Current Path : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/public_html/public/assets/vendors/fontawesome/metadata/ |
Current File : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/public_html/public/assets/vendors/fontawesome/metadata/sponsors.yml |
accusoft: icons: - accusoft label: Accusoft url: 'https://www.accusoft.com' administrator-technology: icons: - stream label: Administrator Technology url: 'https://administrator.de' adversal: icons: - adversal label: Adversal url: 'https://www.adversal.com' affiliatetheme: icons: - affiliatetheme label: affiliatetheme url: 'https://affiliatetheme.io/en' algolia: icons: - algolia label: Algolia url: 'http://www.algolia.com' amazon-web-services: icons: - aws label: Amazon Web Services url: 'https://aws.amazon.com' amilia: icons: - amilia label: Amilia url: 'http://www.amilia.com' angry-creative: icons: - angrycreative label: Angry Creative url: 'https://angrycreative.se' app-signal: icons: - stroopwafel label: AppSignal url: 'https://appsignal.com' apper-systems-ab: icons: - apper label: Apper Systems AB url: 'http://www.apper.com' 'asymmetrik,ltd': icons: - asymmetrik label: 'Asymmetrik, Ltd.' url: 'http://asymmetrik.com' ausmed-education: icons: - user-nurse label: Ausmed Education url: 'https://www.ausmed.com.au' avianex: icons: - avianex label: avianex url: 'https://www.avianex.de' bi-mobject: icons: - bimobject label: BIMobject url: 'http://bimobject.com' bity: icons: - bity label: Bity url: 'http://bity.com' blackpulp-designs: icons: - pray label: Blackpulp Designs url: 'https://www.blackpulp.com' blissbook: icons: - pen-fancy label: Blissbook url: 'https://blissbook.com' büromöbel-experte-gmb-h &co-kg: icons: - buromobelexperte label: Büromöbel-Experte GmbH & Co. KG. url: 'https://www.bueromoebel-experte.de' c-panel: icons: - cpanel label: cPanel url: 'http://cpanel.com' centercode: icons: - centercode label: Centercode url: 'https://www.centercode.com' cibltd: icons: - drum-steelpan label: Comprehensive Insurance Brokers Limited url: 'http://www.cibltd.com' clear-blue-technologies: icons: - solar-panel label: Clear Blue Technologies url: 'http://www.clearbluetechnologies.com' cloudscale-ch: icons: - cloudscale label: cloudscale.ch url: 'https://www.cloudscale.ch' cloudsmith: icons: - cloudsmith label: Cloudsmith url: 'https://cloudsmith.io' cloudversify: icons: - cloudversify label: cloudversify url: 'https://www.cloudversify.com' cuttlefish: icons: - cuttlefish label: Cuttlefish url: 'http://wearecuttlefish.com' cymedica: icons: - wave-square label: CyMedica url: 'https://www.cymedicaortho.com' darren-wiebe: icons: - church label: Darren Wiebe deploy-dog: icons: - deploydog label: deploy.dog url: 'http://deploy.dog' deskpro: icons: - deskpro label: Deskpro url: 'http://www.deskpro.com' discourse: icons: - discourse label: Discourse url: 'https://discourse.org' doc-hub: icons: - dochub label: DocHub url: 'https://dochub.com' draft2-digital: icons: - draft2digital label: Draft2Digital url: 'http://draft2digital.com' dyalog-apl: icons: - dyalog label: Dyalog APL url: 'http://www.dyalog.com' econopublish: icons: - hat-cowboy-side label: EconoPublish url: 'https://www.econopublish.com' firstdraft: icons: - firstdraft label: firstdraft url: 'http://www.firstdraft.com' fleetplan: icons: - helicopter label: FLEETPLAN url: 'https://www.fleetplan.net' getaroom: icons: - archway - dumbbell - hotel - map-marked - map-marked-alt - monument - spa - swimmer - swimming-pool label: getaroom url: 'https://www.getaroom.com' git-kraken: icons: - gitkraken label: GitKraken url: 'https://www.gitkraken.com' gofore: icons: - gofore label: Gofore url: 'http://gofore.com' 'gripfire,inc': icons: - gripfire label: 'Gripfire, Inc.' url: 'http://gripfire.io' harvard-medical-school: icons: - allergies - ambulance - band-aid - briefcase-medical - burn - capsules - diagnoses - dna - file-medical - file-medical-alt - first-aid - heart - heartbeat - hospital - hospital-alt - hospital-symbol - id-card-alt - notes-medical - pills - plus - prescription-bottle - prescription-bottle-alt - procedures - smoking - stethoscope - syringe - tablets - thermometer - user-md - vial - vials - weight - x-ray label: Harvard Medical School url: 'https://hms.harvard.edu' hips: icons: - hips label: Hips url: 'https://hips.com' hire-a-helper: icons: - archive - box-open - couch - dolly - people-carry - route - sign - suitcase - tape - truck-loading - truck-moving - wine-glass label: HireAHelper url: 'https://www.hireahelper.com' hornbill: icons: - hornbill label: Hornbill url: 'https://www.hornbill.com' hotjar: icons: - hotjar label: Hotjar url: 'https://www.hotjar.com' hub-spot: icons: - hubspot label: HubSpot url: 'http://www.HubSpot.com' in-site-systems: icons: - toolbox label: InSite Systems url: 'https://www.insitesystems.com' inspira-bvba: icons: - chess-knight label: Inspira bvba url: 'https://www.inspira.be' joe-emison: icons: - blender-phone label: Joe Emison joget: icons: - joget label: Joget url: 'http://www.joget.org' jon-galloway: icons: - crow label: Jon Galloway kevin-barone: icons: - file-contract label: Kevin Barone key-cdn: icons: - keycdn label: KeyCDN url: 'https://www.keycdn.com' korvue: icons: - korvue label: Korvue url: 'https://korvue.com' max-elman: icons: - frog label: Max Elman med-apps: icons: - medapps label: MedApps url: 'http://medapps.com.au' medapps: icons: - book-medical - clinic-medical - comment-medical - crutch - disease - hospital-user - laptop-medical - pager label: MedApps url: 'https://medapps.com.au' megaport: icons: - megaport label: Megaport url: 'https://www.megaport.com' mix: icons: - mix label: Mix url: 'http://mix.com' mizuni: icons: - mizuni label: Mizuni url: 'http://www.mizuni.com' mrt: icons: - medrt label: MRT url: 'https://medrt.co.jp' mylogin-info: icons: - user-shield label: mylogin.info url: 'https://www.mylogin.info' napster: icons: - napster label: Napster url: 'http://www.napster.com' nimblr: icons: - nimblr label: Nimblr url: 'https://nimblr.ai' nompse: icons: - chalkboard - chalkboard-teacher label: Nomp.se url: 'https://nomp.se' ns8: icons: - ns8 label: NS8 url: 'https://www.ns8.com' nutritionix: icons: - nutritionix label: Nutritionix url: 'http://www.nutritionix.com' page4-corporation: icons: - page4 label: page4 Corporation url: 'https://en.page4.com' pal-fed: icons: - palfed label: PalFed url: 'https://www.palfed.com' pcsg: icons: - horse-head label: PCSG url: 'https://www.pcsg.de' phabricator: icons: - phabricator label: Phabricator url: 'http://phacility.com' promo-wizard: icons: - hat-wizard label: Promo Wizard url: 'https://promowizard.co.uk' pulse-eight: icons: - volume-mute label: Pulse-Eight url: 'https://pulse-eight.com' purely-interactive: icons: - kiwi-bird label: Purely Interactive url: 'https://www.purelyinteractive.ca' pushed: icons: - pushed label: Pushed url: 'https://pushed.co' quin-scape: icons: - quinscape label: QuinScape url: 'https://www.quinscape.de' reacteurope: icons: - reacteurope label: ReactEurope url: 'https://www.react-europe.org' readme-io: icons: - readme label: Readme.io url: 'http://readme.io' red-river: icons: - red-river label: red river url: 'https://river.red' replyd: icons: - replyd label: replyd resolving: icons: - resolving label: Resolving url: 'https://resolving.com' rev-io: icons: - rev label: Rev.io url: 'https://rev.io' rock-rms: icons: - rockrms label: Rock RMS url: 'http://rockrms.com' rocket-chat: icons: - comment - comment-alt - comment-dots - comment-slash - comments - frown - meh - phone - phone-slash - poo - quote-left - quote-right - rocketchat - smile - video - video-slash label: Rocket.Chat url: 'https://rocket.chat' rodney-oliver: icons: - folder-minus - folder-plus label: Rodney Oliver schlix: icons: - schlix label: SCHLIX url: 'http://schlix.com' search-eng-in: icons: - searchengin label: SearchEng.in url: 'http://searcheng.in' service-stack: icons: - servicestack label: ServiceStack url: 'https://servicestack.net' shawn-storie: icons: - teeth - teeth-open label: Shawn Storie shopware: icons: - shopware label: Shopware url: 'https://shopware.de' shp: icons: - school label: SHP url: 'http://shp.com' silicon-barn-inc: icons: - project-diagram label: Silicon Barn Inc url: 'https://siliconbarn.com' sistrix: icons: - sistrix label: SISTRIX url: 'https://www.sistrix.de' smup: icons: - shoe-prints label: Smup url: 'https://www.atomsoftware.com.au' speakap: icons: - speakap label: Speakap url: 'https://speakap.com' stay-linked: icons: - box - boxes - clipboard-check - clipboard-list - dolly - dolly-flatbed - pallet - shipping-fast - truck - warehouse label: StayLinked url: 'https://www.staylinked.com' sticker-mule: icons: - sticker-mule label: Sticker Mule url: 'https://stickermule.com' studio-vinari: icons: - studiovinari label: Studio Vinari url: 'https://studiovinari.com' supple: icons: - ad - bullhorn - bullseye - comment-dollar - comments-dollar - envelope-open-text - funnel-dollar - mail-bulk - poll - poll-h - search-dollar - search-location - supple label: Supple url: 'https://supple.com.au' the-red-yeti: icons: - the-red-yeti label: The Red Yeti url: 'http://theredyeti.com' the-us-sunnah-foundation: icons: - dollar-sign - donate - dove - gift - globe - hand-holding-heart - hand-holding-usd - hand-holding-water - hands-helping - handshake - heart - leaf - parachute-box - piggy-bank - ribbon - seedling label: The us-Sunnah Foundation url: 'https://www.ussunnah.org' themeco: icons: - themeco label: Themeco url: 'https://theme.co' think-peaks: icons: - think-peaks label: Think Peaks url: 'https://thinkpeaks.com/' typo3: icons: - typo3 label: Typo3 url: 'https://typo3.org' uniregistry: icons: - uniregistry label: Uniregistry url: 'https://uniregistry.com' us-sunnah-foundation: icons: - ussunnah label: us-Sunnah Foundation url: 'https://www.ussunnah.org' vaadin: icons: - vaadin label: Vaadin url: 'http://vaadin.com' via: icons: - car-crash - draw-polygon - house-damage - layer-group - skull-crossbones - user-injured label: VIA Traffic Software Solutions url: 'https://www.via.software' victor-costan: icons: - otter label: Staphany Park and Victor Costan vnv: icons: - vnv label: VNV url: 'https://www.vnv.ch' weedable: icons: - bong - cannabis - hippo - joint - mortar-pestle - prescription label: Weedable url: 'https://www.weedable.com' whmcs: icons: - whmcs label: WHMCS url: 'https://www.whmcs.com' workrails: icons: - briefcase label: WorkRails url: 'https://www.workrails.com' wpressr: icons: - wpressr label: wpressr url: 'https://wpressr.com'
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