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declare module 'sweetalert2' {
   * A namespace inside the default function, containing utility function for controlling the currently-displayed
   * popup.
   * Example:
   * ```
   * Swal.fire('Hey user!', 'I don\'t like you.', 'warning');
   * if(Swal.isVisible()) { // instant regret
   *   Swal.close();
   * }
   * ```
  namespace Swal {
     * Function to display a simple SweetAlert2 popup.
     * Example:
     * ```
     * Swal.fire('The Internet?', 'That thing is still around?', 'question');
     * ```
    function fire<T>(title?: string, html?: string, icon?: SweetAlertIcon): Promise<SweetAlertResult<Awaited<T>>>;

     * Function to display a SweetAlert2 popup, with an object of options, all being optional.
     * See the `SweetAlertOptions` interface for the list of accepted fields and values.
     * Example:
     * ```
     * Swal.fire({
     *   title: 'Auto close alert!',
     *   text: 'I will close in 2 seconds.',
     *   timer: 2000
     * })
     * ```
    function fire<T>(options: SweetAlertOptions<T>): Promise<SweetAlertResult<Awaited<T>>>;

     * Reuse configuration by creating a `Swal` instance.
     * Example:
     * ```
     * const Toast = Swal.mixin({
     *   toast: true,
     *   position: 'top-end',
     *   timer: 3000,
     *   timerProgressBar: true
     * })
     * Toast.fire('Something interesting happened', '', 'info')
     * ```
     * @param options the default options to set for this instance.
    function mixin(options: SweetAlertOptions): typeof Swal;

     * Determines if a popup is shown.
    function isVisible(): boolean;

     * Updates popup options.
     * See the `SweetAlertOptions` interface for the list of accepted fields and values.
     * Example:
     * ```
     * Swal.update({
     *   icon: 'error'
     * })
     * ```
    function update(options: Pick<SweetAlertOptions, SweetAlertUpdatableParameters>): void;

     * Closes the currently open SweetAlert2 popup programmatically.
     * @param result The promise originally returned by `Swal.fire()` will be resolved with this value.
     *               If no object is given, the promise is resolved with an empty `SweetAlertResult` object.
    function close(result?: SweetAlertResult): void;

     * Gets the popup.
    function getPopup(): HTMLElement | null;

     * Gets the popup title.
    function getTitle(): HTMLElement | null;

     * Gets the popup header.
    function getHeader(): HTMLElement | null;

     * Gets progress steps.
    function getProgressSteps(): HTMLElement | null;

     * Gets the popup content.
    function getContent(): HTMLElement | null;

     * Gets the DOM element where the `html`/`text` parameter is rendered to.
    function getHtmlContainer(): HTMLElement | null;

     * Gets the image.
    function getImage(): HTMLElement | null;

     * Gets the close button.
    function getCloseButton(): HTMLElement | null;

     * Gets the current visible icon.
    function getIcon(): HTMLElement | null;

     * Gets all icons. The current visible icon will have `style="display: flex"`,
     * all other will be hidden by `style="display: none"`.
    function getIcons(): readonly HTMLElement[];

     * Gets the "Confirm" button.
    function getConfirmButton(): HTMLElement | null;

     * Gets the "Cancel" button.
    function getCancelButton(): HTMLElement | null;

     * Gets actions (buttons) wrapper.
    function getActions(): HTMLElement | null;

     * Gets the popup footer.
    function getFooter(): HTMLElement | null;

     * Gets the timer progress bar (see the `timerProgressBar` param).
    function getTimerProgressBar(): HTMLElement | null;

     * Gets all focusable elements in the popup.
    function getFocusableElements(): readonly HTMLElement[];

     * Enables "Confirm" and "Cancel" buttons.
    function enableButtons(): void;

     * Disables "Confirm" and "Cancel" buttons.
    function disableButtons(): void;

     * Disables buttons and show loader. This is useful with AJAX requests.
    function showLoading(): void;

     * Enables buttons and hide loader.
    function hideLoading(): void;

     * Determines if popup is in the loading state.
    function isLoading(): boolean;

     * Clicks the "Confirm" button programmatically.
    function clickConfirm(): void;

     * Clicks the "Cancel" button programmatically.
    function clickCancel(): void;

     * Shows a validation message.
     * @param validationMessage The validation message.
    function showValidationMessage(validationMessage: string): void;

     * Hides validation message.
    function resetValidationMessage(): void;

     * Gets the input DOM node, this method works with input parameter.
    function getInput(): HTMLInputElement | null;

     * Disables the popup input. A disabled input element is unusable and un-clickable.
    function disableInput(): void;

     * Enables the popup input.
    function enableInput(): void;

     * Gets the validation message container.
    function getValidationMessage(): HTMLElement | null;

     * If `timer` parameter is set, returns number of milliseconds of timer remained.
     * Otherwise, returns undefined.
    function getTimerLeft(): number | undefined;

     * Stop timer. Returns number of milliseconds of timer remained.
     * If `timer` parameter isn't set, returns `undefined`.
    function stopTimer(): number | undefined;

     * Resume timer. Returns number of milliseconds of timer remained.
     * If `timer` parameter isn't set, returns `undefined`.
    function resumeTimer(): number | undefined;

     * Toggle timer. Returns number of milliseconds of timer remained.
     * If `timer` parameter isn't set, returns `undefined`.
    function toggleTimer(): number | undefined;

     * Check if timer is running. Returns true if timer is running,
     * and false is timer is paused / stopped.
     * If `timer` parameter isn't set, returns `undefined`.
    function isTimerRunning(): boolean | undefined;

     * Increase timer. Returns number of milliseconds of an updated timer.
     * If `timer` parameter isn't set, returns `undefined`.
     * @param n The number of milliseconds to add to the currect timer
    function increaseTimer(n: number): number | undefined;

     * Provide an array of SweetAlert2 parameters to show multiple popups, one popup after another.
     * @param steps The steps' configuration.
    function queue<T>(steps: readonly (SweetAlertOptions | string)[]): Promise<T>;

     * Gets the index of current popup in queue. When there's no active queue, `null` will be returned.
    function getQueueStep(): string | null;

     * Inserts a popup in the queue.
     * @param step  The step configuration (same object as in the `Swal.fire()` call).
     * @param index The index to insert the step at.
     *              By default a popup will be added to the end of a queue.
    function insertQueueStep(step: SweetAlertOptions, index?: number): number;

     * Deletes the popup at the specified index in the queue.
     * @param index The popup index in the queue.
    function deleteQueueStep(index: number): void;

     * Determines if a given parameter name is valid.
     * @param paramName The parameter to check
    function isValidParameter(paramName: string): paramName is keyof SweetAlertOptions;

     * Determines if a given parameter name is valid for `Swal.update()` method.
     * @param paramName The parameter to check
    function isUpdatableParameter(paramName: string): paramName is SweetAlertUpdatableParameters;

     * Normalizes the arguments you can give to Swal.fire() in an object of type SweetAlertOptions.
     * Example:
     * ```
     * Swal.argsToParams(['title', 'text']); //=> { title: 'title', text: 'text' }
     * Swal.argsToParams([{ title: 'title', text: 'text' }]); //=> { title: 'title', text: 'text' }
     * ```
     * @param params The array of arguments to normalize.
    function argsToParams<T>(params: SweetAlertArrayOptions | readonly [SweetAlertOptions<T>]): SweetAlertOptions<T>;

     * An enum of possible reasons that can explain an alert dismissal.
    enum DismissReason {
      cancel, backdrop, close, esc, timer

     * SweetAlert2's version
    const version: string

  interface SweetAlertHideShowClass {
    backdrop?: string;
    icon?: string;
    popup?: string;

  type Awaited<T> = T extends Promise<infer U> ? U : T;

  type SyncOrAsync<T> = T | Promise<T> | { toPromise: () => T };

  type ValueOrThunk<T> = T | (() => T);

  export type SweetAlertArrayOptions = readonly [string?, string?, SweetAlertIcon?];

  export type SweetAlertGrow = 'row' | 'column' | 'fullscreen' | false;

  export type SweetAlertHideClass = SweetAlertHideShowClass;

  export type SweetAlertShowClass = Readonly<SweetAlertHideShowClass>;

  export type SweetAlertIcon = 'success' | 'error' | 'warning' | 'info' | 'question';

  export type SweetAlertInput =
    'text' | 'email' | 'password' | 'number' | 'tel' | 'range' | 'textarea' | 'select' | 'radio' | 'checkbox' |
    'file' | 'url';

  export type SweetAlertPosition =
    'top' | 'top-start' | 'top-end' | 'top-left' | 'top-right' |
    'center' | 'center-start' | 'center-end' | 'center-left' | 'center-right' |
    'bottom' | 'bottom-start' | 'bottom-end' | 'bottom-left' | 'bottom-right';

  export type SweetAlertUpdatableParameters =
    | 'allowEscapeKey'
    | 'allowOutsideClick'
    | 'buttonsStyling'
    | 'cancelButtonAriaLabel'
    | 'cancelButtonColor'
    | 'cancelButtonText'
    | 'confirmButtonAriaLabel'
    | 'confirmButtonColor'
    | 'confirmButtonText'
    | 'currentProgressStep'
    | 'customClass'
    | 'footer'
    | 'hideClass'
    | 'html'
    | 'icon'
    | 'imageAlt'
    | 'imageHeight'
    | 'imageUrl'
    | 'imageWidth'
    | 'onAfterClose'
    | 'onClose'
    | 'onDestroy'
    | 'progressSteps'
    | 'reverseButtons'
    | 'showCancelButton'
    | 'showConfirmButton'
    | 'text'
    | 'title'
    | 'titleText';

  export interface SweetAlertCustomClass {
    container?: string;
    popup?: string;
    header?: string;
    title?: string;
    closeButton?: string;
    icon?: string;
    image?: string;
    content?: string;
    input?: string;
    actions?: string;
    confirmButton?: string;
    cancelButton?: string;
    footer?: string;

  export interface SweetAlertResult<T = any> {
    readonly dismiss?: Swal.DismissReason;
    readonly isConfirmed: boolean;
    readonly isDismissed: boolean;
    readonly value?: T;

  export interface SweetAlertOptions<PreConfirmResult = any, PreConfirmCallbackValue = any> {
     * The title of the popup, as HTML.
     * It can either be added to the object under the key `title` or passed as the first parameter of `Swal.fire()`.
     * @default ''
    title?: string | HTMLElement | JQuery;

     * The title of the popup, as text. Useful to avoid HTML injection.
     * @default ''
    titleText?: string;

     * A description for the popup.
     * If `text` and `html` parameters are provided in the same time, `text` will be used.
     * @default ''
    text?: string;

     * A HTML description for the popup.
     * It can either be added to the object under the key `html` or passed as the second parameter of `Swal.fire()`.
     * @default ''
    html?: string | HTMLElement | JQuery;

     * The icon of the popup.
     * SweetAlert2 comes with 5 built-in icons which will show a corresponding icon animation:
     * `'warning'`, `'error'`, `'success'`, `'info'` and `'question'`.
     * It can either be put to the object under the key `icon` or passed as the third parameter of `Swal.fire()`.
     * @default undefined
    icon?: SweetAlertIcon;

     * The custom HTML content for an icon.
     * Example:
     * ```
     * Swal.fire({
     *   icon: 'error',
     *   iconHtml: '<i class="fas fa-bug"></i>'
     * })
     * ```
     * @default undefined
    iconHtml?: string;

     * The footer of the popup, as HTML.
     * @default ''
    footer?: string | HTMLElement | JQuery;

     * Whether or not SweetAlert2 should show a full screen click-to-dismiss backdrop.
     * Either a boolean value or a css background value (hex, rgb, rgba, url, etc.)
     * @default true
    backdrop?: boolean | string;

     * Whether or not an alert should be treated as a toast notification.
     * This option is normally coupled with the `position` and `timer` parameters.
     * Toasts are NEVER autofocused.
     * @default false
    toast?: boolean;

     * The container element for adding popup into (query selector only).
     * @default 'body'
    target?: string | HTMLElement;

     * Input field type, can be `'text'`, `'email'`, `'password'`, `'number'`, `'tel'`, `'range'`, `'textarea'`,
     * `'select'`, `'radio'`, `'checkbox'`, `'file'` and `'url'`.
     * @default undefined
    input?: SweetAlertInput;

     * Popup width, including paddings (`box-sizing: border-box`). Can be in px or %.
     * @default undefined
    width?: number | string;

     * Popup padding.
     * @default undefined
    padding?: number | string;

     * Popup background (CSS `background` property).
     * @default undefined
    background?: string;

     * Popup position
     * @default 'center'
    position?: SweetAlertPosition;

     * Popup grow direction
     * @default false
    grow?: SweetAlertGrow;

     * CSS classes for animations when showing a popup (fade in)
     * @default { popup: 'swal2-show', backdrop: 'swal2-backdrop-show', icon: 'swal2-icon-show', }
    showClass?: SweetAlertShowClass;

     * CSS classes for animations when hiding a popup (fade out)
     * @default { popup: 'swal2-hide', backdrop: 'swal2-backdrop-hide', icon: 'swal2-icon-hide' }
    hideClass?: SweetAlertHideClass;

     * A custom CSS class for the popup.
     * If a string value is provided, the classname will be applied to the popup.
     * If an object is provided, the classnames will be applied to the corresponding fields:
     * Example:
     * ```
     * Swal.fire({
     *   customClass: {
     *     container: 'container-class',
     *     popup: 'popup-class',
     *     header: 'header-class',
     *     title: 'title-class',
     *     closeButton: 'close-button-class',
     *     icon: 'icon-class',
     *     image: 'image-class',
     *     content: 'content-class',
     *     input: 'input-class',
     *     actions: 'actions-class',
     *     confirmButton: 'confirm-button-class',
     *     cancelButton: 'cancel-button-class',
     *     footer: 'footer-class'
     *   }
     * })
     * ```
     * @default undefined
    customClass?: SweetAlertCustomClass;

     * Auto close timer of the popup. Set in ms (milliseconds).
     * @default undefined
    timer?: number;

     * If set to true, the timer will have a progress bar at the bottom of a popup.
     * Mostly, this feature is useful with toasts.
     * @default false
    timerProgressBar?: boolean;

     * @deprecated
     * If set to `false`, popup CSS animation will be disabled.
     * @default true
    animation?: ValueOrThunk<boolean>;

     * By default, SweetAlert2 sets html's and body's CSS `height` to `auto !important`.
     * If this behavior isn't compatible with your project's layout, set `heightAuto` to `false`.
     * @default true
    heightAuto?: boolean;

     * If set to `false`, the user can't dismiss the popup by clicking outside it.
     * You can also pass a custom function returning a boolean value, e.g. if you want
     * to disable outside clicks for the loading state of a popup.
     * @default true
    allowOutsideClick?: ValueOrThunk<boolean>;

     * If set to `false`, the user can't dismiss the popup by pressing the Escape key.
     * You can also pass a custom function returning a boolean value, e.g. if you want
     * to disable the escape key for the loading state of a popup.
     * @default true
    allowEscapeKey?: ValueOrThunk<boolean>;

     * If set to `false`, the user can't confirm the popup by pressing the Enter or Space keys,
     * unless they manually focus the confirm button.
     * You can also pass a custom function returning a boolean value.
     * @default true
    allowEnterKey?: ValueOrThunk<boolean>;

     * If set to `false`, SweetAlert2 will allow keydown events propagation to the document.
     * @default true
    stopKeydownPropagation?: boolean;

     * Useful for those who are using SweetAlert2 along with Bootstrap modals.
     * By default keydownListenerCapture is `false` which means when a user hits `Esc`,
     * both SweetAlert2 and Bootstrap modals will be closed.
     * Set `keydownListenerCapture` to `true` to fix that behavior.
     * @default false
    keydownListenerCapture?: boolean;

     * If set to `false`, the "Confirm" button will not be shown.
     * It can be useful when you're using custom HTML description.
     * @default true
    showConfirmButton?: boolean;

     * If set to `true`, the "Cancel" button will be shown, which the user can click on to dismiss the popup.
     * @default false
    showCancelButton?: boolean;

     * Use this to change the text on the "Confirm" button.
     * @default 'OK'
    confirmButtonText?: string;

     * Use this to change the text on the "Cancel" button.
     * @default 'Cancel'
    cancelButtonText?: string;

     * Use this to change the background color of the "Confirm" button (must be a HEX value).
     * @default undefined
    confirmButtonColor?: string;

     * Use this to change the background color of the "Cancel" button (must be a HEX value).
     * @default undefined
    cancelButtonColor?: string;

     * Use this to change the `aria-label` for the "Confirm" button.
     * @default ''
    confirmButtonAriaLabel?: string;

     * Use this to change the `aria-label` for the "Cancel" button.
     * @default ''
    cancelButtonAriaLabel?: string;

     * Whether to apply the default SweetAlert2 styling to buttons.
     * If you want to use your own classes (e.g. Bootstrap classes) set this parameter to false.
     * @default true
    buttonsStyling?: boolean;

     * Set to true if you want to invert default buttons positions.
     * @default false
    reverseButtons?: boolean;

     * Set to `false` if you want to focus the first element in tab order instead of the "Confirm" button by default.
     * @default true
    focusConfirm?: boolean;

     * Set to `true` if you want to focus the "Cancel" button by default.
     * @default false
    focusCancel?: boolean;

     * Set to `true` to show close button.
     * @default false
    showCloseButton?: boolean;

     * Use this to change the content of the close button.
     * @default '&times;'
    closeButtonHtml?: string;

     * Use this to change the `aria-label` for the close button.
     * @default 'Close this dialog'
    closeButtonAriaLabel?: string;

     * Set to true to disable buttons and show that something is loading. Useful for AJAX requests.
     * @default false
    showLoaderOnConfirm?: boolean;

     * Function to execute before confirm, may be async (Promise-returning) or sync.
     * Example:
     * ```
     * Swal.fire({
     *   title: 'Multiple inputs',
     *   html:
     *     '<input id="swal-input1" class="swal2-input">' +
     *     '<input id="swal-input2" class="swal2-input">',
     *   focusConfirm: false,
     *   preConfirm: () => [
     *     document.querySelector('#swal-input1').value,
     *     document.querySelector('#swal-input2').value
     *   ]
     * }).then(result => Swal.fire(JSON.stringify(result));
     * ```
     * @default undefined
    preConfirm?(inputValue: PreConfirmCallbackValue): PreConfirmResult;

     * Add an image to the popup. Should contain a string with the path or URL to the image.
     * @default undefined
    imageUrl?: string;

     * If imageUrl is set, you can specify imageWidth to describes image width in px.
     * @default undefined
    imageWidth?: number;

     * If imageUrl is set, you can specify imageHeight to describes image height in px.
     * @default undefined
    imageHeight?: number;

     * An alternative text for the custom image icon.
     * @default ''
    imageAlt?: string;

     * Input field placeholder.
     * @default ''
    inputPlaceholder?: string;

     * Input field initial value.
     * @default ''
    inputValue?: SyncOrAsync<string>;

     * If the `input` parameter is set to `'select'` or `'radio'`, you can provide options.
     * Object keys will represent options values, object values will represent options text values.
     * @default {}
    inputOptions?: SyncOrAsync<ReadonlyMap<string, string> | Record<string, any>>;

     * Automatically remove whitespaces from both ends of a result string.
     * Set this parameter to `false` to disable auto-trimming.
     * @default true
    inputAutoTrim?: boolean;

     * HTML input attributes (e.g. `min`, `max`, `step`, `accept`), that are added to the input field.
     * Example:
     * ```
     * Swal.fire({
     *   title: 'Select a file',
     *   input: 'file',
     *   inputAttributes: {
     *     accept: 'image/*'
     *   }
     * })
     * ```
     * @default {}
    inputAttributes?: Record<string, string>;

     * Validator for input field, may be async (Promise-returning) or sync.
     * Example:
     * ```
     * Swal.fire({
     *   title: 'Select color',
     *   input: 'radio',
     *   inputValidator: result => !result && 'You need to select something!'
     * })
     * ```
     * @default undefined
    inputValidator?(inputValue: string): SyncOrAsync<string | null>;

     * A custom validation message for default validators (email, url).
     * Example:
     * ```
     * Swal.fire({
     *   input: 'email',
     *   validationMessage: 'Adresse e-mail invalide'
     * })
     * ```
     * @default undefined
    validationMessage?: string;

     * Progress steps, useful for popup queues.
     * @default []
    progressSteps?: readonly string[];

     * Current active progress step.
     * @default undefined
    currentProgressStep?: string;

     * Distance between progress steps.
     * @default undefined
    progressStepsDistance?: string;

     * Function to run when popup built, but not shown yet. Provides popup DOM element as the first argument.
     * @default undefined
    onBeforeOpen?(popup: HTMLElement): void;

     * Function to run when popup opens, provides popup DOM element as the first argument.
     * @default undefined
    onOpen?(popup: HTMLElement): void;

     * Function to run after popup DOM has been updated.
     * Typically, this will happen after `Swal.fire()` or `Swal.update()`.
     * If you want to perform changes in the popup's DOM, that survive `Swal.update()`, `onRender` is a good place.
     * @default undefined
    onRender?(popup: HTMLElement): void;

     * Function to run when popup closes by user interaction (and not by another popup), provides popup DOM element
     * as the first argument.
     * @default undefined
    onClose?(popup: HTMLElement): void;

     * Function to run after popup has been disposed by user interaction (and not by another popup).
     * @default undefined
    onAfterClose?(): void;

     * Function to run after popup has been destroyed either by user interaction or by another popup.
     * @default undefined
    onDestroy?(): void;

     * Set to `false` to disable body padding adjustment when scrollbar is present.
     * @default true
    scrollbarPadding?: boolean;

  export default Swal

declare module 'sweetalert2/*/sweetalert2.js' {
  export * from 'sweetalert2'
  // "export *" does not matches the default export, so do it explicitly.
  export { default } from 'sweetalert2' // eslint-disable-line

declare module 'sweetalert2/*/sweetalert2.all.js' {
  export * from 'sweetalert2'
  // "export *" does not matches the default export, so do it explicitly.
  export { default } from 'sweetalert2' // eslint-disable-line

 * These interfaces aren't provided by SweetAlert2, but its definitions use them.
 * They will be merged with 'true' definitions.

interface JQuery {

interface Promise<T> {

interface Map<K, V> {

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