Current Path : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/public_html/vendor/aws/aws-sdk-php/src/Token/ |
Current File : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/public_html/vendor/aws/aws-sdk-php/src/Token/TokenProvider.php |
<?php namespace Aws\Token; use Aws; use Aws\Api\DateTimeResult; use Aws\CacheInterface; use Aws\Exception\TokenException; use GuzzleHttp\Promise; /** * Token providers are functions that accept no arguments and return a * promise that is fulfilled with an {@see \Aws\Token\TokenInterface} * or rejected with an {@see \Aws\Exception\TokenException}. * * <code> * use Aws\Token\TokenProvider; * $provider = TokenProvider::defaultProvider(); * // Returns a TokenInterface or throws. * $token = $provider()->wait(); * </code> * * Token providers can be composed to create a token using conditional * logic that can create different tokens in different environments. You * can compose multiple providers into a single provider using * {@see Aws\Token\TokenProvider::chain}. This function accepts * providers as variadic arguments and returns a new function that will invoke * each provider until a token is successfully returned. */ class TokenProvider { use ParsesIniTrait; const ENV_PROFILE = 'AWS_PROFILE'; /** * Create a default token provider tha checks for cached a SSO token from * the CLI * * This provider is automatically wrapped in a memoize function that caches * previously provided tokens. * * @param array $config Optional array of token provider options. * * @return callable */ public static function defaultProvider(array $config = []) { $cacheable = [ 'sso', ]; $defaultChain = []; if ( !isset($config['use_aws_shared_config_files']) || $config['use_aws_shared_config_files'] !== false ) { $profileName = getenv(self::ENV_PROFILE) ?: 'default'; $defaultChain['sso'] = self::sso( $profileName, self::getHomeDir() . '/.aws/config', $config ); } if (isset($config['token']) && $config['token'] instanceof CacheInterface ) { foreach ($cacheable as $provider) { if (isset($defaultChain[$provider])) { $defaultChain[$provider] = self::cache( $defaultChain[$provider], $config['token'], 'aws_cached_' . $provider . '_token' ); } } } return self::memoize( call_user_func_array( [TokenProvider::class, 'chain'], array_values($defaultChain) ) ); } /** * Create a token provider function from a static token. * * @param TokenInterface $token * * @return callable */ public static function fromToken(TokenInterface $token) { $promise = Promise\Create::promiseFor($token); return function () use ($promise) { return $promise; }; } /** * Creates an aggregate token provider that invokes the provided * variadic providers one after the other until a provider returns * a token. * * @return callable */ public static function chain() { $links = func_get_args(); //Common use case for when aws_shared_config_files is false if (empty($links)) { return function () { return Promise\Create::promiseFor(false); }; } return function () use ($links) { /** @var callable $parent */ $parent = array_shift($links); $promise = $parent(); while ($next = array_shift($links)) { $promise = $promise->otherwise($next); } return $promise; }; } /** * Wraps a token provider and caches a previously provided token. * Ensures that cached tokens are refreshed when they expire. * * @param callable $provider Token provider function to wrap. * @return callable */ public static function memoize(callable $provider) { return function () use ($provider) { static $result; static $isConstant; // Constant tokens will be returned constantly. if ($isConstant) { return $result; } // Create the initial promise that will be used as the cached value // until it expires. if (null === $result) { $result = $provider(); } // Return a token that could expire and refresh when needed. return $result ->then(function (TokenInterface $token) use ($provider, &$isConstant, &$result) { // Determine if the token is constant. if (!$token->getExpiration()) { $isConstant = true; return $token; } if (!$token->isExpired()) { return $token; } return $result = $provider(); }) ->otherwise(function($reason) use (&$result) { // Cleanup rejected promise. $result = null; return Promise\Create::promiseFor(null); }); }; } /** * Wraps a token provider and saves provided token in an * instance of Aws\CacheInterface. Forwards calls when no token found * in cache and updates cache with the results. * * @param callable $provider Token provider function to wrap * @param CacheInterface $cache Cache to store the token * @param string|null $cacheKey (optional) Cache key to use * * @return callable */ public static function cache( callable $provider, CacheInterface $cache, $cacheKey = null ) { $cacheKey = $cacheKey ?: 'aws_cached_token'; return function () use ($provider, $cache, $cacheKey) { $found = $cache->get($cacheKey); if (is_array($found) && isset($found['token'])) { $foundToken = $found['token']; if ($foundToken instanceof TokenInterface) { if (!$foundToken->isExpired()) { return Promise\Create::promiseFor($foundToken); } if (isset($found['refreshMethod']) && is_callable($found['refreshMethod'])) { return Promise\Create::promiseFor($found['refreshMethod']()); } } } return $provider() ->then(function (TokenInterface $token) use ( $cache, $cacheKey ) { $cache->set( $cacheKey, $token, null === $token->getExpiration() ? 0 : $token->getExpiration() - time() ); return $token; }); }; } /** * Gets profiles from the ~/.aws/config ini file */ private static function loadDefaultProfiles() { $profiles = []; $configFile = self::getHomeDir() . '/.aws/config'; if (file_exists($configFile)) { $configProfileData = \Aws\parse_ini_file($configFile, true, INI_SCANNER_RAW); foreach ($configProfileData as $name => $profile) { // standardize config profile names $name = str_replace('profile ', '', $name); if (!isset($profiles[$name])) { $profiles[$name] = $profile; } } } return $profiles; } private static function reject($msg) { return new Promise\RejectedPromise(new TokenException($msg)); } /** * Token provider that creates a token from cached sso credentials * * @param string $profileName the name of the ini profile name * @param string $filename the location of the ini file * @param array $config configuration options * * @return SsoTokenProvider * @see Aws\Token\SsoTokenProvider for $config details. */ public static function sso($profileName, $filename, $config = []) { $ssoClient = isset($config['ssoClient']) ? $config['ssoClient'] : null; return new SsoTokenProvider($profileName, $filename, $ssoClient); } }
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