnTypeWillChange(\ReflectionMethod $method): void { if (\count($method->getAttributes(\ReturnTypeWillChange::class))) { return; } if (!is_file($file = $method->getFileName())) { return; } $fileOffset = self::$fileOffsets[$file] ?? 0; $code = file($file); $startLine = $method->getStartLine() + $fileOffset - 2; if (false !== stripos($code[$startLine], 'ReturnTypeWillChange')) { return; } $code[$startLine] .= " #[\\ReturnTypeWillChange]\n"; self::$fileOffsets[$file] = 1 + $fileOffset; file_put_contents($file, $code); } /** * Utility method to add @return annotations to the Symfony code-base where it triggers self-deprecations. */ private function patchMethod(\ReflectionMethod $method, string $returnType, string $declaringFile, string $normalizedType): void { static $patchedMethods = []; static $useStatements = []; if (!is_file($file = $method->getFileName()) || isset($patchedMethods[$file][$startLine = $method->getStartLine()])) { return; } $patchedMethods[$file][$startLine] = true; $fileOffset = self::$fileOffsets[$file] ?? 0; $startLine += $fileOffset - 2; if ($nullable = str_ends_with($returnType, '|null')) { $returnType = substr($returnType, 0, -5); } $glue = str_contains($returnType, '&') ? '&' : '|'; $returnType = explode($glue, $returnType); $code = file($file); foreach ($returnType as $i => $type) { if (preg_match('/((?:\[\])+)$/', $type, $m)) { $type = substr($type, 0, -\strlen($m[1])); $format = '%s'.$m[1]; } else { $format = null; } if (isset(self::SPECIAL_RETURN_TYPES[$type]) || ('\\' === $type[0] && !$p = strrpos($type, '\\', 1))) { continue; } [$namespace, $useOffset, $useMap] = $useStatements[$file] ??= self::getUseStatements($file); if ('\\' !== $type[0]) { [$declaringNamespace, , $declaringUseMap] = $useStatements[$declaringFile] ??= self::getUseStatements($declaringFile); $p = strpos($type, '\\', 1); $alias = $p ? substr($type, 0, $p) : $type; if (isset($declaringUseMap[$alias])) { $type = '\\'.$declaringUseMap[$alias].($p ? substr($type, $p) : ''); } else { $type = '\\'.$declaringNamespace.$type; } $p = strrpos($type, '\\', 1); } $alias = substr($type, 1 + $p); $type = substr($type, 1); if (!isset($useMap[$alias]) && (class_exists($c = $namespace.$alias) || interface_exists($c) || trait_exists($c))) { $useMap[$alias] = $c; } if (!isset($useMap[$alias])) { $useStatements[$file][2][$alias] = $type; $code[$useOffset] = "use $type;\n".$code[$useOffset]; ++$fileOffset; } elseif ($useMap[$alias] !== $type) { $alias .= 'FIXME'; $useStatements[$file][2][$alias] = $type; $code[$useOffset] = "use $type as $alias;\n".$code[$useOffset]; ++$fileOffset; } $returnType[$i] = null !== $format ? sprintf($format, $alias) : $alias; } if ('docblock' === $this->patchTypes['force'] || ('object' === $normalizedType && '7.1' === $this->patchTypes['php'])) { $returnType = implode($glue, $returnType).($nullable ? '|null' : ''); if (str_contains($code[$startLine], '#[')) { --$startLine; } if ($method->getDocComment()) { $code[$startLine] = " * @return $returnType\n".$code[$startLine]; } else { $code[$startLine] .= <<<EOTXT /** * @return $returnType */ EOTXT; } $fileOffset += substr_count($code[$startLine], "\n") - 1; } self::$fileOffsets[$file] = $fileOffset; file_put_contents($file, $code); $this->fixReturnStatements($method, $normalizedType); } private static function getUseStatements(string $file): array { $namespace = ''; $useMap = []; $useOffset = 0; if (!is_file($file)) { return [$namespace, $useOffset, $useMap]; } $file = file($file); for ($i = 0; $i < \count($file); ++$i) { if (preg_match('/^(class|interface|trait|abstract) /', $file[$i])) { break; } if (str_starts_with($file[$i], 'namespace ')) { $namespace = substr($file[$i], \strlen('namespace '), -2).'\\'; $useOffset = $i + 2; } if (str_starts_with($file[$i], 'use ')) { $useOffset = $i; for (; str_starts_with($file[$i], 'use '); ++$i) { $u = explode(' as ', substr($file[$i], 4, -2), 2); if (1 === \count($u)) { $p = strrpos($u[0], '\\'); $useMap[substr($u[0], false !== $p ? 1 + $p : 0)] = $u[0]; } else { $useMap[$u[1]] = $u[0]; } } break; } } return [$namespace, $useOffset, $useMap]; } private function fixReturnStatements(\ReflectionMethod $method, string $returnType): void { if ('docblock' !== $this->patchTypes['force']) { if ('7.1' === $this->patchTypes['php'] && 'object' === ltrim($returnType, '?')) { return; } if ('7.4' > $this->patchTypes['php'] && $method->hasReturnType()) { return; } if ('8.0' > $this->patchTypes['php'] && (str_contains($returnType, '|') || \in_array($returnType, ['mixed', 'static'], true))) { return; } if ('8.1' > $this->patchTypes['php'] && str_contains($returnType, '&')) { return; } } if (!is_file($file = $method->getFileName())) { return; } $fixedCode = $code = file($file); $i = (self::$fileOffsets[$file] ?? 0) + $method->getStartLine(); if ('?' !== $returnType && 'docblock' !== $this->patchTypes['force']) { $fixedCode[$i - 1] = preg_replace('/\)(?::[^;\n]++)?(;?\n)/', "): $returnType\\1", $code[$i - 1]); } $end = $method->isGenerator() ? $i : $method->getEndLine(); $inClosure = false; $braces = 0; for (; $i < $end; ++$i) { if (!$inClosure) { $inClosure = false !== strpos($code[$i], 'function ('); } if ($inClosure) { $braces += substr_count($code[$i], '{') - substr_count($code[$i], '}'); $inClosure = $braces > 0; continue; } if ('void' === $returnType) { $fixedCode[$i] = str_replace(' return null;', ' return;', $code[$i]); } elseif ('mixed' === $returnType || '?' === $returnType[0]) { $fixedCode[$i] = str_replace(' return;', ' return null;', $code[$i]); } else { $fixedCode[$i] = str_replace(' return;', " return $returnType!?;", $code[$i]); } } if ($fixedCode !== $code) { file_put_contents($file, $fixedCode); } } /** * @param \ReflectionClass|\ReflectionMethod|\ReflectionProperty $reflector */ private function parsePhpDoc(\Reflector $reflector): array { if (!$doc = $reflector->getDocComment()) { return []; } $tagName = ''; $tagContent = ''; $tags = []; foreach (explode("\n", substr($doc, 3, -2)) as $line) { $line = ltrim($line); $line = ltrim($line, '*'); if ('' === $line = trim($line)) { if ('' !== $tagName) { $tags[$tagName][] = $tagContent; } $tagName = $tagContent = ''; continue; } if ('@' === $line[0]) { if ('' !== $tagName) { $tags[$tagName][] = $tagContent; $tagContent = ''; } if (preg_match('{^@([-a-zA-Z0-9_:]++)(\s|$)}', $line, $m)) { $tagName = $m[1]; $tagContent = str_replace("\t", ' ', ltrim(substr($line, 2 + \strlen($tagName)))); } else { $tagName = ''; } } elseif ('' !== $tagName) { $tagContent .= ' '.str_replace("\t", ' ', $line); } } if ('' !== $tagName) { $tags[$tagName][] = $tagContent; } foreach ($tags['method'] ?? [] as $i => $method) { unset($tags['method'][$i]); $parts = preg_split('{(\s++|\((?:[^()]*+|(?R))*\)(?: *: *[^ ]++)?|<(?:[^<>]*+|(?R))*>|\{(?:[^{}]*+|(?R))*\})}', $method, -1, \PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); $returnType = ''; $static = 'static' === $parts[0]; for ($i = $static ? 2 : 0; null !== $p = $parts[$i] ?? null; $i += 2) { if (\in_array($p, ['', '|', '&', 'callable'], true) || \in_array(substr($returnType, -1), ['|', '&'], true)) { $returnType .= trim($parts[$i - 1] ?? '').$p; continue; } $signature = '(' === ($parts[$i + 1][0] ?? '(') ? $parts[$i + 1] ?? '()' : null; if (null === $signature && '' === $returnType) { $returnType = $p; continue; } if ($static && 2 === $i) { $static = false; $returnType = 'static'; } if (\in_array($description = trim(implode('', \array_slice($parts, 2 + $i))), ['', '.'], true)) { $description = null; } elseif (!preg_match('/[.!]$/', $description)) { $description .= '.'; } $tags['method'][$p] = [$static, $returnType, $signature ?? '()', $description]; break; } } foreach ($tags['param'] ?? [] as $i => $param) { unset($tags['param'][$i]); if (\strlen($param) !== strcspn($param, '<{(')) { $param = preg_replace('{\(([^()]*+|(?R))*\)(?: *: *[^ ]++)?|<([^<>]*+|(?R))*>|\{([^{}]*+|(?R))*\}}', '', $param); } if (false === $i = strpos($param, '$')) { continue; } $type = 0 === $i ? '' : rtrim(substr($param, 0, $i), ' &'); $param = substr($param, 1 + $i, (strpos($param, ' ', $i) ?: (1 + $i + \strlen($param))) - $i - 1); $tags['param'][$param] = $type; } foreach (['var', 'return'] as $k) { if (null === $v = $tags[$k][0] ?? null) { continue; } if (\strlen($v) !== strcspn($v, '<{(')) { $v = preg_replace('{\(([^()]*+|(?R))*\)(?: *: *[^ ]++)?|<([^<>]*+|(?R))*>|\{([^{}]*+|(?R))*\}}', '', $v); } $tags[$k] = substr($v, 0, strpos($v, ' ') ?: \strlen($v)) ?: null; } return $tags; } }
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