Current Path : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/public_html/app/Models/Api/Traits/ |
Current File : /home/thenclexdoctor.com/public_html/app/Models/Api/Traits/WebinarChartTrait.php |
<?php namespace App\Models\Api\Traits; use App\Http\Resources\UserResource; use App\Models\Api\Quiz; use App\Models\Api\QuizzesResult; use App\Models\Api\User; use App\Models\Role; use App\Models\Sale; use App\Models\WebinarAssignmentHistory; use Illuminate\Support\Carbon; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB; trait WebinarChartTrait { public function getStudentsIdsAttribute() { return Sale::where('webinar_id', $this->id) ->whereNull('refund_at') ->pluck('buyer_id') ->toArray(); } public function getStudentsRolesAttribute() { $labels = [ trans('public.students'), trans('public.instructors'), trans('home.organizations'), ]; $studentsIds = Sale::where('webinar_id', $this->id) ->whereNull('refund_at') ->pluck('buyer_id') ->toArray(); $users = User::whereIn('id', $studentsIds) ->select('id', 'role_name', DB::raw('count(id) as count')) ->groupBy('role_name') ->get(); $data['students'] = 0; $data['instructors'] = 0; $data['organizations'] = 0; foreach ($users as $user) { if ($user->role_name == Role::$user) { $data['students'] = $user->count; } else if ($user->role_name == Role::$teacher) { $data['instructors'] = $user->count; } else if ($user->role_name == Role::$organization) { $data['organizations'] = $user->count; } } return $data; return [ 'labels' => $labels, 'data' => $data ]; } public function getQuizStatusAttribute() { $labels = [ trans('quiz.passed'), trans('public.pending'), trans('quiz.failed'), ]; $data[0] = 0; // passed $data[1] = 0; // pending $data[2] = 0; // failed $quizzes = $this->quizzes; foreach ($quizzes as $quiz) { $passed = $quiz->quizResults()->where('status', QuizzesResult::$passed)->count(); $pending = $quiz->quizResults()->where('status', QuizzesResult::$waiting)->count(); $failed = $quiz->quizResults()->where('status', QuizzesResult::$failed)->count(); $data[0] += $passed; $data[1] += $pending; $data[2] += $failed; } return array_combine($labels, $data); } public function getAssignmentsStatusAttribute() { $labels = [ trans('quiz.passed'), trans('public.pending'), trans('quiz.failed'), ]; $data[0] = 0; // passed $data[1] = 0; // pending $data[2] = 0; // failed $assignments = $this->assignments; foreach ($assignments as $quiz) { $passed = $quiz->assignmentHistory()->where('status', WebinarAssignmentHistory::$passed)->count(); $pending = $quiz->assignmentHistory()->where('status', WebinarAssignmentHistory::$pending)->count(); $failed = $quiz->assignmentHistory()->where('status', WebinarAssignmentHistory::$notPassed)->count(); $data[0] += $passed; $data[1] += $pending; $data[2] += $failed; } return array_combine($labels, $data); } public function getMonthlySalesAttribute() { $labels = []; $data = []; for ($month = 1; $month <= 12; $month++) { $date = Carbon::create(date('Y'), $month); $start_date = $date->timestamp; $end_date = $date->copy()->endOfMonth()->timestamp; $labels[] = trans('panel.month_' . $month); $amount = Sale::whereNull('refund_at') ->whereBetween('created_at', [$start_date, $end_date]) ->where('webinar_id', $this->id) ->sum('total_amount'); $data[] = round($amount, 2); } return array_combine($labels, $data); } public function getCourseProgressAttribute() { $labels = [ trans('update.completed'), trans('webinars.in_progress'), trans('update.not_started'), ]; $data[0] = 0; // completed $data[1] = 0; // in_progress $data[2] = 0; // not_started foreach ($this->StudentsIds as $userId) { $progress = $this->getCourseProgressForStudent($this, $userId); if ($progress > 0 and $progress < 100) { $data[1] += 1; } elseif ($progress == 100) { $data[0] += 1; } else { $data[2] += 1; } } return array_combine($labels, $data); } public function getCourseProgressLineAttribute() { $labels = []; $data = []; $progress = []; foreach ($this->StudentsIds as $userId) { $progress[] = $this->getCourseProgressForStudent($this, $userId); } for ($percent = 0; $percent < 100; $percent += 10) { $endPercent = $percent + 10; $labels[] = $percent . '-' . $endPercent; $count = 0; foreach ($progress as $value) { if ($value >= $percent and $value < $endPercent) { $count += 1; } } $data[] = $count; } return array_combine($labels, $data); } public function getCourseProgressForStudent($webinar, $userId) { $progress = 0; $filesStat = $webinar->getFilesLearningProgressStat($userId); $sessionsStat = $webinar->getSessionsLearningProgressStat($userId); $textLessonsStat = $webinar->getTextLessonsLearningProgressStat($userId); $assignmentsStat = $webinar->getAssignmentsLearningProgressStat($userId); $quizzesStat = $webinar->getQuizzesLearningProgressStat($userId); $passed = $filesStat['passed'] + $sessionsStat['passed'] + $textLessonsStat['passed'] + $assignmentsStat['passed'] + $quizzesStat['passed']; $count = $filesStat['count'] + $sessionsStat['count'] + $textLessonsStat['count'] + $assignmentsStat['count'] + $quizzesStat['count']; if ($passed > 0 and $count > 0) { $progress = ($passed * 100) / $count; } return round($progress, 2); } public function getStudents() { $webinar = $this; $users = User::whereIn('id', $this->studentsIds) ->paginate(10); $quizzesIds = $webinar->quizzes->pluck('id')->toArray(); $assignmentsIds = $webinar->assignments->pluck('id')->toArray(); foreach ($users as $user) { $user->course_progress = $this->getCourseProgressForStudent($webinar, $user->id); $user->passed_quizzes = Quiz::whereIn('quizzes.id', $quizzesIds) ->join('quizzes_results', 'quizzes_results.quiz_id', 'quizzes.id') ->select(DB::raw('count(quizzes_results.id) as count')) ->where('quizzes_results.user_id', $user->id) ->where('quizzes_results.status', QuizzesResult::$passed) ->first()->count; $assignmentsHistoriesCount = WebinarAssignmentHistory::whereIn('assignment_id', $assignmentsIds) ->where('student_id', $user->id) ->count(); $user->unsent_assignments = count($assignmentsIds) - $assignmentsHistoriesCount; $user->pending_assignments = WebinarAssignmentHistory::whereIn('assignment_id', $assignmentsIds) ->where('student_id', $user->id) ->where('status', WebinarAssignmentHistory::$pending) ->count(); } return UserResource::collection($users); } }
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