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# LaravelBitPay  [](https://packagist.org/packages/vrajroham/laravel-bitpay) [](https://travis-ci.org/vrajroham/laravel-bitpay) [](https://scrutinizer-ci.com/g/vrajroham/laravel-bitpay) [](https://packagist.org/packages/vrajroham/laravel-bitpay) LaravelBitPay enables you and your business to transact in Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash and 10+ other BitPay-supported cryptocurrencies within your Laravel application. > Requires PHP 7.4+ ## :warning: Migration From v4 :warning: If upgrading from v4, please follow [MIGRATION.md](./MIGRATION.md) ## Supported Resources - :white_check_mark: [Invoices](https://bitpay.com/api/#rest-api-resources-invoices) - :white_check_mark: [Refunds](https://bitpay.com/api/#rest-api-resources-refunds) - :white_check_mark: [Bills](https://bitpay.com/api/#rest-api-resources-bills) - :white_check_mark: [Subscriptions](https://bitpay.com/api/#rest-api-resources-subscriptions) - :white_check_mark: [Settlements](https://bitpay.com/api/#rest-api-resources-settlements) - :white_check_mark: [Ledgers](https://bitpay.com/api/#rest-api-resources-ledgers) - :white_check_mark: [Recipients](https://bitpay.com/api/#rest-api-resources-recipients) - :white_check_mark: [Payouts](https://bitpay.com/api/#rest-api-resources-payouts) - :white_check_mark: [Currencies](https://bitpay.com/api/#rest-api-resources-currencies) - :white_check_mark: [Rates](https://bitpay.com/api/#rest-api-resources-rates) ## Contents - [Installation](#installation) + [Install Package](#install-package) + [Publish config file](#publish-config-file) + [Add configuration values](#add-configuration-values) + [Generate Key-Pair and API Token(s)](#generate-key-pair-and-api-tokens) + [Configure Webhooks (Optional)](#configure-webhooks-optional) + [1. Setup your webhook route](#1-setup-your-webhook-route) + [2. Setup your webhook listener](#2-setup-your-webhook-listener) - [Examples](#examples) + [Invoices](#invoices) + [Create an invoice](#create-an-invoice) + [Retrieve an existing invoice](#retrieve-an-existing-invoice) + [Retrieve a list of existing invoices](#retrieve-a-list-of-existing-invoices) + [Refunds](#refunds) + [Refund an invoice](#refund-an-invoice) + [Retrieve a refund request](#retrieve-a-refund-request) + [Retrieve all refund requests on an invoice](#retrieve-all-refund-requests-on-an-invoice) + [Cancel a refund request](#cancel-a-refund-request) + [Bills](#bills) + [Create a bill](#create-a-bill) + [Retrieve a bill](#retrieve-a-bill) + [Retrieve a list of existing bills](#retrieve-a-list-of-existing-bills) + [Update a bill](#update-a-bill) + [Deliver a bill via email](#deliver-a-bill-via-email) + [Subscriptions](#subscriptions) + [Create a subscription](#create-a-subscription) + [Retrieve a subscription](#retrieve-a-subscription) + [Retrieve a list of existing subscriptions](#retrieve-a-list-of-existing-subscriptions) + [Update a subscription](#update-a-subscription) + [Settlements](#settlements) + [Retrieve settlements](#retrieve-settlements) + [Retrieve a settlement](#retrieve-a-settlement) + [Fetch a reconciliation report](#fetch-a-reconciliation-report) + [Ledgers](#ledgers) + [Retrieve account balances](#retrieve-account-balances) + [Retrieve ledger entries](#retrieve-ledger-entries) + [Recipients](#recipients) + [Invite Recipients](#invite-recipients) + [Retrieve a recipient](#retrieve-a-recipient) + [Retrieve recipients by status](#retrieve-recipients-by-status) + [Update a recipient](#update-a-recipient) + [Remove a recipient](#remove-a-recipient) + [Request a recipient webhook to be resent](#request-a-recipient-webhook-to-be-resent) + [Payouts](#payouts) + [Create a payout](#create-a-payout) + [Create a payout batch](#create-a-payout-batch) + [Retrieve a payout](#retrieve-a-payout) + [Retrieve a payout batch](#retrieve-a-payout-batch) + [Retrieve payouts based on status](#retrieve-payouts-based-on-status) + [Retrieve payout batches based on status](#retrieve-payout-batches-based-on-status) + [Cancel a payout](#cancel-a-payout) + [Cancel a payout batch](#cancel-a-payout-batch) + [Request a payout webhook to be resent](#request-a-payout-webhook-to-be-resent) + [Request a payout batch webhook to be resent](#request-a-payout-batch-webhook-to-be-resent) + [Currencies](#currencies) + [Retrieve the supported currencies](#retrieve-the-supported-currencies) + [Rates](#rates) + [Retrieve the exchange rate table maintained by BitPay](#retrieve-the-exchange-rate-table-maintained-by-bitpay) + [Retrieve all the rates for a given cryptocurrency](#retrieve-all-the-rates-for-a-given-cryptocurrency) + [Retrieve the rate for a cryptocurrency / fiat pair](#retrieve-the-rate-for-a-cryptocurrency--fiat-pair) - [Testing](#testing) - [Changelog](#changelog) - [Contributing](#contributing) - [Security](#security) - [Credits](#credits) - [License](#license) ## Installation ### Install package You can install the package via composer: ```bash composer require vrajroham/laravel-bitpay ``` ### Publish config file Publish config file with: ```bash php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Vrajroham\LaravelBitpay\LaravelBitpayServiceProvider" ``` This will create a `laravel-bitpay.php` file inside your **config** directory. ### Add configuration values Add the following keys to your `.env` file and update the values to match your preferences ([read more about configuration](https://support.bitpay.com/hc/en-us/articles/115003001063-How-do-I-configure-the-PHP-BitPay-Client-Library-)): ```dotenv BITPAY_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH= BITPAY_NETWORK=testnet BITPAY_KEY_STORAGE_PASSWORD=RandomPasswordForEncryption BITPAY_ENABLE_MERCHANT=true BITPAY_ENABLE_PAYOUT=false BITPAY_MERCHANT_TOKEN= BITPAY_PAYOUT_TOKEN= ``` ### Generate Key-Pair and API Token(s) The `laravel-bitpay:createkeypair` command generates a BitPay API Token and Pairing Code for each enabled facade: ```bash php artisan laravel-bitpay:createkeypair ``` <center><img src="https://i.ibb.co/JvP3bQb/create-key-pair-command.png" title="Create Key-Pair Command" alt="Create Key-Pair Command"/></center> > :information_source: By default, the command will use the (valid) existing private key located > at `BITPAY_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH`. > You may specify the `--fresh` or `-f` option to explicitly generate a fresh private key, from which tokens are > derived. After successful API Token generation, you will need to approve it by visiting the provided link. :warning: **Note that the `payout` facade must be enabled on your BitPay merchant account before you can approve and use the related API Token. This means you won't be able to perform actions on the [Recipients](#recipients) and [Payouts](#payouts) resources. To enable Payouts functionality, [Contact BitPay Support](https://bitpay.com/request-help/wizard?category=merchant).** ### Configure Webhooks (Optional) BitPay resource status updates are completely based on webhooks (IPNs). LaravelBitPay is fully capable of automatically handling webhook requests. Whenever a webhook is received from BitPay's server, `BitpayWebhookReceived` event is dispatched. Take the following steps to configure your application for webhook listening: #### 1. Setup your webhook route Resolve the `bitPayWebhook` route macro in your desired route file (`web.php` is recommended). The macro accepts a single, optional argument, which is the URI path at which you want to receive BitPay webhook `POST` requests. If none is provided, it defaults to `'laravel-bitpay/webhook'`: ```php // ... your other 'web' routes Route::bitPayWebhook(); // https://example.com/laravel-bitpay/webhook // OR ... Route::bitPayWebhook('receive/webhooks/here'); // https://example.com/receive/webhooks/here ``` > :information_source: To retrieve your newly created webhook route anywhere in your application, > use: `route('laravel-bitpay.webhook.capture')` LaravelBitPay also offers the convenience of auto-populating your configured webhook url on applicable resources. Specifically when: - [Creating an Invoice](#create-an-invoice) - [Inviting Recipients](#invite-recipients) - Creating a [Payout](#create-a-payout)/[Payout Batch](#create-a-payout-batch) You may enable this feature per-resource by uncommenting the respective entry within the `auto_populate_webhook` array found in the `laravel-bitpay.php` config file. :warning: **If a value is manually set, most likely via `$resource->setNotificationURL('https://...')` during resource initialization, auto-population is overridden.** #### 2. Setup your webhook listener Start by generating an event listener: ```bash php artisan make:listener BitPayWebhookListener --event=\Vrajroham\LaravelBitpay\Events\BitpayWebhookReceived ``` Then, implement your application-specific logic in the `handle(...)` function of the generated listener. In the following example, we assume you have previously [created an invoice](#create-an-invoice), storing its `token` on your internal `Order` model: ```php /** * Handle the webhook event, keeping in mind that the server doesn't trust the client (us), so neither should * we trust the server. Well, trust, but verify. * * @param BitpayWebhookReceived $event * @return void */ public function handle(BitpayWebhookReceived $event) { // Extract event payload $payload = $event->payload; // Verify that webhook is for a BitPay Invoice resource if (in_array($payload['event']['code'], array_keys(BitPayConstants::INVOICE_WEBHOOK_CODES))) { try { // Do not trust the webhook data. Pull the referenced Invoice from BitPay's server $invoice = LaravelBitpay::getInvoice($payload['data']['id']); // Now grab our internal Order instance for this supposed Invoice $order = Order::whereOrderId($invoice->getOrderId())->first(); // Verify Invoice token, previously stored at time of creation // Learn more at: https://github.com/vrajroham/laravel-bitpay#create-an-invoice if ($invoice->getToken() !== $order->invoice_token) { return; } $invoice_status = $invoice->getStatus(); // Do something about the new Invoice status if ($invoice_status === InvoiceStatus::Paid) { $order->update(['status' => $invoice_status]) && OrderStatusChanged::dispatch($order->refresh()); } } catch (BitPayException $e) { Log::error($e); } } } ``` Finally, map your listener to the `BitpayWebhookReceived` event inside the `$listen` array of your `EventServiceProvider`: ```php /** * The event listener mappings for the application. * * @var array */ protected $listen = [ // ... other event-listener mappings BitpayWebhookReceived::class => [ BitPayWebhookListener::class, ], ] ``` ## Examples ### Invoices Invoices are time-sensitive payment requests addressed to specific buyers. An invoice has a fixed price, typically denominated in fiat currency. It also has an equivalent price in the supported cryptocurrencies, calculated by BitPay, at a locked exchange rate with an expiration time of 15 minutes. #### Create an invoice In this example we assume you've already created an instance of your equivalent `Order` model, to be associated with this Invoice (referred to as `$order`): ```php // Create instance of Invoice $invoice = LaravelBitpay::Invoice(449.99, Currency::USD); // Always use the BitPay Currency model to prevent typos // Set item details (Only 1 item per Invoice) $invoice->setItemDesc('You "Joe Goldberg" Life-Size Wax Figure'); $invoice->setItemCode('sku-1234'); $invoice->setPhysical(true); // Set to false for digital/virtual items // Ensure you provide a unique OrderId for each Invoice $invoice->setOrderId($order->order_id); // Create Buyer Instance $buyer = LaravelBitpay::Buyer(); $buyer->setName('John Doe'); $buyer->setEmail('john.doe@example.com'); $buyer->setAddress1('2630 Hegal Place'); $buyer->setAddress2('Apt 42'); $buyer->setLocality('Alexandria'); $buyer->setRegion('VA'); $buyer->setPostalCode(23242); $buyer->setCountry('US'); $buyer->setNotify(true); // Instructs BitPay to email Buyer about their Invoice // Attach Buyer to Invoice $invoice->setBuyer($buyer); // Set URL that Buyer will be redirected to after completing the payment, via GET Request $invoice->setRedirectURL(route('your-bitpay-success-url')); // Set URL that Buyer will be redirected to after closing the invoice or after the invoice expires, via GET Request $invoice->setCloseURL(route('your-bitpay-cancel-url')); $invoice->setAutoRedirect(true); // Optional. Learn more at: https://github.com/vrajroham/laravel-bitpay#1-setup-your-webhook-route $invoice->setNotificationUrl('https://example.com/your-custom-webhook-url'); // This is the recommended IPN format that BitPay advises for all new implementations $invoice->setExtendedNotifications(true); // Create invoice on BitPay's server $invoice = LaravelBitpay::createInvoice($invoice); $invoiceId = $invoice->getId(); $invoiceToken = $invoice->getToken(); // You should save Invoice ID and Token, for your reference $order->update(['invoice_id' => $invoiceId, 'invoice_token' => $invoiceToken]); // Redirect user to the Invoice's hosted URL to complete payment $paymentUrl = $invoice->getUrl(); return Redirect::to($paymentUrl); ``` > :information_source: It is highly recommended you store the Invoice ID and Token on your internal model(s). The token > can come in handy when verifying webhooks. #### Retrieve an existing invoice ```php $invoice = LaravelBitpay::getInvoice('invoiceId_sGsdVsgheF'); ``` #### Retrieve a list of existing invoices In this example we retrieve all MTD (Month-To-Date) invoices: ```php $startDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('first day of this month')); $endDate = date('Y-m-d'); $invoices = LaravelBitpay::getInvoices($startDate, $endDate); ``` #### Request an Invoice webhook to be resent ```php // True if the webhook has been resent for the current invoice status, false otherwise. $webhookResent = LaravelBitpay::requestInvoiceWebhook('invoiceId_sGsdVsgheF'); ``` ### Refunds Refund requests are full or partial refunds associated to an invoice. Fully paid invoices can be refunded via the merchant's authorization to issue a refund, while underpaid and overpaid invoices are automatically executed by BitPay to issue the underpayment or overpayment amount to the customer. #### Refund an invoice The item Jane purchased was dead on arrival. Give back the lady her crypto: ```php $invoice = LaravelBitpay::getInvoice('invoiceId_sGsdVsgheF'); $refundRequested = LaravelBitpay::createRefund($invoice, 'jane.doe@example.com', 0.016, 'ETH'); if ($refundRequested) { // Don't just sit there. Do something! } ``` #### Retrieve a refund request Let's periodically retrieve (and check the status of) Jane's refund request: ```php $invoice = LaravelBitpay::getInvoice('invoiceId_sGsdVsgheF'); $refund = LaravelBitpay::getRefund($invoice, 'refundId_pUdhjwGjsg'); ``` #### Retrieve all refund requests on an invoice In this example we retrieve all refund requests related to Jane's invoice: ```php $invoice = LaravelBitpay::getInvoice('invoiceId_sGsdVsgheF'); $refundRequests = LaravelBitpay::getRefunds($invoice); ``` #### Cancel a refund request Turns out Jane didn't initially follow the instruction manual. The item works and she no longer wants a refund: ```php $invoice = LaravelBitpay::getInvoice('invoiceId_sGsdVsgheF'); $refundRequestCancelled = LaravelBitpay::cancelRefund($invoice->getId(), 'refundId_pUdhjwGjsg'); ``` ### Bills Bills are payment requests addressed to specific buyers. Bill line items have fixed prices, typically denominated in fiat currency. #### Create a bill In the following example, we create a bill that's due in 10 days: ```php // Initialize Bill $billData = LaravelBitpay::Bill(); $billData->setNumber('bill1234-EFGH'); $billData->setCurrency(Currency::USD); // Always use the BitPay Currency model to prevent typos $dueDate = date(BitPayConstants::DATETIME_FORMAT, strtotime('+10 days')); // ISO-8601 formatted date $billData->setDueDate($dueDate); $billData->setPassProcessingFee(true); // Let the recipient shoulder BitPay's processing fee // Prepare Bill recipient's data $billData->setName('John Doe'); $billData->setAddress1('2630 Hegal Place'); $billData->setAddress2('Apt 42'); $billData->setCity('Alexandria'); $billData->setState('VA'); $billData->setZip(23242); $billData->setCountry('US'); $billData->setEmail('john.doe@example.com'); $billData->setCc(['jane.doe@example.com']); $billData->setPhone('555-123-456'); // Prepare Bill's line item(s) $itemUno = LaravelBitpay::BillItem(); $itemUno->setDescription('Squid Game "Front Man" Costume'); $itemUno->setPrice(49.99); $itemUno->setQuantity(2); $itemDos = LaravelBitpay::BillItem(); $itemDos->setDescription('GOT "House Stark" Sterling Silver Pendant'); $itemDos->setPrice(35); $itemDos->setQuantity(1); $billData->setItems([$itemUno, $itemDos]); // Create Bill $bill = LaravelBitpay::createBill($billData); // Store the Bill's BitPay ID and URL for future reference $billId = $bill->getId(); $billPaymentUrl = $bill->getUrl(); // OR // Redirect the recipient to BitPay's hosted Bill payment page Redirect::to($billPaymentUrl); ``` #### Retrieve a bill ```php $bill = LaravelBitpay::getBill('bill1234-EFGH'); ``` #### Retrieve a list of existing bills You can narrow down the retrieved list by specifying a Bill status: ```php $paidBills = LaravelBitpay::getBills(BillStatus::Paid); ``` #### Update a bill We managed to upsell a product to our client. Let's add an extra line item to their existing Bill: ```php $existingBill = LaravelBitpay::getBill('bill1234-EFGH'); $existingItems = $existingBill->getItems(); $billData = LaravelBitpay::Bill(); $billData->setId($existingBill->getId()); $itemTres = LaravelBitpay::BillItem(); $itemTres->setDescription('The Tomorrow War "White Spike" Life-Size Wax Figure'); $itemTres->setPrice(189.99); $itemTres->setQuantity(1); $billData->setItems(array_merge($existingItems, [$itemTres])); // Update Bill $updatedBill = LaravelBitpay::updateBill($billData, $billData->getId()); ``` #### Deliver a bill via email ```php $bill = LaravelBitpay::getBill('bill1234-EFGH'); $billDelivered = LaravelBitpay::deliverBill($bill->getId(), $bill->getToken()); if ($billDelivered) { // Bill delivered successfully. Do something about that... or not. } ``` ### Subscriptions Subscriptions are repeat billing agreements with specific buyers. BitPay sends bill emails to buyers identified in active subscriptions according to the specified schedule. #### Create a subscription Let's create a subscription that's delivered on the 28th of each month and due on the first of the following month, at 9 AM, respectively: ```php // Initialize Subscription $subscriptionData = LaravelBitpay::Subscription(); $subscriptionData->setSchedule(BitPayConstants::SUBSCRIPTION_SCHEDULE_MONTHLY); // Optional recurring bill data $billData = [ 'number' => 'subscription1234-ABCD', 'name' => 'John Doe', 'address1' => '2630 Hegal Place', 'address2' => 'Apt 42', 'city' => 'Alexandria', 'state' => 'VA', 'zip' => 23242, 'country' => 'US', 'cc' => ['jane.doe@example.com'], 'phone' => '555-123-456', 'passProcessingFee' => true, ]; $dueDate = date(BitPayConstants::DATETIME_FORMAT, strtotime('first day of next month 9 AM')); $billItems = array( LaravelBitpay::SubscriptionItem(100.00, 1, 'Web Hosting - 4 CPUs | 16GB Memory | 400GB SSD'), LaravelBitpay::SubscriptionItem(80.00, 1, 'Basic Website Maintenance'), ); // Autofill optional bill data $mapper = new JsonMapper(); $billData = $mapper->map( $billData, LaravelBitpay::BillData( Currency::USD, // Always use the BitPay Currency model to prevent typos 'john.doe@example.com', $dueDate, $billItems ) ); $subscriptionData->setBillData($billData); // A little wizardry to always get the 28th day of the current month (leap year safe) $deliveryDate = strtotime('first day of this month 9 AM'); $deliveryDate = new \DateTime("@$deliveryDate"); $deliveryDate = $deliveryDate->modify('+27 days')->getTimestamp(); $deliveryDate = date(BitPayConstants::DATETIME_FORMAT, $deliveryDate); $subscriptionData->setNextDelivery($deliveryDate); // Create the Subscription on BitPay $subscription = LaravelBitpay::createSubscription($subscriptionData); // You may then store the Subscription ID for future reference $subscriptionId = $subscription->getId(); ``` #### Retrieve a subscription ```php $subscription = LaravelBitpay::getSubscription('6gqe8y5mkc5Qx2a9zmspgx'); ``` #### Retrieve a list of existing subscriptions You can narrow down the retrieved list by specifying a Subscription status: ```php $activeSubscriptions = LaravelBitpay::getSubscriptions(SubscriptionStatus::Active); ``` #### Update a subscription In this example we activate a Subscription by updating its status: ```php $subscriptionData = LaravelBitpay::Subscription(); $subscriptionData->setId('6gqe8y5mkc5Qx2a9zmspgx'); $subscriptionData->setStatus(SubscriptionStatus::Active); $activatedSubscription = LaravelBitpay::updateSubscription($subscriptionData, $subscriptionData->getId()); ``` ### Settlements Settlements are transfers of payment profits from BitPay to bank accounts and cryptocurrency wallets owned by merchants, partners, etc. #### Retrieve settlements In this example we retrieve completed YTD (Year-To-Date) settlements denominated in Euros (EUR). We only need 100 records, starting from the 5th one: ```php $startDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('first day of this year')); $endDate = date('Y-m-d'); $eurSettlements = LaravelBitpay::getSettlements( Currency::EUR, $startDate, $endDate, BitPayConstants::SETTLEMENT_STATUS_COMPLETED, 100, 4 ); ``` #### Retrieve a settlement ```php $settlement = LaravelBitpay::getSettlement('settlementId_uidwb3668'); ``` #### Fetch a reconciliation report A reconciliation report is a detailed report of the activity within the settlement period, in order to reconcile incoming settlements from BitPay. ```php $settlement = LaravelBitpay::getSettlement('settlementId_uidwb3668'); $settlementReport = LaravelBitpay::getSettlementReconciliationReport($settlement); ``` ### Ledgers Ledgers are records of money movement. #### Retrieve account balances ```php $accountBalances = LaravelBitpay::getLedgers(); ``` #### Retrieve ledger entries In this example we retrieve MTD (Month-To-Date) ledger entries denominated in United States Dollars (USD). ```php $startDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('first day of this month')); $endDate = date('Y-m-d'); $usdLedgerEntries = LaravelBitpay::getLedger(Currency::USD, $startDate, $endDate); ``` ### Recipients The Recipient resource allows a merchant to invite their clients to signup for a BitPay personal account. :warning: **Your BitPay Merchant account must be authorized for Payouts functionality. To enable Payouts functionality, [Contact BitPay Support](https://bitpay.com/request-help/wizard?category=merchant).** #### Invite Recipients ```php // Init individual recipients $jane = LaravelBitpay::PayoutRecipient('jane.doe@example.com', 'Plain Jane'); $ada = LaravelBitpay::PayoutRecipient('ada@cardano.org', 'Ada Lovelace'); // Optional. Learn more at https://github.com/vrajroham/laravel-bitpay#1-setup-your-webhook-route $ada->setNotificationUrl('https://example.com/your-custom-webhook-url'); // Batch all individual recipients $recipients = LaravelBitpay::PayoutRecipients([$jane, $ada]); // Submit invites $recipientsInvited = LaravelBitpay::invitePayoutRecipients($recipients); // Do something with the returned invitees foreach ($recipientsInvited as $recipient) { $recipientId = $recipient->getId(); $recipientToken = $recipient->getToken(); // ... store Recipient ID and Token somewhere persistent // Perform other desired actions \App\Events\LookOutForAnInviteEmail::dispatch($recipient->getEmail()); } ``` > :information_source: It is highly recommended you store the Recipient ID and Token on your internal model(s). The > token can come in handy when verifying webhooks. #### Retrieve a recipient ```php $recipient = LaravelBitpay::getPayoutRecipient('recipientId_adaLovelace') ``` #### Retrieve recipients by status In this example, we retrieve 100 recipients (starting from the 50th) that have passed the good 'ole Onfido ID verification checks: ```php $verifiedRecipients = LaravelBitpay::getPayoutRecipients(RecipientStatus::VERIFIED, 100, 49); ``` #### Update a recipient ```php $recipient = LaravelBitpay::getPayoutRecipient('recipientId_adaLovelace'); $recipient->setLabel('Cardano To The Moon'); $updatedRecipient = LaravelBitpay::updatePayoutRecipient($recipient->getId(), $recipient); ``` #### Remove a recipient ```php $recipientRemoved = LaravelBitpay::removePayoutRecipient('recipientId_janeDoe'); ``` #### Request a recipient webhook to be resent ```php // True if the webhook has been resent for the current recipient status, false otherwise. $webhookResent = LaravelBitpay::requestPayoutRecipientWebhook('recipientId_adaLovelace'); ``` ### Payouts Payouts are individual (or batches of) bitcoin payments to employees, customers, partners, etc. :warning: **Your BitPay Merchant account must be authorized for Payouts functionality. To enable Payouts functionality, [Contact BitPay Support](https://bitpay.com/request-help/wizard?category=merchant).** #### Create a payout Let's assume Ada Lovelace accepted our [invitation](#invite-recipients). In this example, we schedule her an individual payout for a 5-star rating she received from a referral: ```php // Initialize a Payout // Pay Ada in USD and record it on the BTC ledger $payoutData = LaravelBitpay::Payout(50.00, Currency::USD, Currency::BTC); // Set Payout details $payoutData->setRecipientId('recipientId_adaLovelace'); // From previously invited Recipient $payoutData->setReference('1234'); // Uniquely identifies an equivalent payout entry in your system $payoutData->setLabel('5-Star Bonus Affiliate Payment #1234 for Dec 2021'); $payoutData->setEffectiveDate('2021-12-31'); // Optional. Learn more at https://github.com/vrajroham/laravel-bitpay#1-setup-your-webhook-route $payoutData->setNotificationURL('https://example.com/your-custom-webhook-url'); // Create Payout on BitPay's server $payout = LaravelBitpay::createPayout($payoutData); $payoutId = $payout->getId(); $payoutToken = $payout->getToken(); // ... store Payout ID and Token somewhere persistent ``` > :information_source: It is highly recommended you store the Payout ID and Token on your internal model(s). The token > can come in handy when verifying webhooks. #### Create a payout batch Let's pay our two top-tier affiliates for all their hard work, batching both payments into a single API call, for the efficiency of it. ```php // Initialize a Payout Batch $payoutBatchData = LaravelBitpay::PayoutBatch(Currency::USD); // Pay recipients in USD $payoutBatchData->setLedgerCurrency(Currency::ETH); // Record the payout batch on the ETH ledger $payoutBatchData->setAmount(500.00); $payoutBatchData->setReference('Aff_Jan-Feb_2022'); // Uniquely identifies an equivalent payout batch in your system $payoutBatchData->setLabel('Affiliate Payments for Jan-Feb 2022'); $payoutBatchData->setEffectiveDate('2022-02-28'); // Optional. Learn more at https://github.com/vrajroham/laravel-bitpay#1-setup-your-webhook-route $payoutBatchData->setNotificationURL('https://example.com/your-custom-webhook-url'); // Define Instruction(s) $payJane = LaravelBitpay::PayoutInstruction( 250.00, RecipientReferenceMethod::RECIPIENT_ID, 'recipientId_janeDoe' ); $payJane->setLabel('Affiliate Payment #1234 for Jan-Feb 2022'); $payAda = LaravelBitpay::PayoutInstruction( 250.00, RecipientReferenceMethod::RECIPIENT_ID, 'recipientId_adaLovelace' ); $payAda->setLabel('Affiliate Payment #5678 for Jan-Feb 2022'); // Attach Instruction(s) to Payout Batch $payoutBatchData->setInstructions([$payJane, $payAda]); // Create Payout Batch on BitPay's server $payoutBatch = LaravelBitpay::createPayoutBatch($payoutBatchData); $payoutBatchId = $payoutBatch->getId(); $payoutBatchToken = $payoutBatch->getToken(); // ... store Payout Batch ID and Token somewhere persistent ``` > :information_source: It is highly recommended you store the Payout Batch ID and Token on your internal model(s). > The token can come in handy when verifying webhooks. #### Retrieve a payout ```php $payout = LaravelBitpay::getPayout('payoutId_jws43dbnfpg'); ``` #### Retrieve a payout batch ```php $payoutBatch = LaravelBitpay::getPayoutBatch('payoutBatchId_jws43dbnfpg'); ``` #### Retrieve payouts based on status In this example, we retrieve all completed, Year-To-Date (YTD) payouts. ```php $startDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('first day of this year')); $endDate = date('Y-m-d'); $completedPayouts = LaravelBitpay::getPayouts($startDate, $endDate, PayoutStatus::Complete); ``` #### Retrieve payout batches based on status In this example, we retrieve all cancelled, Year-To-Date (YTD) payout batches. ```php $startDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('first day of this year')); $endDate = date('Y-m-d'); $cancelledPayoutBatches = LaravelBitpay::getPayoutBatches($startDate, $endDate, PayoutStatus::Cancelled); ``` #### Cancel a payout ```php $payoutCancelled = LaravelBitpay::cancelPayout('payoutId_jws43dbnfpg'); ``` #### Cancel a payout batch ```php $payoutBatchCancelled = LaravelBitpay::cancelPayoutBatch('payoutBatchId_jws43dbnfpg'); ``` #### Request a payout webhook to be resent ```php // True if the webhook has been resent for the current payout status, false otherwise. $webhookResent = LaravelBitpay::requestPayoutWebhook('payoutId_jws43dbnfpg'); ``` #### Request a payout batch webhook to be resent ```php // True if the webhook has been resent for the current payout batch status, false otherwise. $webhookResent = LaravelBitpay::requestPayoutBatchWebhook('payoutBatchId_jws43dbnfpg'); ``` ### Currencies Currencies are fiat currencies supported by BitPay. #### Retrieve the supported currencies In this example, we retrieve the list of supported BitPay Currency objects. ```php $supportedCurrencies = LaravelBitpay::getCurrencies(); ``` ### Rates Rates are exchange rates, representing the number of fiat currency units equivalent to one BTC. #### Retrieve the exchange rate table maintained by BitPay ```php $rates = LaravelBitpay::getRates(); $btcToUsdRate = $rates->getRate(Currency::USD); // Always use the BitPay Currency model to prevent typos ``` #### Retrieve all the rates for a given cryptocurrency ```php $ethRates = LaravelBitpay::getCurrencyRates(Currency::ETH); $ethToUsdRate = $ethRates->getRate(Currency::USD); ``` #### Retrieve the rate for a cryptocurrency / fiat pair ```php $dogeToUsdRate = LaravelBitpay::getCurrencyPairRate(Currrency::DOGE, Currency::USD); ``` ## Testing ```bash composer test ``` ## Changelog Please see [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG.md) for more information on what has changed recently. ## Contributing Please see [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md) for details. ## Security If you discover any security related issues, please email vaibhavraj@vrajroham.me or iamalexstewart@gmail.com instead of using the issue tracker. ## Credits - [Vaibhavraj Roham](https://github.com/vrajroham) - [Alex Stewart](https://github.com/alexstewartja) - [All Contributors](../../contributors) ## License The MIT License (MIT). Please see [License File](LICENSE.md) for more information.
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