Current Path : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/public_html/vendor/unisharp/laravel-filemanager/docs/ |
Current File : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/public_html/vendor/unisharp/laravel-filemanager/docs/config.md |
**The config is in `config/lfm.php`.** ## Routing: ### use\_package\_routes * type: `boolean` * default: `true` Use default routes or not. You will need to define routes to all controllers of this package if this is set to `false`. ## Multi-User Mode: ### allow\_private\_folder * type: `boolean` * default: `true` Only the owner(each signed-in user) of the private can upload and manage files within. Set to `false` to turn this feature off. ### private\_folder\_name * type: `string` * default: user id Privates folders for each user will be named by this config. Default to user id. To change the behavior: 1. run `php artisan publish tag="lfm_handler"` 2. rewrite `userField` function in App\Handler\ConfigHandler class 3. set value of this config to App\Handler\ConfigHandler::class ### allow\_shared\_folder * type: `boolean` * default: `true` ### shared\_folder\_name * type: `string` * default: `"shares"` Flexible way to customize client folders accessibility. If you want to customize client folders: 1. run `php artisan publish tag="lfm_handler"` 2. rewrite `userField` function in `App\Handler\ConfigHandler` class 3. set value of this config to `App\Handler\ConfigHandler::class` All users can upload and manage files within shared folders. Set to `false` to turn this feature off. ## Folder Categories ### folder\_categories * type: `array` (nested) * default: ``` 'folder_categories' => [ 'file' => [ 'folder_name' => 'files', 'startup_view' => 'list', 'max_size' => 50000, // size in KB 'valid_mime' => [ 'image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg', 'image/png', 'image/gif', 'application/pdf', 'text/plain', ], ], 'image' => [ 'folder_name' => 'photos', 'startup_view' => 'grid', 'max_size' => 50000, // size in KB 'valid_mime' => [ 'image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg', 'image/png', 'image/gif', ], ], ], ``` The default config creates two folder categories, `file` and `image`, each operates independently. Files uploaded by users will be placed under one of these folder categories, depend on which is configured with your WYSIWYG editor or stand-alone upload button. Detail options are explained here: * `folder_name`: The folder name of the category. For example, if `folder_name` is set to `files2` then: * directory path of the private folder will be: `/<path-to-laravel>/storage/app/public/files2/<user-id>/` * directory path of the shared folder will be: `/<path-to-laravel>/storage/app/public/files2/shares/` * `startup_view`: The default display mode. Available options: `list` & `grid`. * `max_size`: The maximum size(in KB) of of a single file to be uploaded. * `valid_mime`: Only files with mime types listed here are allowed to be uploaded. See [full mime types list](http://docs.w3cub.com/http/basics_of_http/mime_types/complete_list_of_mime_types/). ## Pagination: ### paginator * type: `array` * default: ``` 'paginator' => [ 'perPage' => 30, ], ``` ## Upload / Validation: ### disk * type: `string` * default: `public` Disk name of Laravel File System. All files are placed in here. Choose one of the `disks` section in `config/filesystems.php`. ### rename\_file * type: `boolean` * default: `false` If set to `true`, the uploaded file will be renamed using `uniqid()`. ### alphanumeric\_filename * type: `boolean` * default: `false` If set to `true`, non-alphanumeric file name will be replaced with `_`. ### alphanumeric\_directory * type: `boolean` * default: `false` If set to `true`, non-alphanumeric folder name will be rejected. ### should\_validate\_size * type: `boolean` * default: `false` If set to `true`, the size of uploading file will be verified. ### should\_validate\_mime * type: `boolean` * default: `true` If set to `true`, the mime type of uploading file will be verified. ### over\_write\_on_duplicate * type: `int` * default: `false` Define behavior on files with identical name. Setting it to `true` cause old file replace with new one. Setting it to `false` show `error-file-exist` error and abort the upload process. ## Thumbnail ### should\_create\_thumbnails * type: `boolean` * default: `true` If set to `true`, thumbnails will be created for faster loading. ### thumb\_folder\_name * type: `string` * default: `thumbs` Folder name to place thumbnails. ### raster\_mimetypes * type: `array` * default: ``` 'raster_mimetypes' => [ 'image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg', 'image/png', ], ``` Create thumbnails automatically only for listed types. See [full mime types list](http://docs.w3cub.com/http/basics_of_http/mime_types/complete_list_of_mime_types/). ### thumb_img_width * type: `int` * default: `200` Thumbnail images width (in px). ### thumb_img_height * type: `int` * default: `200` Thumbnail images height (in px). Create thumbnails automatically only for listed types. ## File Extension Information ### file\_type\_array * type: `array` * default: ``` 'file_type_array' => [ 'pdf' => 'Adobe Acrobat', 'doc' => 'Microsoft Word', 'docx' => 'Microsoft Word', 'xls' => 'Microsoft Excel', 'xlsx' => 'Microsoft Excel', 'zip' => 'Archive', 'gif' => 'GIF Image', 'jpg' => 'JPEG Image', 'jpeg' => 'JPEG Image', 'png' => 'PNG Image', 'ppt' => 'Microsoft PowerPoint', 'pptx' => 'Microsoft PowerPoint', ], ``` Gives description for listed file extensions. ## php.ini override ### php\_ini\_overrides * type: `array` or `boolean` * default: ``` 'php_ini_overrides' => [ 'memory_limit' => '256M', ], ``` These values override your php.ini settings before uploading files. Set these to false to ingnore and apply your php.ini settings ⚠️ **Caveats** The php\_ini\_overrides are applied on every request the filemanager does and are reset once the script has finished executing. This has one drawback: any ini settings that you might want to change that apply to the request itself will not work. For example, overriding these settings will not work: * upload\_max\_filesize * post\_max\_size **Why this is expected behaviour:** upload\_max\_filesize and post\_max\_size will get set but uploaded files are already passed to your PHP script before the settings are changed.
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