Current Path : /lib/postfix/ |
Current File : //lib/postfix/postfix_groups.pl |
#! /usr/bin/perl # Gateway script for postfix to send to LDAP mail-enabled groups. # $Id: postfix_groups.pl,v 1.6 2007/01/29 16:11:07 subbarao Exp $ #++ # NAME # postfix_groups.pl 8 # SUMMARY # Pipe mailer program for postfix to send to LDAP mail-enabled groups. # SYNOPSIS # postfix_groups.pl <sender> <nexthop> <recipient> # DESCRIPTION # postfix_groups.pl delivers mail to LDAP mail-enabled groups. It is # intended to be invoked by \fBpipe\fR(8). Here is an example of a # simple mail-enabled LDAP group: # # dn: cn=postfix-hackers, ou=Groups, o=hp.com # .br # objectClass: top # .br # objectClass: groupOfNames # .br # objectClass: mailGroup # .br # cn: postfix-hackers # .br # mail: postfix-hackers@groups.hp.com # .br # member: uid=lamont.jones@hp.com, ou=People, o=hp.com # .br # member: uid=kartik.subbarao@hp.com, ou=People, o=hp.com # # Here are excerpts from the people entries who are members of this group: # # dn: uid=lamont.jones@hp.com, ou=People, o=hp.com # .br # mailRoutingAddress: lamont@cranston.fc.hp.com # # dn: uid=kartik.subbarao@hp.com, ou=People, o=hp.com # .br # mailRoutingAddress: subbarao@quest.lf.hp.com # # postfix_groups.pl expands the incoming address # postfix-hackers@groups.hp.com to the destination addresses # lamont@cranston.fc.hp.com and subbarao@quest.lf.hp.com. # # CONFIGURATION # To configure postfix_groups.pl to handle addresses of the form # groupaddr@groups.mycompany.com, specify the following in \fBmaster.cf\fR: # # groups unix - n n - - pipe # flags=q user=uucp argv=/path/to/postfix_groups.pl ${sender} ${nexthop} ${recipient} # # And the following in the \fBtransport\fR file: # # groups.mycompany.com groups:groups # # And the following in \fBmain.cf\fR (assuming an LDAP server # ldap.mycompany.com with the root DN of o=mycompany.com): # # groups_destination_recipient_limit = 1 # groups_server_host = ldap.mycompany.com # groups_search_base = o=mycompany.com # groups_query_filter = (mail=%u@groups.mycompany.com) # groups_result_attribute = mailRoutingAddress mgrpRFC822MailMember # groups_special_result_attribute = member memberURL mgrpDeliverTo # groups_domain = groups.mycompany.com # groups_bind = no # # Note: The groups_* map should not be referenced in virtual_maps or # elsewhere. Also note that the groups_destination_recipient_limit # should be set to 1. # ## [Describe main.cf parameters] ## TBD # ## [Describe LDAP attributes that govern mail-enabled groups] ## TBD # # AUTHOR # Kartik Subbarao <subbarao@computer.org> # # SEE ALSO # \fBpipe\fR(8) # http://www.watersprings.org/pub/id/draft-steinback-ldap-mailgroups-00.txt # http://playground.sun.com/laser/0066.html # RFC 2919 ## TODO: Document implementation differences/enhancements by this script, ## compared to the draft spec. #-- use Mail::Internet; use Mail::Address; use Net::SMTP; use Net::LDAP qw (:all); use URI; use File::Basename; use Sys::Syslog qw(:DEFAULT setlogsock); use strict; $ENV{'PATH'} = '/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin'; # Exit values from /usr/include/sysexits.h my $DATAERR=65; my $NOUSER=67; my $SOFTWARE=70; my $OSFILE=72; my $NOPERM=77; my $TEMPFAIL=75; # Most LDAP-related errors are transient failures my $sender = shift(@ARGV); # ${sender} my $map = shift(@ARGV); # ${nexthop} == map name my $recipient = shift(@ARGV); # ${recipient} my $debug = 0; if ($debug && ! -t STDIN) { open(STDOUT, "> /tmp/postfix_groups.stdout"); open(STDERR, "> /tmp/postfix_groups.stderr"); } setlogsock('unix'); openlog(basename($0), 'pid', 'mail'); # Read postfix configuration from main.cf into %postconf hash my $maincf_file = '/etc/postfix/main.cf'; my %postconf; get_postfix_params($maincf_file, \%postconf); my $ldap_host = $postconf{"${map}_server_host"} || 'localhost'; my $ldap_port = $postconf{"${map}_server_port"} || 389; my $ldap_timeout = $postconf{"${map}_timeout"} || 120; my $basedn = $postconf{"${map}_search_base"}; my @excluded_resolved_domains = split(" ", $postconf{"${map}_excluded_resolved_domains"}); my $mail_attr = 'mail'; my $member_attr = 'member'; my @group_objectclasses = qw(groupOfNames groupOfURLs); my @ldapurl_attrs = qw(memberURL mgrpDeliverTo); my @default_result_attrs = split(" ", $postconf{"${map}_result_attribute"}); my @allowed_broadcaster_result_attrs = ($mail_attr, @default_result_attrs); my $allowed_broadcaster_attr = 'mgrpAllowedBroadcaster'; my $errorsto_attr = 'mgrpErrorsTo'; my $addheader_attr = 'mgrpAddHeader'; my $removeheader_attr = 'mgrpRemoveHeader'; my $smtp_host = 'localhost'; # Use smtpd running on localhost my $smtpd_recipient_limit = $postconf{smtpd_recipient_limit} || `postconf -hx smtpd_recipient_limit` || 1000; chomp $smtpd_recipient_limit; # Read message from STDIN my $message = Mail::Internet->new(\*STDIN, Modify => 0); my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new($ldap_host, port => $ldap_port, timeout => $ldap_timeout) or warn("$ldap_host: $@\n"), exit $TEMPFAIL; ## TODO: Explicitly specify the attributes retrieved by the first search, so ## that it can match the specific names as defined (e.g. member, etc) my $ldapmesg = $ldap->search(base => $basedn, filter => "(mail=$recipient)"); if ($ldapmesg->code) { warn("$ldap_host: ", $ldapmesg->error, "\n"); exit $TEMPFAIL; } # $mail_attr is assumed to be a unique attribute my $entry = $ldapmesg->entry(0) or warn("Couldn't find entry for $recipient in $ldap_host\n"), exit $NOUSER; my @allowed_broadcasters = $entry->get_value($allowed_broadcaster_attr); my $errorsto = $entry->get_value($errorsto_attr); my @addheaders = $entry->get_value($addheader_attr); my @removeheaders = $entry->get_value($removeheader_attr); my $header = $message->head; $header->add('X-postfixgroups-version', ('$Revision: 1.6 $' =~ /\$Revision:\s+([^\s]+)/)[0]); # Check if user is allowed to send to this list my $from = (Mail::Address->parse($header->get('From:')))[0]; my $fromaddr = $from->address; my @allowed_fromaddrs; foreach my $allowed_broadcaster (@allowed_broadcasters) { # Allowed broadcasters can be specified as a mailto: or ldap: URL. my $uri = URI->new($allowed_broadcaster); if ($uri->scheme eq 'ldap') { # Expand the LDAP entry for all appropriate mail addresses, my @attrs = $uri->attributes; if (@attrs) { # If attributes are specified in the LDAP URL, # their values are expanded as DNs, instead of expanding # the LDAP entry itself. my $mesg = $ldap->search(base => $uri->dn, scope => 'base', filter => "(objectclass=*)", attrs => \@attrs); if ($mesg->code) { if ($mesg->code == LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT) { syslog('warning', "Could not find allowed broadcaster " . $uri->dn); next; } warn("$ldap_host: ", $mesg->error, "\n"); exit $TEMPFAIL; } my $entry = $mesg->entry(0) or next; foreach my $dnval (map { $entry->get_value($_) } @attrs) { push(@allowed_fromaddrs, expand_entry(dn => $dnval, resultattrs => \@allowed_broadcaster_result_attrs)); } } else { # Expand the entry, and append to the list of allowed # broadcaster addresses. push(@allowed_fromaddrs, expand_entry(dn => $uri->dn, resultattrs => \@allowed_broadcaster_result_attrs)); } } elsif ($uri->scheme eq 'mailto') { push(@allowed_fromaddrs, $uri->to); } else { # Unknown scheme, treat it as an RFC 822 mail address push(@allowed_fromaddrs, $allowed_broadcaster); } } if (@allowed_fromaddrs) { if (!grep(/^$fromaddr$/i, @allowed_fromaddrs)) { warn("$fromaddr is not allowed to send to $recipient\n"); exit $NOPERM; } } # Populate Errors-To: header if requested. Also adjust envelope sender. if ($errorsto) { # Only supports RFC 822 mail address specification for now $errorsto =~ s/^mailto://; $header->add(undef, "Errors-To: $errorsto"); $sender = $errorsto; } # Add List-Id header (defined in RFC 2919) (my $listid = $recipient) =~ s/@/.list-id./; $header->add('List-Id', $listid); # Adjust message headers as appropriate foreach my $addh (@addheaders) { $header->add(undef, $addh) } foreach my $remh (@removeheaders) { $header->delete($remh) } if ($debug) { open(DEBUGMESSAGE, "> /tmp/postfix_groups.message"); $message->print(\*DEBUGMESSAGE); close DEBUGMESSAGE; } # Get target addresses my @alladdrs = expand_entry(entry => $entry); # Exclude specified domains my (@addrs, @excluded_addrs); foreach my $addr (@alladdrs) { my $excluded; foreach my $domain (@excluded_resolved_domains) { grep(/$domain$/, $addr) and $excluded = 1, last; } if ($excluded) { push(@excluded_addrs, $addr) } else { push(@addrs, $addr) } } syslog('warning', "The following addresses were explicitly excluded from $recipient: " . join(',', @excluded_addrs)) if @excluded_addrs; # Sort list of addresses by reversed domain name, to assist with bundling mail @addrs = sort { lc(reverse($a)) cmp lc(reverse($b)) } @addrs; $debug and print join("\n", @addrs) . "\n"; ## TODO: do some more enhanced sorting to better collapse addresses, ## to minimize the number of messages sent out. # Send the message my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new($smtp_host, Debug => $debug) or warn("Could not contact SMTP server on $smtp_host\n"), exit $TEMPFAIL; my @badaddrs; while (@addrs) { my (@rcpt_to, @goodaddrs, %seen); $smtp->mail($sender); # Break up recipients based on $smtpd_recipient_limit @rcpt_to = splice(@addrs, 0, $smtpd_recipient_limit); @goodaddrs = $smtp->to(@rcpt_to, { SkipBad => 1 }); @seen{@goodaddrs} = (); foreach my $addr (@rcpt_to) { push(@badaddrs, $addr) unless exists $seen{$addr}; } unless ($smtp->data(split(/^/m, $message->as_string))) { warn("Message not accepted by SMTP server $smtp_host\n"); exit $SOFTWARE; } } syslog('warning', "The following addresses were not accepted by the SMTP server on $smtp_host: " . join(',', @badaddrs)) if @badaddrs; exit; # Read postfix configuration from main.cf into a hash sub get_postfix_params { my ($maincf_file, $hashref) = @_; local $/ = undef; open(MAINCF, $maincf_file) or warn("$maincf_file: $!\n"), exit $OSFILE; my $maincfstr = <MAINCF>; close MAINCF; $maincfstr =~ s/^#.*?\n//mg; # Get rid of comments $maincfstr =~ s/\n[ \t]+/ /mg; # Collapse line continuation foreach (split(/\n/, $maincfstr)) { my ($param, $val); ($param, $val) = /\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*(.*?)\s*$/; $hashref->{$param} = $val; } } # Expand an LDAP entry, returning a list of results (culled for duplicates) sub expand_entry { my %arg = (@_); my (%results, @result_attrs); my ($dn, $mesg, $entry, @entries, %seen); @result_attrs = $arg{resultattrs} ? @{$arg{resultattrs}} : @default_result_attrs; push(@entries, $arg{entry}) if $arg{entry}; # Passed as entry push(@entries, $arg{dn}) if $arg{dn}; # Passed as DN while (my $entry = shift(@entries)) { unless (ref $entry) { # Actually a DN, get corresponding entry my $dn = $entry; $mesg = $ldap->search(base => $dn, scope => 'base', filter => "(objectclass=*)", attrs => [ $mail_attr, $member_attr, @ldapurl_attrs, @result_attrs ]); if ($mesg->code) { if ($mesg->code == LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT) { syslog('warning', "Could not find entry $dn"); next; } warn("$ldap_host: ", $mesg->error, "\n"); exit $TEMPFAIL; } $entry = $mesg->entry(0) or next; } # Add any result attributes of the entry itself to the results hash foreach my $value (map { $entry->get_value($_) } @result_attrs) { $results{$value} = 1; } # Add any static group member DNs to the list of entries if ($entry->exists($member_attr)) { # Break infinite loops from malformed nested groups push(@entries, $entry->get_value($member_attr)) unless $seen{$entry->dn}; } # Perform any specified dynamic queries foreach my $query (map { $entry->get_value($_) } @ldapurl_attrs) { my $uri = URI->new($query); $mesg = $ldap->search(base => $uri->dn, scope => $uri->scope, filter => $uri->filter, attrs => ['objectclass', @result_attrs]); if ($mesg->code) { if ($mesg->code == LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT) { syslog('warning', "Invalid base DN in $query\n"); next; } warn("$ldap_host: ", $mesg->error, "\n"); exit $TEMPFAIL; } # Add the result attributes of each group member to the results hash foreach my $memberentry ($mesg->entries) { foreach my $value (map { $memberentry->get_value($_) } @result_attrs) { $results{$value} = 1; } # Add any nested groups to the list of entries to be expanded my $isgroup; foreach my $oc (@group_objectclasses) { grep(/^$oc$/i, $memberentry->get_value('objectClass')) and $isgroup = 1, last; } if ($isgroup) { # Check for infinite loops in nested groups push(@entries, $memberentry->dn) unless $seen{$memberentry->dn}; } } } # Mark that we saw this entry's dn $seen{$entry->dn} = 1; } return keys %results; }
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