Current Path : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/public_html/vendor/aws/aws-sdk-php/src/Credentials/ |
Current File : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/public_html/vendor/aws/aws-sdk-php/src/Credentials/CredentialProvider.php |
<?php namespace Aws\Credentials; use Aws; use Aws\Api\DateTimeResult; use Aws\CacheInterface; use Aws\Exception\CredentialsException; use Aws\Sts\StsClient; use GuzzleHttp\Promise; /** * Credential providers are functions that accept no arguments and return a * promise that is fulfilled with an {@see \Aws\Credentials\CredentialsInterface} * or rejected with an {@see \Aws\Exception\CredentialsException}. * * <code> * use Aws\Credentials\CredentialProvider; * $provider = CredentialProvider::defaultProvider(); * // Returns a CredentialsInterface or throws. * $creds = $provider()->wait(); * </code> * * Credential providers can be composed to create credentials using conditional * logic that can create different credentials in different environments. You * can compose multiple providers into a single provider using * {@see Aws\Credentials\CredentialProvider::chain}. This function accepts * providers as variadic arguments and returns a new function that will invoke * each provider until a successful set of credentials is returned. * * <code> * // First try an INI file at this location. * $a = CredentialProvider::ini(null, '/path/to/file.ini'); * // Then try an INI file at this location. * $b = CredentialProvider::ini(null, '/path/to/other-file.ini'); * // Then try loading from environment variables. * $c = CredentialProvider::env(); * // Combine the three providers together. * $composed = CredentialProvider::chain($a, $b, $c); * // Returns a promise that is fulfilled with credentials or throws. * $promise = $composed(); * // Wait on the credentials to resolve. * $creds = $promise->wait(); * </code> */ class CredentialProvider { const ENV_ARN = 'AWS_ROLE_ARN'; const ENV_KEY = 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'; const ENV_PROFILE = 'AWS_PROFILE'; const ENV_ROLE_SESSION_NAME = 'AWS_ROLE_SESSION_NAME'; const ENV_SECRET = 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'; const ENV_SESSION = 'AWS_SESSION_TOKEN'; const ENV_TOKEN_FILE = 'AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE'; const ENV_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE = 'AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE'; /** * Create a default credential provider that * first checks for environment variables, * then checks for assumed role via web identity, * then checks for cached SSO credentials from the CLI, * then check for credential_process in the "default" profile in ~/.aws/credentials, * then checks for the "default" profile in ~/.aws/credentials, * then for credential_process in the "default profile" profile in ~/.aws/config, * then checks for "profile default" profile in ~/.aws/config (which is * the default profile of AWS CLI), * then tries to make a GET Request to fetch credentials if ECS environment variable is presented, * finally checks for EC2 instance profile credentials. * * This provider is automatically wrapped in a memoize function that caches * previously provided credentials. * * @param array $config Optional array of ecs/instance profile credentials * provider options. * * @return callable */ public static function defaultProvider(array $config = []) { $cacheable = [ 'web_identity', 'sso', 'process_credentials', 'process_config', 'ecs', 'instance' ]; $profileName = getenv(self::ENV_PROFILE) ?: 'default'; $defaultChain = [ 'env' => self::env(), 'web_identity' => self::assumeRoleWithWebIdentityCredentialProvider($config), ]; if ( !isset($config['use_aws_shared_config_files']) || $config['use_aws_shared_config_files'] !== false ) { $defaultChain['sso'] = self::sso( $profileName, self::getHomeDir() . '/.aws/config', $config ); $defaultChain['process_credentials'] = self::process(); $defaultChain['ini'] = self::ini(); $defaultChain['process_config'] = self::process( 'profile ' . $profileName, self::getHomeDir() . '/.aws/config' ); $defaultChain['ini_config'] = self::ini( 'profile '. $profileName, self::getHomeDir() . '/.aws/config' ); } if (self::shouldUseEcs()) { $defaultChain['ecs'] = self::ecsCredentials($config); } else { $defaultChain['instance'] = self::instanceProfile($config); } if (isset($config['credentials']) && $config['credentials'] instanceof CacheInterface ) { foreach ($cacheable as $provider) { if (isset($defaultChain[$provider])) { $defaultChain[$provider] = self::cache( $defaultChain[$provider], $config['credentials'], 'aws_cached_' . $provider . '_credentials' ); } } } return self::memoize( call_user_func_array( [CredentialProvider::class, 'chain'], array_values($defaultChain) ) ); } /** * Create a credential provider function from a set of static credentials. * * @param CredentialsInterface $creds * * @return callable */ public static function fromCredentials(CredentialsInterface $creds) { $promise = Promise\Create::promiseFor($creds); return function () use ($promise) { return $promise; }; } /** * Creates an aggregate credentials provider that invokes the provided * variadic providers one after the other until a provider returns * credentials. * * @return callable */ public static function chain() { $links = func_get_args(); if (empty($links)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('No providers in chain'); } return function ($previousCreds = null) use ($links) { /** @var callable $parent */ $parent = array_shift($links); $promise = $parent(); while ($next = array_shift($links)) { if ($next instanceof InstanceProfileProvider && $previousCreds instanceof Credentials ) { $promise = $promise->otherwise( function () use ($next, $previousCreds) {return $next($previousCreds);} ); } else { $promise = $promise->otherwise($next); } } return $promise; }; } /** * Wraps a credential provider and caches previously provided credentials. * * Ensures that cached credentials are refreshed when they expire. * * @param callable $provider Credentials provider function to wrap. * * @return callable */ public static function memoize(callable $provider) { return function () use ($provider) { static $result; static $isConstant; // Constant credentials will be returned constantly. if ($isConstant) { return $result; } // Create the initial promise that will be used as the cached value // until it expires. if (null === $result) { $result = $provider(); } // Return credentials that could expire and refresh when needed. return $result ->then(function (CredentialsInterface $creds) use ($provider, &$isConstant, &$result) { // Determine if these are constant credentials. if (!$creds->getExpiration()) { $isConstant = true; return $creds; } // Refresh expired credentials. if (!$creds->isExpired()) { return $creds; } // Refresh the result and forward the promise. return $result = $provider($creds); }) ->otherwise(function($reason) use (&$result) { // Cleanup rejected promise. $result = null; return new Promise\RejectedPromise($reason); }); }; } /** * Wraps a credential provider and saves provided credentials in an * instance of Aws\CacheInterface. Forwards calls when no credentials found * in cache and updates cache with the results. * * @param callable $provider Credentials provider function to wrap * @param CacheInterface $cache Cache to store credentials * @param string|null $cacheKey (optional) Cache key to use * * @return callable */ public static function cache( callable $provider, CacheInterface $cache, $cacheKey = null ) { $cacheKey = $cacheKey ?: 'aws_cached_credentials'; return function () use ($provider, $cache, $cacheKey) { $found = $cache->get($cacheKey); if ($found instanceof CredentialsInterface && !$found->isExpired()) { return Promise\Create::promiseFor($found); } return $provider() ->then(function (CredentialsInterface $creds) use ( $cache, $cacheKey ) { $cache->set( $cacheKey, $creds, null === $creds->getExpiration() ? 0 : $creds->getExpiration() - time() ); return $creds; }); }; } /** * Provider that creates credentials from environment variables * AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, and AWS_SESSION_TOKEN. * * @return callable */ public static function env() { return function () { // Use credentials from environment variables, if available $key = getenv(self::ENV_KEY); $secret = getenv(self::ENV_SECRET); if ($key && $secret) { return Promise\Create::promiseFor( new Credentials($key, $secret, getenv(self::ENV_SESSION) ?: NULL) ); } return self::reject('Could not find environment variable ' . 'credentials in ' . self::ENV_KEY . '/' . self::ENV_SECRET); }; } /** * Credential provider that creates credentials using instance profile * credentials. * * @param array $config Array of configuration data. * * @return InstanceProfileProvider * @see Aws\Credentials\InstanceProfileProvider for $config details. */ public static function instanceProfile(array $config = []) { return new InstanceProfileProvider($config); } /** * Credential provider that retrieves cached SSO credentials from the CLI * * @return callable */ public static function sso($ssoProfileName = 'default', $filename = null, $config = [] ) { $filename = $filename ?: (self::getHomeDir() . '/.aws/config'); return function () use ($ssoProfileName, $filename, $config) { if (!@is_readable($filename)) { return self::reject("Cannot read credentials from $filename"); } $profiles = self::loadProfiles($filename); if (isset($profiles[$ssoProfileName])) { $ssoProfile = $profiles[$ssoProfileName]; } elseif (isset($profiles['profile ' . $ssoProfileName])) { $ssoProfileName = 'profile ' . $ssoProfileName; $ssoProfile = $profiles[$ssoProfileName]; } else { return self::reject("Profile {$ssoProfileName} does not exist in {$filename}."); } if (!empty($ssoProfile['sso_session'])) { return CredentialProvider::getSsoCredentials($profiles, $ssoProfileName, $filename, $config); } else { return CredentialProvider::getSsoCredentialsLegacy($profiles, $ssoProfileName, $filename, $config); } }; } /** * Credential provider that creates credentials using * ecs credentials by a GET request, whose uri is specified * by environment variable * * @param array $config Array of configuration data. * * @return EcsCredentialProvider * @see Aws\Credentials\EcsCredentialProvider for $config details. */ public static function ecsCredentials(array $config = []) { return new EcsCredentialProvider($config); } /** * Credential provider that creates credentials using assume role * * @param array $config Array of configuration data * @return callable * @see Aws\Credentials\AssumeRoleCredentialProvider for $config details. */ public static function assumeRole(array $config=[]) { return new AssumeRoleCredentialProvider($config); } /** * Credential provider that creates credentials by assuming role from a * Web Identity Token * * @param array $config Array of configuration data * @return callable * @see Aws\Credentials\AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCredentialProvider for * $config details. */ public static function assumeRoleWithWebIdentityCredentialProvider(array $config = []) { return function () use ($config) { $arnFromEnv = getenv(self::ENV_ARN); $tokenFromEnv = getenv(self::ENV_TOKEN_FILE); $stsClient = isset($config['stsClient']) ? $config['stsClient'] : null; $region = isset($config['region']) ? $config['region'] : null; if ($tokenFromEnv && $arnFromEnv) { $sessionName = getenv(self::ENV_ROLE_SESSION_NAME) ? getenv(self::ENV_ROLE_SESSION_NAME) : null; $provider = new AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCredentialProvider([ 'RoleArn' => $arnFromEnv, 'WebIdentityTokenFile' => $tokenFromEnv, 'SessionName' => $sessionName, 'client' => $stsClient, 'region' => $region ]); return $provider(); } $profileName = getenv(self::ENV_PROFILE) ?: 'default'; if (isset($config['filename'])) { $profiles = self::loadProfiles($config['filename']); } else { $profiles = self::loadDefaultProfiles(); } if (isset($profiles[$profileName])) { $profile = $profiles[$profileName]; if (isset($profile['region'])) { $region = $profile['region']; } if (isset($profile['web_identity_token_file']) && isset($profile['role_arn']) ) { $sessionName = isset($profile['role_session_name']) ? $profile['role_session_name'] : null; $provider = new AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCredentialProvider([ 'RoleArn' => $profile['role_arn'], 'WebIdentityTokenFile' => $profile['web_identity_token_file'], 'SessionName' => $sessionName, 'client' => $stsClient, 'region' => $region ]); return $provider(); } } else { return self::reject("Unknown profile: $profileName"); } return self::reject("No RoleArn or WebIdentityTokenFile specified"); }; } /** * Credentials provider that creates credentials using an ini file stored * in the current user's home directory. A source can be provided * in this file for assuming a role using the credential_source config option. * * @param string|null $profile Profile to use. If not specified will use * the "default" profile in "~/.aws/credentials". * @param string|null $filename If provided, uses a custom filename rather * than looking in the home directory. * @param array|null $config If provided, may contain the following: * preferStaticCredentials: If true, prefer static * credentials to role_arn if both are present * disableAssumeRole: If true, disable support for * roles that assume an IAM role. If true and role profile * is selected, an error is raised. * stsClient: StsClient used to assume role specified in profile * * @return callable */ public static function ini($profile = null, $filename = null, array $config = []) { $filename = self::getFileName($filename); $profile = $profile ?: (getenv(self::ENV_PROFILE) ?: 'default'); return function () use ($profile, $filename, $config) { $preferStaticCredentials = isset($config['preferStaticCredentials']) ? $config['preferStaticCredentials'] : false; $disableAssumeRole = isset($config['disableAssumeRole']) ? $config['disableAssumeRole'] : false; $stsClient = isset($config['stsClient']) ? $config['stsClient'] : null; if (!@is_readable($filename)) { return self::reject("Cannot read credentials from $filename"); } $data = self::loadProfiles($filename); if ($data === false) { return self::reject("Invalid credentials file: $filename"); } if (!isset($data[$profile])) { return self::reject("'$profile' not found in credentials file"); } /* In the CLI, the presence of both a role_arn and static credentials have different meanings depending on how many profiles have been visited. For the first profile processed, role_arn takes precedence over any static credentials, but for all subsequent profiles, static credentials are used if present, and only in their absence will the profile's source_profile and role_arn keys be used to load another set of credentials. This bool is intended to yield compatible behaviour in this sdk. */ $preferStaticCredentialsToRoleArn = ($preferStaticCredentials && isset($data[$profile]['aws_access_key_id']) && isset($data[$profile]['aws_secret_access_key'])); if (isset($data[$profile]['role_arn']) && !$preferStaticCredentialsToRoleArn ) { if ($disableAssumeRole) { return self::reject( "Role assumption profiles are disabled. " . "Failed to load profile " . $profile); } return self::loadRoleProfile( $data, $profile, $filename, $stsClient, $config ); } if (!isset($data[$profile]['aws_access_key_id']) || !isset($data[$profile]['aws_secret_access_key']) ) { return self::reject("No credentials present in INI profile " . "'$profile' ($filename)"); } if (empty($data[$profile]['aws_session_token'])) { $data[$profile]['aws_session_token'] = isset($data[$profile]['aws_security_token']) ? $data[$profile]['aws_security_token'] : null; } return Promise\Create::promiseFor( new Credentials( $data[$profile]['aws_access_key_id'], $data[$profile]['aws_secret_access_key'], $data[$profile]['aws_session_token'] ) ); }; } /** * Credentials provider that creates credentials using a process configured in * ini file stored in the current user's home directory. * * @param string|null $profile Profile to use. If not specified will use * the "default" profile in "~/.aws/credentials". * @param string|null $filename If provided, uses a custom filename rather * than looking in the home directory. * * @return callable */ public static function process($profile = null, $filename = null) { $filename = self::getFileName($filename); $profile = $profile ?: (getenv(self::ENV_PROFILE) ?: 'default'); return function () use ($profile, $filename) { if (!@is_readable($filename)) { return self::reject("Cannot read process credentials from $filename"); } $data = \Aws\parse_ini_file($filename, true, INI_SCANNER_RAW); if ($data === false) { return self::reject("Invalid credentials file: $filename"); } if (!isset($data[$profile])) { return self::reject("'$profile' not found in credentials file"); } if (!isset($data[$profile]['credential_process'])) { return self::reject("No credential_process present in INI profile " . "'$profile' ($filename)"); } $credentialProcess = $data[$profile]['credential_process']; $json = shell_exec($credentialProcess); $processData = json_decode($json, true); // Only support version 1 if (isset($processData['Version'])) { if ($processData['Version'] !== 1) { return self::reject("credential_process does not return Version == 1"); } } if (!isset($processData['AccessKeyId']) || !isset($processData['SecretAccessKey'])) { return self::reject("credential_process does not return valid credentials"); } if (isset($processData['Expiration'])) { try { $expiration = new DateTimeResult($processData['Expiration']); } catch (\Exception $e) { return self::reject("credential_process returned invalid expiration"); } $now = new DateTimeResult(); if ($expiration < $now) { return self::reject("credential_process returned expired credentials"); } $expires = $expiration->getTimestamp(); } else { $expires = null; } if (empty($processData['SessionToken'])) { $processData['SessionToken'] = null; } return Promise\Create::promiseFor( new Credentials( $processData['AccessKeyId'], $processData['SecretAccessKey'], $processData['SessionToken'], $expires ) ); }; } /** * Assumes role for profile that includes role_arn * * @return callable */ private static function loadRoleProfile( $profiles, $profileName, $filename, $stsClient, $config = [] ) { $roleProfile = $profiles[$profileName]; $roleArn = isset($roleProfile['role_arn']) ? $roleProfile['role_arn'] : ''; $roleSessionName = isset($roleProfile['role_session_name']) ? $roleProfile['role_session_name'] : 'aws-sdk-php-' . round(microtime(true) * 1000); if ( empty($roleProfile['source_profile']) == empty($roleProfile['credential_source']) ) { return self::reject("Either source_profile or credential_source must be set " . "using profile " . $profileName . ", but not both." ); } $sourceProfileName = ""; if (!empty($roleProfile['source_profile'])) { $sourceProfileName = $roleProfile['source_profile']; if (!isset($profiles[$sourceProfileName])) { return self::reject("source_profile " . $sourceProfileName . " using profile " . $profileName . " does not exist" ); } if (isset($config['visited_profiles']) && in_array($roleProfile['source_profile'], $config['visited_profiles']) ) { return self::reject("Circular source_profile reference found."); } $config['visited_profiles'] [] = $roleProfile['source_profile']; } else { if (empty($roleArn)) { return self::reject( "A role_arn must be provided with credential_source in " . "file {$filename} under profile {$profileName} " ); } } if (empty($stsClient)) { $sourceRegion = isset($profiles[$sourceProfileName]['region']) ? $profiles[$sourceProfileName]['region'] : 'us-east-1'; $config['preferStaticCredentials'] = true; $sourceCredentials = null; if (!empty($roleProfile['source_profile'])){ $sourceCredentials = call_user_func( CredentialProvider::ini($sourceProfileName, $filename, $config) )->wait(); } else { $sourceCredentials = self::getCredentialsFromSource( $profileName, $filename ); } $stsClient = new StsClient([ 'credentials' => $sourceCredentials, 'region' => $sourceRegion, 'version' => '2011-06-15', ]); } $result = $stsClient->assumeRole([ 'RoleArn' => $roleArn, 'RoleSessionName' => $roleSessionName ]); $credentials = $stsClient->createCredentials($result); return Promise\Create::promiseFor($credentials); } /** * Gets the environment's HOME directory if available. * * @return null|string */ private static function getHomeDir() { // On Linux/Unix-like systems, use the HOME environment variable if ($homeDir = getenv('HOME')) { return $homeDir; } // Get the HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH values for Windows hosts $homeDrive = getenv('HOMEDRIVE'); $homePath = getenv('HOMEPATH'); return ($homeDrive && $homePath) ? $homeDrive . $homePath : null; } /** * Gets profiles from specified $filename, or default ini files. */ private static function loadProfiles($filename) { $profileData = \Aws\parse_ini_file($filename, true, INI_SCANNER_RAW); // If loading .aws/credentials, also load .aws/config when AWS_SDK_LOAD_NONDEFAULT_CONFIG is set if ($filename === self::getHomeDir() . '/.aws/credentials' && getenv('AWS_SDK_LOAD_NONDEFAULT_CONFIG') ) { $configFilename = self::getHomeDir() . '/.aws/config'; $configProfileData = \Aws\parse_ini_file($configFilename, true, INI_SCANNER_RAW); foreach ($configProfileData as $name => $profile) { // standardize config profile names $name = str_replace('profile ', '', $name); if (!isset($profileData[$name])) { $profileData[$name] = $profile; } } } return $profileData; } /** * Gets profiles from ~/.aws/credentials and ~/.aws/config ini files */ private static function loadDefaultProfiles() { $profiles = []; $credFile = self::getHomeDir() . '/.aws/credentials'; $configFile = self::getHomeDir() . '/.aws/config'; if (file_exists($credFile)) { $profiles = \Aws\parse_ini_file($credFile, true, INI_SCANNER_RAW); } if (file_exists($configFile)) { $configProfileData = \Aws\parse_ini_file($configFile, true, INI_SCANNER_RAW); foreach ($configProfileData as $name => $profile) { // standardize config profile names $name = str_replace('profile ', '', $name); if (!isset($profiles[$name])) { $profiles[$name] = $profile; } } } return $profiles; } public static function getCredentialsFromSource( $profileName = '', $filename = '', $config = [] ) { $data = self::loadProfiles($filename); $credentialSource = !empty($data[$profileName]['credential_source']) ? $data[$profileName]['credential_source'] : null; $credentialsPromise = null; switch ($credentialSource) { case 'Environment': $credentialsPromise = self::env(); break; case 'Ec2InstanceMetadata': $credentialsPromise = self::instanceProfile($config); break; case 'EcsContainer': $credentialsPromise = self::ecsCredentials($config); break; default: throw new CredentialsException( "Invalid credential_source found in config file: {$credentialSource}. Valid inputs " . "include Environment, Ec2InstanceMetadata, and EcsContainer." ); } $credentialsResult = null; try { $credentialsResult = $credentialsPromise()->wait(); } catch (\Exception $reason) { return self::reject( "Unable to successfully retrieve credentials from the source specified in the" . " credentials file: {$credentialSource}; failure message was: " . $reason->getMessage() ); } return function () use ($credentialsResult) { return Promise\Create::promiseFor($credentialsResult); }; } private static function reject($msg) { return new Promise\RejectedPromise(new CredentialsException($msg)); } /** * @param $filename * @return string */ private static function getFileName($filename) { if (!isset($filename)) { $filename = getenv(self::ENV_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE) ?: (self::getHomeDir() . '/.aws/credentials'); } return $filename; } /** * @return boolean */ public static function shouldUseEcs() { //Check for relative uri. if not, then full uri. //fall back to server for each as getenv is not thread-safe. return !empty(getenv(EcsCredentialProvider::ENV_URI)) || !empty($_SERVER[EcsCredentialProvider::ENV_URI]) || !empty(getenv(EcsCredentialProvider::ENV_FULL_URI)) || !empty($_SERVER[EcsCredentialProvider::ENV_FULL_URI]); } /** * @param $profiles * @param $ssoProfileName * @param $filename * @param $config * @return Promise\PromiseInterface */ private static function getSsoCredentials($profiles, $ssoProfileName, $filename, $config) { if (empty($config['ssoOidcClient'])) { $ssoProfile = $profiles[$ssoProfileName]; $sessionName = $ssoProfile['sso_session']; if (empty($profiles['sso-session ' . $sessionName])) { return self::reject( "Could not find sso-session {$sessionName} in {$filename}" ); } $ssoSession = $profiles['sso-session ' . $ssoProfile['sso_session']]; $ssoOidcClient = new Aws\SSOOIDC\SSOOIDCClient([ 'region' => $ssoSession['sso_region'], 'version' => '2019-06-10', 'credentials' => false ]); } else { $ssoOidcClient = $config['ssoClient']; } $tokenPromise = new Aws\Token\SsoTokenProvider( $ssoProfileName, $filename, $ssoOidcClient ); $token = $tokenPromise()->wait(); $ssoCredentials = CredentialProvider::getCredentialsFromSsoService( $ssoProfile, $ssoSession['sso_region'], $token->getToken(), $config ); $expiration = $ssoCredentials['expiration']; return Promise\Create::promiseFor( new Credentials( $ssoCredentials['accessKeyId'], $ssoCredentials['secretAccessKey'], $ssoCredentials['sessionToken'], $expiration ) ); } /** * @param $profiles * @param $ssoProfileName * @param $filename * @param $config * @return Promise\PromiseInterface */ private static function getSsoCredentialsLegacy($profiles, $ssoProfileName, $filename, $config) { $ssoProfile = $profiles[$ssoProfileName]; if (empty($ssoProfile['sso_start_url']) || empty($ssoProfile['sso_region']) || empty($ssoProfile['sso_account_id']) || empty($ssoProfile['sso_role_name']) ) { return self::reject( "Profile {$ssoProfileName} in {$filename} must contain the following keys: " . "sso_start_url, sso_region, sso_account_id, and sso_role_name." ); } $tokenLocation = self::getHomeDir() . '/.aws/sso/cache/' . sha1($ssoProfile['sso_start_url']) . ".json"; if (!@is_readable($tokenLocation)) { return self::reject("Unable to read token file at $tokenLocation"); } $tokenData = json_decode(file_get_contents($tokenLocation), true); if (empty($tokenData['accessToken']) || empty($tokenData['expiresAt'])) { return self::reject( "Token file at {$tokenLocation} must contain an access token and an expiration" ); } try { $expiration = (new DateTimeResult($tokenData['expiresAt']))->getTimestamp(); } catch (\Exception $e) { return self::reject("Cached SSO credentials returned an invalid expiration"); } $now = time(); if ($expiration < $now) { return self::reject("Cached SSO credentials returned expired credentials"); } $ssoCredentials = CredentialProvider::getCredentialsFromSsoService( $ssoProfile, $ssoProfile['sso_region'], $tokenData['accessToken'], $config ); return Promise\Create::promiseFor( new Credentials( $ssoCredentials['accessKeyId'], $ssoCredentials['secretAccessKey'], $ssoCredentials['sessionToken'], $expiration ) ); } /** * @param array $ssoProfile * @param string $clientRegion * @param string $accessToken * @param array $config * @return array|null */ private static function getCredentialsFromSsoService($ssoProfile, $clientRegion, $accessToken, $config) { if (empty($config['ssoClient'])) { $ssoClient = new Aws\SSO\SSOClient([ 'region' => $clientRegion, 'version' => '2019-06-10', 'credentials' => false ]); } else { $ssoClient = $config['ssoClient']; } $ssoResponse = $ssoClient->getRoleCredentials([ 'accessToken' => $accessToken, 'accountId' => $ssoProfile['sso_account_id'], 'roleName' => $ssoProfile['sso_role_name'] ]); $ssoCredentials = $ssoResponse['roleCredentials']; return $ssoCredentials; } }
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